Way Out of his League

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Nerdy guy catches the attention of a beautiful young woman.
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Edited by oldnakeddad. With Thanks.


Lori tossed her keys onto a side table in her parents' front porch as she asked her mother.

"What's that racket?"

Lori was a beautiful young woman of almost nineteen. She had full-bodied and long, jet-black hair; deep dark eyes; a slender, toned body with shapely breasts; narrow waist; full hips; and long legs.

Her mother informed her.

"Jason has some of his friends in. They're having some sort of video game competition."

Jason was her twin brother, but where she was beautiful and graceful, he was gangly, skinny and totally uncoordinated.

Lori muttered as she went to the fridge and took out the orange juice.

"Good grief."

She wore a tight T-shirt with snug, ripped, and faded jeans. Her smooth, tanned legs peeked out of the torn denim. Her mother went upstairs to her bedroom and Lori, being bored, went downstairs to the rec room to see what all the racket was. It actually sounded like a party.

She had socks on and was pretty light footed at the best of times, so the boys never heard her as she walked into the large rec room and stood back to survey the gathering. Every specimen of nerdom was represented, from the skinny Asian kid with glasses to the chubby kid with pop spilt all over his shirt. They weren't kids anymore, of course, all being her age of eighteen or nineteen.

They were all transfixed on the large screen TV where there was some sort of racing car game going on with two guys with controllers sitting on the coffee table in front of the TV, swaying from side to side while all of the others sat around, and leaning in and cheering wildly. One spun out and crashed as they all erupted into cheers and jeers. She called out from behind.

"Hello, boys!"

Several of them jumped with surprise and they all turned to look. Several boys' mouths dropped open, a few boys blushed furiously, and one boy muttered.

"Holy shit!"

She recognized some of them from their old high school, but at least half must've been from other parts of the city. Obviously, gaming on-line must've brought them together. Jason sulkily asked her.

"Lori, what are you doing down here?"

The chubby guy, with soda spilt over his shirt, spoke.

"She's your twin sister? Holy shit!"

"Didn't you see the pictures on the walls, dummy?" another asked.

"I thought they must've been photo-shopped or something. I didn't think any girl could really be this pretty."

That caused Jason to groan.

"Jeez, Glenn, give it up."

Lori smiled at him.

"I only came down to see what all the racket was about."

Jason grumbled.

"We're having a gaming tournament."

"Really? Can I watch?"


There were several other simultaneous inputs, though.


"And the nays lose! Besides, I could be useful. I was a cheerleader in high school, remember?"

Several of the guys enthusiastically nodded.

"Do you still have the outfit?"

She smiled.

"No, Glenn, I had to give it back."

"Well, fuck that."

"You boys race your pretend cars. Don't mind me, I'll find somewhere to sit and watch."

She walked around while looking at them. She remarked, clinically, to a tall slender guy with wavy brown hair.

"You're cute, considering the company."

She looked him over for a while. He was well-groomed, wore jeans and a plain T-shirt that contrasted with the super hero and video game shirts all around him. He was sitting on one of the kitchen chairs that'd been brought down from upstairs.

Jason looked around at his friends.

"Lori, there's nowhere to sit so, come on, you aren't interested in any of this. We've been planning this for a while. Why don't you go back upstairs? You're going to be a distraction to most of the guys."

"Don't be silly. I'm not trying to wreck your tournament. I'm only going to watch for a while. I mean, all of the best gamers from across the city in one rec room? Who wouldn't want to witness this?"

Glenn piped in.

"Definite, solid point there, Jason. Gamers at real tournaments actually have to contend with an audience, right? You have to zone out your surroundings,"

"Well, I guess."

"You can have..." the guy she called cute began.

Lori quickly hopped onto his lap.

"I can sit here."

"Whoa!" he exclaimed.

He was surprised and had to hold onto her to keep them from toppling over. He ended up with an arm around her lower back and quickly snatched back the hand that'd landed on her knee.

"Jeez, Lori! See? You're trying to purposely be disruptive!"

"You don't mind me sitting here, do you?"

The others looked on enviously and someone mumbled.

"You lucky dog, Matt."

Matt answered in shock.

"Ah, no, I don't mind."

Jason grumbled.

"Come on, guys. Next match."

The guys restarted their gaming competition. Lori thought there seemed to be a lot of crashing involved. Lori whispered to Matt as she lightly played with the hair on the back of his neck.

"I haven't made you uncomfortable, have I?"

"No," he lied.

