Waking the Dragon Ch. 03


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"You can't beat her," the girl declared. Bane turned sharply, her brows drawn together in a point. "She's too powerful. You can't defeat Matayla by yourself."

"Who said anything about defeating Matayla?" Bane snipped.

"You don't have to say it." The girl slid her legs beneath the blanket and lay back on the soft pillows. She sighed as she settled into the soft blankets. "Don't trust her. She and Eton are plotting against you."

"Aye," Bane muttered. She slipped beneath the covers beside the girl. She rolled to her side and placed one of her strong arms around the girl's waist. "We'll tell Matayla that I freed you because I wanted you," she whispered, trailing her fingertips over the girl's breasts again. The story would not be a lie. She had desired to taste the girl. The taste lingered on her tongue. The girl's soft sounds of pleasure still echoed in her ears. The Dragon wanted to hear the girl again but she forced her hand to be still, returning it to rest on the girl's flat hip.

"Then return me to her in the morning as if you were displeased. Be rough. That pleases Matayla."

Bane shifted to her back, staring at the ceiling as another wave of emotion raced through her. Her jaw tightened. "I don't want her touching you," she growled.

The girl's hand came up to the silver collar, her fingertips playing with the ring dangling from the center. "Would you hold me tonight?"

The two women turned toward each other, arms entwining and wrapping around bodies. The girl tucked her head beneath Bane's chin, resting against the warrior's soft breast. Bane inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of the hair tickling her nose. She exhaled, knowing the road she walked was dangerous but unable to stop traveling down the path. She closed her eyes and tightened her arms, pulling the girl closer.

She heard the sniffle and felt the tears drop on her breast. Bane lay unmoving, allowing the girl to cry. Her fingers trailed lightly up and down the girl's bare back, offering whatever comfort she could. Words were wrong, so the warrior offered her arms and her body. She tenderly stroked the crying girl's hair, her fingers tangling in the wild curls, until the sobbing stopped and the girl's breathing changed to indicate sleep. Only then did Bane allow herself to think about the girl's warning about Matayla's power. The soft body pressed to her gave the warrior the resolve she needed to find the Queen's weakness.

The girl woke before Bane the next morning. She disentangled herself from the warrior's arms and propped on her elbow, studying the woman who had held her so tightly the previous night. The warrior had rolled to her back when the girl had pulled away and the blanket bunched around her hips. Her black straight hair was fanned across the pillow. In sleep, the warrior did not look so harsh and angry. She looked peaceful and gentle in repose.

The girl's eyes followed the line of the warrior's neck, tracing the pale blue veins beneath the dark skin. The girl shifted and rolled toward the Dragon, her eyes caressing the firm breasts. The brown orbs lingered on the puckered flesh on the side of the globe. She reached forward and touched the scarred skin with her index finger, circling it tenderly. Her brows pulled together as she explored the shape. Something about the shape seemed familiar but the truth lingered just outside her conscious mind. The warrior did not respond to the caress. She continued sleeping soundly, so the slave leaned forward to kiss the healed wound. She turned her attention to the peaks of Bane's breasts. She closed her lips around the areola, sucking on it until the nipple hardened, and then gave the other breast the same gentle treatment.

A soft moan escaped Bane's throat and she shifted her body, causing the blanket to descend farther. The girl smiled and slid her hand downward, exposing the warrior's bald mound to her touch. Watching Bane's face, the girl trailed her fingertips over the smooth lips. Still not waking, Bane moved her legs, opening them a little for the intimate touch. The girl smiled, allowing her digits to dip a little deeper. She could feel Bane's body responding. Her button was lengthening and her inner walls growing moist. The girl easily pushed two fingers inside the warrior and pumped in and out. The warrior moaned again and opened her legs wider.

Encouraged, the girl crawled down the bed till her shoulders were wedged between the warrior's powerful thighs. She extended her tongue and trailed it along the damp slit. The tip of her tongue circled Bane's swollen bud, barely brushing against the raised button. The girl pushed her tongue deep inside the warrior and began thrusting in and out rapidly, pausing only to drag it along the nub. She moved faster, thrusting quickly and forcefully. She didn't want Bane to wake and stop her before she was able to properly thank the warrior for the tenderness of the previous night.

She lapped against the thick bud, dragging her long, talented tongue against the sensitive flesh. She lifted the hood and flicked the button, moving quicker as Bane's hips started rocking in response. Fingers dug into her hair, attempting to lift her head from the sweet meal. The girl closed her teeth around the thick root, not relinquishing her position. She heard Bane growl low in pleasure and resignation. The warrior's hand was wrapped in the girl's hair, holding her head in place. The strong thighs wrapped around the girl's head, hips bucking upward as the girl's tongue plunged into the deep canal again. The girl's tongue swam around, rubbing against the inner walls. She pushed her tongue deeper, scooping inside Bane.

