Waking up with Marsha


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After setting our drinks down in front of us, she asked, "Have you had a chance to look at the menu?"

Marsha looked up at her, "I'm familiar with the menu, thank you. I'll have the turkey avocado sandwich on light rye. My niece will have a cup of soup. Do you have chicken noodle?"

The waitress confirmed she did before jotting down our order on her tablet before stepping away. I scanned the immediate area and found our table was arranged in a way that no one would see under our table. Scooting back in the seat, I squeezed my thighs together so my caged penis stood up above them. That movement had attracted Marsha's attention. When she looked down at my lap, I slowly raised my dress to reveal my penis straining against its cage. With my dress still held up, I whispered, "This is what I wanted to tell you." Only after she'd gotten a good long look, did I lower my dress and cover myself again.

Marsha's eyes were wide open and her mouth was hanging open just like before. After several seconds she whispered, "You're not wearing panties. You're wearing a... a... chastity cage?"

I nodded my head slowly, grinned weakly, and whispered, "Surprised?"

She didn't answer my question. Instead, she asked a question of her own. "Was that a lock? You can't get...? I mean, you can't really do anything, can you?"

Biting my lower lip, before whispering, "No, nothing sexual. At least not with it on."

She looked confused, "Where is the key?"

I explained that it was sitting on the table by my front door. She had gotten upset with me and I didn't want to make her any madder by speaking up about the situation I'd put myself in.

Marsha paused to think about what I'd just shared with her. She eventually said, "Yes, I am surprised. Surprised in a good way. But I have to tell you. I've got no experience with chastity. We'll obviously need to stop and get the key before going to my home."

I took her hand and moved it to rest on my thigh before whispering, "Or we don't have to. We could go straight to your house. I've never been made love to while wearing it. And I think I might want to try wearing it the whole night with you. That would mean the entire time we were together would be about your pleasure, not mine."

She slowly grinned in a Cheshire cat sort of way, "I hadn't thought of it that way. And maybe in the morning when we get back to your apartment, I'll have you show me how you play with yourself when you're alone."

I squirmed in my seat as I whimpered, "I'd love to do that for you."

She glanced around to check on our waitress before whispering, "Good. Now lift your dress and show me that thing again. I want to get a better look at it."

Without hesitation, I slowly raised my dress so she could see my cage. Her hand slid up my thigh and she touched the rigid plastic. She then slid up to hold the lock. From there, her hand slid back down my thigh.

As I lowered my dress, I whispered, "I thought I'd be freaking out in here, dressed like this. But I just lifted my dress and showed you my chastity cage at the table, right here in this restaurant!"

Marsha leaned in and innocently kissed the tip of my nose, "Tell me about it. Has anyone ever called you a clit-tease before?"

I squirmed while my penis throbbed hard, "No." After pausing for a moment, I asked, "Marsha, may we get our food-to-go? I'm really, really horny!"

She grinned and whispered in a flat tone. "No. I promised to take you out to nice lunch. And that is exactly what we'll do. Do you understand me, young lady?"

I forced a grin while squirming in my seat, "Yes, ma'am."

Our food was soon delivered and we began eating. I sipped on my soup and juice, while Marsha began devouring her sandwich. By the time she'd finished, I made it halfway through my soup and not even that far through my glass of juice.

After she'd wiped her mouth with a napkin, I squeaked, "May we please leave now? Pretty please?"

She grinned, "Don't you want some dessert, Sweetheart?"

I moaned a little louder than I wanted to, "Not the kind they serve here."

After getting the ticket from the waitress, Marsha quickly paid the bill before leading me out of that restaurant. After I'd sat down in the car, I realized, the entire time I was in that restaurant, I never once was worried about what anyone else thought of how I looked. I was so focused on my situation and Marsha, I didn't care. But I couldn't recall catching anyone looking at me in a funny way either. When Marsha got into the car and started it with a roar, I asked her about the people in the restaurant.

She grinned, "Nope. I didn't see a single person looking at you in a questioning way. It looks like a certain young lady has passed the public test. Get used to it Sweetheart, because you and I will be spending lots of time in public places with you dressed up in your girliest clothes." After a short pause, she asked, "Please tell me you have more clothes? Well, if you don't, we'll have to go shopping."

