Was It The "Wrong" Number? Ch. 09


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"Good, I think. She's exhausted too," I replied.

"I'm sure. It's certainly going to be an early night for me. After finally knowing and then all the drama with poor Kami, I'm drained," she said.

"Yeah, I can imagine," I replied. "How's Kami?"

"You seemed to perk her up, but she's still moping around," Angie replied. "That was a pretty big blow for her."

"I know it was," I agreed. We talked about Kami and the possibility of her playing at State. We also discussed the opportunities of being at school together held for our relationship.

"How are you feeling about all this," Angie asked.

"I'm really happy for both of you," I said. "But I'm a little nervous as well."

"I know. So, am I. Things will just have to go their course," Angie said.

"Yes, they will," I agreed.

"I better say good night. Love you, Bradley," Angie said.

"I love you too, Angie," I replied.

Kami called a little while later and we talked for a long time. She was still very frustrated about losing her scholarship and teammates.

"When we get to State, you're going to try out for the team," I insisted.

"That's easy for you to say," she groaned. "What if I fail?"

"You won't," I insisted. "You're a great player, you're going to show the coaches that and they'll be glad to have you."

"Ugh," she said.

"It's going to be okay, baby," I tried to reassure her.

"We'll see," she said. "That's really the least of my worries."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"You know what I fucking mean. What if your Mom doesn't accept our love for one another?"

"I know. I've been worrying about that too," I admitted.

"Well, what if," Kami insisted.

"We'll just deal with that if it happens. I'm not giving you up," I said.

"You say that, but what if your Mom completely freaks out?"

"We might be worrying for nothing, babe," I replied.

"Uh huh," Kami replied.

"So, what are your plans Friday and Saturday night," I asked, trying to change the subject. We'd already talked about Mom and Angie's trip to Dallas.

"Are you planning a slumber party or something," Kami asked with a laugh.

"I might be," I said. "I was hoping that maybe you and Carly could come over."

"Both of us, huh," Kami laughed.

"Yes. Of course. I've thought about both of you constantly today," I replied.

"Is that so," she persisted.

"Yes," I laughed.

"I hope you're up to both of us in your life," she said.

"I won't be able to handle both of you," I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'm curious to watch you try. I'll see what my schedule looks like this weekend," she laughed.

"Please do," I said.

"I should let you go, you have work in the morning," she said.

"Not until 10," I said.

"Your workday begins between my thighs at 7 sharp, mister, like always," she laughed.

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

"Night baby. I love you so fucking much," she said.

"I love you too, baby. Good night," I replied.

"Good, and you better call Carly tonight or else," she added.

"Or else," I asked.

"Yes. You made love to her all day yesterday. It would be the gentlemanly thing to do. You should have called her last night," Kami laughed.

"I don't know if a gentleman would be doing what I'm doing, do you?"

"The right sort of gentleman would," she laughed. "Call her. Night my love."

"Night baby."

I'd just hung up the phone when it rang again. It was Jackie's number. I answered it quickly.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey," Carly replied.

"Hi, how are you tonight," I asked.

"I'm good. I was just getting ready for bed and thought I might try you once more," she replied.

"Sorry, it's been a pretty hectic day as you can imagine," I said.

"It's all right. I figured as much," Carly said. We chatted about Angie and my Mom before we moved on to Kami's disappointing day.

"I'm so bummed for her," Carly said.

"Yeah. So, am I," I agreed.

"Things work out for a reason, though," she added.

"Yeah. I didn't used to think that, but I do now," I replied. "There've been a lot of crazy things happen to me this summer."

"There certainly have," Carly laughed.

"I was thinking about yesterday all day today," I admitted.

"So, was I," she replied. "Everything was really cool with the three of us. It all felt right."

"Yes, it was cool. Why do you think it felt right," I asked.

"It was just natural," Carly explained. "Kami and I have always been so close. We made love for the first time even before her and David. I love David and Richard, and have great sex with both of them, but I felt this amazing connection with you yesterday. It's even more since I know how close you and Kami have gotten. You really love Kami and would do anything for her. You just met me yesterday and treated me the same way."

"Wow," I said.

"That's it? Wow," Carly asked with a laugh.

"Sorry. I mean I definitely felt the connection between us, but I don't know how to feel about it. I love Kami more than anything, she's so amazing, more than I could hope for, and then she introduces me to you and you're fucking amazing as well," I said.

