Voyager Uncensored Ch. 08

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Kes/Janeway start a family, Harry/Tom/Torres get closer...
13.9k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/01/2004
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"Genesis, Part I"

Author's Note:

This begins my final story arc for Voyager Uncensored. After writing chapters 3 & 4, I had such ambitious plans for each of the three main storylines (Seven's scatological adventures, Janeway & Kes dom/sub relationship and Torres, Paris & Harry's unique threesome) that I was a bit overwhelmed about how to continue. So Seven's story got its own treatment in chapters 5-7. Now I return to the other two storylines with this final 3-chapter arc (8-10).

Since this arc starts where chapter 4 left off – in the middle of Season 4 of Voyager, it has a lot of ground to cover. Believe it or not, I've actually tried to tie in the events in my story with what you saw on screen. So whenever time passes in this story, I will provide a note indicating about when the next segment takes place relative to episodes of the series. If you're a Voyager fan and care about continuity, that may interest you. If you're just here for the dirty parts (and I can't blame you if you are!), you can just ignore those. :)

So here it is, my final thoughts on the world of Voyager and her crew...


Guy Talk


Note: these first three segments originally appeared in Voyager Uncensored #5, but are repeated here as the storyline continues in this chapter. If you remember these, you may skip them.

Context: Sometime after episode 4x05 –"Revulsion"

"Are you fucking NUTS?!" Tom lambasted Harry, who had just described to him his "close call" with Seven, "you said NO?! What are you, some kind of faggot?!"

"What?! YOU told me to stay away from her!" Harry exclaimed, a bit louder than he'd intended – he was drawing stares in The Mess Hall – the last thing he wanted right now was attention.

"Yeah, that was because I figured you had no chance with her!" Tom leaned forward and punched Harry in the arm, "if a woman like THAT asks if you want to 'copulate' and tells you to take of your clothes, you drop trou and do whatever she fucking says, man!"

"Ugh!" Harry leaned back, "you're right, I just... she caught me by surprise... you would have had to have been there-"

"Yeah, if I'D been there, I would have taken that Borg bitch for a ride she'd never forget!" Tom boasted, "do you realize she's been a Borg her entire adult life?! You could have been her first!"

"Well... that would be wrong, you know?" Harry tried to rationalize his actions, "I wouldn't have wanted to have taken advantage of her! She just regained her humanity a short time ago... I was just maybe hoping for a date or something, try to help her recover her-"

"I would have STARTED with anal," Tom interrupted, lost in his own perverted fantasy scenario now, "Laid the groundwork right away, so she gets used to that as the norm, you know? Then worked up from there. Ass to mouth, belly down, pile driver – man EVERY position, really turn her into a total anal FREAK, you know? Slam her ass, up against the wall, on the ground – ride that tight fucking ass of hers – reach around and hold onto those gigantic Borg implants of hers for dear life, you know?! Tit-fuck her, deep throat, the fucking works! I would have turned that Borg whore OUT!"

Harry listened to Tom go on. Privately, he wondered why he *didn't* take Seven up on her offer. What was wrong with him? Maybe he was just so gun-shy about sex after the way B'Elanna and Tom had been using and abusing him on the holodeck daily the past couple years. Tom still thought Harry was a holodeck simulation, but Torres knew full well, being the sadistic orchestrator of the whole deviant affair. Maybe Tom would start obsessing over Seven now, Harry thought. Maybe Seven would become his new holodeck addiction and Harry would finally be off the hook! Harry felt relieved... at least he should have... why did he feel a sudden pang of jealousy? Harry realized he needed to get out of this pattern of abuse and deviance. He was going to go back to Seven and accept her advances!


Helpful Harry


Harry shifted nervously in his chair in Astrometrics. He was helping Seven align the new long range sensor array to provide more detailed star charts. He looked over at Seven, who was working as efficiently and smoothly as ever. He couldn't help but ogle her amazing curves, barely concealed by her skin-tight, shiny silver catsuit.

"Ensign," Seven's stern voice shook Harry out of his daze, "do you *require* something?"

Harry flushed, embarrassed at having been caught checking Seven out so blatantly, "no, uh... sorry, I'm just..."

"Why have you stopped working?" Seven was the ultimate slave-driver. All that mattered to her was work output.

"Look, um, Seven," Harry finally mustered up the nerve to speak to Seven directly, "do you... do you remember... what we talked about... earlier?"

