Watching the Storm Roll In

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A couple starts the holiday season watching a storm roll in.
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This is my official entry into the Winter Holidays Story Contest. All my stories have one thing in common -- they are based on true stories. But, in order to spice them up a bit (and protect the people involved) there is always a twist! Locations change, so do timelines. I add in some extras that may not have happened. Like every author -- your votes and comments are welcome. Feel free to guess what's the truth...and what's the twist in any story I write.

December, Two Thousand Something:

If there was such a thing as a perfect corporate holiday party, this was it. It was being held on the 45th floor of a building in the middle of downtown Minneapolis. Over 200 employees were enjoying the dancing, food and open bar courtesy of the Williamson family. The room was decorated in classic silver and gold with snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, glitter on all the tables and a huge ice sculpture in the shape of the company's logo in the middle of the room. A band played a mix of holiday tunes and dance music. Servers circled the room, offering appetizers from lamb lollipops to lobster puffs. It was a fun, festive winter wonderland that was the first step in the evolution of the company.

I was invited as a guest of the owners, the Williamsons. They owned the company that specialized in the training and development of employees of assisted-living facilities. The father, Ron Williamson Sr, was retiring and wanted to hand the company over to his kids, Ron Jr. and Barbara. What many people don't realize, however, is that "legacy transitions" like this can be more complicated than one would think. Often, the kids are forced into roles they aren't ready for but don't want to disappoint their parents, so they accept the roles only to be destined for failure. Just as often, the parents are reluctant to fully step away because they are usually the ones who have built the businesses from the ground up and don't want to see it flounder. Every dynamic comes into play from egos, to family relationships, to corporate strategy which can make for a messy situation. That's where I came in.

The Williamsons brought me on board in early February to be a "Transition Consultant". Basically, I was the acting COO for the company. I worked directly for Mr. Williamson Sr., with my only job for 10 months being to get the company, executives and staff in order for January 1st -- which was then only 2 weeks away. Over the course of 10 months, I learned the roles of the senior executives while also determining the strengths and weaknesses of the generation taking over. I worked to transition some employees out (sorry, it's business) and hire new employees that I thought would fit the new leadership model. As we stood in that room in late December, my job was complete, the company was ready for the kids to take over and I would be leaving soon.

I was fortunate that I built a number of good relationships and many of the employees were genuinely sad to see me leave. I was in a corner of the room, overlooking the city skyline, as snow was beginning to fall across the city. The forecast was that we would be getting a decent-sized winter storm, guaranteeing us a White Christmas. As the snow fell, the music played and the drinks were poured, I was joking with the new CFO and one of the Williamson kids about the budget for the new year.

"C'mon, Jason! Tell Mark that if my father could have a budget for a country club membership, I should be able to take a trip to Hawaii once a year!"

"No, tell Ron that if he wants to be profitable in the new year, we need to minimize extravagant expenses."

"Well, Ron" I started, "In another ten days, it won't matter what I tell Mark to do. But I know your Dad used to use that membership to take clients golfing and to dinner. So, if I were you, I would talk to Melanie down in sales and see if there are any facilities in the islands that you could add as clients. Then, you could probably use the sales and expansion budget to take a trip and finalize a deal. Of course, that means you need to get them to sign on with the company."

Both men started to chuckle as they both knew how I worked at that point. I had no problem with anyone spending the company's money, but they better bring in twice as many dollars as they spend.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I see your Dad and Mom are talking to Sherri at the bar and I'm nervous who is sharing more embarrassing stories about me to the other!"

As I worked my way to the bar, I could see my fiancé Sherri talking to the elder Williamsons. She was absolutely stunning in a form-fitting black dress that had subtle gold threads sewn into the fabric. As she moved or laughed, you could see her literally sparkle and shine in the holiday lighting. Sherri was built like a model at 5'8" with long legs and a slight build. She had smaller b-cup breasts and a tight, athletic ass. Her long blond hair flowed down to the middle of her back and she stood on a pair of classic red-soled black heels.

