Warren the Wizard Ch. 01


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They finally found an old man who agreed to take them to the island in his small boat and to wait for their return. He refused to go onto the island with them and informed them he would leave at the first sign of danger or dusk whichever occurred first.

They made one complete circuit of the island looking for a good place to attempt to scale the cliffs. They saw three possible ways up and chose the one that looked easiest. There was a small fissure in the rocks part way around on the far side of the island from the town. It was just a little larger than the boat they were in. The boatman pulled the boat into the fissure and tied up to a rock jutting out from the cliff.

Warren and Gloria got out of the boat on a small beach of sand and larger rocks. They began moving slowly up the fissure, heading for the top of the cliff and, hopefully, the island.

After about fifteen minutes of moderately hard work they reached the top of the island and stopped to admire the view. There had been evidence of prior use in several places in the fissure and the ledge they traversed along the cliff to reach the top. There was a path leading into the interior of the island from where they stood.

Warren and Gloria followed the path deeper into the forest. They came upon a small glade with a limestone cabin or small house on the edge of it. There were other large rocks and a small cliff beside it making it almost impossible to see from the island and impossible to see at all from the town. They could clearly see the town from the cabin, however. They could also see the ferry crossing and for some distance upstream.

When they entered the cabin they found it tight and still furnished. It was obvious it had not been used in some time. The bedroom contained a skeleton laying on the bed. From the looks of the items in the cabin this was definitely a Wizards abode. Warren turned to Gloria and said, "I think this is the place. Let's see who owns this place and see if we can buy or rent it."

"Husband, There..."

"Gloria, that's enough. OK? I'm willing to admit, based on what you've told me that we're married but can't you please call me by my name or use dear or honey or something. I'm sick of you just calling me Husband all the time."

"Yes, Warren, if that is your desire. Now, please, let me explain. Unless there is family that takes over a place outside of town, anyone can take it if it's left empty for a time. It's obvious this island is outside town and has been empty for some time so, if you desire it we can just move in. Besides, you're a Wizard and have moved into a Wizard's abode. None except yon dead Wizard would dare question your right to do so.

"Are you sure this is where we should stay though? 'Twill make it difficult to do your Wizardly business if we lock ourselves up here. It is difficult for customers and those in need to come to us and I do not want to make it easier for them to come upon us."

"You have a point. I suppose we could open an office or store in the town. Maybe the Innkeeper would let us work from the Inn?"

"We shall see. Now, should we look at the rest of the island quickly before we have yon boatman take us back to town?"

They made a quick walk through the rest of the island and headed back to the boat. Their best guess made the island about two acres in size. There was a lot of trees and a couple of open meadows in which they could grow a garden so each was happy. Gloria perhaps more happy than Warren because her magic tended toward horticulture and healing plants and concoctions.

When they got back to the Inn, planning to stay one more night at least, they found three people waiting on them. There was an extremely distraught woman begging them to see if they could heal her injured child. The men each wanted something enchanted.

One of the men was much better dressed than the other two supplicants and obnoxiously pushed his way to the front of the queue and demanded Warren tend to his requirements immediately. Warren said, "Sir I'll see if I can help you after we check on this ladies child. That seems to be the more important of the requests before us at this time."

"WHAT! You would dare to assist this peasant before me? Do you know who I am?"

"No, can't say I do but it doesn't matter who you think you are. To me, you're a potential customer with a less important job than this lady's. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Warren turned to the woman and said, "Now Madam, if you'll kindly lead us to your child we'll see if we can help."

"Oh, thank you Sir Wizard. Thank you."

When they got to the ramshackle cottage in which she lived, the woman opened the door and rushed inside. Inside the dimly lit building they found the woman kneeling beside a pallet on the floor in front of the smoldering fireplace. A small, thin little girl was laying on the pallet wheezing and holding her right arm while silent tears ran down her cheeks.

Warren and Gloria knelt beside the girl and looked her over quickly. Her hand and arm were scratched, pus was evident under many of the scabs. The arm was clearly broken. The poor girl couldn't have been more than six or seven years old and, from the looks of her she might not get much older.

Warren turned to the woman and said, "Get a pot of clean water and set it to boil please. Gloria and I need to return to the Inn for some medication. If you have some clean cloth and a needle and thread put them in another pot to boil as well. Drop your sharpest knife in with the cloth too please."

When they returned to the Inn both the men were still waiting. The better dressed of the two stood and met them in the middle of the common room. He said, "Well, it's about time you returned Wizard. Now, as I was saying..."

Warren said, "Not now. We don't have time for either of you now and probably won't until sometime tomorrow. Now, get out of my way I need to get some things and return to the girl who needs our care."