Seven looked at him like he was an idiot, "Ensign Kim, we have conversed on 47 prior occasions. You are going to have to be more specific."

Harry was a bit taken aback; he realized the event that had scarred and tormented him so much over the past few weeks was forgotten immediately by Seven. She really had no interest in him. Maybe he shouldn't have brought it up.

"Ensign, perhaps you should report to Sickbay," Seven suggested, "if you are unable to carry out your duties, I will recommend to the Captain that you need fewer duties, perhaps a demotion-"

"NO!" Harry blurted out – the last thing he needed was Seven telling Janeway he couldn't handle his work. He was going to have to come clean, "Look, all I wanted to say is... I know... you're adjusting to rediscovering your humanity-"

Seven looked annoyed, "this is not the time to discuss personal matter, Ensign, we have work that must be completed," she turned away from him but Harry put his hand on her shoulder... gently, but it made her snap her head around and give him such an icy glare that he immediately withdrew it.

"Seven – I know... as a *woman* a *human*, grown woman... you have certain... "he searched for the appropriate, but delicate word, "*needs*..." Seven seemed to be listening so he continued, "and I... I've decided that I'm willing – no, *eager* to... help you satisfy those needs."

Harry stared into Seven's cold eyes for several moments. Seven regarded him and looked him up and down in a way that Harry found mildly discomfiting.

"Very well," she suddenly replied, "I will keep that in mind for a future occasion should my... *needs* arise."

And, with that, Seven returned to her work. Harry stood there awkwardly, stunned at the matter-of-factness of Seven's reaction, "uh... okay... cool, then..." He slowly sat back down and resumed his own work.


Hours later, at nearly midnight, Harry had fallen asleep at his station. He had wanted to impress Seven and he didn't want to leave until she had, especially after her earlier threat to report her assessment of his performance to the Captain.

"Ensign Kim!" Seven's loud voice woke him with a jolt, drool running down his chin and his heart nearly jumping out of his chest. He looked up to see Seven standing next to him, looking down on him.

"I need you, NOW," Seven commanded coldly.

Harry's cock suddenly twitched at this and he fumbled to rise to his feet, stammering, "do you want – should I take off my clothes now?"

"That will *not* be necessary," Seven informed him and placed her hand on top of his head and pushed him down to his knees.

"W-what?" Harry was so confused by her reply, he didn't even wonder why he was on his knees or why she was turning her back to him. When he looked at her perfectly-rounded ass, now right in his face, he was surprised to see her uniform open seemingly on its own, revealing both of her perfect, smooth cheeks. Apparently, her nanites could dynamically construct and deconstruct her uniform on command – which explained its skin-tight appearance.

Suddenly, before he could even raise one of the dozens of questions rushing to his still foggy mind, she shoved his face deep between her generous ass-cheeks, his gaping mouth perfectly positioned right around her dilating anus! With horror, he felt her turd already pushing its way out of her asshole, through his lips, across his teeth and along his tongue!

As the terror of what was actually happening to him washed over him, he snapped out of his daze and began to struggle, shrieking around the massive turd forcing its way into his mouth, trying to pull his head away and pushing on her powerful thighs with his hands. But it was no use, her Borg-augmented strength easily far outstripped his own and she held him in place with a single hand.

"Be STILL, Ensign!" the Borg woman commanded him, "you volunteered for this duty. But I suppose I should have expected your usual level of poor performance in even this menial task. My report to the Captain will not be favorable."

Harry gagged and choked and retched as the massive, firm log slid effortlessly and quickly out of her stretched-out sphincter and down his rebelling throat. He couldn't believe it, but this statuesque, blonde Borg goddess he'd been worshipping for so many weeks was crapping directly into his belly!

He had become accustomed to breathing around large obstructions in his throat long ago – having to handle deep-throating both his friend Tom's sizable dick as well as Tom's girlfriend B'Elanna's comically massive Klingon kock, so he didn't suffocate. But this was a fresh humiliation, even for Kim, who had been subjected to what he thought was every imaginable degradation in Tom & B'Elanna's increasingly creative and perverse holodeck debaucheries.

The doors to Astrometrics whooshed open and Torres froze in the doorway. She had come to find Harry for their nightly escapades, but didn't expect to find the scene before her! She stood transfixed and instantly got wet at the sight.

"May I *help* you, lieutenant?" Seven spat out icily, annoyance evident in her tone as she coolly and emotionlessly stood and shat down Harry's bulging gullet.

