WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 03


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"What about before you started eating. What were you thinking then?" I asked.

"Are you still trying to psychoanalyze me, Master Sam?"

"A little," I admitted. "Like I said, I felt like I was treading a minefield and totally wondering what was going on inside you. I'd like to know."

"I remember being confused at first, like I didn't believe it was happening. Someone would finally release my hands and give me chopsticks and the joke would be over. Then I saw you all staring at me and realized it wasn't a joke. You were waiting to see what I'd do. I wanted to run off and hide. I wanted to scream. I wanted it all to be over. I was angry. Then I realized it was my fault, it was happening because of things I'd done. I'd cheated on my husband, disappointing him once more after promising I'd behave and never cheat on him again. Plus, I'd treated everyone like shit. No one liked me. No one wanted to stand up for me. I was being punished and the punishment was just. Despite my fear, my trepidation, my disgust at myself and my situation, I realized a tiny part of me was curious. What would it be like touching another woman so intimately? What would it smell like and taste like? Would she cum if I touched her? Would it be more embarrassing if I did make her cum? Finally, I decided the best way to proceed and shut you all up was to go ahead and do it."

"You should know," I said, "it was one of the first times I thought you were worth saving, that Bill might be better off with you than without you. The whole day, really."

"How so?" Evelyn asked.

"You'd already signed the revised pre-nup and started withstanding your morning spankings, but I didn't consider those things as more than mildly promising. Paper is paper, the pain of a spanking is temporary, even being hung naked from the mast wasn't all that challenging. People didn't know who you were or why it was happening. They couldn't recognize you. But that day, we started on the beach and you had a plug in your ass and a Vibe in your cunt, and you accepted it. You laid there in the sun having orgasms in front of God and everybody. We walked down the beach and I made you cum some more. We went back on board and you took a whipping and climaxed. Then the Nyotaimori, which you handled well, and finally, when Bill made you assist him in preparing Marcia for her triple penetration, you fought off your feelings and did as he asked. I realized you weren't as soft and shallow as you seemed. You had a steel core to you, some nerve, and you were willing to gut out some painful things for a meaningful goal. It's when I started hoping William could find it in his heart to forgive you and take you back. If you were willing to do those things to atone, and have a better attitude about it to boot, you were worthwhile."

"Me too," Marcia said.

"Me three," Brianna added. "If Bill hadn't accepted you back, I was willing to give you a try here. You showed a lot of courage and fortitude. Of course, you would have had to accept primarily female relationships, but you showed promise as a slave."

"It's good to know my humiliation was good for something."

"That's just it, Evelyn," I said. "You weren't treating it as humiliating. You started finding humor in some of it, and acceptance in other parts of it. Except for a few tears, you never acted humiliated; you soldiered on. We finally saw the strength you possessed."

"Master, when did you decide I was worth saving?"

"Honestly, I didn't know until you submitted yourself to me, and even then, not immediately. I had to think about what you'd promised, because you'd broken promises before. All the things you put in your contract which would help ensure your fidelity and service to me. Staying at home, no clothes but what I gave you to wear, dropping some functions, having a woman monitor your behavior. Without any one of those things, I might not have accepted you back. I was too shattered by what you'd done. You'd disappointed me too many times."

"Have you forgiven me now, Master?"

"Forgiven, not yet forgotten. It's still a painful memory, and it may be for a long time. But you've kept all the promises you made to me. You've become a woman I could only have dreamed of before, someone willing to do whatever is in her power to make me happy. I am content."

"Sam, Marcia," Evelyn said, "You're the only ones who haven't shared your stories yet. It's time for you to spill."

Sarah was starting to wake up and fuss a little bit. I glanced at the time. I couldn't believe it was almost nine PM. Adele picked her up and settled her on Brianna's breast. My little girl. I thought about everything that happened.

"Okay, there are so many things I can't remember without getting an erection, they're all so exceptional. The first time Marcia accepted a woman's oral caresses when she was having her piercing done, the Sybian contest, the one Adele spoke about; all of them were spectacular experiences, but there is one which really stands out.

"Most of you know about our friend, Morris. He was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor pressing on the autonomous nervous section of the brain and growing. Eventually, it would get so big, his brain wouldn't tell him to breath or his heart to pump blood and he'd die. He was Marcia's field partner and they were very close, but I was close to him too. We'd both served in the military, liked the same movies and went to them together all the time. Outside of work, I probably spent more time with him than Marcia did. I came up with a plan to surprise Marcia on April Fool's Day. As a gift to both of them, I was going to let them fuck, but I didn't know if Marcia would accept this. It wasn't strictly prohibited by our agreement, and I'd let other people touch her at the convention which she'd gone along with, but this was more. I was going to let another man fuck her, fuck her cunt, fuck her ass, fuck her mouth. This was a big deal for me. I'd had an unfaithful wife before Marcia and the only way I could tolerate this was knowing he was dying soon. I didn't have to worry about Marcia loving him more and running off with him. He would be dead.

