Waking the Vengence Pt. 05

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Greg brings vengeance to dad and church elders. Claims Amber.
7.2k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/31/2019
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All characters in this story involved in sexual acts are over 18.

If you haven't read the first four parts I suggest you start there.

Quick summery.

Part 1: Greg Masters is attacked by bullies while trying to protect his sister from a group of sexual predators and finds he has the ability to control minds. Starts getting Vengeance on those that have hurt him in the past. Learns his sister wants him to teach her about sex and take her virginity.

Part 2: Greg uses his mind control on his mother when she catches Greg and his sister having oral sex and learns his mother and sister are natural submissive. Takes both women as his. Has Anal sex with his mom. Has his new Mommy-Slut trick her old Mistress into a late night visit so he can make her his toy as well.

Part 3: Greg uses his hind control to turn Janice from a dominant Mistress into a submissive Slut. He also acquires one of Janice's own submissive as his own. Has a "vision" while asleep and learns his is the Vengeance for the three Fates.

Part 4. Greg starts his mission as the Vengeance of the hands of Fate. He also starts the seduction of another slut and dishes out some vengeance on Janice.

Hey if you are still reading this part don't forget to leave me a star rating. I love to read your comments and suggestions as well. All encouragement is appreciated.

"Tell Lauren what you are Janice."

"What do you mean Greg?"

I frowned. "Have you forgotten already what happens if you displease me slut?"

She blanched. "No Master of course not."

"Then tell Lauren what you are, now!"

Janice looked at her former submissive slut and assistant. "I am Master Greg's submissive cum-slut. I live only to please him. He is my everything."

I walked up behind her and patted her on the ass. "That's a good girl."

Janice couldn't ignore the programing that I'd given her earlier and she collapsed on the ground writhing in ecstasy screaming out her orgasm. "Cumming for you Master! Sooo Goood!"

I looked at Lauren who was staring at her former mistress and boss in shock. "That's the tip of the pleasures you can look forward to once you give yourself to me fully Lauren."

Then I looked down at Janice who was just starting to recover on the floor. "Get up slut. We have another appointment to keep. But first you can suck my cock."

Janice rose to her knees and crawled over to me unzipping my pants and taking my cock out. As she slid her lips over my throbbing dick I looked at Lauren whose eyes had gone wide seeing her former mistress obey my every order. "Why don't you come and join her Lauren. You can take turns sucking me and if you both do a good Job I'll cum on your faces to let the world know you belong to me."

Like a bullet shot from a rifle Lauren was on her knees licking the part of my dick that Janice didn't have in her mouth. Every few strokes they would trade places with each other. Lauren was able to take more of my cock into her mouth than Janice was which surprised me seeing as how she was until a few minutes ago a lesbian. It wasn't between the two of them and their talented mouths that I was ready to blow a massive load. "I'm about to cum, sluts. Face me and tilt your faces up to receive my cum."

The both scrambled to line up side by side in front of me faces tilted to receive my load with their mouths open. "Close your mouths. I want all my cum on your faces, not in your mouths."

The obeyed and I stroked my dick until I spewed six huge ropes all over their faces. I wiped my last remaining drips off my cock onto Janice's face. "Now rub it all over your faces sluts so that you're completely covered. I want my cum on your faces until you go home tonight." They both did as I told them as I put my cock back in my pants and zipped up. "Now get on your feet. Lauren you will finish up here and do as I told you when you get home. Janice hurry up, you nasty slut, we have to go see my dad."

Janice got up the flush of humiliation on her face at what I'd made her do. "Why did you do that?" She asked after we were safely in the car. "Because I wanted too. Imagine Janice, I could have made you do that in front of Claire Cadman, or I could come by the office Monday and make you do it in front of the entire firm, worse yet I could come into court and make you do it in the courtroom in front of the judge your peers, the jury and the press. But I didn't, I just used you to show Lauren that you did indeed belong to me. Think about that. After all you gave my father pleasure the entire eight years he was torturing me. You knew he was abusing me and did nothing. You're lucky I let you feel any pleasure at all. I could make it so every praise and every fuck felt like you were being burnt alive. On top of that I could make you crave it knowing it was going to hurt like hell. Instead I let you feel pleasure the likes of which you've never experienced with anyone else."

