Walk In The Woods Ch. 02


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Todd shoved Stacie down to her knees. 'Pull out my cock and suck it cunt,' he said grabbing her by the hair.

Stacie did as she was told, feeling her stomach turning at the thought of doing anything for this horrible man. 'You make me sick,' she said in a low voice that was filled with pure hate.

'Who cares!' he laughed slapping her across the face. 'Just do it,' he ordered shoving her mouth to his growing cock. 'Suck it cunt!' he said grabbing a large handful of her hair and rammed into her mouth. 'Oh yes!' he moaned as Stacie began sucking him as hard as she could.

Stacie gave a quick look to Tammy and winked her eye, hoping her friend would be ready with the gun. She pulled him from her mouth. 'Now I'm going to do something very, very special,' she said with a big grin and looked at Tammy with wide eyes. 'And then Tammy has something hot for you. It's going to blow your balls off,' she purred as she reached up to gently caressing his hard shaft. 'You ready Tammy?' Stacie asked watching her reaching behind her body for the hidden gun.

'Yes I am.' Tammy smiled moving towards Stacie and the evil man before her. She knew at this range that she was sure to hit Todd with ease.

Stacie smiled, licked her lips as slow and sexy as she could. 'Here goes,' she whispered, opening her mouth and moved over him. She bit down with all of her might.

Todd slapped Stacie down. 'Ahhhhhhh! You bitch!' he screamed falling to the ground watching blood squirting from the sides of his cock. 'You fuckin' bitch!' he yelled swinging to hit her again.

Tammy quickly pulled the loaded gun from behind her back and had it aimed towards Todd. She squeezed the trigger just as he swung his clenched fist at Stacie.

'Bang! Bang!' the pistol rang out.

Todd's angry fist had missed Stacie causing him to fall on the ground just in time to avoid the two deadly bullets that were meant for him.

Tammy tried firing again, but the pistol jammed. She fought to clear the used shell from the chamber. She saw Todd racing towards her as she struggled with the gun.

'You bitch!' he yelled kicking her in the face, sending her flying back on the ground. He reached for the pistol that she had dropped. 'Oh yes!' he smiled as he pulled back the slide and the gun was ready to be fired once again. He ran to Stacie and jerked her up by her hair and rammed the gun in her mouth. 'Now bitch, let's see you bite this,' he laughed as fear covered her pretty face. 'Maybe I should make you suck this, and when it cums it will blow your fucking brains out!' he laughed, trying to ram the gun deep into her mouth.

Stacie trembled with fear as she looked to him and the hot barrel of the pistol in her mouth. How could she have thought of something so dumb and now she was about to pay the ultimate price because of it?

'Suck bitch!' Todd laughed out as tears ran from her eyes. 'Just think, in just a few minutes it's going to cum and you're going to go,' he laughed watching her suck the barrel of the gun.

She trembled hoping that somehow, some way, she was to be saved from this horrible man.


'I know this is where we left them.' John said looking around. That's when he saw something. 'I knew it,' he added walking to look under a bush and pulled out five backpacks.

Candy squatted down next to John as he quickly looked through his pack. 'Anything missing?' she asked looking to see a look of worry on his face.

'No,' he replied standing to look around. 'Tammy knows to leave some kind of sign or a clue,' he said thinking of all the things she had been taught.

'Look!' Candy said with excitement. 'Think this is it?' she asked feeling proud of herself for seeing the arrow made of rocks pointing back down the trail.

John gave her a loving pat on her ass. 'Good girl,' he smiled leaning to kiss her.

'Bang! Bang!'

'What was that?' she said jumping into John's arms, knowing she would be safe.

John knew what it was. It was his pistol sending someone to their grave or a signal for help. 'It was my pistol,' he replied in a cold voice. 'We need to go,' and he ran in the direction of Tammy's small rock arrow.

Candy ran after him, hoping that none of their new friends had been hurt or killed. Then it came to her, what if Todd had the pistol? The man she loved was racing full speed towards the shots, not knowing who had the gun or what was going on. Candy ran as fast as her legs would carry her. She needed to be by her man.

All John could think of was Tammy. He should have never left her on her own and now all he could do was pray that she was okay. He ran hard, as fast as he could go back down the trail. Once at the cliffs, he stopped panting for air as he looked to see that more rock had been pushed from the cliffs above.