"What? How dare you. I.." Warren just kept walking, leaving the man standing with a red face and angry look.

Warren and Gloria rapidly returned to the woman's hovel. After the water and other items had been boiling an estimated 20 minutes Warren had them pulled from the fire and allowed to cool until he could handle them. They carefully cleaned all the injuries and drained the puss from the wounds. He had purchased the supposedly best whiskey the Innkeeper had to use as antiseptic. He bandaged the wounds and splinted the arm as best he could.

After the physical damage was tended to, he and Gloria began a spell of healing. He felt like a charlatan for doing so but not only did the woman expect it, so did Gloria. Warren decided to go along as it couldn't hurt and, from what he saw, it just might help."

Gloria decided to stay the night with the woman and child but insisted Warren return to the Inn. It was well past dark by the time Warren began his trip to the Inn. He was still in the poorer part of the town when he heard scuffling feet and then a loud voice say, "That's him. Get him quick before he can do anything."

To the end of his days, Warren had no idea how he evaded that first rush but he did. All he could think was his instincts from the many hours of gaming he did both at the faire's and online along with some faintly remembered training from his short stint in the army saved him. In any event, he felt the hit and heard a rip as a knife sliced into his robes. He felt a glancing blow from a club on his arm as well.

Warren reacted without thinking and ordered a stone he saw on the street to hit the head of the man with the knife. He saw the shock and fear in the man's eyes just before the stone hit him full force. The second man took off running but Warren's battle instincts were fully engaged by then. He gestured and the man's feet became entangled and he went down. Warren rushed to him and quickly tied him before he gathered his senses.

After both the men were tied Warren began questioning them. At first they refused to answer but after he began using his knife on the man who had tried to stab him they became more talkative. The knife wielder said, "Please Lord Wizard. I've had enough. I had to do it. Merchant Cole has my children and wife. He will sell them into slavery now I have failed him."

"Who is Merchant Cole and why did he set you upon me?"

Both men looked surprised and the other said, "Lord Wizard! You know not the Merchant? He said you disrespected him this night and must be made to pay for your insolence. Have you truly no knowledge of him?"

"Oh, perhaps I do. I never got the name of the pompous windbag that tried to get me to let a young girl suffer so I could do something for him. I told him I would get back with him tomorrow. Is that the asshole who set you upon me?"

"Yes My Lord. I'm sure it is. He said you were rude, obnoxious, and refused to perform the duties he hired you to do."

Warren laughed and said, "Well we certainly have a different view of things. For one thing, I had not agreed to do business with the Merchant and for another, I believe he was the one who was rude and obnoxious. Be that as it may, I'll settle with him once and for all now. The question now is, what am I to do with you?"

Both men looked scared and began shaking. The first man said, "Please Lord Wizard. Do as you will with us but please don't injure our families."

"I'm not sure what to do about this. I can't just let you go. If I do that and people find out I don't punish those who attack me I'll just be inviting more trouble." Warren thought for a moment and smiled. He said, "I know just the thing. I have need of some work. It will be hard, physical work. You work for me as hard as you can for two weeks or until the work is completed and I'll let this instance pass. If you ever try to injure me or mine again though I won't be as lenient. Next time, I'll have your life after you've begged me to take it. Are we clear?"

Both men said, "Yes Lord Wizard. Thank you."

"Great. Meet me mid morning near the ferry landing. We have land to clear, garden to plant and some building to do. I suggest you bring your family as well. They can help with the work."

"Yes Lord Wizard."

Now, just where can I find this Merchant that set you on me? I need to discuss this with him."

Both men tried to talk over each other giving Warren the information. He finally got them to quieten down and then questioned the apparent leader about the good merchant. After he released the men he set off for the merchant's house. He didn't even knock on the door when he got there. He kicked the door in and walked into the house.

The merchant's wife and two children were cowered against a wall. The merchant grabbed a poker from the fire and confronted Warren as he snarled, "You! I should have known those two idiots couldn't do the job."

"Well, that answers that question. At least I know they were right about you."

Warren gestured at the poker and made a throwing gesture. The poker went flying from the merchant's hand and stuck into the wooden wall of his house. With another gesture, Warren caused one of the andirons from the fireplace to fly from the fire and slam into the man's head. He collapsed onto the floor and blood began seeping from his nose, mouth and ear.

The merchant's wife cried out and rushed to his side. She knelt and checked on her husband then looked up at Warren in sorrow and fear. Tears were pouring from her eyes. "What of us, Lord Wizard? Now that you've killed my husband, what will you of myself and the children?"

