Watersports with Ellie

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When your daughter wants to know your deepest secrets
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I live with my eighteen-year-old daughter, Ellie. Her mother, Gretchen, died in a car crash when she was just twelve and we've been looking after each other since. Even though I'm biased, Ellie is gorgeous. At around five feet five inches, she has straight copper hair falling halfway down her back. Huge, sea-green eyes dance above a delicate nose dusted with freckles and a generous cupids-bow mouth. She has a long, graceful neck and I'm guessing around 34-B breasts, a toned, narrow waist, and generous hips from which sprout seemingly endless curvy legs.

I love my daughter with an intensity that only parents can know, compounded by the joy that every time I look at her, I see the echoes of her mother in her smiling eyes.

Having been her sole parent all this time has made us quite intimate, and we both have little modesty around the house, being comfortable seeing each other, and being seen in our underwear. In fact, I had several times caught Ellie dashing from the bathroom to her bedroom naked, although I wasn't sure she was aware of this. We'd bumped into each other a couple of times in the bathroom, too, clad in only minimal garb. But I'd raised her through puberty and her menses, so it wasn't a big deal.

As Ellie matured from girlhood to young womanhood, I couldn't help but speculate what it would feel like to embrace that youthful flesh in all its glorious nakedness. Accepting that I was a dirty old man I tried to put it behind me and moved on.

Chapter One

It was a warm Friday evening and we had just finished washing and drying the dishes when Ellie turned to me and asked, "Daddy, what shall we do tonight." Surprised, I said, "Don't you have plans with your friends?"

"Sarah has Covid and Meg's away with her family. April's going out on a date with a new boy so I'm kind of at a loose end. I thought I'd chill with you."

"Well, normally I just watch tv, play a video game or muck about on the interwebs," I told her.

"Boring!" She said, "Let's play a game. Like a board game or something. We haven't done that in ages."

"No worries, go and pick one out."

She bounced out of the room and down the hall to the cupboard containing the games. I smiled at her enthusiasm and poured us both a Jamesons and soda, which had always been my drink of choice and which Ellie had adopted since coming of age. Making my way into the living area, I put our drinks on the coffee table and moved one of the armchairs around so it sat opposite the couch, so we could face each other while playing. Then I planted myself on the couch and took a sip of my drink.

Ellie seemed to be taking her time, so I called out. "Honey, what's taking so long?"

"Hang on Dad, I'm just getting changed," I heard her call from upstairs.

A minute or so later she came in with an armful of boxes, having changed into one of my old tee shirts, faded Rolling Stone's logo on the front, wearing it like a dress. It barely covered her shapely arse, and I couldn't help but admire the length of pale flesh that stretched from the hem to her pink painted toenails. As she bent to put the boxes down on the coffee table, I caught a glimpse down the neck of the tee of bare breast underneath. Ellie's smooth pale globe was tipped with a delicate pink crown, about an inch and a half across, the areola crisply delineated against her pale skin and topped with the cutest little pencil eraser nipple. In my shorts, my cock stirred, waking from its slumber.

"What do you want to play first?" I asked.

"Let's start with Monopoly, but make it a drinking game," Ellie challenged me with her glowing green eyes, a half-smile lifting the corners of her mouth.

"How's that going to work?" I asked.

"Every time you land on my properties you have to drink, along with paying the fine, and vice-versa."

I thought about it. I didn't want to foster a drinking habit in Ellie, but a few drinks couldn't hurt, could it?

"OK," I agreed. "Let's give it a shot."

We played several games, roughly evenly matched and each of us downing more than a few shots of Jamesons. As we played, I noticed that Ellie, in the chair opposite me, had started unconsciously moving her knees in and out, offering me glimpses of her white-cotton clad crotch. Trying not to stare, I could see the contour of her labia through the thin material, a little triangular impression at the top, beneath from which a little groove emerged and ran down the length of her mons, neatly bisecting it. My cock growled to life, growing and throbbing in my underwear. I had to surreptitiously shift it around to get comfortable. Glancing back again and again, I noticed that her panties were gradually being pulled in by the motion of her legs, effectively creating a little wedgie. The seams on the sides of her gusset were being pulled toward the centre and by the time we finished playing, I could clearly make out half of each of her outer labia; smooth and pale. By this time my cock was hard as obsidian, not helped by the alcohol that had by now erased any doubt I'd had about perving on my daughter and fuelled my carnal thoughts into a maelstrom of lust.

