WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 02


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The lash of the whip spoke again and I jumped. It was harder this time, the pain barely tolerable, though I would not use my safe word yet. The whip spoke to me again. I expected the tongue after but instead, felt the soft wetness of a tight cunt descend over my burning prick, dousing the fire with liquid solace. She began riding me, removing the pain, leaving only the pleasure of her satin sheath. The whip came down smacking my helpless sack. I thrust up into the pussy above me, hoping to avoid the pain. It struck again and one of the lashes must have hit the woman riding me as well as I felt her twitch, even as I did. She did not flag in her fucking, continuing to rise and fall on my cock. The strands of the whip flicked out again and yet again, striking my legs, my balls, even the base of my shaft, but always there was the soft slickness riding me, the antithesis to my pain.

I was going to cum; cum while I was being lashed. The insistent pussy palpitating my prick would not relent. I was thrusting into her as best I could.

"Mistress, may I cum," I begged.

"You may cum, slave."

Sweet relief. I burst. Cum spewing from my cock like lava, hot and viscous, filling the sweet pussy riding me. I cried out, as did she, cumming with me. I emptied out like a balloon with a rip in the side, sudden and abrupt, in quick, sudden spurts. I lay back, exhausted, wrung out, hollow, panting like a dog. The woman's flexing ended and she sat quiescent upon me. She leaned down, her breasts brushing my chest, and kissed me; thanking me? Thanking me for my sperm and her hope of a child; or merely the ride? I did not think any but Marcia or possibly Chantelle would appreciate riding my cock that much. She rose and the door opened and closed again. Another anonymous cunt.

"Chantelle and Monique, please clean my slave so he's fit to share our bed with us."

"Yes, Mistress."

Their tongues busied themselves on my cock. Marcia removed my hood and I lay there, blinking in the sudden light.

"Did you enjoy yourself, slave?"

"I did, Mistress."

"Good." She sat on my chest again, exposing her moist and aroused folds to me. "Pleasure me."

My hands were still bound so I could use only my lips and tongue to please my love, my Mistress. I was not alone though; when they were done cleaning me, Monique and Chantelle each latched onto one of her proud nipples, and together, we brought our Mistress to her climax. At the conclusion of her orgasm, Mistress released me, relegating me to the bottom of the bed, at their feet, to be kicked awake if any of my women desired gratification. At least, I was not wearing the cock cage, so it would be easy to serve them on my part. They each made sure to use me once during the night, though not all at the same time.


I woke up the next morning with Marcia kissing me. No one else was in the room; I checked.

"Good morning, sweetheart," she said.

"Good morning. Where'd everybody go?"

"They have chores to do. It's a big household to run. You don't mind it's just me, do you?"

I wrapped her up in my arms. "Of course not." I kissed her.

"How did you like your two days of slavery?"

"It was interesting. I hated the cock cage, though; detested it."

"I know. I almost cried when I saw what it did to poor Mr. Happy." She kissed the offended organ.

"You hid it well," I said.

"Yes, I was trying to be the stern, no holds barred, devil may care, ball buster Mistress who would hold you to the highest standards of femdom," Marcia said, "but I didn't like it. I'm much more cut out to be your little slave than I am your dominatrix. It's too much work. I had to keep thinking of all these new ways to subjugate you. When I play, I want to let my mind disengage, not work. I never realized you planned so much to keep me happy and on my toes. I found myself doing the same things over again a few times. Having you service the other slaves at meal time. I ran out of ideas."

"Oh, yes, that's a real hardship for me. Licking beautiful women's cunts. My tongue started to get sore a few times, but I loved it. You're all different. Different physically, different smells, different tastes, different sounds. I admit, a lot of planning goes into our few days of play. I want to make sure you have lots and lots of orgasms and I plan hard to make sure you have them. If we were into these roles all the time, I'd probably spend less time thinking of your pleasure. I wonder sometimes how Brianna does it. Full time Mistress to a bevy of females. How does she balance that and her business?"

"Well," Marcia said, "everyone does seem to have well planned roles. Adele's in charge of the specialty jewelry, Monique runs the house. It's like she has assistants. And she doesn't make herself responsible for all their pleasure all the time. I imagine it's the only way she can be effective. I can tell you what I was reading on the plane now."