"So," Carly laughed again.

"So, I don't how to feel about it!"

"Maybe you should just go with it. Kami and I have always joked about finding our Richard someday," Carly said.

"That's going to be the solution? This isn't the swinging sixties anymore," I laughed.

"Hey, it could work," Carly purred.

"Yeah maybe," I agreed.

"I know I'm not giving her up," Carly said.

"I'm not giving her up, either," I replied.

"Sounds like we'll just have to find a solution then," she said.

"It sounds like we will," I said. "I still can't fucking believe I'm in this situation."

"You need to start believing. Because you are," Carly laughed.

We talked for another hour or so. It was so much like talking to Kami. Everything just clicked. I could have never imagined being able to converse with girls as easily as I did with them. A month before, I'd been shy and awkward. I'd been broken out of my shell and I looked forward to seeing what the future held with Kami and now Carly.

"I should let you go," she finally said. "Jenn and I have a volunteer job in the morning, and I know you have breakfast plans."

"Ha," I laughed. "Yes, I do."

"So, what time do you get off work Friday night," Carly asked.

"What? Oh, that. Around 7," I said.

"You didn't think Kami and I might have already been planning a little something," she asked.

"I should have expected as much," I laughed.

"Yes, you should have. We're pretty devious. Good night sexy," she said.

"Night gorgeous," I replied.

The next two days were a whirlwind of work and lovemaking. Wednesday morning was amazing. Kami had calmed down from her disappointment the previous day and it was some of the best lovemaking we'd shared. On Thursday, Carly joined us and it was even more amazing. I found myself becoming ever closer to the buxom blonde. There was an undeniable passion between us. Then there was the passion between Carly and Kami. It drove me crazy when they focused on one another. I just laid back and watched as they pleasured each other. We talked at length as the three of us cuddled in Kami's bed.

"You two are really serious about this," I asked.

"Well, yeah," Carly laughed. I turned to Kami and she smiled.

"Of course, we are baby," Kami said.

"This is all just so crazy," I said.

"It's only crazy if we don't experience it," Kami countered.

"Neither of you are helping me, here," I laughed.

"That was never our intention," Carly smiled.

"Okay," I replied. "I'm going to give in to you two temptresses."

"Mmmm, all this and a broad vocabulary," Carly purred as she rubbed her hand across my chest.

"I try," I said as I leaned over and kissed her. After we parted, I kissed Kami as well. I looked back and forth between them. I had to say it. "Promise me that there's not going to come a time that I have to choose."

"Only if you want to," Carly said. "I can see what you mean to her. I know what she means to me. You complete us, Brad."

Kami nodded, "Baby, we honestly want this. We want it to be the three of us, together."

I simply nodded wondering what it would all mean. There was so much to consider. I'd always envisioned my life in the normal way. Go to college, meet a girl, marry her, have children. That was not going to my life it seemed. It would be different. I looked at Kami. I loved her more than I could have imagined. Despite all we'd shared, we'd only known one another a few weeks. We'd found out the day before she was my first cousin. I held her closer to me, as I continued to think. I could never, ever give her up. I'd die first. She was my first love. My true love. Then there was the girl I was holding with my other arm. She was so perfect in her own way. She excited me beyond belief, and things had me already believing that I did love her. Was it what I felt for Kami? No. Could it be? Yes.

I thought back to Kami not telling me about all of this from the beginning. I'd insisted that it wouldn't have mattered. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it would have mattered. I felt I might have hesitated. I might not have gone along with the wonderful situation that I found myself in. They'd been right in not telling me. I was certain of that.

I squeezed them both closer me. The feel of their naked bodies next to me was its own magical elixir.

I turned to Carly. "This is beyond anything I've ever imagined happening in my life, but there's something between us and I don't think it's just her," I said.

Carly smiled and listened as I continued.

"I would have never thought I'd felt the way I do about Kami as fast as I did. But then I've started feeling the way I do for you. I can't explain it," I said.

"Baby. If what you're feeling is genuine, there's no need to explain it," Kami replied as she kissed me on the cheek. I nodded to her and they laid their heads against my chest.


Mom went to the Bennett's house every night that week. I went with her the first time on Thursday. Kami and David could have earned an Oscar for their performance meeting me for the "first time". Afterwards, we'd slipped off and had a big laugh. It was necessary we all agreed. Mom and Angie left Friday morning, June 19th for their weekend in Dallas.

