Was She Ever My Wife?


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"Okay...show me then. I'm confused now, but if it's as bad as you two are acting, I need to know so I can do something about it before the company finds out about it."

What they had to show me shocked me to the core. Anger was the least of my emotions too. I couldn't believe that Nicky would or could have done something so cruel or deceitful to me ever. It left me colder than finding out she had been cheating on me too.

They, (Dan and Julie) had found a movie on this site that was starring Nicky, and I was a bit part player. I knew nothing of it at all. I watched it and watched it, not understanding how I could have missed anything like what had to have gone on to capture me on film.

The movie started with me kissing Nicky while on my way out the door one morning. I even remembered the morning because for the first time ever, Nicky was wearing a bathrobe she had just bought the day before. Before that, Nicky had never been one to wear bathrobes. She had always been a sweatshirt and shorts kind of gal.

I kissed her on my way out the door, looking just like normal, the camera followed me as I walked out to my car and then it followed me as I drove down the street. The cameraperson had to have walked out in the street to catch it as they did, and for the life of me I couldn't remember anyone having been out in the street at all...ever.

That morning had memories for me too in that I had almost called in sick. Nicky had woke me up with a blowjob that morning, but not letting me cum. I had dressed after my shower with a still raging hard-on. She had told me to keep that thought and she'd have something for me that night.

The part that really bothered me was after watching this movie, I realized that she had done this without my knowledge, acting...well, like my loving wife. A very good actress as I hadn't caught on or even been able to tell I was being filmed.

I had drove off that morning with a still raging hard-on and it had been a long...long day for me too. That night she had met me at the door naked. The kids had been farmed out to her moms and she jumped my bones as I walked in the door.

What really got to me was I knew I had really gotten worked up that day and we had oral sex first. I had just gotten inside the door and Nicky started on me, I had ate her out on the couch a little bit later. We had been so into the moment, or at least, I had been, I couldn't recall how wet she had really been. Right after seeing the movie I about lost my lunch. Well, the part where I came home again anyway.

A narrator had been talking as I drove away.

"Dave is leaving for another day at work, while Nicky is getting ready to have her day at home. Dave is the ultimate in a cuckold. He's off slaving all day long while Nicky is at home being a slave to men. Lots of men. She's got him trained right. He lets her have other men because he can't do anything for her like they can. Being the wimp that Dave is, he knows that in order to keep Nicky, he has to let her have other men, and he has learned to be okay with that."

I was just sick. Humiliated and sick. I sat there in Dan and Julie's house, watching my cuckolding in a movie. Like I had been a part of the making of it all. As the movie went on I discovered that I had been caught on film that morning with Nicky's blowjob too. How had I missed it? How had I not seen someone else in the house with us?

I had barely made it down the street and Nicky was naked and fucking three men. A second group was in the background waiting their turn too. The film went on all day long pretty much, and Nicky was fucked almost constantly. They never missed a hole Nicky had either. She took it everywhere. About ten minutes before I got home the men all cleaned up and left, and the cameraperson and Nicky had a chat. Note here that I said the men all cleaned up. Nicky didn't. she just wiped her pussy and tits off.

In the chat Nicky told a bunch of lies about us and about me. Things I couldn't believe she could do. They talked about her and needing other men to make up the difference in my shortcomings. Then, as I walked up the sidewalk, the cameraperson stepped into our hall closet and filmed Nicky getting naked and on her knees waiting for me to open the door.

They caught her blowing me, sucking my cum down her throat. They filmed as I led her over to the couch and spread her legs wide open and licked her pussy until she had an orgasm. The followed us as she led me by my cock into our bedroom, where she fucked me royal

Parts of it were broken up into short segments and I realized that there must have been another cameraperson in our bedroom too. In all of it my cock was never really shown. I have about eight inches worth, yet they talked like I was very tiny.

And I hadn't even had a clue. They were good. Very good. Nicky had been good too. After our sex in the bedroom I had taken a shower and while I was in the shower the cameraperson's left. Nicky was waiting for me when I got out. I was stunned into just sitting there while Dan and Julie sat next to me. Julie was holding my hand and Dan had a hand on my shoulder.

