Waking the Vengence Pt. 11

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Greg faces the last James and gains a new cumdumpster.
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Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/31/2019
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Waking the Vengeance Pt 11

All characters in this story involved in sexual acts are over 18.

If you haven't read the first ten parts, I suggest you start there.

Quick summary of our story so far

Part 1: Bullies attack Greg Masters while trying to protect his sister from a group of sexual predators and finds he can control minds. Starts getting vengeance on those that have hurt him in the past. Learns his sister wants him to teach her about sex and take her virginity.

Part 2: Greg uses his mind control on his mother when she catches Greg and his sister having oral sex and learns his mother and sister are natural submissives. Takes both women as his. Has Anal sex with his mom. Has his new Mommy-Slut trick her old Mistress into a late-night visit so he can make her his toy as well.

Part 3: Greg uses his hind control to turn Janice from a dominant Mistress into a submissive Slut. He also gains one of Janice's own submissives as his own. Has a "vision" while asleep and learns his is the Vengeance for the three Fates.

Part 4. Greg starts his mission as the Vengeance of the hands of Fate. He also starts the seduction of another slut and dishes out some vengeance on Janice.

Part 5: Greg brings vengeance to dad and church elders. Finds another natural submissive and makes Amber his girlfriend/slut.

Part 6: Greg tells the girls about the fates and shows his powers. Then he takes Chastity and messes up her mind.

Part 7: Greg deals with a rebellious Janice. Then spends the night with Charlotte, finally fucking his sister-wife. He listens to her deepest desires and gives in to them. Fucking his child into her.

Part 8: Greg fixes all his sluts. Learns more about being a master, mind control and discovers an old enemy has returned with powers as well.

Part 9: Where Greg deals with Cadman, makes a new slut out of Cadman's Secretary, and punishes the man who originally corrupted her. Deals with the agent of Chaos and some old tormentors come back. Then becomes more powerful by turning one of the Three sisters of fate into his personal cumslut.

Part 10: Where Greg takes the last two sisters of fate, learns an upsetting truth and steps into his "true" destiny.

Hey if you are still reading this part, don't forget to leave me a star rating. I love to read your comments and suggestions as well. I appreciate all the encouragement.


"You lied because you wanted to take God's place. You wanted to be the most powerful of the immortals. Instead, you are going to become my slave, just like your sisters. The only difference is you will have no choice but to obey me, worship me, and even to some extent love me. You'll hate every minute, but you won't be able to resist. You will give me a daughter and she will take your power from you. Despite that, you'll live and be my slave. Look at the pleasure your sisters get from worshiping me. You won't get that. Although you'll worship me, you won't derive ecstasy from it. You will always fall just a little short of it. For all of eternity, you will serve me without ever finding pleasure in it. However, unlike Jehovah and Lucifer, I won't allow you the free will to oppose me."

Then Greg forced her to fall onto her belly and crawl to him as he pushed her new reality into her head. She knew Greg was her Master; that he owned her. She knew she worshipped him, desired him, obeyed him. And. She. Hated. It. But she had no ability to resist. Greg left her mind intact, and her power as well. Her choices, those he destroyed. She no longer had any free will. Greg's will was her command and she would obey without question. If he told her to shit, she would. If he told her to eat it, she would. She would crave Greg's cock, his cum, his pleasure, but she would feel none herself. All she would feel is the anger of her hatred and yet Greg would make her devotion to himself complete, despite her hatred.

She would do every depraved thing he asked of her without question or hesitation and to prove it, Greg made her take his cock in her ass and he pissed in her. When it was pouring out of her like an enema, he made her lay in it. There he caused her to ovulate and her pussy to lubricate and then fucked her repeatedly, letting her get to the edge of cumming and then snatching it away from her. When he drenched her with his sperm and watched my daughter being conceived, she felt the pain of the moment and she wanted to curse him. Instead, she thanked Greg for blessing her with his child. Then, unlike the other two, Greg wrapped her in a locked slave collar and chain and dragged her behind himself on her hands and knees like the fucking slave she now was. How the mighty Morgana LaFey had fallen.