"What was it?" I asked.

"It was a book by a well known dominatrix and how she keeps her men in line. It's where I got the idea for the cock cage. Monique picked a cheap one up for me. Some of the things, Brianna did not have the equipment to do, pens and the like; too expensive to buy for a couple days, and of no use after that. I shuddered to think of some of the things she does. I could never do them to you. Like I said, I'm more slave than Master material."

"Well, I'm happy you realize how hard I work to keep you satisfied, Marcia."

She cuddled against me. "Monique called the hospital and we can pick up Brianna at 11:00. We need to leave in 90 minutes. Gives you time to shower, dress, and eat before you leave." She sniffed my face. "You smell like sex and girl cum and I noticed you need to shave. Too scratchy last night. Monique commented on it."

"Thank you, dear. Always happy to oblige."

It had been an interesting experiment, but I was so glad to be done with boy toy phase of our trip. I removed all remaining impedimenta of my slave life, the cuffs, the plug, the collar. We showered, shaved, dressed and went down to breakfast. There were waffles and fresh fruit and several of the slaves were dressed. I'd never seen so much clothing before at Brianna's. After we ate, we still had some time before leaving, so Adele asked if we'd like to see the nursery. Both Marcia and I were interested, it might give us ideas what items we could get for the babies.

She showed us the nursery and it was in blue and pink motifs, two cradles with baby mobiles, one pink, one blue. I also saw a baby tub and shelves with baby blankets, jumpers, soft towels, and lots of diapers. Dressers filled with baby clothes from tiny little socks to dresses to wee pants and shirts. There were a couple of rocking chairs in the room and a soft recliner, I assumed for Brianna to use when she fed the infants, or perhaps for whoever was watching the children to sleep at intervals. One wall was decorated with a big yellow sum, light fluffy clouds and a rainbow on a light blue background. Another wall had the moon, stars, planets and galaxies swirling on a dark blue wall. Another wall was pink with unicorns and fairies. The fourth wall had the windows and shelves, the shades done in pink and blue. Adele packed a baby bag to bring to the hospital for when we picked everyone up. The nursery was well stocked. I didn't see anything they might need in there which we would have to get.

I wondered about the number of women I'd seen who were dressed this morning and asked Adele if they were dressing for their Mistress's return. Adele laughed and said, they would all be naked when Mistress arrived.

"Follow me," Adele said.

She led us to the punishment room. There were seven women in there dismantling the punishment equipment or moving them. All of them were dressed.

"It's to protect delicate skin from injury while they move things in here," Adele explained. "We are making a play room for the children in here. We're adding a false wall along the middle, about here," she pointed out. "We don't want the children exposed to bondage/discipline things until they are old enough to understand. This side will become the play room with toys and games and books and big stuffed animals. Behind the wall we'll store some of the stuff we wish to keep, and sell much we don't have room for anymore. Mistress's room will still have a few items to maintain proper discipline, though it will be well hidden. Let's face it," Adele said, "most of us don't really require discipline. We love and adore Mistress. It's mostly for pleasure and we have other ways of expressing that."

"I'll miss it," I said. "I had a lot of fun in here."

"As have we all," Marcia added. "I merely had to look at some of these things and I began to cream."

"Don't we all," Adele laughed. "With children comes responsibility. While I might miss most of what occurred in this room in the past, I will also love what occurs in this room in the future. I hope I'll see it filled with happy, laughing children. Until the children are old enough to use it, we'll put some exercise equipment in here so Brianna can get back to her fighting trim."

Marcia kissed her. "If Sam has anything to say about it, I'm sure it will be."

We all laughed.

"It's time to go. Monique has pulled the limo out front."

"The detailers finished with it already?" I asked.

"Oh yes," Adele said. "You can't tell there was a bloody struggle for life in there yesterday."

"Let's go then. I can't wait to see the babies again," I said.

It was the same group going today as yesterday save for Chantelle who was cooking a welcome home feast for Mistress with the cooks help. We all piled into the car and I saw they'd already outfitted it with two infant car seats. The nice thing about having so many to help was between us, it was hard to forget anything. Monique started off, and traffic cooperated. Why had the accident not been today instead of yesterday.