Candy caught up with him. 'Think Todd did this?' she asked trying to catch her breath. She watched John looking all around the area until something caught his eye. He waved to her and she ran to him as fast as she could. 'What is it?' she asked looking to see a small path going between a bush and a large rock.

'From here on out no talking,' he whispered. 'You stay behind me and keep as low as you can,' he softly said. 'If you hear anything... hit the ground!' he added pointing to her scared face and he gave her a soft kiss before starting up the trail.

Todd watched Stacie sucking the barrel of the gun and thought of being deep in her pussy. 'Well, I guess we don't get to see the gun cumming in this pretty mouth of yours,' he smiled pulling it from her mouth. 'I think I'd rather fuck you.' Todd said, looking over her and he pushed her to the ground. 'Strip!' he ordered watching her pull off her blouse and small shorts. 'Oh yeah!' he moaned dropping to his knees giving his hunting knife a hard push, driving it into the ground next to him. 'Spread 'em baby,' he snarled, pushing her long legs apart and moved between them.

'Please be easy.' Stacie begged as he moved over her. She felt as if se were going to die. She had been raped as a young girl and now it was happening again. Something began to stir in her brain, anger racing through her body. She pulled back her feet. 'No!' Stacie screamed out, kicking Todd off her body. She dove for the gun, but he was on her too fast.

He took the gun from her hand and pointed it to Ray. 'You really fucked up,' he laughed and squeezed the cold trigger of the pistol.

'Bang!' the pistol rang out sending a speeding bullet deep into Ray's back.

'No!' Stacie screamed out as she dove on Todd. 'You fucker! You fucker! You fucker!' she screamed as her fists pounded his head and face. 'I'll kill you!' she screamed out lashing her anger on Todd.

He laughed pulling back his fist and knocked her out cold. 'Stupid cunt!' he yelled, wiping blood from his mouth. 'Now you're going to die,' he said in a cold voice prying her legs apart. 'Let's see how this feels,' he laughed moving the gun towards her most special place.

A mighty fist slammed into the back of Todd's head with a force that knocked him out cold. John rushed to check Stacie. 'You look at Ray and Bill.' John yelled to Candy. 'See where he's hit and how bad he's bleeding,' he added seeing that Stacie had just been knocked out so he rushed to Tammy. 'Hey baby,' he smiled when her pretty eyes opened.

'I was beginning to wonder if you were going to join the fun.' Tammy laughed moving her hand to her face. 'The fucker kicked me,' she moaned as John helped her sit up. Tammy saw something from the corner of her eye. 'He's moving Daddy,' she said.

'Not for long!' John said as he stood and saw Kim lying on the ground. He walked towards Todd, stopped to pick up his pistol and continued on. 'I hope you're ready to find out what pain is.' John said drawing back his foot to kick.

Todd jumped up before John could catch his balance. 'I hope you're ready to hurt, old man.' Todd laughed, driving the long, cold blade of his hunting knife deep into John's belly.

'No! No!' Tammy screamed running towards John as fast as she could. 'You fucker!' she screamed towards Todd, but he just sat laughing at her. Tammy fell at his side as Candy also raced to him with tears running down her face. 'Daddy. You okay?' Tammy asked slowly sliding the pistol from his belt.

Todd moved back over Stacie and was ready to enter her, when a foot kicked him in the ass. He turned to see Tammy and Candy glaring down at him. Todd stood up. 'You two cunts want me to kill you?' he asked looking to John, wondering how fast he could get to the gun when he noticed it was gone. 'You best give me that gun.' Todd said walking towards Tammy. 'If you don't, I'll just make sure you hurt real bad,' he laughed reaching towards her.

'Bang!' Todd fell down.

He grabbed his shoulder. 'You bitch!' he screamed out in pain.

'Bang!' another shot rang out; sending a bullet tearing into Todd's other shoulder.

'Bitch!' he screamed and somehow made it to his feel. 'I'm going to beat you to death!' he yelled moving towards Tammy.

'Bang!' the shot rang out as smoke came from the barrel of the gun.

Todd quickly fell to the ground, trying to stop the blood pouring from what used to be his left knee. 'You fucking whore!' he yelled watching Tammy moving towards him. 'You don't have the guts!' he yelled when she placed the pistol to his temple.

She just looked to Candy and smiled. 'Oh really?' Tammy laughed as her finger squeezed.