Bane's eyes popped open as a wave of surprise pleasure crashed over her. She gasped, her shoulders rising from the bed. Her fingers dug into the girl's hair, pulling tightly. The girl felt shots of pain as some of her hair popped from its roots, but she held onto the Dragon as tightly as she could. Her lips closed around Bane's pleasure button and sucked hard. The pressure rushed through Bane's body, bringing the crest higher. She flicked the tip of her tongue until Bane grunted. Bane thrust her hips up forcibly, her shoulders and heels on the bed as she ground herself into the girl's mouth. Tremors rushed through her body and she groaned. She held herself suspended in air as the shockwave receded before collapsing onto the soft bed.

The girl grinned up the warrior's body, her tongue still working. She used the rough mouth muscle to dry the warrior's mound, lips, and inner thighs. Bane's fingertips massaged the slave's scalp, her fingers twisting in the wild curls. A smile lingered at the corner of her lips as the girl continued her tender care. She touched her lips to the warrior's strong abdomen, turning her head to rest her cheek on the flat surface, feeling the muscles still quivering. She nuzzled her face between the twin globes of Bane's breasts. She kissed the vein of the warrior's neck, counting the erratic pulse as the Dragon regained control of her body. The girl continued inching upward, looking into Bane's face. Their eyes locked. The girl used the tip of her tongue to moisten her lips. She bent with the clear intention of kissing her new lover. The Dragon turned her head and the girl's lips landed on a smooth jaw. The girl frowned, her eyebrows coming together in a point. She tried again to touch her lips to the warrior's, but Bane evaded her again.

"No," the warrior growled, rolling the girl off of her. She stood and began pulling on her clothing. The girl watched the warrior for a moment, sensing the anger in the stiff movements. She hated the sudden change. It reminded her of Bane's withdrawal the night before. The servant did not know what to say to ease the Dragon so she remained silent. She swung her legs over the side of the bad and stared at the wooden floor. The weight of the metal collar seemed to rest heavier than normal against her neck. Her shoulders were slumped. She could feel tears behind her eyes but she blinked them away before the Dragon noticed.

With resignation, the girl rose and took the hood in her hands. She pressed the leather against her face, folding it around her face. She secured the knots at the back. She picked up the thick gag but did not put it between her lips. Bane frowned when she saw the girl's face covered. "Why does she hide you? If you were my slave, I would want everyone to know how beautiful you are."

"She doesn't want anyone to recognize me," the girl answered.

Bane frowned, puzzled by the girl's words. She wanted to probe for more details, but the door to her room suddenly opened. Gryph stood in the doorway. He stopped when he saw the girl, his eyes widening. He entered the room quickly and crossed to the girl. "What are you doing in here? Mistress will be furious."

She looked away from him, stepping out of reach of his strong hands. "She's always furious with me," the girl answered. "Nothing I do is right, anyway."

"But she'll hurt you," he continued in a plaintive voice. Bane observed the exchange, hearing the concern in the man's voice. The warrior was glad to know that someone in the palace did care for the girl.

"She enjoys hurting me, Gryph." The girl turned her attention to the warrior, allowing the Dragon to see into the depths of her brown eyes one last time. Bane's jaw was set tightly as she bowed her head to meet the gaze. "Thank you," she mouthed. Bane laid her hand on the girl's cheek, caressing the fine line with the pad of her thumb. The girl turned her head into the soft touch and kissed the warrior's wrist. Gryph felt awkward in the silence, but he sensed the tenderness between the two women. No one was more surprised than Gryph when Bane drew back her hand and slapped the girl.

The girl did not cry out. She dropped her eyes and looked away, rubbing her cheek. The warrior grabbed the collar roughly, sliding her fingers between the metal and flesh. She yanked and began walking out of the room with an angry and purposeful stride. The girl followed, dragging her feet and whimpering a little. Gryph fell into a hurried step behind them, confounded by the turn of events. The wolf trailed the women, staying close to the girl.

Bane reached the throne room and stormed into the room without waiting for her entrance to be announced. A helpless guard chased the warrior and her captive, offering apologies to Matayla as Bane threw the girl onto the ground in front of the Queen. Matayla waved the guard silent, arching her eyebrow in curiosity at the warrior. "I am accustomed to having the best given to me. I was quite insulted to not be given the choice of a lover for the night." Matayla dropped her eyes to the girl. The girl was on her hands and knees, breathing a little hard, her face turned toward Bane as the warrior continued to express her disgust with the Queen's hospitality. "A Dragon is not accustomed to taking leftovers from the hired men."