Marcia's phone dinged and she checked it. It was a text from Brianna with the name, address and phone number of a Realtor she trusted. She showed it to me, then called her after I agreed they could at least let us know what was available in our price range. They got through the pleasantries, then Marcia got down to business.

"My husband and I are looking for something in the $250 - 300 thousand price range in the general vicinity of the Holmby Hills to Ventura Highway area in North LA. We'd like to see what's available in that price range." A pause as they responded. "No, we'll be moving here from Florida. It would be contingent on selling our home there. We don't expect you to show us any homes at this point. This is all preliminary. I still have to find a job here." More silence on Marcia's end. "Law enforcement and my husband does investments. Anticipate annual combined income about $150-$165." Marcia listened. "No, we only owe $50K on our mortgage and expect it would go for around 250." Pause. "That's right. If you could show us your listings book, we just want to know what we're looking at." "Tomorrow at three. Great. Should we ask for you?" "We'll see you then." She hung up.

"Well, Sam. We're on our way. When we get back to Brianna's, I need to start gleaning information about LEO jobs. See what they have in the area."

"The larger departments in the area are constantly hiring. There, you're looking at Los Angeles County Sheriff's, LAPD, and Ventura County Sheriff's. Orange County and Kern County are probably too far away," Adele said, "you'd be in traffic for hours. Lots of smaller departments, too, individual city departments like Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Bel Air, Sherman Oaks, Canoga Park, and the feds. ATF, ICE, and DEA are really big out here, Drugs, Guns and Illegals."

"I'd prefer street work," Marcia said, "so I'd rather opt for one of the regular LEO jobs, or detective. I was getting enough experience to shoot for a detective position. Do you know what they pay law enforcement out here?"

Adele answered, "Starting pay for the police departments is around $65,000, give or take. With prior military or law enforcement experience or a college degree, they start around $72,000, post academy."

"Their starting pay is about where my agency tops out without promotions. How expensive is it to live out here, anyway?"

"Pretty expensive,"Monique answered, "especially real estate. You'll see when you check it out tomorrow."

"How do you know, Adele?" I asked. "Have you been looking into law enforcement jobs?"

"Not for myself, no, but I started exploring it for Marcia when we discussed you moving here last July. Even with your prior experience, Marcia, most of the Departments will require you to attend a six month Peace Officer Standards and Training or POST certified police academy to learn California law and procedure, unless you come from some other California agency where you received the training. I don't know if anyone gives dispensation for any other states prior police academy training, but you'd have to pass the California exam. The feds have their own academies. I don't know about the feds, but you can apply on-line with most of the larger departments."

"So, you're pretty sure I'm going to have to go to another police academy?" Marcia asked.

"Reasonably certain."

"Well, shit. I hated the academy."

"There's also private agencies," Adele said. "They have some private investigative agencies or security companies, large ones which pay well. They'd hire you on the spot. Benefits probably not as good, nor retirement either, but pay might be better for some of the larger ones."

Marcia looked at me. "This may not be as easy as I thought it would be," she said.

"All we can do is look into it, make the best decision we can based upon the information we glean, honey. Would you adamantly be opposed to another academy?"

"No. And I would probably not get beaten to a pulp as bad as I did the first time around since I'm so much better at unarmed combat, but it still feels like a waste of time."

"We're here, gang," Monique said. "Look alive. Grab the baby clothes."

I could do that. Might as well earn my keep. I wasn't going to be breast feeding anybody. I grabbed the baby bag and followed the ladies up to Maternity. When we got there, everybody hugged everybody else. The doctor had already given Brianna her discharge orders and instructions. The nurse was gathering all of her things, the flowers, cards, clothes. Brianna was in a wheelchair because hospitals insisted on their use for discharging patients. Brianna had Sarah and John, one on each arm. Brianna gave me John and Marcia took Sarah. We took the baby clothes we brought and put little rompers on them. I might be prejudiced, but heavens; those were cute little dickens. When all were ready, Monique wheeled Brianna out while Adele grabbed all of her things.

