Walking the Line

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There's a thin line between love and hate.
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It can often be said that there is a thin line between love and hate. Many of us walk this line every day. Friends, family and co-workers, "I can't believe I once liked that guy". "Shit dude" you're a fucking asshole. My personal favorite is" I fucking hate the bitch".

Then there are those that are always telling you about the human condition or how you need to stop being so hateful. They are the ones that talk about, showing your humanity. Me, I just worry about my condition and that of my family.

It's good to have friends but be realistic. Friends you can only be trust so far. And in my case, not all family or friends had my back. This was a hard lesson that I learned firsthand. The good thing in all this was, I found out who my real family and friends are.

My name is Pace Jensen. I'm 29 years old, ex football play and an avid runner. I am married to Amy. She is a hot little momma with the attitude to match. But the best thing in my life is that I'm a father of three little boys.

Amy and I had been married for about seven years at the time of our downfall. The reason we had kids so fast and often was I couldn't get enough of my wife. I lived and breathed Amy. That's where I believe was my downfall begun. We took our vows it was the day after our college graduation. We both graduated from UMASS. Amy majored in secondary education and I majored in management information systems.

Amy landed a job at one of the elite private schools in Dallas and I worked for Empire Funding. We had a pretty good start out in life.

During our marriage, there were ups and downs like most marriage but nothing major. I think our first fight was when I wanted to buy a 1968 Shelby Cobra GT 500. It was a two door fastback with a 302 cu in (4.9 L) V8 (GT350). To top it off, was candy apple red with two white stripes down the middle.

Unlike some people I know, I could afford a $100,000 dollar car, but I do love classic ones.

Anyway, like I said Amy and I had a great life. We lived pretty close to my family, which I thought was a good thing. My mom and dad were in their 50's and I also had a younger brother named Rob. Rob was 17 and attended the same high school that Amy taught in. In fact, she taught one of his classes.

I think Rob was an "opps" baby because he was 12 years younger than me. Rob and I were as close as you can be to a little brother that is 12 years younger than you. When anything happened or when Rob needed something, I was the one expected to make the sacrifice. That was how my family lived. It was our motto, "you need to need to man up and deal with it". Be the hero son, just let your little brother have it, you'll come out better in the long run. My father said that so much, it got to the point where I would just walk away.

Another good thing in my life was my best friend, Jeffery Parks. He was the brother that I wish I had. We had been best buds since the third grade. And if anyone knew how I felt, he did. Jeff was an attorney and I expected him to cover my back in all legal matters.

anyway, last Monday, when I got home Amy told me she had taken the boys over to her sister's house. It was four doors down. When she told me that, I figured that she wanted some alone time if you know what I mean. But she said she wanted to tell me something.

I didn't think life could get any better, but then Amy said she was pregnant. I wanted to know when the baby was due so we could start buying thing before the baby got here. I think I was as happy as a man could be. "Hell", I just hoped this one would be a little girl so I could spoil her to death. But for some reason Amy was a little out of it and had this far away look on her face. I asked her what was wrong.

Pace, it's not your child. Amy said it so softly I didn't catch it.

"What going on Hon", why are you so down.

Pace, I love you, but I'm not having any more of your kids said Amy.

I was a little taken back and asked her why.

Amy you always said you wanted a big family, so why the sudden change?

Pace, hummmm, Lord this is going to be hard. Then Amy started walking around like whatever she going to say would be life changing.

Amy, I love you no matter what, so just tell me how you feel right now, just say it.

Then she stopped pulled out her phone, hit speed dial. "Can you come over here please?" Whomever she was talking, it sounded like they knew more about this than I did.

"Amy", who was that and what in the hell is going on!

Amy said, "just hold on Pace", I need help in getting my words through to you. I don't want to mess up what I have to say. I asked her who was coming over and what it was that she just couldn't tell me without help. Hell, if you can't tell your husband who else in the hell else could you tell.

All kinds of things went through my head, none of them good but what was coming next blew me away.

Two minutes later, The doorbell rang.

Amy answered it and when She came back; she was being followed by my mom, my dad and my 17-year brother Rob.

Okay Amy, what the fuck is going on?

Pace, ummmmm Pace, shit how I can say this without hurting you said Amy.

Rob just interjected. "Look Pace, Amy is love with me, that's what she wants to say, mom and dad are here to back us up said Rob. Look bro, shit happens. We didn't mean to fall in love but we did, the kid she is carrying is mine and we need you to get on board with this. Amy and I are going to be a family whether you like it or not."

I started laughing like this is some kind joke, right, it had to be.

I said look Amy, what is that you want to tell me. No one was laughing. I looked back at Amy she was looking at her feet.

