Walker Family Incest Ch. 03


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As my daughter and I step into the brilliant sunshine, I say to her "That lady did a really great job! It looks like we are fully dressed, but we are not! We are totally nude!"

I immediately get on my cellular phone and call my son. I do not tell him about our body painting, then instruct him to meet us near the corner of "Broadway" and "First" in five minutes.

Krissy and I decide to get a cup of coffee, so we take a seat at an outdoor table in front of "Café Espresso." Within a few seconds, a pretty girl about twenty years old walks over to us and asks if we would like a menu. We tell her that we just want two cups of coffee with sugar and cream while she glances back and forth between Krissy and myself.

Suddenly, she says "Oh gosh! You two are not wearing any clothes! I did not even notice until I got right up close to you!"

We tell her that we got the "paint job" at "Nails Xcetera" the next block down, and if you want one at a discount, just say the two blonds told you about their store. She takes one more look at Krissy and I, then goes into the coffee shop to fill our order.

After just a couple of minutes, I see my son a block away walking down the sidewalk towards my daughter and I.

When he gets about twenty feet away, he says "You and Krissy look great in your new clothes!"

When he gets about three feet away from me, he stops dead in his tracks and looks me up and down for a few seconds, then looks over at his sister.

Suddenly, he blurts out "Jesus Christ Mom! You and Krissy are completely naked right in the middle of town!"

Krissy and I immediately start laughing as Tommy looks around to see if anyone is paying any attention to us. He does not notice anything out of the ordinary, so after a couple of seconds he sits down at our table and relaxes.

Just then, the waitress returns and places the two coffees and two glazed donuts on the table.

She says "I'm sorry I took so long! I called the "Nails Xcetera", and because you told me about their store, I get fifty percent off their body painting! I am going over on my lunch hour to get a bikini put on me, then I am going to work the rest of the afternoon topless!"

The three of us spend the next ten minutes having casual conversation as it gets closer to the noon hour. The sidewalk is now full of people walking back and forth, and the streets are filled with cars carrying people to restaurants.

I tell Tommy that Krissy and I are going to walk around naked for a while and he is to follow behind us about twenty feet and take video of us. I leave the waitress a generous tip, then Krissy and I hold hands, and start walking from store to store looking in their display windows.

When we are right in front of a women's clothing store, I see a female police officer walking towards us. She looks really cute in her uniform! Her long black hair is pulled back in a "pony tail", and it appears she has a nice pair of tits under that "bullet proof" vest she is wearing. As she walks by Krissy and I, we smile and wave to her. She takes a few more steps, then stops and turns around.

She says "Excuse me ladies! You must be the two I was told to be on the lookout for! Please step inside this women's clothing store and purchase something that will cover you up, then I will escort you to the jail so you can explain to the judge why you are walking around nude in public!"

I immediately open the door of the clothing store and hold it for Krissy and the police officer.

After the three of us get inside, the police officer says "If you have clothing in your purse, then go directly to the changing room and get dressed, otherwise I will select something for you to wear!"

My daughter and I immediately head for the changing area, then enter the biggest room and start putting our dresses back on. My daughter is really worried about being arrested, but I have been in this situation before, and found a way out of it!

Suddenly, an idea comes to me, so I tell Krissy to remain naked and stand in the corner of the room while I tell the police officer that I need help with a button on my dress.

I raise the volume of my voice a little bit and say "Miss Police Officer! I am having a difficult time getting my dress buttoned up! Please come inside the changing room to help me!"

Immediately, the door to the dressing room opens and the police officer steps in.

She stands about a foot away from me and looks me directly in the eyes while she says "I know that you are probably having fun today walking around naked, but I have to uphold the law and take you in for booking."

This is the first time I get a chance to get a good look at her and she is fucking beautiful! She must be about twenty five years old, and could be a professional model if she had not decided to be a police officer.

I ask her if their is anything that I could possibly do for her to change her mind about arresting my daughter and I, then gently grasp her wrists and guide her hands to my naked breasts. She responds by slowly squeezing them for a few seconds, then we put our arms around each other and start passionately kissing. After a few seconds, I push her away from me then feverishly start taking off her uniform! Krissy jumps in and helps yanking her clothes off! Within a few seconds, we have the beautiful police officer completely naked!

