Waiting for Love Ch. 02


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Kevin shifted to be able to gaze into Stefan's eyes, his own filled with long-suppressed pain and worry.

"Do I give you enough, Stefan? Are you really happy with what we do?"

Stefan devoured Kevin's moth before replying. He framed the beloved face and held the anxious gaze with his assured one.

"What we do together is *our* choice. I would *never* treat you that way. We do what pleases us *both* or not at all. You give me all I could ever have asked for and more besides. You give me your body, your trust, your love. I am more than happy; I am a very blessed man. Will you let me show you how happy I am?"

At the small nod, Stefan urged Kevin to his feet and swept his lover back into his arms. He carried him to their bedroom and slowly denuded the desirable body. Each new patch of bared skin was stroked and kissed until Kevin was naked...panting...needy. Stefan stripped himself rapidly. He placed a long deep kiss to already swollen lips, then nibbled his way down to Kevin's collar. He kissed the symbol of their trust and then sucked a small rose-pink nub into his mouth. He teased the other with his fingers and then alternated between them until they were hard and reddened, tugging at the silver rings adorning them.

Stefan dropped to his knees and, to a soft whine from Kevin, took his lover's dripping arousal into his mouth. His hand squeezed and rolled Kevin's sac as his mouth worked his length. His tongue stroked the pulsating vein and probed at the tiny slit and he drank all the pre-come Kevin could offer. Soon that was not enough. He directed Kevin onto the bed and knelt between out-flung thighs. He kissed the hard cock, the drawn up balls and lower to bathe the dusky rosette with tiny kisses and licks. He began to stretch Kevin as he sucked him.

Kevin writhed and moaned beneath the blond. It felt like Stefan was showing him he was treasured, desired, loved and the brunette found that as arousing as the physical ministrations to his body. His hips were pumping frantically, Stefan letting him use his mouth and Kevin felt such a rush of love it tipped him over the edge. He screamed his mate's name as talented fingers brushed his sweet spot and a demanding maw swallowed all he had to give. As he lay boneless, his legs were lifted onto strong shoulders and Stefan sheathed himself effortlessly. As he sank fully inside, Kevin found his lips taken and his mouth devoured as hips drove into him with fast, deep strokes. Stefan's arms reached around to cradle him as close as possible and then, within seconds, Stefan's hot seed coated his channel.

They panted wetly, sharing each other's breath, neither wanting to break the intimacy of the moment.

"I love you with all I am and all I have, Kevin," Stefan vowed. "Never doubt it."

"I love you, Stefan, so much, so very much. I need you," Kevin whispered.

"Just as I need you, baby," Stefan assured. He gently withdrew from Kevin's body and they nestled so close together that it was impossible to see where one ended and the other began. They whispered words of love and devotion, content to lie and savour the languid afterglow.


Drake was not so easily deterred. On Monday there was a wrapped gift waiting for Kevin in his office. The brunette handed it unopened to his mate. Stefan opened it after sending Kevin to retire for the night. It contained a Jeffry Farnol novel and the blond's blood boiled to think Drake had been watching his lover. As he joined Kevin in bed, he gathered the lithe form to him tightly.

"Who would I speak to in your offices to get to see Drake face-to-face?" Stefan asked.

"If you go to Customer Services, they could put a call through to his secretary, but I doubt he'd come out," Kevin replied, drinking in his mate's warmth and strength. He had been more than happy to put the unwanted gift into Stefan's hands and let him deal with it his way.

"He will," Stefan said with quiet assurance. "I will warn him one more time."


Stefan used his most professional manner and winning smile on the young brunette girl behind the desk.

"I realise I do not have an appointment, but I assure you that if you pass on the message that Mr Jacob is here with his Jeffrey Farnol book, he will be willing to meet me." Stefan was at his most suave and persuasive and could see the girl was practically melting in the heat of his smile.

"I'll see what I can do," the young woman said breathlessly. The blond man was sex-on-legs with a body to die for and a voice that oozed sensual charisma. However, she was not sure that Mr Drake would agree to see him. He was not a man to cross. She had heard that when he was charming, the birds would leave the trees for him, but when angry, it was time to take cover. She was glad she did not work for him. She got through to his secretary and held as the message was relayed. To her surprise she was told Drake himself would come and collect Mr Jacob. She informed the blond who gave her another soul-melting smile.