I could see the tears rolling down her face. "You're right. I knew and I did nothing. I hated you and so I turned a blind eye while he abused you."

"You hated me? Why what did I ever do to you at eight years old?"

"You took your mother away from me. Once she had you she quit submitting to me. She only submitted to your father until after your accident. Once your father started hurting you she came back to me. So, I hated you for taking her from me."

I bit my tongue to keep from exploding at her and I kept my thoughts from pushing at her. I wanted to hurt her. I wanted to punish her but I didn't. This wasn't about revenge it was about Vengeance they were two different things. I don't know how I knew that but I did. I had my Vengeance and I'd make it more later by fixing it so Janice couldn't cum unless it was with me. I knew she was my bottom slut for now but I also knew that she would find someone to have sex with when I couldn't or wouldn't fuck her. But wouldn't she be surprised when she couldn't cum with anyone else. When they didn't even get her close to cumming. For now, I'd focus on Dad. I was going to use my powers to see him before Janice did and when I was done he'd be begging the judge to lock him up.

We arrived at the jail and I used my mind control to get the police to allow me to see dad in the attorney client room without Janice. I waited for them to put him in the room and chain him to the table. Then they left telling him with my push that his lawyer would be in to see him shortly. Once they were gone I entered the room and using my telekinesis locked the door and made sure it would say locked. Dad looked at me and snarled. "What are you doing in here you little shit?"

"I've come to see you Silas and tell you the truth."

"What are you going on about now you pathetic little worm?"

I laughed and reached into his mind making him see my skin melt away revealing what he thought a demon looked like. "You were right Silas. I'm not your son he died all those years ago when that Bat hit his head. I took his skin. Look on me and see me for what I really am."

His eyes bugged out and his heart and breathing both sped up. I convinced his mind that my eyes were glowing. "All these years you and that pathetic fake preacher tried to purify your son and there was nothing to purify. Do you know why you fucked your pastor worm?"

My dad was pulled as far away as I would the chain on his wrists would let him trying to curl into a ball in the chair. I roared in my best demon voice amplifying it in his ears. "ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE SHIT. WHY DID YOU FUCK YOUR PASTOR IN THE ASS? WHY DID YOU FORCE HIS COCK DOWN YOUR THROAT? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY FUCK HEAD?"

Dad whimpered and shook his head. I laughed my normal laugh and let him see me as myself again as I leaned right up into his face. "Because I told you too Dad. That's why. I made you do it."

He shook his head and pointed at me. "Get behind me demon. In the name of Jesus I command you."

I laughed and let him see me as the demon again. "You command me? You have no power over me. Look at me! Look into my eyes." With my push he couldn't help but obey me. "I'll prove to you that you have no power. I own you and your family you little worm. I pushed the memories of fucking my mom and her begging me to fuck her into his mind. "This was how I spent last night." I showed him my memory of mother denying that he was her master. Followed by her screaming in orgasmic bliss as she declared me her only true master. "I've taken your slut from you. She belongs to me. She begs her son to fuck her she cums like she never did for you as I fuck her ass." I showed him that. "I even have taken your little girl Daddy she is my slut now too. I showed him Charlotte on her knee's sucking my cock. Followed by her begging me to make her my slave.

Dad screamed at that and tried to reach out and choke me. I grabbed him by the throat with telekenisis and lifted him as far as I could with his arms chained to the table. Then just for fun I opened the cuffs and let them fall as his body slammed to the ceiling. "That isn't all Daddy. I'm taking your mistress away from you too. Not yet but soon. What will you do when I own your mistress. Why if I own her I'll own you too won't I." I laughed and cleared his mind so he could see me as I really was.

"Where is your authority now Dad? Come down and beat me now." He screamed and cursed me for a demon from hell as he was pinned to the ceiling. Then I let him go and watched him crash to the ground. He jumped up and tried to attack me hands held out in front like he was going to try and choke me again and I froze him where he stood. "You can't touch me unless I let you Dad. But I can touch you." I reached inside of his pain receptors and tweaked them so that his whole body felt like it was on fire from the inside out. "Burn Daddy Dear. Burn in the fires of Hell that you tried to send me too."