I force her down to floor and bury my face into her smooth shaved pussy. Jesus Christ she tastes good! Krissy immediately gets down to her knees then lifts her leg over the police officer's face and sits down.

The police officer starts moaning loudly while she licks Krissy's pussy and squeezes her ass cheeks. Meanwhile, I have my arms extended and gently pinch her hard nipples while I feverishly continue to flick my tongue up and down her pussy lips. After a few minutes, the police officer raises her hips off the floor, and begins thrusting her pussy harder against my face. Suddenly, she moans really loud, then lays silently on the floor.

Krissy and I immediately get back on our feet, put our dresses on, then run out of the store! After we run about half a block, we slow down and look behind us to see if anybody is following us. We immediately start laughing when we see my son Tommy is right behind us, and he is still taking video!

Krissy says "Mom, this body paint is making me itch! Let's go over to the YMCA and take that solvent the lady gave us to remove this paint. Besides, I like being nude better that having this paint all over me!"

Thirty minutes later, Krissy and I have removed all the body paint, put our dresses back on, and the three of us are walking through the downtown area.

Suddenly, my son says "Hey Mom, look!"

He points over at a sign in front of an old movie theater that says "Adult Amateur Hour Everyday at Noon", then begs me for us to go inside. I pay for three adults at the outside ticket booth, then Tommy pulls the heavy door open for Krissy and I to enter the building.

The movie theater lobby has a big, well lighted concession area, so Tommy gets a "hot dog" and some candy, then we open the door to the theater and take our seats in the front row. The theater is dark and it takes my eyes a couple of minutes to make the adjustment. While waiting for the show to begin, I look around behind me and see about fifty or sixty people sitting in the audience. Suddenly, a soft ray of light shoots across the stage and a nicely dressed man in a tuxedo introduces himself as the host of the show.

He says "Hello everyone and welcome to amateur hour! Please give a hearty welcome to the wildest, tallest, strongest and most beautiful woman in the world! Here is Amanda the Amazon!"

Suddenly, a beam of light shines on a tall, shapely woman about thirty years old, dressed in a black leather bikini. She is fucking awesome looking! Her straight black hair hangs down almost to her waist and her huge tits are bulging out the sides of her bikini top! When she walks in her black "high heel" shoes, you can see every muscle in her body flexing!

She abruptly takes the microphone away from the announcer and says to the crowd "I need a beautiful young girl from the audience to come on stage with me, and I will give her an orgasm she will never forget! Don't be shy ladies! If there is a beautiful young girl in the audience that wants me to bring her to an orgasm in less than three minutes, then please stand up!"

Amanda scans the audience, then looks directly at Krissy and says "Hello young lady! You are obviously the youngest and best looking female in the audience! I want you to be my next victim!"

Krissy looks over at me and says "Mom, is it alright with you if I go up on the stage with Amanda?"

I reply to her "If she had picked me, I would go up there with her! Now, stand up and tell Amanda you accept her request!"

As Krissy gets to her feet, the audience applauds while Amanda's two naked female assistants step down from the stage to escort her. The assistants lead Krissy over to the middle of the stage, then immediately unbutton her dress and slowly pull it down off her shoulders. The audience goes wild and applauds as a spotlight shines on my daughter's beautiful naked body.

Amanda hands the microphone back to the announcer, then walks over in front of Krissy begins running her hands all over her naked body. After about thirty seconds, Amanda puts her arms around Krissy's waist, pulls her close and begins kissing her. Krissy responds by moving her hands around Amanda's back and slides them underneath her bikini bottoms. She grabs Amanda's ass cheeks and begins squeezing them. The audience applauds for Krissy's aggressive participation then it becomes silent once again. After they kiss for a while, Amanda turns around, and tells Krissy to release the clasp of her black leather bikini top.