Drake made no attempt to shake Stefan's hand; he just indicated the blond should follow him. Watching the by-play, the young woman shivered. Whatever was between the two men, seeing the looks in their eyes, she was glad it had nothing to do with her.

Drake took Stefan into his office and stood in front of his desk, smirking superciliously as he regarded the package.

"If my sub had received such a gift, it would be ashes," he said scornfully. "You're pathetic, weak. You should stand aside for a strong Dom to give Kevin what he needs."

"This book is not the problem. You are. I did not destroy it because these are no longer in print and they are valuable to Kevin just as he is precious to me." He moved so quickly that he caught the bigger man completely by surprise, ramming the book into his midriff to a grunt of pain. As Drake staggered against his desk, Stefan tossed the book onto it. "Keep away from Kevin. And if I find he is experiencing problems at work because of you I swear you will regret it."

As the door to his office closed, hate-filled green eyes glowered menacingly.


Kevin had a bad feeling, but put on a happy facade. It was two weeks after the book incident, although all Stefan had told him was he had returned the book. In the aftermath, Kevin had caught a couple of glimpses of Drake staring hungrily at him, but the big man kept his distance. He had thought of telling Stefan, but part of him reasoned that there was little his mate could do about looks he was given. Especially when, on the subsequent occasions Drake had been required to speak to him, the older man had been personable and professional even if his green eyes had remained uncannily shuttered. For the last week, Drake had even stopped the looks and Kevin had started to believe the bigger man had lost all interest in him. However, today he and a group of the store's managers were having lunch together, and that included Drake. They were in Stefan's restaurant and the looks the older man was giving him made him very uneasy.

Drake seemed to know exactly how to make him uncomfortable. He would stare into Kevin's eyes, lick his lips slowly and more than once, when the opportunity arose, he had stared hungrily at Kevin's crotch. Now he was staring at Kevin whilst running his fingers suggestively up and down the stem of his wine glass.

From where he stood supervising the activities in the restaurant, Stefan seethed inwardly whilst retaining a professionally calm facade. The booking had not been made by Drake, but the blond was certain this was the older man's doing. He could see how uncomfortable Kevin was becoming, but to go over would invite unwanted attention from his lover's co-workers.

Lunch was brought over by one of the efficient staff. Although Kevin knew the food was good, he could barely taste it as he waited for ... something.

He glanced up as a young, slim, devastatingly beautiful, brunette male entered the restaurant. He was immaculately dressed to show off his lithe, almost boyish physique. It seemed as though all eyes were upon the beauty although he seemed to be looking for someone specific. As his eyes found Stefan, his face lit up with an incandescent smile and he rushed over to the blond. As Stefan turned, Kevin was stunned to see him enveloped in a passionate embrace by the younger man and their mouths fused together in a fervent kiss.

For a few seconds all of Kevin's insecurities about his place in Stefan's life crashed around him. Was this what... who... the blond wanted in his bed? He felt as though his chest was being crushed and he could barely breathe. Then it was though he could *hear* Stefan's words from the day they had returned from the bookshop. 'Never doubt it.' His eyes flicked to Drake and he saw the triumphant smile.

Stefan was taken completely by surprise by the actions of the chestnut beauty and the whistles and claps flustered him even more. As the kiss ended, he pushed the younger man away, his anguished eyes seeking his mate, fearing what he would see.

"You *planned* this," Kevin's distraught voice accused as he stood to glare angrily at Drake. Now all eyes were turned in his direction, but he barely noticed. He watched Drake's smile freeze as people turned to look at him. "Why are you doing this?" Kevin no longer cared if people's guesses about his sexuality were right or not. "I love Stefan. Why can't you leave us alone?"

Across the room, the brunette had taken a couple of steps away from Stefan when he had seen the look in the oceanic orbs. He could see the pain that was in both men's faces and shame suffused his body.

"I'm sorry. Really sorry. I was told this was just going to be a harmless joke. I can see it wasn't."

"No," Stefan husked. "Not a joke and not harmless." He was so proud of his lover, he was hardly aware of the brunette's words.

"I'll leave. Please don't think too badly of me. I was warned about how manipulative Drake was but thought I knew better. I'm sorry."