I finally just gave in and let some tears flow. I couldn't believe that Nicky could have been so cruel as to make me out to be a wimp and cuckold. How could she have done that to me, her husband? It was almost more than I could take.

Dan broke the silence after a bit.

"Uh...there are three more movies with you in them...it gets worse. You are made out to be a real wimp, and since I know you, I know that isn't true. I also talked to my lawyer and he told me that this site is going to get into serious trouble over this. We believe that you knew nothing of what was going on, and he said without a signed agreement from you their asses are hanging way out. He also advised us to pull our works from the site, which we did yesterday. We found out about the movies four days ago. They have been up for a long time though."

I started to get mad. Real mad. Dan and Julie saw that I was losing it, or about to, and they started talking to calm me down.

"Dave, what's done is done. You have to think now. THINK. You may want to hurt them like they hurt you, but you need to hurt them where it will do the most good. Think now...use the system and nail 'em. Hit 'em in the pocket book. Hit 'em with everything you can while you're at it too."

"You are about to see your soon to be ex-wife at the lawyers too...you will be able to use this movie to land her into so much hot water she'll be lucky to not end up in prison over it all. What they did in filming you like they did is illegal as hell. They are making money off of you, and you aren't even aware of it at all."

"So...get even by hitting them legally?"

"Yeah. Our lawyer is an entertainment lawyer. He knows all about copyrights and permissions and agreements in the film industry and music industry too. He told us you have an iron-clad case against not only Nicky, but the movie makers and the internet site too."

That night changed me. It changed me deeply. I no longer was afraid of a life without Nicky. I was now angry, as I should have been all along. I was now ready to do battle. A battle that would end up sending Nicky and her friends to jail if I had my way. A battle that could end up making me very wealthy too.

The meeting with Nicky and the lawyers was a huge success. I had just enough time to see Dan and Julie's lawyer, who, being familiar with the case somewhat already agreed to take me on too. He came along to the meeting at the lawyers and I also was prepared with clips and photos too.

It started out as a 'get Dave to drop this silly divorce thing and get back together' meeting. After about five minutes of listening to Nicky profess her love for me, and her undying faithfulness from then on, I finally got to have my say.

"Well, Nicky, you kind of have me at a disadvantage. You say you love me and want to be faithful to me from here on, yet I have some evidence that says otherwise. Evidence that could end up sending you to jail too."

"What? What are you talking about Dave? I've done nothing wrong, other than cheat on you."

"No Nicky, you seem to forget that you made movies too. Movies that have found their way onto the internet. Movies that have me in them as well as you. Movies that defame my character, movies made without my permission or knowledge. In my home...on my property. Even in my bedroom. All made without my permission or knowledge."

As I was talking I laid out the photos. My lawyers set up and started the clips from the movies too. Nicky went white as a ghost. She was stunned to say the least. Her lawyer was talking as fast as he could trying to stop it all, demanding proof of our evidence. I just looked into Nicky's eyes and shook my head.

"To think that I would have been willing to talk to you about getting back together. I was you know. I was actually thinking that I could trust you to be honest with me. Until a friend showed me a certain site on the 'net. All of the movies and these photos show that I could never trust you. Ever. You are as big a liar as I have ever seen in my life. You not only cheated on me, you filmed it all in porn movies and made me out to be a wimp cuckold husband. You made me to look like an idiot. Maybe I was for not catching you filming me like you did. Maybe I should feel like a wimp cuckold too, but for one thing. At the time, I trusted you. You were my wife who loved and cherished me as I did you. I thought at that time that I could trust you with my life. Now I know the truth. You have never loved me. I'm not sure what you've felt for me, but love isn't in that mix. We are finished. Take your lawyer and hope like hell that he can keep you out of jail. Bitch."

I turned and left the room. My lawyers spent a few hours in there with her lawyer, and in the end Nicky gave up everything. I got the house, the kids, and the cars. I even got some of the money back that I had left in the accounts. I left the fifteen dollars and eight cents on the table for her. She finally got it in the end. She was looking at the money and then it dawned on her. Fifteen years, eight months. I saw her mouth the word 'fifteen years'.