Harry realized there must be someone else in the room and began to plea for help around the gut-busting turd lodged in his esophagus, but all that came out were muffled gurgles. He flailed his hands piteously, trying to get the attention of whomever Seven was addressing.

Torres, wide-eyed, shook her head and backed off, snickering. The doors closed behind her and Harry's heart sank as his hope for rescue evaporated. He resigned himself to his fate even as he felt Seven's soiled shitter bloom anew to pass yet another enormous log, thicker and fouler than the first. Before it was done, he'd be staggering back to his quarters with a visibly bloated belly, several pounds heavier than he'd been before reporting to duty. The dense, heavy shit would take so long to digest, he found he wouldn't be hungry for nearly two whole days...


Guy Talk, Part 2


Harry and Tom sat at their usual lunch table in The Mess Hall. Tom had been badgering Harry about how it went last night; he'd heard Harry had pulled an all-night duty shift with Seven.

"Fine," Harry groaned, slouching and massaging his still-bloated belly. After the fact, he'd found out all about Seven's scatological hijinks. Apparently, he was the only one who'd somehow missed out on the rumor mill. Though, to be fair, his schedule was so packed with being humiliated and raped on a constant basis that he had no social life remaining to speak of...

"Fine? Fine?!" Tom elbowed him, "you think I'm going to let you go with 'fine'? Come on, buddy, I want the juicy details! Fill me in, man! I'm your best bud that's what friends are for, Harry! If you can't tell me, who can you tell?!"

"Okay, okay," Harry acceded, if for no other reason than to shut Tom up and stop drawing stares from snickering crewmembers, "look, I went to Seven, told her how I felt and..."

"Yeah?!" Tom stared at Harry wide-eyed and eager to hear what happened next.

"Nothing, look, nothing – I just – I *don't* want to talk about it, okay?!" Harry blurted out.

"Wow..." Tom sat back, "that shitty, hunh?" he muttered under his breath, raising his eyebrows.

Harry shot him a look – what did he mean by that? Had he heard?! Was this another one of his embarrassing episodes spread around for the crew to laugh and snicker about behind his back? He was so tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes! The sly smiles and sniggers he heard as he passed, the hurriedly whispered secrets and gasps between crewmembers, and the alternating looks of either disgust or amusement he got as he passed people in the corridors. When would it all end?

Suddenly, a large platter beset by a huge, steaming, foul-smelling brown log dropped on the table before him, startling him!

"Talaxian Meatloaf!" Neelix proclaimed with pride, "sure to cure whatever's ailing your poor tummy, Mr. Kim!" he said cheerily as he patronizingly patted Harry's bulging gut.

Harry nearly vomited and shoved the plate away, almost knocking it off the table – Neelix barely caught it in time. For his part, Tom broke out into uncontrollable high-pitched laughter – sheer hysterics, trying to catch his breath as he narrowly escaped falling back off his chair. The whole room broke into laughter and Harry wanted to crawl inside his own skin and just die of embarrassment.

Neelix, as usual the only person in the room with no idea what was going on, whisked away his carefully-prepared meal and slinked off, insulted.

"*Humans*," he muttered, "I'll *never* understand them!"

Note: This ends the recap from Voyager Uncensored #5, the remaining segments are all new.

Context: Right after episode 4x10 –"Random Thoughts"


Kes' Conception, Part 1


Kes walked down the corridor on her way from Janeway's quarters to Sick Bay. She was trying to ignore everyone's stares. She was showing now, everyone on the ship knew she was pregnant from the obvious development of her elogium. Everyone except Neelix. Fortunately, everyone had agreed to keep Kes' presence on the ship from him as per the Captain's orders.

Everyone also knew that Kes had been Janeway's personal bitch slave for years. But nobody knew who the father was. There was a lot of speculation, but nobody could have guessed the answer. Kes, too, was in the dark as to who had impregnated her – Janeway's pet chingador Pinganto with his dual alien dog dicks or Janeway herself with her own oversized replica of a dog cock that she had forced the Doctor to give her.

She was far enough along in her pregnancy to find out. In fact, she had been for a few weeks, but was too scared to know. On the one hand, she'd love to have Janeway's child, if that were possible. On the other hand, if she had somehow become cross-species impregnated with puppies...! She couldn't even allow herself to think that. It was just too horrible.