Stefan spared a quick glance at the brunette beauty and could see how genuinely sorry the other man was. He gave him a quick nod to show he had accepted the apology and then focused all his attention on Kevin. He met his lover halfway as Kevin had left his table to seek the sanctuary of Stefan's arms. He could feel the shaking of the slender form and he caught the eye of his deputy manager.

"I'll take care of everything," the younger man said. "Get him out of here, Stefan."

"Tell his table he will not be back at work this afternoon. I will come back as soon as possible."

The other man shook his head. "Stay with him. He needs you more than we do. We'll manage."

Stefan nodded gratefully and ushered his lover through a 'Staff Only' door.

"That was unbelievably cruel, Drake," the lone female of the group said as Kevin was whisked away. She glanced up at the young man who appeared at their table.

"Mr Jacob sends his apologies," he improvised, "but his partner will not be returning to work this afternoon."

"That's quite alright," the woman assured, reaching for her purse. "I'll take care of everything. I would also like my bill. I've lost my appetite."

The four other men at the table followed suit, leaving Drake alone and seething. The mouthy little sub had ruined everything. He had expected Kevin to be crushed not furious. His mind worked furiously to calculate his options. They seemed very few.


Stefan and Kevin did not speak on the way home. The blond cast worried glances over at his mate, but knew they needed to get home. As they barrelled unceremoniously into their living room, Stefan found his arms full of passionate, demanding brunette. Their kisses were hard, fervent, needy and Stefan hardened almost instantly, growling his approval as Kevin's taste replaced that of the other. He manoeuvred them towards the bedroom, tearing at Kevin's clothing to achieve the feel of skin-to-skin he craved.

Kevin pushed his mate onto the bed and worked feverishly, his hands shaking, as he fumbled with the fastenings of Stefan's clothes. He was desperate to have his lover as naked as he was, to see and feel Stefan's body.

"Yours, yours, yours," he chanted. His mouth paid homage to his mate's nipples and ribs before his nuzzled the thatch of thick blond curls at Stefan's groin. He moaned softly as Stefan moved the erect flesh over his face, leaving trails of pre-come in its wake. Then Kevin was rolled beneath Stefan as the blond loomed over him.

"Mine," he growled. He moved to flip Kevin onto his stomach and rumbled approvingly as the brunette's legs parted instantly. He pulled the globes open roughly, shoving his tongue inside as he fumbled for lube. He wanted to be inside his mate as quickly as possible. He pulled Kevin up onto hands and knees as his fingers impaled his lover and his hand pumped hard at Kevin's equal needy cock. Once...twice...Stefan tugged at Kevin's sac to prevent his mate coming. He lubed himself generously, knowing it was going to be a hard ride.

He slammed into heated depths to a wail of approval from his mate. The coupling was fast and feral, the most uninhibited they had ever made love. Kevin pushed back to meet every thrust of the bigger man, demanding deeper, faster, harder in inarticulate moans, wails and growls. The air was quickly saturated with the scent of sweat, musk and pre-come and the animalistic sounds of possessor and possessed as well as the rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh.

Stefan pulled out of Kevin's body to a shriek of denial. He shoved his lover onto his back, pushing Kevin's knees back to almost touch his shoulders and rammed inside to a shout of approval. Now he could watch Kevin unravel, watch his cock plunge in and out of the willing body. He saw the lust-darkened eyes, the sweat-sheened chest, his lover's smattering of chest hair now damp with their combined heat and the hard, red flesh of Kevin's neglected cock as it left silvery trails over his lover's abdomen.

"I love you. You are mine." He repositioned Kevin's legs around his waist, leaning over the smaller body to pin the brunette's wrists in one large hand. Kevin's erection now had the friction of their bellies and Stefan plundered Kevin's mouth over and over as they soared towards a shared zenith. Possessed and possessor, it was suddenly impossible to know who was which. Stefan was buried in heated depths and surrounded by the man he loved, his body, his scent, his love. "Come for me," he growled, gazing into eyes so dark as to be black.

Kevin's body tensed at the command, the tendons on his neck straining and then with a cry Kevin came hard, shuddering and moaning his pleasure.

At the sight, sound, scent, sensation of his mate's orgasm, Stefan could no longer resist the demands of his own body. He groaned a low, deep guttural sound as Kevin's silken sheath contracted and he let himself fall into his release. His hips pumped arhythmically, emptying his essence into Kevin's body. As the last of his semen left his cock, Stefan bit hard at Kevin's throat. He never marked the younger man where he could be seen, but here, now, he would not be denied.