'Bang!' one last shot rang out.


Tammy held Ray as he slowly walked towards the hospital sunroom. 'Just think, tomorrow I'll be helping you out the door and to my hotel room,' she said in a lusty voice. 'I'm going to fuck you so hard, I'll have to bring you back here,' she said with a laugh.

'Alright you two!' Bill laughed as he sat next to Stacie. 'We already know what you guys are talking about,' he laughed again thinking of the fun that he and Stacie had shared only an hour ago.

'We haven't been as lucky as you guys.' Ray replied thinking of all the fun that he and Tammy were going to have. 'I haven't had this hot little thing since that last night at the camp,' he added seeing tears running down Stacie's face.

She wiped her face. 'Let's not talk about that, okay?' she said thinking of her friends and all the horrible things that happened that last day.

Ray felt bad that he made Stacie sad again. It had taken them two weeks to get her over that day. 'I'm sorry,' he said moving next to her. 'Come on, that's all in the past,' he added thinking of a good friend that had left them.

'I know, but it's so hard.' Stacie replied. She reached to caress his face and asked. 'How are you today?'

Ray smiled. 'I'm doing fine, thank you,' he replied as he felt Stacie's arm move around him. 'I'm bustin' out of her in the morning,' he said in a make believe gangster voice. 'Are you up for driving the getaway car for me toots?' he asked with a straight face.

'Sure boss,' she replied in a thirties sounding voice trying not to laugh at him. 'Where you going to go, boss?' she asked in the high pitched voice looking to him and could hear Tammy and Bill laughed at them.

'The nearest hotel,' he said in a cool voice. 'I'm so fucking horny I feel like my balls are going to blow off,' he laughed and they all joined in.

'Jesus H Christ!' someone yelled from just inside the door. 'Don't you people know you're in a hospital?'

Tammy smiled and quickly walked to the door to help. 'Yes, we know, silly,' she smiled hugging him against her body. 'How you today?' she asked looking up to his handsome face and then she leaned to give Candy a kiss. 'Is he?' Tammy asked seeing a smile on Candy's pretty face.

'Yes!' Candy replied with joy. 'He gets to leave in the morning with Ray and Stacie,' she said hugging John in her arms.

'Oh great!' Tammy said with joy. 'We'll all have dinner together and then fuck each other to death!' she laughed looking to the others' as they nodded to agree with her.

'I stopped taking the pill.' Candy smiled up to John. 'Is that okay with you?' she asked in a little girl voice as her pretty eyes sparkled.

'Hey sugar.' John said to Tammy. 'Will you mind having a little baby brother or sister?' he asked with pride in his voice.

Tammy hugged Candy in her arms. 'I think that will be great!' she replied to the woman that had captured his heart.

Well, that's all. I'm sure I'll be hearing things like, you should have made them have a baby.

You should have made the Dad get Tammy, he got Candy and she's hot.

Make up want you want. Let your mind make up the rest of it.

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calibammacalibammaabout 5 years ago
Trader Tammy

I guess I’m more into the literal characters. Therefore I think that trader Tammy will just have to make do with that weak broke up Ray if I were her father. For her betrayal she would ever have to wonder what it would be like making her statement about being incomplete without screwing her dad true.

R47xxyR47xxyabout 7 years ago

You really need to finish this story. While my imagination is good, I'd rather have you complete the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is a great story. And I get it that we, the reader, get to make up what happens from here on. Marriage, children, does Tammy move to California and have seven kids, will Stacy make a man out of Bill? I get all of that. Does John marry Candy and have a bunch of kids, does Tammy get together with her Daddy once in a while? But you left Kim tied up, beaten to a pulp, and anally raped. You really need to give us a better epilogue than this. You want to know how you did? Great until the last paragraph or two. Here you screwed the pooch, fucked the dog, however you want to say it. You talk about wanting to tell at least as much or more story as sex, well, you've missed the mark. The one character here who has needed the most, suffered the most, and paid the highest price for a hiking trip is totally left hanging and you tell the reader to make it up ourselves. Did she live, die, did they bury her, did they take care of her? Tell the goddamn story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
why you will never be a great author

yu start a great story and then write a half assed ending that goes against the entire plot of the story. It became a disjointed story that had no direction and ended on a whimper with a a/n that was more copout then literary imagination of the thee readers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

you did not finish with what happened to kim

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