While waving my dress up high enough to expose my cage to the world, I excitedly squealed, "I have a few more outfits, but I've always dreamed of going shopping!"

I continued to wave my dress up and down while Marsha had to keep her eyes on the road, "Well, young lady, taking you shopping is something I can do. How about right now? Would you like to go shopping right now?"

I dropped the hem of my dress and began to undo the buttons. At the same time, I whimpered, "No! Take me home! Please!"

Marsha smiled without speaking while working her way through the busy traffic. While she remained focused, I slipped my arm out from under the seat belt and slid my dress off my shoulder. I then slipped my other arm out of the dress. Arching my back and raising my bottom off the seat, I pulled the dress out from under me.

Marsha glanced at me when I lifted myself off the seat, she began to ask, "What are you...".

Before she could finish that thought, I tossed my dress into the backseat. I was left sitting in the passenger's seat, wearing only a small chastity cage and my sandals. After unclicking my seatbelt, I turned my body so it faced her and I was leaning against the door. I set my left foot on the seat and other on the floor. She quickly glanced at me several times while I was getting myself situated. Reaching down I began to tug on my caged penis, "I'm really, really horny, Marsha! I don't think I've ever been this horny before!"

Marsha responded with a grin, "I'm sure you are, you naughty young lady."

Biting my lip, I timidly squeaked, "Maybe I made a mistake. I think we should stop and get the key."

Marsha's grin widened, "Too late. We just passed your turn. We're going to my house. And you'll just have to suffer."

I moaned softly while still tugging on my cage. I could have been more serious and politely asked her to please turn around. She may have? But I didn't ask. I liked the commanding role she'd taken, telling me what I was going to do. It was something I think I'd always wanted, but never realized it. I squirmed on the seat and tugged on my cage for the remainder of the ride. The entire time I struggled to imagine what it was going to be like to be made love to while in that cage.

As Marsha pulled the car to a stop in her garage, she asked, "Have you got tomorrow off of work?"

I sat up on my seat while explaining that I did have the day off, but I had to work the following day. With all of her attention focused on me, she said, "Good. It's 1:45pm right now. I am not planning on taking you home until after dinner tomorrow, if at all."

I gasped, "But my cage? My penis?"

She grinned, "I know. The more I've thought about your little cage, the more I've come to love that surprise. Young lady, I want to keep you in there for as long as I can." With those words, I fell deeper in love with her. Being forced to remain locked up for extended periods of time is what I'd been fantasizing about even before I bought my cage.

She then reached into the backseat and grabbed my dress. Without a word, she left the car with my dress. She came around to my side and helped me out. She didn't offer me my dress but held it in her free hand while taking hold of my hand with hers. She dropped her purse near the door and walked me through her house, directly to her bedroom. She left me standing in the middle of the room while she turned and opened the drawer with her large selection of sex toys. She picked out her strap-on harness and a long, thick, flesh-colored dildo. This wasn't one she'd used the night before. This one was realistic looking, complete with a large scrotum. She paused to mount that dildo on her harness before setting it aside.

I stood by passively while Marsha stripped off her clothes. When she was down to her bra and panties, she turned back to the dresser and pulled out a t-shirt. After pulling that on, she peeled off her drenched panties. She held those panties in front of my face so I couldn't help but look at how truly wet they were. Her voice was a low, almost moan, "Look what you did to me. Look how horny you made me. You deserve to spend a day and a half in your little cage. Don't you?"

I weakly whimpered, "I-I-I guess so."

Dropping her panties at my feet, she turned and stepped into her harness, pulled it into place, and tightened the straps like she'd worn it a thousand times. The large, flesh-colored dildo rose up and away from her body and almost looked like it was really hers. Wearing the t-shirt seemed to emphasize that in my mind and I wondered if she knew that would happen. Taking hold of my hand, she stepped back until she was at the bed. Sitting down, she indicated for me to kneel between her spread legs.

In a commanding tone, she said, "Young lady, suck my cock."