When I looked back at Ellie, I noticed she had a funny little smirk on her mouth, and I wondered if she knew what she was doing to me after all.

It was getting towards midnight, and I had had enough to drink. I said as much, and Ellie agreed. We packed up the game and Ellie trotted off to the hall cupboard to return the collection of boxes. I took the opportunity again to rearrange my aching member, adjusting it to compromise of comfort and modesty. When Ellie came back, she sat next to me and lifted my arm so she could burrow into my side, placing my arm around her neck and clutching my forearm between her breasts, my hand on her tummy. My heart melts when she does this and she knows it.

"Movie?" She asked.

"Yeah okay," I replied. "What do you want to watch?"

"Something with Brad Pitt or George Clooney, of course."

I sighed. "Ocean's 11 it is, then."

"Perfect!" She purred.

A few minutes into the movie Ellie twisted around to look up at me.



"Why didn't you ever re-marry after mum died?"

I thought for a minute.

"Well at first, I was too busy grieving, and looking after you. After a while I guess I just sort-of settled into the single-dad life. I never did find another woman who made me feel the way your mother did."

"But didn't you get lonely?

"Well, no, I had you here, sweetheart."

"No, I mean, you know," she blushed prettily. "Lonely for..."

"Oh, you mean horny?" I grinned at her. "I haven't been celibate all this time, you know."

Ellie's flush deepened. "Oh! I, er, I didn't know..."

"Well, I didn't exactly flaunt it. And none of the women I met were marrying material, so I never felt the need to bring them home to meet you." I wondered if the alcohol had loosened my tongue, but we were both adults and I didn't think we were going too far out of bounds. I grinned at here again, thinking to shock her off the topic. "Some of them were pretty hot though, but none as hot, or kinky, as your mum."

"Eew, Daddy!" Her eyes went wide as she considered this. She squirmed around on the couch so she could look directly into my eyes. Hesitantly then, "Kinky... How?"

Hmm, I'd thought she'd back away at that, but she seemed genuinely curious.

"Are you sure you want to know that level of detail about your old-man's sex life?"

A pause. Then a little nod of the head. It was me who paused now as I considered how much I should tell her.

"Well. For a couple of years, we'd been experimenting with some mild fetish stuff, you know, some toys, some light bondage, just to keep some spice in our love life. And then we just sort of stumbled into water sports."

It took a second for this to sink in. I watched Ellie's face as realisation dawned.

"Oh! You mean pee stuff." I nodded. She didn't seem to know what to make of that. "What do you mean "stumbled in?"

"Well, we were showering together, as couples do, and I needed to pee. So, I started to get out and your mother said, "Just pee in here." And I did, and we got the giggles. Then she grabbed me and directed my stream onto herself, and we really lost it." I smiled at the memory. "We were laughing so hard it's a wonder we didn't fall over in the stall. Then she cocked a leg up, put her foot in the soap dish and pissed all over my legs. That was the beginning of a beautiful journey." I smiled at my daughter. "I miss that woman."

I saw a shimmer of moisture in her big green eyes at that, and her voice trembled just a little as she replied. "Me too, Daddy." She swallowed, and then brightened again. "So, these women down through the past six years have been kinky, too?"

"Not all of them. Only a couple were willing to get into pee play and none seemed to enjoy it as much as your mother. It's sort of evolved to the point now where I just ask if I can watch them pee. It's my kink."

"Oh, okay." She brooded on this for a while. I decided to turn the tables on her.

"So, your turn." I told her.

"Eh, what do you mean?" She looked confused.

"Well, I've bared my soul, now it's your turn." I wondered if the alcohol we'd consumed would loosen her tongue as it seemed to have mine.

"What do you want to know?" Ellie asked, warily.

"I've told you my kink. You tell me yours." I prodded. I could see the cogs turning in her head at that, then she seemed to come to a decision.

"I'm an exhibitionist." she declared.

"Well I know THAT," I laughed. "Look at the skin you're showing off to your poor old dad."

"No, I'm serious, Daddy." Ellie gazed levelly at me. "I like people to look at my... private parts."

I blew out a breath. Memories of glimpsed flesh darting through hallways and the occasional "accidental" meetings in the bathroom clicked into place, as did the supposedly innocent panty flashes during our game play earlier. "I see. And how did THAT start?"