She reached Sick Bay and hesitated. Maybe she didn't want to know. Maybe she should turn back now and just not deal with it until the day she gave birth. Ocampans had very short pregnancies since they live such a short time. Even so, this pregnancy seemed to be moving along faster than she had expected. She stepped into Sick Bay.

Ensign Samantha Wildman was there – Janeway had arranged for the holodoctor to be called away on a house call (which he went to begrudgingly – his initial love affair with his remote emitter that allowed him to leave the Sick Bay quickly grew into annoyance at constantly being called away). Seeing as how the Doctor had to be forced to give Janeway the highly unusual procedure of growing an alien dog penis, the Captain didn't think he should be present for the exam... just in case.

To Kes' surprise, Janeway was there, too, chatting with Samantha. Samantha had been in training to be head nurse for some time, having a background in biology.

"Ah, Kes," Janeway said kindly as the Ocampan girl walked in. Janeway walked over to her, took her arm and helped her to the bed, "Ensign Wildman, here, is ready to do the scan."

"Umm..." Kes was uncomfortable with anyone else being in on this depravity. She was deeply ashamed of her situation and would have preferred to have done the exam herself. After all, she had trained under the Doctor as a nurse and medic herself for a few years, "Does she have to be here?"

"Don't worry, Kes," Samantha assured her, "The Captain has filled me in on all the details."

"She HAS?!" Kes flushed beet red in embarrassment.

"Yes," Samantha grinned perversely, "And I think it's GREAT. So don't be uncomfortable, I won't judge you."

"You... you mean you don't think it's... wrong?" Kes asked meekly, "Filthy?"

"Oh, no, it's unbelievably filthy!" Samantha exclaimed cheerily, making Kes flush even redder, "I just think it's fucking HOT, too!"

Samantha picked up the medical tricorders and began scanning Kes' elogium. Janeway helped the shocked girl lie face down on the bed.

"Ensign Wildman is a xenobiologist," Janeway informed Kes as Samantha worked the tricorder, "if there's anyone qualified to handle our... unique situation, it's her."

"Yes, and don't forget," Samantha said absent-mindedly as the continued her scan, "I'm one of the only women on board who have given birth since we've been in this quadrant. I'll be with you for the whole pregnancy and delivery, so we'll get to know each other quite well."

Kes was still as embarrassed as ever, but she gave in to Wildman's logic and her Captain's will. She laid there and let Samantha complete the scan.


Fantasy Number Seven


Tom looked around nervously as he approached the holodeck control panel. He made sure nobody was coming, then tapped the panel and began to speak.

"Computer, load up Paris program theta-two-sev-" he abruptly stopped as a pretty redheaded crewmember passed and flashed him a smile. He waved politely.

"Please repeat the request," the computer intoned impassionately.

Tom tried again, "Paris program theta-two-seven-A."

The computer chirped obediently and the holodeck doors slid open. He quickly slipped in and made sure the doors closed behind him before he checked out his handiwork.

There she was. Seven of Nine. Perfect body in a skin-tight silver outfit that gave every man on board an instant, painful boner the moment she walked in the room. And now she was going to be all his.

Tom fixed his uniform and started to walk up to her. He had programmed the scenario to be a realistic situation – Seven in the Mess Hall looking out at the stars, other crewmen sitting around pretending to enjoy Neelix's "cooking".

He watched her standing there looking out at the stars, lonely, in need of company (okay, he admitted to himself, that part was unrealistic - the real Seven would never waste time staring out at the stars. But he wanted a romantic setting for the seduction but also wanted an audience to witness him melt the ice queen and fuck her right there in front of everyone). Her body was perfect, her ass was particularly inviting, the silver outfit riding up her ass crack and really showing off her every curve.

As Tom approached her, he mentally chided himself for never thinking of this before. Why waste time raping a holographic Harry Kim when he could have THIS incredible piece of ass any time, any way he wanted? Let B'Elanna do whatever she wanted with her Harry program, THIS was grade-A, prime holoporn!

Tom sidled up to Seven and slid his hand casually across her ass, "Hey, sexy and lonely. Wanna copulate?"

Seven turned to Tom, "Lt. Paris, I have been waiting for you."

"What a coincidence," Tom said wryly, "I've been waiting for you all of my life!"

Seven turned her body to face Tom, but held his hand on her ass, "You seem to be preoccupied with my posterior. Do you find it appealing, Ensign?"

"Hell yes!" Tom effused.

"Would you like to fuck me in the ass?" Seven offered almost clinically.