As I approached the group, Sherri had her head thrown back with infectious laughter. She had one hand on Ron Williamson's arm while the other delicately held a martini. Ron and his wife Sue were also laughing as I came up to the group.

"Jason" said Ron, "I don't care if you leave the company, but we were just telling Sherri that she has to keep coming by to visit!"

Sue added, "Smartest thing you ever did was get a ring on her finger, honey. Because if you hadn't I think my Ronnie would have tried to scoop her up."

"But, Sue" I joked, "If he had, I would have scooped you up JUST as quickly and we would get half of his money in the divorce!"

"Honey, I've put up with him for over 50 years. If he ever tried to walk out on me...his money would be the last thing he would have to worry about me taking half of!"

Amid all the laughter I glanced over at Sherri who gave me a slight smile and wink. I knew that was my signal to start wrapping up the evening.

"Well" I said, "Thank you both for everything tonight. We are going to start saying our goodbyes and head out. But don't worry, you're stuck with me for two more weeks. I'll see everyone on Monday."

We then spent the next 20 minutes saying good-byes to various people at the party. By the elevator, we stopped at the coat check where I got my overcoat and Sherri's long black fur. Once we were in the elevator, I wrapped my arm around Sherri and she put her head on my shoulder.

"That was more fun than I thought it would be" she started, "That family can't say enough about how much you helped them this year."

"Yeah, they are just good people at the end of the day. And you have to say, they definitely treat their employees well. Those apps were delicious and to pay for an open bar all night?"

"Totally. That being said, I'm happy we are heading home."

As we exited the building's lobby, the snow was starting to come down a bit faster. There were a line of cabs in front and we hopped into the first one, which then wound its way through the streets until it reached our apartment building. Even just with the quick run from the cab into my building's lobby, our hair and shoulders were covered in a light layer of snow. We walked in, greeted the doorman, and got in the elevator heading to our condo on the 34th floor.

This time in the elevator, Sherri was a bit more aggressive in her movements. She backed up into me and wrapped my arms around her torso. Even with our heavy coats between us, I could feel her gently rubbing her ass against my crotch, which had the desired effect on me.

"So, I have an idea" she started. "When we get upstairs, how about I get more comfortable? And while I do that, you get that bottle of champagne from the fridge, and we can sit by the windows and watch the storm for a bit."

"Sounds awesome. I can't think of a better way to start the holidays than with you, some champagne and watching the snow fall." The elevator doors then dinged open and we walked to our condo. I unlocked the door and led the way into the foyer of our place. Sherry paused and turned to me, so I could help her get her heavy coat off. I hung it on the nearby coatrack followed by my own. When I turned back, Sherri still had her back to me.

"Unzip me, please."

I reached up the back of her collar and found the discreet zipper of her dress. I began to unzip her slowly revealing more of her bare pale skin. First, her long thin neck, then her shapely shoulder blades with the strap of her lacy black bra across her back. I continued to unzip the dress showing her lower back and eventually the top of her matching black lace bikini underwear.

As I took a step back, Sherri slipped her arms out of the sleeves of the dress and shimmied the rest of the garment over her hips, then down her legs until it pooled at her feet. She stepped first one, then the other foot out, before slowly bending over to pick up the garment. It was as she stood back up that I saw the entirety of her sexiness. She still had on her red soled heels, with seamed black thigh high stockings, the lace bikini and black lace bra. She knowingly sashayed down the hall toward our bedroom, leaving me staring at her amazing backside.

While Sherri went to get changed, I took off my suitcoat and tie and unbuttoned my shirt. I grabbed the champagne from the fridge and two glasses. I brought those to the living room and put them down on a side table.

My condo complex actually consisted of three different buildings, all 40 stories tall. They bordered a common area with a pool, small lawn area and benches that all the buildings shared. Because our unit faced into the middle of the buildings, we could easily see into the windows of the other buildings, just as they could see into ours. This was made easier by the fact that every condo had huge windows that ran from about waist-high to the ceiling, giving us all incredible views. Any resident with "inside facing" windows knew the perils and attractions of the setup. On the negative side, you had to make sure your shades were drawn if you didn't want to people to be able to see you. On the positive side, more often than not, there were residents who were more open to being seen. Anyone who denied at least one instance of seeing something ... naughty... in another window was either blind or a liar.