When Krissy pulls it apart, it pops out of her hands and Amanda's huge breasts spring outward. Then, Krissy pushes her bikini bottoms down to her ankles and she steps out of them. Amanda turns to face the audience and raises her arms over her head revealing the most beautiful, muscular naked female body I think I have ever seen in my life! The audience goes fucking crazy, standing on their feet and applauding while Amanda keeps her hands over her head and turns around to show off her perfect, round ass.

After a few seconds, Amanda shouts to her assistants "Bring out the table!"

The two naked girls roll out a padded leather table with secure straps for wrists and ankles. They help Krissy onto the table, then she lies down flat on her back while the assistants buckle the leather straps around her wrists and ankles. The two girls spend the next minute running their hands all over Krissy's naked body, then Amanda tells them to get away from her and turns around to look at the audience.

Amanda opens her mouth and we can see her tongue slowly moving out of it. The whole audience is amazed as her tongue keeps coming out further and further! Jesus Christ, her tongue must be six or seven inches long! Amanda starts flicking it in and out of her mouth, then slowly licks her eyebrows! I have never seen anything like this in my entire life!

Amanda then turns around, and motions for her two naked assistants to push the table closer to the audience so the full length of Krissy's naked body is visible to them. She steps between Krissy's legs, then suddenly buries her face in her pussy.

Krissy screams "Oh my God! Oh my God!" as Amanda shoots her tongue inside her pussy and flicks it around inside. Krissy starts bucking her hips up and down as Amanda ratchets her tongue inside her pussy over and over again.

The audience gets on their feet and applauds as Amanda grabs my daughter's ass cheeks and forces her face even harder against her pussy.

Krissy is moaning loudly and screaming for the next two minutes, then suddenly, she becomes limp and silent.

Amanda releases her grip from my daughter's ass cheeks and stands up straight. She raises her hands in the air and the audience gets on their feet and gives her a thunderous applause. She blows a kiss them, then walks backstage with her assistants pushing Krissy on the table with them. A few minutes later, Krissy is fully dressed and is back in her seat next to Tommy and myself.

She tells us over and over how awesome it was being naked on stage while everyone in the audience watches her have an orgasm.

Then she says "The next thing I want to do is get fucked by a man with a monster cock while everyone cheers for us!"

Suddenly, the theater lights dim slightly and the announcer walks out on the stage.

He says into the microphone "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you the tallest, strongest man in the world, Jerome the Giant!"

The curtains open and a spotlight shines on the tallest, and most handsome black man I have ever seen in person! He must be at least seven feet tall, and is three hundred pounds of pure muscle! He is wearing just a pair of black satin shorts, and does a few "body builder" poses for the audience. We all applaud briefly, then the two naked white girls from the first act, appear on stage. They walk over in front of Jerome, then get down on their knees.

Suddenly, then reach up, grab Jerome's shorts and pull them down to his ankles. The audience gasps as his huge cock springs outward. Jesus Christ, that is the biggest cock I have ever seen in my life! It must be twelve inches long, and it is not even hard yet! Jerome steps out of his shorts, then the two girls put all four of their hands on his cock and start jacking it back and forth. Within a few seconds, it is fully inflated and sticking straight out from his body.

The announcer says to the audience "We need a beautiful female volunteer to come on stage and see if they can fit this monster cock into their tight little pussy! If you can get it half way in, I will give you one hundred dollars! If you can take the whole thing, I will double that amount and give you two hundred dollars cash!"

He continues "If there are any beautiful, slender women in the audience that would like to be his next victim, then please stand up!"

Krissy immediately jumps up from her seat, but I grab her arm and pull her back down.

I say to her "Oh know you don't you little slut! It's my turn now!"

I stand up, then look around the audience. There are six or seven other beautiful women standing also, so my chances of getting selected just got very slim. The announcer points to a gorgeous, young white girl with long black hair and tells her to come up on stage. She takes a couple of steps, then the man next to her grabs her arm and pulls her back to her seat.

Everyone in the audience hears him say "Jesus Christ Natalie, we just got married last month!"

The whole theater erupts with laughter for a few moments, then the announcer points at me.