Monique went for the limo while we waited at the curb with Brianna. The babies were sleeping at the moment and the look on their little round faces was angelic. And what was it about the smell of babies, at least when their diapers were dry. A cross between baby powder and a kitchen when cookies were baking. All that changed once they pooped their diapers, but until then, magic. The limo pulled up. Adele got in and assisted Brianna to get in and then I passed her John. I got in and Marcia passed me Sarah, then Marcia climbed in. I reluctantly put Sarah into her car seat, I really didn't want to give her up. Adele did the same with John.

We told Brianna we had an appointment with the Realtor at three tomorrow and she nodded thoughtfully.

"I've had an idea regarding housing, but I'll let you meet with the broker before discussing it with you," she said. "We have a surprise guest coming tomorrow."

"Who?" I asked.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it."

"Does anyone know? Maybe I can squeeze it out of them," I laughed.

"Monique knows. She has to pick them up at the airport, but I don't think she'll tell. She knows what would happen to her if she did."

Monique smiled at me. I could tell she wouldn't give it up.

Brianna asked, "How did you like your stint as a sub, Sam?"

"Let's just say I much prefer being the dominant. While I'm not unhappy I gave Marcia the opportunity to switch, I like the Master role much better."

"And I prefer the slave role," Marcia said. "It's not as if I want to be subservient all the time, but when playing with Sam, it's where I want to be."

"It's amazing how consistently it plays out when people are given the choice. For those who express a desire one way or the other, one fits their nature, the other does not. As far as I can tell, there are very few true switches, those who have no preference one way or the other. I've been both. I can do sub if I have to, as witnessed by my subservience to you last July, but it's definitely not my preference. I'm far happier as a Mistress. It's my true nature."

"I was uncomfortable being a Mistress," Marcia said. "I wanted to kneel down and apologize every time I did something harsh to Sam. And I didn't realize how much work and planning he goes to making sure I'm satisfied when he's my Master. He never seems to run out of ideas when we play. We seem to go from one thing to the next effortlessly. I had a hard time being original. As much as I thought I planned for the role, I kept getting stuck doing the same things over and over. Every time we went to eat, I made Sam please any women who were interested, but I didn't have any fresh ideas."

"You won't hear any of us complain about your lack of originality," Adele laughed. "He's getting really good at pleasing a woman orally."

"Thank you. Thank you very much," I said in my best Elvis voice.

"I wish my lady parts weren't so sore right now, I would explore his newfound skills."

"Come on," I protested. "I wasn't that bad before."

"Oh, but Sam; you're getting much better," Monique said. "The difference between the cruise and now is noticeable."

"It's only because I'm competing with you," I said. "I don't want to give Marcia a reason to go over to the dark side."

Everyone laughed. "We already think she's a member of the dark side," Adele said. "We want her to come to the light."

We laughed again. In short order, we were back at Brianna's and everyone immediately shed their clothes again, even before going into the house, except Brianna. I asked her why.

"Because I feel fat and ugly," she said. "Pregnancy ruined my body, especially carrying twins. I don't want anyone to see me until I look better."

"Trust me," I said. "No one is going to look at you with anything but love and affection. You're their Mistress, and you're our friend. You may not be svelte, but you've given everyone two adorable little babies to love and cherish. You've opened the way for them to have children of their own. No one here gives a damn how you look because physical appearance is only one tiny part of the whole package and you've got a great package. Come on now; give 'em up." I held my hand out for her clothes.

"Sam, my boobs are swollen with milk. I've got twenty to twenty-five pounds of excess baby fat. I don't even want to stand on the scale. I've got hemorrhoids and a vagina that looks deformed from passing two babies through it. I haven't gotten enough sleep, I have bags under my eyes and my butt looks like a caboose. I couldn't look any uglier if I tried."

"Haven't you heard? Men like big boobs and big booty."

"Mistress, Sam is right," Monique said. "You are a madonna; the mother of our children, all of ours. You will never be anything but beautiful to us. The only one concerned about your appearance is you. Everyone else only wants to see you again." Adele nodded in agreement.

People were starting to crowd out of the house now, waiting for us.

"Your court awaits," Marcia said. "You can do what you want, but the Empress should not change her attire now. You not only show them nothing is changed, you teach them to be proud of their own motherhood should it happen."