She felt an ever stiffening bulge pushing against her bum and she laughed as she wiggled her bum quickly and gently.

"Are you sure?"

He turned red.

"Make sure you don't drop me on the floor!"

A few of the other guys were stealing glances of her, but she ignored them.

"Jason would get such a laugh if I fell!"

She took Matt's forearm and pulled his hand back onto her leg. A cheer sounded as a match ended and the guy keeping the score called out.

"Matt and Jason!"

Due to his hardening, Matt sheepishly replied.

"Ah, I think I'm good here."

Jason snapped.

"Oh, get off of him, Lori!"

Lori sighed in feigned exasperation and what she said next caused a few whoops of laughter.

"Fucking destroy him, Matt. I'll save your spot."

As they competed, she yelled encouragement to him and nasty insults at Jason, but unfortunately, Matt spun out and Jason's car flew over the finish line leaving him fist-pumping. Lori grinned and rubbed Matt's cheek with her hand after he walked back over to her.

"Aww, that's okay! Are you okay?"

Jason fired a cheesy grin over at her.

"Oh, give me a break!"

He was obviously happy with his win, though, as he was grinning. Lori cooed as she tried to encourage Matt.

"Jason won only because he's the biggest geek here."

After Matt sat down, again, she moved behind him and massaged his shoulders for a while. Looking over his shoulder, she watched, with satisfaction, as quite a large sized bulge formed in his jeans, again.

"This is too much fun for me, for one day, so I'll have to take my leave now."

She grinned as she went back upstairs and heard several coarse remarks and laughter directed toward Matt with Jason's objections. Glenn practically bellowed his remark.

"Did you blow your load, Matt?"


The next morning, Lori was in the kitchen, with her mother, wearing comfortable, cotton, two-piece, baby-blue pajamas, with little, white, fluffy clouds printed on them, and a button up, collared top. As she daintily ate her whole grain cereal, Jason and Matt came upstairs. Matt immediately spotted her and her mouth curled up slightly as his eyes quickly surveyed her before he started to turn slightly red. Lori called out sweetly, purposely ignoring Jason.

"Good morning, Matthew!"

Her mother curiously looked over and was clearly vexed.

"Good morning, boys."

"Good morning, Mrs. Greening and good morning, Lori."

Jason grunted before Matt made an announcement.

"Jason won the tournament."

His mother turned to him.

"Congrats, Jase."

He grinned and Lori added.

"Oh! What an accomplishment!"

Lori's mother shot her another glance.

"Are you going to University, here, in the fall, Matt?"

"Yeah. Um, I'm taking Bio-Chemical Engineering. You?"

"That sounds hard! Yeah, I'm studying business."


"I'll bet you got scholarships."

He blushed.

"Yeah. Five years. It's all paid for. Well, the undergraduate stuff anyway. So far."

Mrs. Greening exclaimed.

"Oh, wow!"

Mrs. Greening had passed her looks on to her daughter, but she was much thicker from the waist down where Lori was slender.

"Good for you, Matthew!"

Jason grinned and punched his buddy on the arm.

"Book worm."

"Hey! Don't bruise my future husband!"

Lori smiled, sweetly and her mother gasped.


Lori's mom started to giggle after Matt blushed furiously and Jason shot Lori a glance.

"You wish! Let's get the cereal and milk, Matt."

As the guys went downstairs with paper bowls, plastic spoons, boxes of cereal and jugs of milk, Lori called out.

"This geek convention is brought to you by Kellogg's Fruit Loops!"

Her mother smiled and whispered.

"You're bad!"

Lori was sitting at the breakfast nook because all of the kitchen chairs were downstairs. Her mom went over, stood behind her daughter, hugged her, and then kissed the top of her raven head.

"You be careful with the flirting. With your looks, you could make a boy fall in love with you using only a smile. Don't go breaking any hearts if you don't have to."


Lori showered and changed. She was going over to visit her friend, Liz, so they could hang out by the pool and suntan. She put on a fluorescent yellow bikini, pulled on a pair of battered and ripped jean shorts, and a loose T-shirt that she tied to display some of her toned midriff.

She got her bag, stuffed a few things inside of it, and with her sunglasses propped up on her head, she went to the kitchen for her water bottle. As luck would have it, she encountered Jason and Matt returning leftover cereal and milk from downstairs. She dropped her bag, held her arms open wide, and grinned at Matt.

"I have to go now, babe!"