Greg appeared at home with the last sister of fate at his heal like a dog. That's when he decided what to do with her for now. The first part of her endless humiliation. He and his family would treat her like a pet, even though she was still a goddess. He'd have Barbie order her one of those butt plugs with a dog's tail on it and maybe a set of ears for a hairband.

It was evening and all his ladies were home. Barbie, Charlotte and Chastity wanted to show him the things they'd purchased. His Mom was cooking dinner for everyone. The other two fates watched him with love and adoration from the wall, surprised to see Morgana on her hands and knees with a chain around her neck. Amber and Janice were sitting quietly instructing Tiffany on the structure of the household. Greg cleared his throat. "We need to have a household meeting. I want everyone to get dressed for dinner and meet me downstairs in the dining room in half an hour."

Once everyone was sitting and eating, Greg brought up the things they needed to talk about. "As everyone can see. We added four new members to our family today. Tiffany is temporary. Tiffany needs a permanent master, and I will assist her in finding one, as she, like Chastity, Mom, Amber, and Charlotte, is a natural submissive who cannot be left alone. She will stay here and Barbie or Mom will keep her safe unless she is with me.

I'm going to find a tutor for her and my sister-wives to teach you each what you need to know to be the perfect trophy wives. The other three are the Sisters of Fate. They are the ones who created my problems and think they gave me my powers; they did not. The Sisters are here because I've found my destiny, and they actually messed up and now belong to me. The two at the table are Gwendolyn and Nimue, and they are mostly innocent in my case. I know the one on the floor as Morgana. She led the others astray, and she knowingly tried to change the Creator's plan just enough to bring me unnecessary pain. For that, I will punish her for a long time. We will talk more about that punishment later.

Our family was attacked today, and the fates are here to protect us from others with similar powers to mine and to give birth to daughters for me. One for each of them. They are to serve the family as they serve me. However, no one is to misuse or abuse them. Morgana being the lone exception. After dinner, I want Barbie to go buy me an extra-large dog crate, a dog choker training collar, and two pet food containers. While out, go to the sex shop and buy the biggest, longest remote-controlled vibrating doggy tail butt plug they have and dog ears. Morgana will wear it and become Baby Girl's puppy."

That made Chastity squeal. "I get a puppy, Daddy?"

"Yes, Baby Girl. Morgana is going to be your puppy. She may not act like anything but a dog in this house. Before any of you complain, let me have her tell you why she is being treated like a bitch. Go on, Morgana, tell my family and your sisters what you have done. Tell them how many actual Fates there are. Tell them what your actual name is. Do it now or so help me. The pain you felt earlier will only be a shadow of the pain you will feel next."

Morgana shivered as she remembered the agony Greg put her through when he figured out her secret. She looked at him with hate in her eyes. "You had better never let your guard down, Greg Masters, or I will make you suffer like no one has ever suffered before."

Greg laughed in her face. "Tell them or I'll tell them and your punishment will get worse. I'll wipe your mind and make you as dumb as an actual dog."

He looked at the woman known as Morgana LeFay and pushed. "You will answer my questions truthfully and without hesitation."

She opened her mouth to curse me, but all that came out was "Yes Master."

"When the Creator ordained the Fates, how many were there?"

She tried to keep her mouth closed, but the order I'd given her forced the air from her mouth. "Two, there were two Fates. Present and Future. There was no need for a past because it was set and unchangeable."

Both Nimue and Gwendolyn gasped.

Greg nodded. "Then where did you come from? If the Creator didn't ordain a Fate of the Past, who are you?"

"I created the fate of the Past and I placed the memory of myself into the other Fates' minds."

"Tell us who you really are?"

Morgana's teeth ground as she tried to resist answering that question. Greg reached into her pain receptors and twisted. She screamed out her answer. "My name is LILITH! I'm the goddess of Chaos!"

That's when all hell broke loose! No joking. Suddenly, there were snarls and growls. Smoke filled the room and every nightmare creature you could imagine was in the dining room. And standing in front of them was a man in a blood-red Armani suit. Black hair slicked back and a triangular beard and small mustache as black as night. The two true Fates again gasped and moved to stand between the family and the new arrivals. Greg just smiled at the smarmy bastard. "Hello Lucifer, I wondered when you'd show up."