That night, I came home from work to find Kami's red 911 parked in the driveway. I'd stayed late to cut steaks for a regular customer, so it was almost 8:00 when I made it home. I pulled in the driveway and saw Kami and Carly sitting in the car. They both smiled at me and I instantly wondered what sort of mischief they'd been up to. I got out and walked around the front of my truck, where they greeted me.

"You're late," Carly said.

"It's really bad that you left wo of us hanging," Kami teased.

"I'm sorry. I had to cut a special order for a customer," I said.

"I hope she didn't get any of my special meat," Kami said. Her hand grabbed my cock through my jeans.

"She's old," I replied.

"Whatever. You seem to really like older pussy," Carly laughed.

"Can we go inside if you're going to keep fondling me," I asked.

"You know I like fondling you, baby," Kami smiled. "You shouldn't have made us wait. We're both really hot and sweaty, now. Not to mention dying to fuck you."

"Let's go inside and we can take a shower," I offered.

"Maybe we can lick one another clean," Carly added.

"A shower," I insisted. I took their hands and led them to the door. After unlocking it, I pulled them in the door. When the door closed, they pushed me against the foyer wall and began kissing me. It wasn't long before Kami was pulling her tank top up. Her denim shorts were next. As I moved my lips to Carly's, Kami focused on getting Carly's skirt down. Kami grabbed my hand and pulled it towards Carly. She planted it on Carly's sex and I began to explore. I was not surprised to find her practically dripping. I wondered what sort of fun had been going on in the 911 when I pulled up. I pulled my wet fingers to my mouth and licked Carly's love sauce from them. Kami watched me and immediately kissed me.

"I fucking love tasting her on your lips," Kami said breathlessly.

I nodded and moved my hand between Carly's thighs again. Once they were thoroughly saturated, I moved them to Kami's mouth. She opened her lips and licked them slowly and seductively. Her hands began pulling Carly's t-shirt up revealing a sexy, black bra. Once her shirt was up, I reached behind Carly to unclasp it. When I was finished, Kami pulled it off and tossed it at me playfully.

"Now, for you," Carly said, as she began unbuttoning my shirt. When it was undone, Kami helped her pull it down before they pulled my undershirt over my head. My pants were next but they were bunched up around my ankles caught by the army boots I wore to work. I awkwardly moved to the couch as they both snickered at me.

"He can't get away from us, Kami," Carly laughed. When I sat down, they both pounced on me.

"Hey, let me get my boots off," I pleaded. "I want to take a shower before things get serious."

"Things are already serious, baby," Kami laughed. As I struggled with my boots, soft hands touched me all over. Naturally, my cock responded and they focused on that. I had one boot unlaced and off before Carly pushed me back against the couch and began kissing me. Kami took the opportunity to lower her face to my lap and began sucking my cock.

"Okay. You two win. I can't handle both of you," I moaned as Kami deepthroated me.

"You're not getting off that easy," Carly replied. She kissed my lips one final time before she began kissing her way down my chest. She stopped at one of my nipples and sucked on it. It was an interesting sensation but it got much more intense when she bit it while twisting the other one with her fingers.

"Ahhh," I groaned. I involuntarily thrust my hips upward causing Kami to gag slightly. I quickly apologized. "Sorry, baby."

"Mmmm," she moaned as she resumed sucking me, hardly breaking stride. Carly continued kissing her way down my body until she moved to the floor next to Kami.

"What did I do to deserve this," I moaned.

"You're just lucky, I guess," Carly replied. Kami offered her my cock and she took me down as far as she could. I leaned my head back against the sofa, losing myself in the pleasure of the two of them taking turns sucking me. They built me up fast but then began teasing me. Every time I felt myself getting close, they'd pause. After the fourth or fifth time, I spoke.

"Are you just going to tease me," I asked.

"Yes, we are," Kami replied.

"We had to tease one another in the car for almost an hour," Carly added.

"Thankfully none of the neighbors saw and called the cops," I moaned as Kami took me back in her mouth.

"We could have talked our way out of it," Carly smiled before she took her turn on my throbbing cock.