He screamed so loud that I could hear the officers outside the door trying to get inside. But my telekinetic hold on the door stood. They called for someone to get the swat team to breach the door. I knew my time was short. So, I shoved dad back into the chair and had the cuffs slither up and lock back on his arms. Then I quieted his screams and removed the pain. Once we were both sitting, I pushed and told him that he wouldn't be able to shut up to everyone how his son was actually a demon. How he'd tell them he'd tried for years since his son was ten to beat the demon out of him but nothing worked. He wouldn't be able to mention anything about what he'd seen with mom or Charlotte, but he'd see it every night as he tried to sleep. He'd tell them that the demon in his son had done to him here in the room and that I'd made him fuck the pastor with demonic power.

In other words, I made sure my father would sound like a raving lunatic. Then I unlocked the door and released him. As the door popped open with the force of the officers pushing against it my dad screamed and cursed at me straining to reach me and choke me. Every single one of the officers saw him with spit flying, almost foaming at the mouth, accusing me of being a demon. I looked heart broken and went to the door when they asked me to leave. I turned and spoke to my dad "I love you dad, I hope they can help you get well." Then I pushed one last thought at my dad that he needed to fuck every man he saw and have them fuck him. As I walked to where Janice was waiting, I heard dad trying to get the cops to fuck him and let him fuck them.

After a few minutes a man came in carrying a doctor's bag and entered the room where my father was still raving about demons and needing to be fucked and to fuck. Then shortly everything went quiet. The doctor and captain of the police force approached Janice and I. "I'm sorry Miss Snyder but it seems like your client has had a complete psychotic break. We'll have to admit him to the psych ward and recommend he be committed until he can be declared competent to stand trial."

Janice nodded. "I understand, I'll petition the judge Monday to appoint one of his family as power of attorney over him and his assests. I'm sure they'll be willing to sign any commitment papers you need signed." She turned and looked at me "Isn't that right Greg?"

"I hung my head and then nodded. "Of course, whatever needs to be done to help him get well."

The captain looked at me with pitty. "Son I hate to ask this but before we medicated him your father said that he and the pastor of the church regularly tried to beat the demon out of you is that true."

I acted scared. "They were just trying to help me they said."

The captain's eyes narrowed. "How did they try to help you Greg?"

"I don't want to get anyone in trouble Captain they were just trying to help."

"Did they hurt you trying to help you?"

"They said that they had to whip the demon out of me. It didn't even hurt after a few years."

The captain's jaw worked. "Where did they do this at?"

Dad would stirp me at home and beat me with a white leather belt it's still in his dresser, I think. Then once or twice a month I'd be taken to the church, there's a room in the basement with three locks on it that the pastor and elders called the purification room. It had a bed and a cross with straps attached to it like a big x they'd strap me to that cross and use whips or rods and if they thought I'd been particularly evil a cat of nine tails was used to scourge the devil out of me."

"Jesus Christ." The captain turned to a uniformed cop standing behind him. "Jackson get a forensic team and swat together. I'm calling Judge Henderson for a search warrant. We're raiding the First Holiness church as soon as the warrant is issued."

"Do you need us anymore Captain?"

"I need Greg to come into an interrogation room and repeat what he just told me for the record."

I looked up playing up the scared whipped teen look. "Am I in trouble? Did I say something wrong?"

The Captain put his hand on my shoulder. "No young man, but very wrong things have been done to you. I promise that every man who hurt you will pay for what they did to you."

"But they were trying to help me."

"No son, they weren't. But I'm going to help you now. Come tell me your story again and then you can go home."

I looked at Janice and she nodded. She knew what I was doing but as my slut she kept her mouth shut and played her part. "Can I sit with him Roy?"

"You're his family's legal counsel aren't you?"

"You know I am."

"Then I can't keep you out, can I?"