A shiver shot up my spine. Until that moment, giving a woman wearing a strap-on a blowjob had only been a fantasy. As I knelt between her spread legs, my eyes were locked on the realistic-looking phallus rising up from her groin. My mouth began to water and I licked my lips. Before I began, I looked up at Marsha and had planned to tell her this would be a first for me. But instead, I leaned forward and placed a kiss on the tip of her strap-on.

She grinned and moaned, "Good girl."

While maintaining eye contact, like the girls in the videos I'd seen, I wrapped my hands around her cock, leaned forward, and parted my lips. It was surreal to feel my lips stretching around the phallus, to feel her cock on my tongue, it was almost like a dream. The many videos I'd seen of girls doing that same thing became a tutorial of sorts. I began imitating actions I'd seen so many times before. Judging by Marsha's reactions determined if I repeated an action or not. It became clear very quickly that she liked to have me bob up and down on it and occasionally try to take as much as would fit in my mouth, even to the point of making myself gag.

My penis yearned to be free of its cage. It was so swollen there wasn't a spare bit of space in the tube anywhere. My hips ground in circles and the cage dangled between my legs. It was bent at such an awkward angle it was impossible to get even close to a full erection. And while I bobbed up and down on Marsha's cock, my little penis was desperate to feel that feeling of being fully erect.

Time passed at an accelerated pace while I gave Marsha that blowjob. Forty minutes went by quickly. As each minute passed, the humidity and musky scent grew down there between her thighs. When I did finally pull off, my jaw ached and I moved it around for several seconds loosening up the muscles. When Marsha helped me to my feet, I found my knees were just as sore as my jaw. We also found my excitement had leaked from my cage and left a small mess on the rug.

Marsha grinned while looking up from my mess to my face, "Looks like I know a certain young lady who enjoys giving blowjobs. You are very oral, aren't you?"

While still loosening up my jaw and knees, I giggled, "I suppose so!"

She began helping me move up onto the bed while finishing her thought, "Well, that won't be the last blowjob you give me tonight. We need to build up those jaw muscles!"

She had me lay as I normally would with my head near the headboard, but I was laying right in the middle of the giant mattress. She positioned me on my back and slipped several pillows under my lower back and bottom. This left my hips elevated off the bed. Setting my feet flat on the bed and spreading them wide apart, I was ready to be made love to in the missionary position, like a real girl!

I lay there tugging on my cage, trying to get the slightest bit of friction against my lonely penis, I never found any. Marsha moved back to her drawer of toys. With her back to me, she changed out the dildo on her harness. I was expecting to see her wearing the monster she'd used the night before. But when she turned, I found she'd picked out something very different.

The dildo she'd chosen to use was really long, even longer than my forearm. It was relatively thin, about as thick as three of my fingers squeezed together. But that thin shaft was interrupted by 3 larger ball-shaped protrusions that were the size of a ping-pong ball. There was also a ball on the end which was bigger around than the others. That one looked to be about the size of a ball used for pool. It was a light pink color and so long, it hung down almost limply from her harness.

When she let go of that dildo and let it swing between her legs, she smiled, "Sweetheart, I have a feeling you're going to enjoy this. I'm going to be able to fuck you with long, deep thrusts. And with each one, these balls are going to hit those magic places hidden deep inside of you."

What she said was most likely true, I knew that. But I had two worries: that ball on the end was big and I hadn't been loosened up. Secondly, my cage! I had a feeling deep down inside of me that this was going to be torture.

Marsha worked quickly, she didn't want to ruin the mood we'd created that afternoon. She laid out towels to contain the mess of the lubricant. She then applied a liberal amount of the silky-smooth, water-based lubricant she preferred to both the long dildo and between my cheeks. While working between my cheeks, she spent some extra time slipping a few fingers inside of me before adding another finger to help me relax down there. We didn't spend enough time, but at least it was a little.

While she fingered me, I found myself moaning softly while still tugging on my cage. Marsha grinned, "You do have a nice, tight, little ass. It's almost like it was made to be fucked."

I squirmed on the bed and writhed in frustration, "Marsha, can we please go get the key? This isn't fun anymore!"