Because Sherri mentioned watching the storm, I decided to move an oversized chair we had closer to the window and faced it out. To describe it more accurately, it was really one of those half armchair, half loveseats -- with a giant ottoman in front of it. It was cushioned all over and easily fit two people who weren't afraid to snuggle.

Just as I finished setting everything up, I heard the "click-clack" of heels coming back into the room. I turned to see Sherri was still wearing her sexy post-dress lingerie and heels. As I handed her a glass of champagne, she said, "Why don't you get undressed a bit and meet me back in here? Hurry though."

Not one to waste a moment, I went to our bedroom and stripped down to my boxers. I stopped at the bathroom to pee, wash up and quicky brush my teeth before returning to the living room. Sherri was already sitting back in the armchair, with her heels and feet tucked under her looking out at the storm. I turned off all the lights in the apartment, which served two purposes. First, it let the lights from the city shine in, giving us an amazing view of the snow falling across the city. Secondly, it at least hid our semi-naked forms from the view of the other condos facing us. I grabbed my glass and slid in next to Sherri who immediately leaned into me, letting our skin touch for the first time that evening.

"I love this" she started. "When the snow comes down, lit up by the city, it's like giant living snow globe that we're sitting in the middle of." I could see her eyes sparkling as she looked out into the city and I took two fingers to move her chin and lips toward me. As we began to kiss, her lips were chilled from the champagne and as our tongues began to explore, we could taste the carbonated beverage. I was a little surprised when she abruptly pulled away.

"Ewwwww...... Did you just brush your teeth and then drink champagne?"

"Well, yeah. I wasn't going to come in here without freshening up!"

"Seriously? You didn't like rinse your mouth out first? Why would you waste the taste of $200 champagne like that?"

"I was a little more focused on getting back to you in that outfit than the taste of champagne" I retorted.

"I seriously wonder about you sometimes. But since you like mixing champagne with other flavors, I have an idea."

Sherri then dipped her finger in her glass and put a small line of the liquid on her neck. I took the hint and slowly leaned over and kissed and licked it off. She took a second finger and put a line on the opposite side of her neck, so I repeated the action. As I backed off, she dipped her finger in a third time and made a line of champagne in the cleft of her cleavage between her bra-covered breasts. Again, I took great pleasure in slowly licking the area until I got it all. She handed me the glass of champagne so she could use both hands to reach behind her back and unclasp her bra. After she removed it and freed her small, b-cup breasts, she took back the glass and dipped her finger again, circling each of her bare nipples.

I leaned in and began to lick her left breast, feeling her nipple tighten under my tongue. I moved over to her right breast and did the same. Then, I went back to licking her left breast before slowly taking her nipple into my mouth and gently licked and sucked on it. Finally, I worked my way back to her right breast and continued my oral ministrations.

"I think there's one more spot that needs your attention" she said, "But we might have to make some adjustments."

Sherri stood up and pushed the ottoman away from the chair, leaving some space on the floor in front of her. She then worked her panties over her hips, down her legs and off. Sherri's pussy hair was trimmed close and was a darker shade than the hair on her head. It was cut close and cut in a neat triangle around her opening.

She guided me to stand up, while she took the center of the chair, champagne glass in hand. I watched as she spread her long legs across the seat, until they were both up on the armrests on either side. Then, with a seductive smirk, she dipped her fingers back in her glass and began to spread the golden liquid over her pussy lips. I sat back against the ottoman and let her continue. She knew I liked to watch, so she dipped her fingers again and continued to rub up and down her moistening slit. As she kept adding more liquor to her fingers, she started lightly dancing them on her clit. Her eyes closed and her breathing started to get heavier. As her hips started to grind, she opened her eyes and told me, "I think I'm ready."