Ellie paused, collecting her thoughts. "It started at college," she began. "Just after my eighteenth. One lunchtime, I was sitting, cross-legged in a circle of on the oval. Normally girls push their skirts down between their legs for modesty but this one time I realised my summer uniform had ridden up and so I looked across to see if anyone had noticed. Luke Larson was sitting opposite me and staring straight at my panties. At my crotch." She hung her head.

So, suspicion pretty much confirmed. "Go on," I urged gently. "How did that make you feel?"

"It gave me a tingly feeling in my tummy... And, and my vagina. I could feel it getting... You know."

She tore her eyes from her lap and looked at me shamefacedly.

I took her hands and squeezed them gently. "It made you wet."

"It did."

"What happened next?"

"I realised he didn't know I'd seen him looking at me, so I adjusted my skirt and pretended nothing had happened. The next day I wondered if he'd try to sit opposite me again, and he did. So I gave him another flash, pretending not to notice him looking."

"Like with me, earlier?" I asked, gently.

Ellie's cheeks blazed with colour and she dropped those gorgeous green eyes again, but not before I saw them moisten with shame.

"Oh Daddy, I'm so sorry." The tremor in her voice was very real now, and her breath hitched as she fought a sob. "I'm such a worthless slut."

"Hey, easy there, Tiger." I pulled her head against my chest, arm around her shoulders. She was trembling now, and although not openly crying, I could feel hot tears soaking through my shirt. Things had escalated way past where I had thought they might. "Let's not put the cart ahead of the horse."

"What... What do you mean?" She sniffed; voice muffled against me.

I took her head and brought her up to face me, gently thumbing the moisture from those beautiful, freckled cheeks. Leaning in to kiss her forehead, I told her, "The term "slut" is generally reserved for a girl, woman, who sleeps around. Have you been doing that?


"I thought not. Well then. Nothing to see here. Move along." I smiled at her.

"But, but I flashed my own dad."

"We'll get to that. For now, go on with your story. What happened next?"

Ellie took a few deep breaths, searching for her composure. I gave her a reassuring pat on the leg.

"The next day, I decided to give him a bit more. On the way out to the circle at lunchtime I pulled the gusset of my panties to the side, so the seam slipped up in between my, er, labia, exposing one side." This provoked a mental image that had my cock stirring again, gently throbbing with my heartbeat. Ellie continued. "As I sat down, I made sure there was a space opposite, ready for Luke. Sure enough, he beelined for it. After about fifteen minutes or so I made sure to let my skirt ride up, and kept my legs positioned so that no one either side of him could see. I could tell the moment he registered what was on view." She gave a little giggle, still blushing furiously, but back on even keel. "His eyes just about popped out of his head."

"No doubt."

"I could feel his eyes boring into my crotch. It made me feel so powerful to know that he would go home and jerk-off, thinking about me, about my..."

"Pussy." I finished for her.

"Yes! Oh Daddy, it was so hot. I was practically gushing." The spots of colour in her cheeks weren't shame now, but hectic excitement. "So, then I cut him off."

"Wait, what? Why?"

"I thought if I kept going, he'd work out that I was doing it on purpose and would tell everyone. The way I left it he would think he was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time."

"Okay, that seems logical."

Ellie leaned back against the couch. "And so that's become my method. I let some boy I think is cute, see something he shouldn't, just enough that he thinks he's won the lottery and I move on to someone else."

"I puffed out a sigh. "Wow! Not a slut then. A tease." She shot me a look at that. I steeled myself. "So, does that mean you think I'm cute?"

"Oh Dad," she was back to shame again. Meek. "I'm so sorry. I just..." She faltered. "I think I've had a crush on you forever. And now I'm older. The whiskey. I just thought I'd see if..." She was whispering now, unable to look at me.

"It's okay, honey. I think it's pretty normal for girls to crush on their dads. Same as boys with their mums. No harm, no foul. It's actually a pretty big complement that a young woman as gorgeous as you would find me attractive. Here, come and give me a hug." I drew her towards me, and she rose on one knee and threw the other over my lap, straddling me. She put her arms around me and hugged me tight. I was very conscious that the white clad mound I'd been straining to see earlier was now pushed against my groin, her firm breasts against my chest. My penis, still half engorged from her story roiled in its lair, squirming beneath her.

Ellie pulled back; her luminous emerald eyes boring into mine. "Oh Daddy," she breathed. "All that whiskey. I really need to pee."