"Mine," he said, huskily, darkly, possessively, as he released the flesh, staring proudly at the bruise.

"Yours," Kevin affirmed, softly, lovingly, submissively.

Stefan pulled out of his lover's body, noticing the soft hiss and slight wince, but Kevin did not hesitate as he was pulled into protective arms.

"Only ever mine," he said, aggressively, passionately, a response to the challenge issued that had been met. He inhaled deeply, relishing their combined, satiated scents and the soft snuffling sounds of his lover sleeping in his arms. When Kevin awoke he would bathe his lover to ease some of the aches. He nuzzled closer, content and secure.


The next day Stefan could see that Kevin was almost vibrating with suppressed excitement as he sat alongside Stefan's legs. The blond drew the brunette to kneel between his splayed thighs. He caressed the beautiful face and trailed his fingers down to hook into the nipple rings to tug at them.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" Stefan asked with a smile.

"Remember Brenda, the only woman of the group yesterday lunchtime?" Kevin asked his face alight with excitement. "She took me aside today and told me that Drake has requested a return to his original office citing as personal problems the reason why he can't settle here. He's likely to be gone within a month.

Stefan felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He caressed his lover's cheeks.

"And you are happy?" He teased his mate.


The single word conveyed a world of emotions and Stefan smiled, his hand reaching for the zip of his work pants.

"Show me how happy," he husked and then groaned pleasurably as Kevin bent immediately to obey.


Stefan smiled as Kevin swayed before him. The club was not their normal scene. If they went out they preferred gay bars. This was an occasional indulgence. It was a discreet D/s club. There were other parts, for those in a more intense relationship, but here it was mostly just drinking and dancing with the Doms displaying their subs. Stefan was dressed in steel-toed biker bots, well-worn denims with his leather chaps and a tight white t-shirt.

His eyes raked proudly over his mate. Kevin wore a scoop-necked sleeveless vest that displayed his collar and a new silver slave bracelet fastened to his right biceps. The gauzy material left little to the imagination. The barely-there top was so sheer that the chain linking his pierced nipples was clearly visible. The pants Kevin wore were also of a thin material. The only underwear on his lover was a cockring and sheath combination. The sheath had a small steel circle at the head through which Stefan had threaded a leather tie and so Kevin's hard cock was restrained against his belly. As they danced, Stefan was able to fondle the hard flesh, the freely-swinging balls and follow the trail of the leather tie around his mate's waist.

They never stayed at the club for more than a couple of hours. Stefan liked others to see but not touch. He accepted the admiring looks, but growled at any getting too close. Kevin was still a little overwhelmed by the attention he got. However, an hour or so was usually enjoyable for both men. They had been out on the floor for a few dances and now Kevin danced just for Kevin. It was little more than a gentle swaying of his lover's body, but Stefan loved it.

As one song ended and another began, Kevin perched on Stefan's knee. He sipped his orange juice and Stefan shared a drink of his gin and tonic.

"I need to cool down a little, lover," Kevin rasped, pushing at his sweat-damp hair. "Back in a minute." He grinned happily as he made his way to the men's room. The gentle exhibitionism never failed to get Stefan hard and Kevin wanted nothing more than to be taken home ... and taken. In the wash room, he splashed cold water on his face. As he straightened he glanced in the mirror and gasped at the sight of the man behind him. Kevin tried to move, but a hard fist in his lower back drove the breath from Kevin's body. He was then pulled back against a hard chest and a cruel hand dropped to his groin, squeezing hard.

"I leave for my home town tomorrow," Drake's voice was cold and hard as he dragged Kevin towards a cubicle. "I was expected to get a promotion after this move, now I have to start over. James, the pretty boy I had been working on, wouldn't even answer my calls after the restaurant fiasco and all because of a mouthy sub. I couldn't believe you would come to this club. I thought this far too risqué for you two. Since you're here, I'm going to show you what that mouth of yours is really good for."

Kevin understood all too well the implication of Drake's words and tried to struggle free. Before they could get any further, Drake gave his own pained cry and his grip was suddenly gone. Kevin turned to see Stefan holding Drake's arms so high up the older man's back that he was forced to stand on tiptoe. Another swift move and Drake was on the floor, Stefan's heavy boot on his cheek.