I make my way over to the stage, and the two naked girls escort me to the middle of it. They unbutton my dress, then stand on either side of me while they slowly pull it down off my shoulders to reveal my naked body. The audience gasps at my beauty, and I can hear several guys whistling at me.

The announcer looks over at me and says "Ladies and gentlemen, I have seen hundreds of naked women over the years, but this lady has one of the best bodies to ever grace this stage!"

The two girls gently grasp my wrists and hold my arms over my head while a heavy chain is being lowered from the ceiling. When the chain is down far enough, the two girls fasten some padded, leather straps around my wrists, then the chain starts going back up.

After my feet are about two feet off the stage floor, the two girls stand on either side of me and bend over to grasp my ankles. They gently pull my legs apart so my pussy is completely exposed with my clit poking out. The girls turn me sideways to the audience, then Jerome steps in front of me, grasps his cock and moves it up and down my pussy lips a few times.

I look down at his monster, and have serious doubts whether my tight, little pussy will stretch enough to let in a cock the size of a baseball bat. Jerome positions his cock at my pussy entrance, then places his big hands on my hips and slowly pulls me towards him. I can feel his cock pushing my pussy lips apart, then the head of it pops inside me. I am getting hornier by the second and anxious for him to get it further inside me. I continue to look down between my legs and watch as more and more of his cock disappears. When he gets it about half way in, he looks over at the announcer and nods his head.

The announcer says to the audience "Ladies and gentlemen, this beautiful lady has just made herself one hundred dollars!"

Then he looks over at me and says into the microphone "You can quit now and take the hundred dollars, or let Jerome see if he can get his monster in you all the way!" I tell him that I am going for the two hundred dollar prize, then the audience stands on their feet and applauds.

After it becomes quiet again, Jerome backs his cock out a little bit then slowly pulls me towards him again. It slides inside me more easily this time, and when he has about two inches left, he stops and shakes his head at the announcer.

The announcer brings the microphone up to his mouth to say I have lost, so I tell Jerome to try one more time. He backs his cock almost all the way out, then pushes it back in again. I watch between my legs as eight inches go in, then ten inches, then twelve inches. I did it!

Jerome nods his head at the announcer and he tells the audience I just one two hundred dollars!

Jerome starts withdrawing his monster from my pussy, so I yell at the announcer "Give me another hundred and I will let Jerome fuck me and ejaculate on my face!"

The announcer quickly says "Lady, you got yourself three hundred dollars!"

The chain holding me off the floor starts lowering, so I wrap my legs around Jerome's waist, and he grabs my ass cheeks. When the two girls release the leather straps from my wrists, I put my arms around Jerome's neck, and he starts bouncing me up and down on his cock.

He walks around the stage for a minute while he is fucking the hell out of me, then he goes over to the edge of the stage and steps down into the audience. He walks slowly up the aisle to the entrance doors, then releases one of my ass cheeks, and pushes the door open. There are about ten or twenty people at the concession stand, and they immediately look over in our direction. I smile and wave to them, then Jerome pushes open the opposite aisle door and walks back in the dark theater.

He slowly walks down the aisle while I continue to pull on the back of his neck to lift me up, then drop back down on his hard cock. When we get to the stage, he steps up and walks to the middle of it.

He turns us sideways to the audience, reaches behind him and pushes my legs down so they are dangling in the air below me. Then he leans back a little bit, reaches behind his neck, grabs my wrists and moves my arms so they are along my sides. When he lets go of my wrists, the audiences gets on their feet and the theater erupts with a thunderous applause.

The announcer quickly says "Ladies and gentlemen, the only thing holding this beautiful woman off the floor is the Giant's huge cock!"

Jerome keeps me impaled on his cock for the few seconds, then bends his knees until I can touch the floor. He pulls his cock out of me and starts feverishly jacking it, so I get on my knees in front of him. Seconds later a huge gush of sperm sprays me in the face. It is like a fucking garden hose! It splashes all over my lips, nose, eyes, and even splatters all over my hair! He must have had a quart of sperm inside him!

Once again the audience is on their feet clapping their hands together and whistling at the performance they just saw.