"I'm sure," I gasped. Their hands were rubbing my balls building my excitement ever higher. Despite their efforts to prolong my torment, I was going to cum and soon. Carly's pace increased and I took her head in my hand, my fingers running through her short blonde hair. Kami noticed and moved back closer to my cock. I placed my hand on her bare back and rubbed it gently.

"Oh, god. I'm going to cum," I moaned. Carly moaned and increased her pace further. Her hand worked my cock in unison with her mouth.

"Oh," I moaned and felt myself begin to gush. Kami moved in closer and their tongues bathed my cock as it continued to erupt. I'd never seen anything more erotic as the two most beautiful girls I knew lapped the cum from my cock and one another's lips. The took their time and frequently paused to kiss one another. Finally, they joined me back on the couch. I took one in each arm and kissed them in turn.

"I still don't understand what I did to deserve this much affection," I smiled.

"For being wonderful," Kami replied. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby," I replied. I turned to Carly and saw her smile. I started to speak, but she brought her finger to my lips.

"Wait until you know how you feel for sure," she said.

"I know. I love you Carly," I said.

"I love you too," she replied before she kissed me deeply.

"Now, can I take a shower before I have you two for dinner," I asked.

"Only if is it's big enough for three," Kami smiled.

"Mom's is," I replied.

"Lead the way," Carly laughed.


I'd just got home from work on Sunday afternoon when Mom walked in, her hands full of shopping bags. She looked amazing. It looked like she'd had her hair and makeup done professionally. She smiled at me sheepishly.

"What," she asked.

"You look amazing," I said.

"Thanks. It was Angie's idea. We all went to the salon this morning," Mom explained.

"You look beautiful Mom," I said.

"Thanks baby," she smiled.

"Who else went," I asked, even though I was pretty sure who it was.

"Jackie, Angie's best friend."

"Oh okay," I smiled trying to not let my cards show. "So, how was the weekend."

"It was wonderful," Mom explained. "It's just so strange. It's like we've known one another forever, even though we haven't. I'm so glad that we've found one another. And you'll love Jackie, she's so much fun to be around. She has two daughters about your age."

"Cool. I look forward to meeting them all," I replied. I helped her carry her bags to her room.

"We were talking about doing something special the weekend after next," she said.

"Oh, yeah? Like what," I asked.

"It came up on the way home and Jackie had a great idea," Mom said. "Her family has a place in the Bahamas. We could go there for the weekend. What do you think of that?"

"Seriously," I asked. "I'd love that Mom!"

"I thought you might," Mom smiled. "Do you think you could get off work?"

"Hell, I'll quit if I have to," I laughed.

"You don't have to do that. I was actually going to be off those days already," Mom smiled.

"I'll ask. I'm sure I can. The boss loves me. So, is Jackie's family going too?"

"No, they're actually going the following weekend. She thought it would be good for us to just have time as a family. I'm not sure Richard will be able to go on such short notice, though," Mom said.

"That's too bad," I said.

"It is. He needs a break worse than any of us," Mom said.

"I bet so," I agreed.

Mom excused herself to go to the restroom and I left to make myself a sandwich. I'd just finished eating when she appeared from her room. She'd put on shorts, a tank top and her flip flops. I couldn't help but look at her with her beautiful new hairstyle.

"Would you stop staring at me like that," she said with a laugh.

"Sorry, I love your hair," I said.

"Thanks, I thought it might be good to do something a little different," she said as she ran her fingers through it.

"It's perfect. I made a sandwich, would you like one?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. We had a big lunch, so that might be my dinner," Mom smiled.

"What all did you do in Dallas," I asked.

"I showed them some of the places Mom and I lived. There's not much left from those days, though. We shopped a lot, but mostly we sat around the hotel getting to know one another," Mom explained. "Angie obviously had a lot of questions about our parents, and there were a lot of tears shed."

"I'm sure. I'm sorry, Mom," I said.

"It's okay, baby. They weren't all sad tears though. We had fun as well," she laughed.

It was great to see Mom smiling like she was as it had been a long time since I'd seen her that happy. I hoped that the relationship between Mom and Angie would continue to grow. Hopefully to the point that we could all be honest with her about everything. But as I'd been constantly reminded, only time would tell.

The next two weeks seemed to drag on as I was eagerly anticipating our trip. Kami didn't make my anticipation any easier as she constantly reminded me of the privacy around the island where we'd be able to make love under the sun or under the moon and stars. I couldn't wait. I only wished Carly was going with us.