He put what he was carrying down and looked sheepishly at Jason as he went over to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her firm, young body against his as he tentatively, and nervously, hugged her back.

She called out to Matt as she walked out, exaggerating the movement of her hips.

"Call me, maybe?"

Matt muttered in somewhat of a cross between shock and awe.


"Don't mind her, Matt. She's only playing with your mind for kicks and trying to make me pissed off."


Two days had past and Matt Robinson hadn't called her. Lori was furious as she walked through the house, in search of her twin, hissing to herself.

"Who does he think he is?"

She found Jason in the rec room.

"What's Matt Robinson's number?"

"Fuck off."

"No, seriously, what's his number?"

He grinned as he sprawled on the couch with an old hand held video game.

"No, seriously, fuck off!"

"Why won't you tell me, Jason?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I like him, okay?"

"Yeah, right."

"I do!"

"Isn't he a nerd?"

"Well, somewhat, sure, but in a cute way."

"Well, he's my buddy and a nice guy. I think you're only playing with him and you'll only string him along, for a while, before laughing as you dump him."

"I'm not like that, Jason!"

"You're behavior at my tournament was infantile."

"Jason, you're going to need my help with a girl, someday, and you'll regret it."

"The last person I'd ask for help, concerning a girl, would be you. You'd torpedo me, for sure."

"No, I wouldn't!"

"Yes, you would."

"No, I wouldn't!"

"Yes, you would."

"Grr! Fine, asshole! I'll find out, myself!"

She was angry with him as she stomped off.


Liz was concerned as she spoke to Lori.

"That's a lot of Robinsons."

Lori agreed as she looked at all of the names in the phone book.

"It does seem their name is as common as dirt."

The girls were hanging out by the Greening's backyard pool, sunning in their bikinis.

"Maybe they spell it with a second b."

"Maybe, or it could be an unlisted number, too."

"Lori, is he worth it?"

"I like him, Liz. I didn't realize it then, but now I keep thinking about him."

"He has to be on social media."

"I've tried, but I can't find him."

"He must be a friend on Jason's accounts."

"I'm either blocked or he has it private. That nerd is good with his tech."

"Do you want me to see if I can get if from him?"

"Do you think you can?"

"I can try."

"Tell him you'll show him your tits if he gives it to you."

Liz burst out laughing and kicked at Lori.

"Is he home?"

"The sun is out so he's probably in the rec room."

Liz silently padded downstairs with bare feet. She was shorter than her best friend, Lori, but just as slender. She had full, strawberry-blond hair and striking, green eyes. Freckles danced across her face and her skin was ivory pale. When she saw him, she sang out.

"Hi, Jason!"

He was slouched on the sofa, typing something into his phone, and without looking at her, Jason responded.

"No, I'm not giving you Matt's number for Lori."

"You're so smart!"

She grinned as she stood behind him.

"I find that so hot in a guy."

She started to message his shoulders.

"Yeah. I bet you find me so hot."

He leaned his head forward.

"Does this feel good?"

"Oh, yeah. I can't believe you're whoring yourself out for a phone number for Lori, though."

She shouted and slapped him on the side of the head at the same time.



Liz stomped upstairs as he laughed behind her.


He dialed Matt's number, after Liz had gone, and he answered.

"Hey, dude."

"Hey, man. Are you killing aliens?"

Matt laughed.

"No, I'm getting ready for work."

"Listen, dude. My sister is looking for your number."

There was silence on the other end.


"Yeah, man. I was surprised. Why does she want my number?"

"She says she likes you. Actually, she even got one of her hot friends to come down here and try to coax it from me. Matt, she's evil, I mean soulless. So I'm warning you, if you contact her, it'll be at your own risk, brother. Don't blame me. She'll eventually track you down. She's ruthless so that's all I'm saying. I'll text you her number and you can do with it as you will."

"Um, okay. Thanks, Jase."

"It's been nice knowing you, brother."

He hung up and texted him Lori's number.


Liz was still fuming as she lay out by the pool with Lori.

"Your brother is a real asshole! I can't believe he's actually related to you."

Lori was in disbelief as she spoke into her phone.

"What do you mean, what does he look like? Either there's a Matt Robinson there or there isn't!"

Then she hung up.

"The Robinson's are a weird bunch."

Her phone beeped.

"Holy shit, Liz! It's Matt!"

She looked at the phone in disbelief.

"He says Jason gave him my number."

Liz replied, also in disbelief.

"Really? Jeez, he must've listened to me. Now I feel bad for slapping him. What does he say?"