She smiled and followed us into the interrogation room. Forty-five minutes later we were leaving as the Captain called the judge to obtain a warrant for the church. He asked that Janice bring the belt to them in a plastic bag to enter as evidence in the case as well. When we left I had Janice drive me straight to the church. There I found the pastor and elders all sitting just outside the room they called the room of purification. When they saw me, they started to stand but I pushed them all. "Stay seated and silent. When I leave you will forget that I was here tonight and go about whatever it was you were about to do. When the police show up you will not be able to run away but will calmly obey what they say. You will also not be able to lie to them and will answer fully in as much detail as you can any questions they ask you." I could see them try to resist my commands, so I pushed harder. As I looked in the pastors eyes, I caught a flash of relief that I hadn't asked what they were doing. So, I pushed again. You can't lie to me either and will answer any question I ask fully too."

It was then I remembered something my sister had said about the pastor trying to convince her that she needed to let him purify her. "What do you do to purify the girls in the church?"

What they told me made me angry as I'd ever been. They would take girls as young as twelve and basically rape them repeatedly to cover them in their holy seed to purify them from the stain of Eve's sin. That's when I noticed the locks were off the purification room and the bed suddenly made since. "Who's in that room right now?" Pastor James smiled. "My daughter Chastity. She turned eighteen today. So tonight, is the night of her purification. Her mother wouldn't let me purify her before now."

Oh, hell no! There was no way that I was going to let these bastards rape the preacher's virgin daughter on her eighteenth birthday. "Would your wife let you purify her now if she knew what you were doing?"

"No, but she is gone on the women's retreat. When she returns my daughter will have already been purified by our holy seed."

I wanted to go in that room and free her, but I knew I couldn't. I wasn't going to let them touch her either. So, I pushed again harder than ever at each of them. "You will continue to prepare for the purification ritual, but you will take your time. None of you will touch Chastity or even be able to get an erection to purify her. You'll still be out here preparing when the police come and pastor you will ask them to leave while you finish purifying the girl in the room. When they ask you will again answer truthfully forgetting that I was here."

Then I walked into the room to see Chastity tied to the bed completely naked. I covered her with a sheet. "Chastity, why are you here?"

"Dad said I had to be purified that it was time."

"Do you know what they are going to do to you?"

Tears were running down her face. "Yes, but what can I do? They're our elders we're supposed to obey them in everything."

That's when I realized who the fourth woman was that the Fates had said would belong to me for my lifetime. Chastity James, the pastor's daughter, was a natural submissive. I didn't know what was going to happen when the police got here but I knew if I left her like she was she would just find some other predator to follow. So, I pushed. "Chastity I'm going to tell you some things and when you hear them, you're going to know they are the truth. You'll repeat them when I tell you to and as you repeat them, they will become like the Bible to you without dispute. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Okay here's the first truth. "The elders are sinful wicked men. They don't follow God and we shouldn't follow them."

She gasped as that thought pushed into her subconscious. "What is the first truth Chastity?"

"The elders are sinful wicked men who don't follow God. I shouldn't follow them."

"That's right are you ready for the second truth?" She nodded her head. "Your father is a false preacher he isn't a man of God but a filthy sinner who wants to rape his own daughter. You don't have to obey him anymore."

I stroked her cheek wiping away tears that started to fall as I told her the truth. "Tell me the second truth now."

"Daddy is a false preacher he isn't a man of God but a filthy sinner who wants to rape his own daughter. I don't have to obey him anymore."

That's right, one last truth. Are you ready to hear it?"

Again, she nodded. "Greg Masters is the only man who cares about you. When you're released you will go to his house and ask him to claim you as his own. That's what you want more than anything else in the world."

"Can you tell me the last truth?"

She looked at me and I could see even before she repeated it as the thought took hold. I'd bind her to me more fully after she came to me, but this was all I had time for now. "You are the only man who cares for me Greg. When I get out of here, I'm going to come to your house and ask you to claim me as your own. That's what I want more than anything in the world."

"That's good Chastity. Now you'll forget that I was ever here and obey the truths as soon as you can."

I left closing the door most of the way but leaving it open just enough that the cops should see it. Then I left allowing the hold I had on the pastor and elders to drop away. It was only early afternoon and I'd had a full day already. I got into my father's car and had Janice follow me home. Once there I sent her home for the night. No sooner had I gotten inside than my phone buzzed that I'd gotten a text. I looked and saw a picture of Lauren her pussy completely bald. I texted her back. "Good Girl I'll be over to see you tomorrow to make you mine."