I leaned forward and wasted no time. Usually when I would go down on Sherri, I would be gentle and tease her. I'd lick her inner thighs and all around before finally working my way to her clit. That night was different. After watching her pleasure herself for those few minutes, I took over where her fingers had left off. I used my tongue to begin licking her clit immediately tasting the remaining champagne her fingers left behind.

"Unnnnnnngggggghhhhhh." Sherri began moaning as I first licked, then sucked on her clit. The champagne was long-gone but her natural fluids were flowing at this point. I used my lips to form a seal around her clit, sucked on it and began to flick my tongue over her sensitive nub. Sherri grabbed the back of my head and pulled me closer into her pussy as her hips started to buck against my mouth.

"" Sherri's orgasm rocked her body as her pussy flooded my mouth. As she trembled and spasmed, I pulled away, kissing my way back down her inner thighs. She was still sprawled wide open as I got back up and moved one of her legs, giving me room to sit back down.

"Holy shit" she said, in between her raspy breaths, "That was unbelievable."

"You did a lot of the work yourself. I just came in to finish the job."

"Yeah.....holy shit. You definitely did. Give me a few minutes. I need to get my breath back."

As Sherri came down from her orgasmic high, I reached over and refilled both of our champagne glasses. She was curled up in the armchair, her only remaining clothing her thigh high stockings and heels. Her ass was pressed against me in a modified spooning position as we both sat and watched the snow continue to fall.

The light coming in from the city lights made the sky glow in an orange-yellow hue. The snow was falling harder now and the effect was mesmerizing. When the wind would blow, snow would spiral in front of the windows, then dissipate into a swirling cloud. We sat and watched the storm for about 10 minutes, with Sherri occasionally taking a sip of her drink, and sometimes rubbing her naked ass against me. I continued to fondle her breasts and kiss the back of her neck as we watched the storm fill the sky.

Out of nowhere, Sherri suddenly exclaimed, "We have naked people!"


"First building....2 floors windows from the left."

I propped myself up to get a better look and sure enough, a middle-aged woman was in her bedroom getting undressed. She looked like she had been at a similar event as we had been, as she was in the process of taking off a red cocktail dress and staring out her window with her lights on. This gave us a clear view of her bra-clad torso and eventually her matching red panties. She reached around and undid her bra, releasing her large tits from their containment. She was either oblivious or apathetic to the fact that she could be seen, because she stood in her window, staring out, while gently rubbing her tits.

"That's something you men will never understand. Just how amazing it feels to release your tits from a bra at the end of the day."

Before I could respond, we saw that something behind the other woman got her attention, as she suddenly turned away, giving us a view of her thong-covered ass. Further back in the room, we saw a bare-chested, silver-haired man take her into an embrace. As they passionately kissed, we could see that they were both exploring the other with their hands. After a few minutes, they broke their embrace and started walking toward the bed. Just as the woman bent over to remove her thong, the lights clicked off enveloping them in darkness.

"Well! Show's over!" I joked as I slumped back into the chair.

Sherri got a glint in her eye and said, "Maybe we can give a little show of our own if anyone else is out there."

She slid off the chair to her knees and reached up to start pulling off my boxers. I lifted my hips to let her slide them over my pelvis and down my legs.

"But first, let me get you ready." Sherri reached over for her glass and took a large sip of champagne. I saw her swish it around in her mouth and swallow, just as she took my entire length into her mouth.

The combination of the chilled champagne, tiny bubbles and the heat of her mouth was an incredible feeling. As she swirled her tongue around my shaft, I could steel feel the slight carbonation from the liquid giving a tingling effect all over my cock. Sherri worked her mouth up and down alternating between using her lips to suck on just the head, to taking me all the way to the entrance to her throat. As I watched her head bob up and down, I took some of her long blonde hair into my hands to increase her speed.

I could feel my arousal building and Sherri could too, because she pushed herself up and said, "Nope. You're not cumming yet. I have a better idea. Hand me that pillow from the couch."