My lawyers started suits against all her lovers for alienation of affection, the moviemakers for illegally filming me without my knowledge, the site for making money on the illegal films, and then most of it was turned over to the local bunko squad who had a heyday with it.

I sued the company that made and held the movies, and the internet site that posted them. In the end, for my pain, embarrassment, and defamation of character and everything else I got over seven figures in payment. It cleaned out both of the companies involved. Nicky didn't go to jail, though it was a close thing. She did end up having to serve probation and it went on her record too.

It's been a few years now, and I've moved on. Not having to live with the cloud over my head any longer is nice too. I met a nice and very beautiful lady while attending the trials of those who had used me so badly. She was a reporter, doing the story. We ended up having a date that led to more.

We've been married for three months now and are happy as can be. My new wife can't understand why Nicky let me go like she did, nor why Nicky did the things that she did. My new wife has told me numerous times that I'm the catch of a lifetime as far as she's concerned.

One thing my new wife knows...I'm definitely not a wimp. I'm also definitely a catch too. Of course, I know my wife is a real catch as well. She can cook, and she can love and make love too. She also loves the kids too. For that matter, the kids love her. They don't have much to do with their mom anymore either. Some of it was due to the courts not wanting her influence near them. Seems that some courts do have standards still.

Her parents were in shock when it all came out. They pretty much disowned her when they found out Nicky had intentionally used me as she had. They have little or nothing to do with her anymore. They do however have a lot to do with their grandkids and me. They even love my wife Sue too.

Nicky? She lost weight during the trial. A lot of weight. Later it was discovered that she contracted AIDs. What more can be said of that? The kids and I had been already getting tested for aids because of Nicky's group activities. We tested for about a year and half like clockwork. We tested negative each time. I was worried about that for the longest time though.

The guy that had originally filmed her and then later on me too, was found guilty of several charges and he is serving his time currently. Ten to twenty in the slammer. He had a few friends that joined him in that too by the way. One of the cameraperson's was that guys wife who turned states evidence on him when she found out she was looking at hard time too. She got off with probation.

In the end I guess it all worked out for the best. I still can't believe that Nicky had me so fooled for so long. At one point I think she did love me, but she got under the influence of those men and it all went bye-bye from there. She will pay the ultimate price too. I wouldn't have nor did I wish that on her though.

Sometimes life can be a harsh mistress. For some anyway.

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chasbo38chasbo3824 days ago

I agree with Lecheman.

Without having any knowledge of the wife's motivation this is just a sex story for the sake of sex.

The wife becomes a porn star ? How did she make the contacts, etc ?

Too much missing from the story to make the plot even partially believeable,

LechemanLechemanabout 1 month ago

Ok, the reason why the wife went way over the top was never really conveyed.

As to why she had her husband portrayed in films as a cuckold and then attempted remediation was astoundingly unbelievable. Surely she would have understood that was a definitive death blow to their marriage.

There was just one too many coincidental occurrences that all culminated simultaneously to be believable, even for fiction.

The story line was different and promising; it just dropped the ball.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Not a bad tale, but fraught with some inconsistency.

My comment is somewhat secular.

I am in wonder of stories that follow as this one has. You see, when the ashes are cleared and life goes on, a new wife usually makes comments such as not understanding how first wife could cheat, how unfair to you it was, and how you are the man of a lifetime.

All well and good, but none of these “lucky guys” consider that once you possess a seven-figure settlement, you tend to meet a better class of people. Not people that are better individually, but drawing on a pool of people who know how to properly behave.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Lousy - completely inadequate response to a incredibly stupid scenario and character. So the guy lucks out and some friends help him and he gets a huge judgment against her, just by chance? That's supposed to be a good thing? All you can do is throw in AIDS at the end? You don't even address the Cesspool of STDs out there besides that? You completely ignore that the husband would have been exposed to everything else for a year or more? And you leave out any reason or rationale of the so-called wife? This is one of those stories that just shouldn't have even been written.

26thNC26thNC4 months ago

Still would like to know why she made such a drastic change. Martian Slut Ray wasn’t responsible for this.

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