Before the king of evil could answer him, there was a sound of a thousand trumpets. On the other side of the table appeared the most perfect specimens of flesh you could ever hope to see. They were both male and female. Standing in front of them, looking like the polar opposite of the man in red, was a man in white. The white suit was so bright it almost glowed, his hair white instead of black as was his beard and mustache, but they were fuller. "Well now, the gang's all here. Jehovah, welcome to my humble abode."

"I've come for Lilith. Give her to me!" Lucifer growled.

Greg shook my head. "Sorry, not going to happen. She is mine to punish and imprison."

The god of evil's eyes glowed red. "And who are you to deny me, my consort?"

Greg looked at the devil and smiled. "Don't you recognize me, brother? I'm Balance. Newly awakened. Your consort tried to confuse me and called me Vengeance, but that's not who I am, is it? I AM Balance, the one the Creator birthed to stand between you and our other brother. I keep you and Jehovah in check."

Just then there was the sound of water flowing and birds singing, and in front of the crowd stood the most perfect female of all. Gia the Creator, also known as Mother Earth. Greg smiled at her. "Hello Mother, I wondered if you'd show up in all this."

"Well, you all haven't given me much choice, have you, my Balance? Jehovah and Lucifer have neglected their duties while they played with their consorts. Those women knew what they were doing and interfered, anyway. And Greg, thanks to Lilith's manipulations, you have just awakened to your powers again. Still, you figured out what was wrong in less than a week. That's very impressive. I know you, boys, if I hadn't shown up, Lucifer would throw fire, Jehovah, lightning bolts and Greg would alter everyone. Or try to alter the timeline."

Gia looked at her dark child dressed in Red. "Lucifer, you took your eye off your responsibility and allowed this woman to control you. Return to your kingdom and get your house in order. The time of battle has not yet come. The underworld is in a hell of a mess and your own children are running amok. Get control or I will allow Abaddon to displace you as he wishes.

Jehovah, you as well allowed a woman to distract you. At least you recognized you were being led astray, but the temptation of Eve should never have dragged your attention from your Kingdom. Get your house in order as well. Greg, my Balance, your time is now. Continue to work to restore order to the world. You may not yet marry your brides, for the fates were wrong there are not four there are..."

Greg interrupted her. "Six"

She nodded once. "Yes Six. Do you know who you have and who is missing?"

Greg nodded. "I believe so. Once I gained the ability to see the tapestry, it wasn't hard to see the threads." He pointed to Chastity. "She is the goddess of innocence." Then to Barbie, "Wisdom"; Then to Amber, "Loyalty." Finally, to his sister, "Morality. I still need to find Joy and Sorrow before we can wed."

Gia nodded. "Both Joy and Sorrow are with you, but they have not yet awakened to those purposes. When their current duties are passed to your daughters, then they will be ready and you will see me again. I will wed the seven of you myself. Until then, keep your brothers in check and return order and balance to my planet. I have taken Eve away from your kingdom, Jehovah. Lucifer, I will take Lilith with me as well. I will send Cerberus for your innocent wife, Greg. She deserves a real pet, and your family deserves his protection."

He nodded and handed Lilith's leash to Gia, the Creator of all life. "Thank you, Gia. I accept your gift on behalf of my wife and our family."

Lucifer laughed. "I'm not sure I'd call Cerberus a gift. That beast can eat more than any creature I've ever met."

With those words, both the gods of good and evil left the house. Gia shook her head. "Those two try my patience sometimes."

She walked over and kissed Greg's four wives and Gwendolyn and Nimue before laying a hand on his chest. His skin felt seared when she touched him, and he removed his shirt to see the symbol of the scales of balance branded into his skin. "Now all your abilities will operate without delay, Greg. Use them wisely and bring back the balance before it's too late. I will see you again once Gwendolyn and Nimue's daughters are mature in six months' time."

This told Greg that the vision he'd had of the future was correct: the current aspects of Fate would be wives six and seven. Even if they weren't manifesting themselves as the goddesses of Joy and Sorrow yet, his family was complete. Greg blinked and realized it was just their family left.

"Well, this has been an interesting night. I hope you all kept up. I'm not the Vengeance of Fate, I'm the current manifestation of the god of Balance. There are only two fates, not three, though that may be changed when Lilith gives birth to my daughter. That's up to Gia, the Creator."