Amy, please look at me and tell me this is not true?

Tell me you're not this fucking stupid.

My dad said "Son I know this is hard but what's done is done. I know you're hurting right now but Rob is your brother and so how we have to find a way to pull through this. We know it asking a lot but sacrifices have to be made."

I asked my mom was she a part of this? She said, "Son, I love both of my boys. I don't want this to tear our family apart. You have to find a way to live with this. We're all family; you have to be the hero in this. You need to find it in your heart to not be angry and do the right thing."

I couldn't believe they were asking me to just set aside my life for a snot nosed little prick, because I was older. At that moment, I mean and the exact moment, I started hating them all. I mean with a passion.

The fine line between love and had been broken.

The question is how much hate could I man have toward my family? The very family that was betraying me from all sides, my wife, brother and what kind of parent would go along with this travesty.

Little did I know it was only going to get worse?

I couldn't stand it anymore. I turned and walked out with Amy and mom in tow. Amy was being pulled back by Rob and my dad was called my mom.

I walked the four houses down to get my kids.

I was met at her sister's house by a Deputy Sheriff. For a moment I that Amy's sister Rachel was in on it to but she looked as shocked as I did. The Deputy Sheriff told me that I was forbidden from see my kids till the courts could decide custody. I looked back and Amy, the hate was growing more and more as each second passed.

I asked the Sheriff if I was allowed back in my own house. He asked whose name was on the mortgage. I said mine and mine alone. Since there wasn't any order barring me from my house, I turned to go home. As I walking past my dad, he grabbed my arm.

"Pace", listen son please don't do anything you'll regret later said my dad. We all need to sit down and talk this out like adults.

I looked at him and said don't you ever call me "fucking son" again. No get your fucking hand of me or you'll live to regret it.

Now leave me alone all you back stabbing bitches!

I looked at Amy and told her, if I were you I'd get a lawyer and a good one. Because believe me you going to need it. Enjoy the kids while you can whore, now get the fuck of my property slut and take these assholes with you.

Before I could take another step, Rob took a shot at me. He caught me on the right side of my face. Before I could swing back my dad grabbed me and Rob hit me again. I was lucky that Rob hits like a bitch, otherwise I would have been hurt.

The Sheriff, jumped off the porch, ran and tackled Rob. I broke free from my dad and punched him in the mouth. He fell to the ground and the look on his face was utter shock. He would never believe that Pace, the sensible child would get so pissed.

When fight was over, Rob and his dad were arrested for assault. But little did I know the best was yet to come. A couple of days later, I was call by the Assistant DA and asked to give a statement. While giving my statement, I just happen to mention that it all started because my 29 year old wife of seven years was pregnant by 17-year old brother. I also told the ADA that he was starting the 12th grade, at the same school Amy taught in. The ADA seemed to take some interest in that tiny bid of information.

Two days later I went to see the one person whom I could depend on, Jeffery Parks, attorney at law. I arrived at his office in good spirits. It turned out to be another trip in the betrayal on the Pace Jensen freeway. While waiting on him to finish, he walked out with his new client. Amy looked over, saw me and smirked. I looked at Jeff and said really Jeff you would do this to me. Jeffery Parks turned and walked away. That's how everything was set up so fast, Jeff was their inside man. He knew how I would react and cut me off at the knees. I never thought her would do something like this, I will always wonder why he choose to take her chase, but then you know what? Who gives a fuck about his reasons, because once he said yes, he no longer existed to me. "Fuck'em"!

I had to laughed again but there was a difference, it was just another reason to keep on crossing the line. I was becoming a different person: hate can do that to you. . I went to a lawyer of a different kind, Stevie Krast. Stevie was known as the scum of the earth. His motto was, "if you got the money go for it". He was about to close his office when I found him. I asked him if he want a case that would soon have national exposure. He saw dollar signs, unlocked his door and we went in. I wrote him a check for $10,000 dollars. I told him he would have to bail me out sooner or later. He told me he couldn't be a party to anything illegal. I told him what I had planned. He laughed so hard, he spit his gum out.

I went home, when I got there a Deputy sitting in the drive way. He stepped out of his car and asked who I was. I showed him my ID. He gave me an envelope and told me," You've been served!"

I went in the house and threw the papers in the trash; I didn't even look at them. Next I made a few calls, got something to eat and went to bed. Tomorrow would be a new day.

After a good night sleep, I brushed my teeth, used some mouth wash, and combed my hair. After all I had to look my best.

Soon as I step out the door to get the newspaper, "BLAM" they were on me.