She smirked. "Wanna watch?"

My heart stopped. Then I surged to my feet, a low growl emerging from my throat. Ellie's legs went around my waist and my arms encircled hers, squeezing her against me. She squealed.

"Oooh Daddy, not so tight," her silvery laughter tinkled into my ear. "You wouldn't want me to wee on you."

I strode down the hallway and into the bathroom, stopping before the toilet. Ellie released her legs from around me and I placed her on the floor. I hardly dared breathe. Eyes locked on mine, Ellie slid her thumbs up under my old tee shirt, hooking them into the waistband of her panties at her hips. Keeping her knees straight, she slowly bent forward, dragging them down over her thighs, knees, all the way to her ankles. She straightened, and carefully stepped free of them, kicking them towards the hamper. As they slid to a halt, I noticed a creamy line of moisture tracking down the centre of the gusset. Her eyes followed mine, and she gave a little shiver.

"You did that to me," she whispered.

I couldn't answer. Time had slowed down to a glacial crawl, and each breath whistled almost painfully through my lungs. I realised I was gritting my teeth and had to consciously relax my clenched jaws. My shorts were tented out as far as they could stretch, and I was hard, hard, hard as the hobbs of Hell! Ellies eyes widened as they dropped to my groin, and I heard her sharp intake of breath.

"You did that to me!" I whispered.

Ellie felt behind her and raised the toilet lid, then slowly lowered herself, dropping the last few inches with a little thump. I wasn't sure how she was going to proceed, assuming shyness would force her legs closed and she would hunch forward, embarrassed.

My Ellie wasn't having any of that.

She bunched the hem of the tee shirt with one hand, hauling it up to her navel, then leaned back on to the cistern and spread her knees wide, revealing all her waxed glory to me.

I blanched and sank to my knees between hers, slowly leaning forward, the better to see. Her puffy outer lips parted with a little "plick," revealing the most beautiful vagina I have ever seen, her bright pink interior glistening with pearly excitement. From a lovely, smooth triangular clitoral hood emerged two perfectly symmetrical inner labia with textured edges, almost frilled. As I watched they too began to part, whether from excitement, Ellie's posture, or maybe a little of both. It reminded me of watching a pink flower unfurl in a time lapse sequence. Inside, I could now see her vestibule, and more importantly, her urethral opening. My penis was now hammering painfully with each heartbeat and felt harder than I had ever been before. Ellie's breath was coming in quick little pants now, and as I watched, a trickle of her creamy juice ran down the rear of her opening and dripped into the water.

I could smell her excitement. The musky, intense perfume of her secretion was driving me higher and higher in my own lust-filled trance. My pre-cum was soaking into my shorts and I knew that if I could look down I'd see a large wet spot



We spoke together and as we did, Ellie's stream shot out of her, strong and hard, blasting against the porcelain and spattering droplets on to my face. She moaned, and I moved even closer, smelling the strong pungency of her urine and licking the salty tang of her from my lips. Ellie began to shudder with passion and her stream wavered. She was gasping now, little "Oh, Oh, Ohs" and the sound of that pushed me over the brink and into my orgasm.

"GAAAH," I managed as my brain flooded with God knows what neurochemicals. "AAARGH, ARGH, ARGH!" My vision greyed out and I lost contact with all physical sensation other that the pure, molten bliss that was simultaneously filling and obliterating every fibre of my being. My engorged cock was pumping, pumping, pumping my seed like never before and I felt myself slipping toward unconsciousness.

Somewhere in another universe I heard Ellie howl like a wild animal, a guttural, bestial sound like nothing I'd ever heard before. As I came back to myself, I felt fingers tangle in my hair and pull me savagely up, bringing our foreheads together. She was bucking like a bronco, teeth bared, green eyes seafoam wild, her breath rasping in and out of her in racking sobs. Her free hand had abandoned the hem of the tee shirt, which some part of me noticed was now soaked with urine, and was rubbing frantically between her legs, making a rapid squelching sound. In a while, she began to slow, transitioning from manic to merely mad, then to a kind of staccato twitch, which eventually slowed and stopped. She groaned and sagged towards me. I caught her in my arms, and we collapsed together to the cold, hard floor of the bathroom.

We lay together for a while, her head on my arm, catching our breath, collecting our thoughts. Her emerald eyes were luminous, unreadable. Never had they seemed more beautiful to me.