"I thought a Dragon did respect the property of others," Matayla answered without giving away her feelings. "This girl is my property."

"Then you need to keep a closer watch on her, your Highness. She might get damaged," Bane returned without missing a beat.

Bane turned and began walking out of the throne room, leaving the girl to Matayla's anger. Matayla's voice halted the Dragon. "Did she satisfy you?"

Bane stopped and turned, burying the smile that wanted to appear on her face as she looked at the slave still huddled on the floor. "She did," Bane answered flatly. She hesitated, looking at the wolf. The big animal stood next to the girl and Bane could tell the animal was in a defensive state. The Dragon shrugged and left the room.

Matayla rose from her chair and circled the girl, looking down with distaste as the girl rose from all fours to a kneeling position. "What about you, whore? Did the ferocious Dragon satisfy you?"

The girl didn't answer. She knew no answer would satisfy the Queen, so she remained silent. Matayla grabbed the girl's hair and pulled it, forcing the girl to look upward instead of at the hands lying limply in her lap. "Did the Dragon satisfy you? Did you scream and writhe in pleasure?" When the girl remained silent, the Queen pulled harder, snapping the girl's head backwards. "Answer!"

"Yes," the girl cried. "Yes, it felt good."

Matayla dropped the girl's head. "Perhaps we should let your lover watch your punishment. Would that teach her to respect other people's property?" The Queen slapped the girl across the face. The sound of it resounded in the large room, echoing off the stone walls in the ears of the stunned guard and Gryph. They both stood on the outskirts of the room with their eyes averted. "Did you try to stop her or did you beg like a whore?" Matayla yelled as she slapped the girl's other cheek. Her voice was reaching a high pitch as she continued her tirade. "You need to remember that you belong to me. No one touches you without my permission." The third smack seemed louder than the previous two. Gryph flinched and bit his lip as the girl soundlessly took the Queen's wrath. Matayla's open hand made contact again with the girl's cheek. As her head snapped, Gryph saw that blood trailed from the girl's nose.

The wolf suddenly growled, stepping between the girl and the Queen. Matayla stopped in mid-swing, taking a step back as the wolf rumbled low in its throat. An expression of surprise crossed Matayla's face. Matayla took a step to the right, but the wolf stayed between the Queen and the trembling girl.

Gryph was glad that Matayla took her fury out of the room at that point. She walked out of the throne room with a flurry of her red robes. The wolf stayed on the defensive, staying in reach of the girl's touch, but guarding the door from the Queen's return at the same time. The girl sank down, breathing with difficulty. Gryph hurried to her, kneeling beside the girl. She was not crying. He placed his arm around her shoulders, putting a towel to her nose. "Is that it?" he asked.

"It's far from over," the girl answered, blotting the blood. "I've never seen her that angry." The girl's eyes lifted to Gryph's as she handed him the towel. She spoke in a low voice. "She's scared of the Dragon."

He looked over his shoulder at the soldier. The guard did not react to the girl's words. Confident that he wasn't listening, Gryph responded. "That makes them both dangerous. Does she have reason to be afraid?"

The girl did not reply as she reached up and stroked the wolf's warm, soft coat. She knew that Gryph occasionally shared the Queen's bedchamber. She didn't know if she could trust Gryph not to tell Matayla the Dragon's secrets. "I don't know," she finally answered. It was an honest answer. Bane had said she didn't intend to defeat Matayla, but the girl didn't believe the warrior. She couldn't imagine how a noble guardian would allow Matayla's evil to prevail.

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patricia51patricia51over 19 years ago
Continues to be superior

Not a dull uninteresting character in the entire story. The buildup is intense and leaves me wanting more.

walkingeaglewalkingeagleover 19 years ago
Just gets better and better!

Belle is really out doing herself with this series! Shes got me interested as well as aroused! I can't wait for more!

Landrious1Landrious1over 19 years ago
Love It! Keep it coming!

I love this Story. I hope we see more soon. Your character development is excellent! I look forward to each new chapter.

LovingYettiLovingYettiover 19 years ago
Left craving more

Incredibly well done. I am totally captivated and am left wanting more. I count the days just waiting to read the next chapter. Again, very well done. The characters seem to come to life and stay in the back of my mind day after day. Thank you for this truly wonderful and gifted piece of art.

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