"Mr. Jensen" is it true your wife is a teacher and is pregnant by your underage brother asked one reporter. Then another asked what school she teaches at, another asked why she still on the streets? I said I don't know you have to as the ADA that one. From that moment life became hell for everyone involved in this sad case. Reporters were staked outside Amy's school, my parent's house, Jeff's office and Amy's sister's house. Jeff loved publicity, but not this kind. When Amy and my former parents first approached Jeff, he was under the impression that Rob was at least 18, not 17.

Next thing pissed off Jeff even more. It was when his office was picketed by a family right advocates group. One of the protesters threw cow's piss on him.

The next morning I appeared on Nancy Grace, she called Amy everything but a child of GOD. If any of you watch Nancy Grace's tv show, you know once she gets hold of a story, she's like a dog with a bone. From the first moment, till the end of the story, Nancy and her reports were all over Amy and her merry band of fuck ups.

"Hello everybody", a child molester is running free on our streets, and pregnant by a young impressionable young man and where is the DA yelled Nancy. I recorded the show, I looked rather dapper is I say so myself. But the camera does add ten pounds.

Two days later Amy was arrested for sex with a minor, breaking the public trust and rape. Rob was removed from my parent's custody and went to a juvenile facility. Eventually he and my parents learned he had to stay there until he turned 18.

A month later, I was sitting the court room opposite of Amy and my ex-family. She was being represented by "the asshole" that use to be my friend. The only one who I felt sorry for was my mom. She just sat there with a sad look, it was heart breaking but then so is life.

Over the last month, Amy and Mrs. Jensen called me hundreds of times asking if I would sit down and talk to them before it got too far I asked Amy one question, did you sit and talk to me be for you fucked my brother?

She didn't answer, so there was no need to talk.

After Amy was arrested, my kids were returned to me. In a quick custody hearing Judge awarded me full custody; child support and the home that was in my name already. As the criminal trial approached, I was set to testify. I wanted to make sure that whore served a long time in prison, but it wasn't to be.

Amy never went to trial; she took a plea bargain and got 3 ½ years. In her statement at sentencing, she begged for my forgiveness. I almost felt sorry for her. Her life was in ruins. Her teaching career was over and worse or best of all, she would have to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life.

It's been four years since then; I took the kids and moved 2000 miles away. Were a seven member family now, my three sons and Amy's 2 little girls, we're like a smaller version of the Brady Bunch.

I know, I know, the BTB crowd, are going to call me a wimp. And you know what? They would be fucking wrong. Do you think I'm stupid enough to stay with any whore that would fuck my ex-little brother? FUCK NO, my wife's name is spelled Aimee. I met her four months after we moved. Aimee is a motor cycle cop, the day she gave me a ticket changed my life. When she walked back to her motor cycle, it took just one look at her ass and I knew she would be my next wife. It took some begging, but once I got her in bed it was the greatest day in my life. Did I mention, she has her own hand cuffs? I love her to death, but it took her a long time to break through my hate. Aimee dealt with a lot of shit over the years, and she has dished out just as much. She's just like me, she doesn't trust shit. She checks on me just like I check on her and you know what it works for us. But you know what I like best about her, she can do the neat little trick with her, "shit Aimee!" Come Boo, just 5 more minutes so I can tell them about the thing you do with your...Good Night Literotica...Bye now...xxxooo luv Aimee.

I know I'm just a big softy. This one was foryou FD45, no one got killed and no property or pets were harmed in the writing of this story. Also there was something in there for my favorite author can you guess who? And thanks to my editor.

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lujon2019lujon20193 months ago

Amy's 2 little girls, we're like a smaller version of the Brady Bunch.


I know, I know, the BTB crowd, are going to call me a wimp. And you know what? They would be fucking wrong. Do you think I'm stupid enough to stay with any whore that would fuck my ex-little brother? FUCK NO, my wife's name is spelled Aimee















Are you sure about that?

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

He probably owns the only Mustang GT500 with a 303 engine vs. the standard 428. the GT 350 had a 302 engine

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 2 years ago

I know the BTB crowd was happy. This story slashed through and burned many details. The baby? Texas age of consent is 16? Amy would have been fired, lost her teaching certificate, but Prison? Maybe give someone else permission to use a good idea and develop it better. Or a re-write…BTRH

jimjam69jimjam69over 2 years ago

Good story! Just proving there are some fucking morons out there. Oh, this is fiction you say? Just look around and I bet you can find a set of circumstances just like these.

secretsalsecretsalabout 3 years ago

How do you even burn people as stupid as this? Even if he hadn't done anything, they would have probably fucked their lives up on their own. The parents' stance doesn't really sound believable. If anything, they would have lit into Amy for (1) cheating on their son, and (2) preying on their other underage son. They must've really hated Pace, considering what they did instead. Then again, they did name him Pace.

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