She grinned while moving into position and lined up the dildo with my little wrinkled knot. "The next twenty-plus hours aren't about your fun, they're about mine. And I'm having the time of my life! Now pull your knees back to your chest so I can fuck you."

Defeated, I placed my hands under my knees and pulled them back until my thighs and knees rested against my stomach and chest. Marsha moved forward and I felt the big ball on the end of her dildo bump against the knot of my bottom. She used both of her hands to keep the ball from moving around while pressing against my resistant opening. She smiled the entire time while working that first ball inside of my body. She was very patient while I slowly loosened up and relaxed enough that my body began to accept what she was offering.

My poor penis was pushing against the cage, struggling to achieve an erection that simply wasn't going to happen. It made a deep ache, discomfort, and an odd tingly pain. I writhed on the bed while my bottom stretched open around the widest part of that biggest ball. I moaned while watching clear drips of my love slowly make their way along the outside of the cage trapping my unfortunate penis.

A gasp escaped my lips as my body clamped down around a thin portion of the dildo with the large ball trapped inside of my body. Marsha moaned when that ball was sucked into my body. She barely hesitated before she began feeding even more of the dildo into my hungry bottom. When that next ball down the shaft bumped against the outside of my body, I pulled my legs back even tighter against my chest while staring up at Marsha. My body offered little resistance against that ball as it slipped inside with only a little pressure.

She continued feeding more and more of the dildo into my body. And it was at this time she chose to ask, "Until now, what is the longest duration of time you've gone in your little chastity cage?"

Arching my back and writhing beneath her, I moaned, "4 or 5 hours?"

She grinned, "You've never slept in it? You've never worn it under clothes until today?"

Looking up at her staring down at me, I moaned, "No. I've only worn it around my apartment while I cleaned. And I wear it sometimes when I use my dildo on myself."

She kept grinning while pausing to press the next ball inside of me, "You've fucked yourself while wearing it? This is nothing new."

I pulled my legs back and spread them as far apart as I could. "No! This is very new! Playing with myself and being made love to by you are totally different things! This is all new to me! Especially with that thing you're putting side of me!"

She grinned, "You like it? Just wait until I start moving it around!" Her eyebrows popped up while she was saying that last sentence. After glancing down, she let go of the dildo with her hands and rested them on the backs of my thighs while pressing forward with her hips, "Last one, here it comes." She then pressed forward with even pressure until the entire length of the dildo and the last smaller ball were buried inside my body. I was left gasping and whimpering while writhing on the bed beneath her. I'm sure we were both trying to imagine how deeply that dildo was resting inside of me. I imagined it to be at the same level as my nipples!

From above, Marsha looked down at me while shifting more of her weight onto her arms, which were still pressing down onto my thighs, keeping them pressed firmly against my upper body. "Baby girl, are you ready?"

My voice cracked and sounded squeaky when I uttered, "I think so."

Marsha grinned while pulling outward, passed the first ball to the second one. She then reversed direction and pressed forward until the entire length was back inside of me. The entire time she was moving, those balls inside of me slid around pressing against magical places I didn't even know were there. My penis was aching and trying so hard to get stiff so it could stretch out and throb. Instead, the cage kept it bent over and all that happened was the cage pulled away from my body. Clear drips of my excitement continued to run down the sides of my cage onto my smooth skin.

Even with the excruciating frustration of being kept in the cage, my feelings for Marsha were soaring. She began a steady pace of pulling out just past the second ball before sliding back in. With each of her thrusts, my feeling for her became more intense. A warmth was spreading my chest to every other cell in my body.

Realizing I no longer needed to hold my legs in place with Marsha pressing down on them from above. I let go and laid my arms out straight from my sides. I squeezed the bed covers in my fists while she made love to me. When she noticed me moving my hands away, she moved her hand further up my thighs, just behind my knees, and moved even further over me. She truly was making love to me as if I were a girl.

My voice was squeaky and interrupted by my chirps each time one of the balls along her dildo passed over a seriously sensitive place, "I've always dreamed of being made love to in this position."

She grinned, "You should have told me that last night."