"I have no argument with you unless you wish it. Your husband tried to have me killed this night and I've punished him. I'm sorry for your loss but justice is served. Good day madam." Warren turned and walked from the building, returning to the inn for the night.

When he walked through the door the Innkeeper seemed surprised to see him and slightly worried. Before he could say anything Warren said, "Wine and some bread and cheese at my normal table Innkeeper."

Warren was still sleeping the next morning when Gloria came slamming into the room. "Warren," she said. "Are you injured, my love? It's all over town you were attacked by two ruffians and you killed the Merchant. Is it so? Were you injured?"

"Would you please be quiet, Gloria. My head is killing me and my stomach is upset. And yes, I did have a little problem on the way back last night but I handled it. Now, could I please have some water and maybe a light breakfast before we get to work? I have two men and their families meeting us at the ferry mid morning to work on our house and the garden."

When Warren and Gloria arrived at the ferry they found both families waiting. All looked almost terrified when Warren approached. After greeting everyone and learning their names, he asked if they knew of a boat they could purchase or even rent. The leader who he learned was Milt said, "My Lord Wizard, I have a boat I use if the need arises. You are welcome to it."

"Fine. Get it please and let's get to the island. We have work to do."

"Lord Wizard! You mean to go to Wizard's Island? 'Tis dangerous there. There are spells and incantations and traps galore there. It is not safe for man or beast."

"Nonsense. Gloria and I were there yesterday and found nothing we couldn't handle. We've the old wizard to bury then cleaning to do as well as some building. Now come on. We're wasting daylight."

The next weeks were busy, very busy for all. They cleaned and repaired the small house and began adding another room to it for Warren to use as his "office". They also prepared and planted a huge garden. Warren also spent some time in town performing duties as a Wizard. He was amazed at the amount of money he could make in a short period of time. He was also amazed that magic worked and that he could perform magic. He found he could write simple computer programs in his head and assign a name to them. Then when the need arose, he could call the program and the .exe extension and voila, the "spell" activated and worked.

It took almost a month to complete the work he had for the two men and their families. True to their word, they stayed until the job was completed. By this time, they were more like family than employees. They had all even gained weight and looked healthier because Warren and Gloria fed them well.

On the last day of work, Warren told them they had fulfilled their obligation to him and they didn't need to return the next day. Everyone looked worried, even sad or scared when he said that. The oldest girl actually began crying. Milt took a step forward and removed his hat before he said, "Please Lord Wizard. Is there any way we can stay on? We have no other work and I fear for us if you send us away."

Warren looked at Gloria. She smiled and gave a slight nod to her head. He looked at the group and said, "I don't have work for all of you and certainly cannot pay you all even if I did. I think I can keep the two men busy at least for a while if that's ok."

The gathered people smiled and then boarded the boat for the return trip to the town. There were so many it took two trips. The next morning they all showed up once again. Warren said, "What's this? I told you last night we only had work for the men. Why are you all back?"

"Please, sir," said Milt. "We know you have need for only us men and will only pay us but our families have nothing in town. They have come to help us and, mayhap even you and Sorceress Gloria." He looked guilty but continued, "May hap you could find it in your heart to spare a little food for their effort?"

Warren laughed and Gloria smiled before he said, "Well, may hap we could at least do that. Welcome."

"Thank you, My Lord. You won't be sorry."

While their people worked around the island, Warren and Gloria studied magic and Warren wrote programs to expand his abilities. They had normal business hours in town of a morning, working from the common room in the Inn. Afternoons they worked at home studying and helping their employees. Warren was never sure how it happened but soon two small shacks appeared on the other end of the island and the two families moved into them. They now considered themselves his people and were fiercely loyal to him.

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MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Didn't take Warren long to bang Gloria!!!

lujon2019lujon2019about 3 years ago

Two acres is less than 300 feet by 300 feet

not enough space for a copse of woods with two meadows

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 3 years ago
It is similar not the same as Baen book - Good!

I wouldn’t call it completely original but what Scify/Fantasy is original. No this is not copycat of the Baen published books. The only similar is spells based off programs otherwise completely different stories. Like Harry Potter is a copy of Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. Similar in some respects but NOT the same. This is similar of the story Wizard by this author several parts the same but completely different characters. Maybe the same world as the story Wizard take place? I am throughly enjoying reading this story and look forward to more chapters.

If you keep writing I will keep reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
oh you damnable copycat

This concept is already well done since 2000 ad. It was published by Baen Books. And there were at least two novels in the series.

In the baen books, the computer programmer wrote computer programs, but the programs consisted of miniature elfs that did the actual programs work.

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