Greg looked at the six women who Gia had kissed.

"I'm supposed to have six wives who help me keep balance, which means each of you can expect some changes in yourselves soon."

Always smart, Barbie nodded. "I would assume that our principal job is to advise you in the areas our roles imply?"

He smiled at her. "Actually, your first job is to be my wife and to always be waiting for me to fill your mouths, pussies, and asses with my cum. There will be times when each of you needs to remind me of things I may overlook because of day-to-day realities."

Greg walked to Chastity and kissed her, feeling her squirm against me like a little girl happy in her daddy's arms. "Chastity, you are the goddess of innocence. This means you'll probably always be happier as 'Baby Girl' than Chastity. And with treating me as Daddy. That's okay. You're supposed to remind me that there are innocent souls in this world." The girl smiled at me. "Okay, Daddy. But that Green lady took my puppy!"

He laughed. "Yes, but that was because she was a bad puppy. She has promised to bring you a new puppy soon. A good puppy."

Chastity clapped.

Greg looked at his sister, walked up, and kissed her next. "Charlotte, you are the goddess of morality. I will no longer try to punish you for telling me what you think is the right thing to do. It is your job. I may not always do what you say because my job is to keep a balance between good and evil. That will sometimes call for me to do the immoral thing, but at other times I will do the moral thing."

Charlotte kissed him back. "I'm so fucking proud of you, Big Brother. I always knew Dad was wrong, and that you weren't evil."

Greg smiled. "No, that's my brother Lucifer's job. I'm not evil, but I'm not a saint either. I'm on the middle road, sometimes good and sometimes bad. It is my responsibility to walk the razor's edge and keep both sides in check."

He turned to the voluptuous Barbie, taking her in his arms and kissing her. "Barbie, you are the goddess of wisdom. Don't expect numbers and money to be the only factors in your future. You will always be one of the smartest people in any room. You are already, which isn't really fair to all the other women. Because you are also one of the hottest and always will be."

She kissed him back with passion. "And you are one of the most charming, but your flattery won't fool me. You're just horny, as always."

Greg leaned close and whispered in her ear. "Oh, you do not know how horny you all make me. Not yet, but you will. Wait until you get to try out all my new powers."

She reached down and stroked his throbbing cock. "I'm looking forward to it."

He turned to Amber, pulled her against his body, and ground his cock against her as he devoured her lips. "Amber, you are the goddess of loyalty and will remind us all to stay true and faithful to each other. As we'll help keep you safe from your desire to please everyone you meet. Be loyal to us and let us be loyal to you."

Turning again, he kissed Nimue, who blushed. It was funny to him that Merlin's sister was so much the blushing Virgin, even if the virginity was gone. This was the Lady in the Lake and he suspected she still held on to an arsenal he would need in the future. "Nimue, once our daughter is born and has reached her maturity, you will no longer be the Fate of the Future. You will become the goddess of Sorrow and Comfort. You will be the one who reminds me to temper my desire for balance and justice with love and understanding."

A tear ran down her face. "Why must I always be the one to feel the sorrows of the world?"

Greg held her and kissed her again. "Because my wife-to-be, are the only one strong enough to do it. The keeper of Excalibur, the guardian of the world's strongest weapons. Only you have the strength of heart to bear this burden. It makes you precious to me."

Then he came to Gwendolyn, once known to the world as Guinevere, the Queen who destroyed Camelot. Funny, because Greg knew in his heart she would be the one wife of the six who would take other lovers. She wouldn't be able to help herself. Because it was in her nature. Had Arthur realized that her love for Lancelot didn't remove her love for him, things may have been different. The perfect Kingdom may have stood for all time. It was a lesson he would ask Barbie to remind him of when jealousy came knocking at his heart. Greg kissed Gwendolyn long and deep.

"Once our daughter has reached her maturity, you will become the goddess of Joy. You will remind me to have fun while doing what I have to in bringing balance. Of all my wives you alone I give leave to love as your heart directs you. I know I will always have your love in greater measure than any other. Find your Joy where your heart takes you, my Queen. This time, your king will understand that you can't help it."

She said not a word, but pulled him against her and devoured his mouth. It was the only word needed between them: Words of the heart. Acceptance that would continue to give her the Joy of life.