"Only that Jason called him, saying I wanted to talk to him so here goes."

She typed the numbers into her phone.

"Hi, Matthew? It's Lori Greening."

She winked at Liz.

"So, I expected you to call me. You didn't think I was serious? Why? Oh. Well, I was doing that at first I guess, but you must've realized I like you? You didn't? Well, I do. Do you? Are you sure?"

She winked at Liz, again.

"So, what should we do about that? Yeah? Well, that's a good idea, how about this evening? You're working? Where do you work? The Nerd Warehouse? No shit! So, how about tomorrow evening? Yes, so soon, I thought you said you liked me? Yes, you said you were surprised. Pick me up at seven, okay? Bye!"

Liz was confused.

"Was he resisting?"

"In shock, I think."

"Send him a bikini selfie."

Lori laughed.

"I better not! I might scare him off, for sure,"

Instead, she clicked a pouty picture of herself, only a head shot, and showed it to Liz who observed.


Lori spoke out loud as she typed the words.

"Don't be late."

The girls relaxed by the pool for another couple of hours before Liz yawned and looked over at Lori.

"I need food. I smell wood burning."

Lori looked over and grinned.

"I think I need a new cell charger."

Liz rolled her eyes and remarked in mock excitement.

"I bet they have those at the Nerd Warehouse!"

Liz sniffed as her voice changed to sulky.

"But I bet they don't sell food there. We'll get some food wraps on the way! Come on, girl!"

They jumped into Liz's car (Liz's daddy's car) and zoomed over to the Nerd Warehouse after stopping for some food wraps. They also narrowly avoided three motor vehicle accidents on the way and Lori complimented her.

"Hey, you're getting better at this!"

"Practice," Liz admitted before locking up the brakes and barely avoiding a fourth.


She sprayed spittle all over the driver's side window. The burley driver of the pickup truck she'd almost totalled, stuck his head out of his window and screamed back.

"Use your signal light, bitch!"

"Rude piece of shit!"

Liz sulked and Lori asked.

"Who uses indicator lights to pull into parking lots anyway? I mean, you see two hot girls driving toward you and there's a mall there. What the fuck else are they going to do?"

"I know, right!"

Liz felt better as she stole someone's parking spot.

The male driver yelled out as they got out of the car.

"It's a good thing you're hot!"

Liz rolled her eyes at Lori.

"Oh, my!"

Lori grinned back and put on her mirror sunglasses. She'd been in the pool, earlier, so her hair was wavy and natural looking. She wore her distressed jean-shorts and a loose, thin shirt that was tied up to show off her mid-section. Liz winked at her.

"Killing it, babe!"

They went into the store and immediately had to dismiss several male store associates as they walked around until Lori hissed.

"There he is!"

He was politely demonstrating a tablet to an older lady.


"Right there, dummy!"

"Behind the nerd?"

She exhaled audibly as Lori elbowed her in the ribs. They watched for a few minutes and had to wave off a few other, overly anxious, male store associates before Liz whispered.

"You'd think they'd strike over those hideous vests they have to wear."

By then, every male in the store had noticed them, except Matthew, and Lori was getting impatient.

"When's that horny old granny going to fuck off?"

Liz burst out laughing.

"Lori, you're too funny! Oh look! He's spied us! Yeah, he's cute, I guess."

Lori waved and flashed him her perfect white smile. Matthew turned red and continued to stammer something to the customer. They had to wait a little longer, but soon, the lady left and the girls approached Matt as Lori sang.

"Hi, Matthew! This is my best friend, Liz."

"Oh. Hi, Liz."

Liz smiled back.

"We were in the area, so I thought I'd drop in and see you. Is that ok?"

"Oh. Ah, sure, I guess."

"I wanted to make sure you know I'm serious about tomorrow. Seven, right?"

"Ah, sure. Yeah, seven."

Liz giggled.

"This guy is a dynamite conversationalist, Lori."

Lori replied as if he wasn't there.

"He's so cute though, eh?"

"Not bad."

"Have you worked here long, Matthew?"

"Ah, about a year?"

"Do you like it?"

"It's pretty good. I like technology."

"Why don't you show me the laptops?"

Liz smiled.

"Lori, I'll browse for a while. It was nice meeting you, Matthew."

"Oh, yeah. Ah, nice meeting you, too."

Lori flirted and Matthew developed new shades of red. She pushed up against him, laid her hand on his, flipped her hair, batted her eye lashes, laughed, and smiled before speaking, at last.