"I thought I could fool her. We were about the same size height and weight and I'd seen him pee in the bathroom at the theater and thought our cocks were roughly equivalent. I told him Marcia and I had recently developed a Dom/sub relationship on certain days of the month base upon my losing weight. I explained a little about how it came about and what it meant for us now. I told him Marcia was informed I had a surprise for her but she didn't know what it was. I told him I wanted him to join us and we'd all have sex together. I even had him start using my body wash and cologne so he'd smell like me. I hoped we could get things going without Marcia knowing it was someone else until we'd passed a certain line where it wouldn't make a difference.

"He came over. Marcia was suspended and I spanked or whipped her, fucked her mouth, I don't remember exactly, and then I had him step in just like it was me."

"Did your plan work?" Evelyn asked.

"Fuck no." Everyone laughed. "The April Fool was me. Brianna warned me when I told her the plan it wouldn't work. She said 'a woman knows who's plowing her field'. Hell, it didn't even get to the plowing. Morris had larger hands than I did. As soon as he put his hands on her breasts and a finger up her cunt, she knew it wasn't me. I think she knew almost instantaneously it was Morris. Plus the similarity in size when limp didn't exactly coincide with size when erect. Marcia said he went to a place in her throat I'd never visited."

"Did she say anything? How did she know it was Morris and not some other person?" William and Adele asked.

"She didn't say anything about Morris until I removed her blindfold, then she acted surprised and excited. She just went along with everything. We shared her in bed, did all this stuff together and at the end of the night, while he was showering, she told me she knew it was Morris all along. It turns out I was a little too clever for my own good. The shower gel and cologne I gave him to start using, he started using right away. They were still working together, riding in the squad together and she noticed he'd changed his scents, but didn't think anything of it or ask him about it. The purpose of blindfolding your slave is to heighten their other senses, particularly touch and maybe sound, but you can add smell in there as well. So when he put his big hands on her and he still smells like me, Bingo, it's Morris."

Marcia was smiling off to my side, more a huge grin really, and I deserved it. Everyone else was still chuckling about my folly.

"You still haven't gotten to the story part," Evelyn said.

"No, I haven't. I'm getting to it though. So we spend all of April 1st sharing Marcia, double penetrations, the whole bit. It was very nice. But the following day is Marcia's birthday, and rather than splitting time with her again, I'm going to let Morris spend the whole day with her. I'd just kind of get out of the way and let them say their goodbyes. While he's in the bedroom boinking my wife, I watch a little TV, go to the gym, work out a little, swim some laps, doing stuff mostly so I'm not thinking about what's happening back home. I come back from the clubhouse and go into the bathroom to use the shower. They're sitting in the tub, Marcia is in front of Morris. Her eyes are closed and she's got this dreamy smile on her face and I see the We/Vibe controller sitting on the edge of the counter by the tub, so I'm guessing she's got it on, getting her jollies. She's leaning back against Morris and he's rubbing her fabulous breasts, playing with her nipples. I remember she had her nipple shields on.

"That was a hot enough sight, right there, but Marcia hears the shower start and she opens her eyes and smiles at me. Making sure I'm watching her, holding my gaze, staring me down, she slowly stands, demonstrating beyond a doubt she's wearing her Vibe. Then she turns, still looking at me, and slowly sits on Morris's cock, giving me a wonderful shot of her splendid ass and his thick prick disappearing up her cunt. She had me by the balls and she knew it. I had to masturbate in the shower while they churned the bath water to froth with her bouncing up and down on his shaft. She turns part way towards me just as I'm blowing my wad against the shower stall wall and blows me a kiss. I swear I fucking heard her moan in climax two or three times before I could dry off and leave. I couldn't believe what she'd just done, but it still makes makes for some great masturbation fantasies, it was so fucking hot."

"Okay, I'm surprised you ever have to masturbate, but that's pretty good," Evelyn said. "I want to be fucked right now, but I still want to hear what Marcia's is."

Sarah had finished feeding, but John was hungry, so we waited until she was burped and set in her carrier, and John was attached to Brianna's other nipple. Lucky little guy. Adele rocked the the carrier so Sarah would fall asleep as Marcia told her story.

"Mine is a little bit like Sam's, though I don't think I can tell the story as well as he did. After the convention, we'd struck up quite a friendship with Brianna, just Brianna at the time, didn't really know the rest of her slaves well. Sam had discussed Morris with her and we felt close. Brianna asked me to model for the 'Nude for the Homeless' auction they have here on National Nude Day. She sent a bunch of information about it, where it would be held, who it would benefit, what would be expected of me. It's the kind of thing I can't do at home due to my job, but I felt I could come here with a bunch of strangers and show off for them. We've already determined I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. Unknown to Sam, Marcia contacts me about another matter. She wants to have a child. She likes us, we like her, we're both kinky. She doesn't want to go through artificial insemination, as you well know. Plus she wants the child to have a real father, someone who's willing to be a part of the child's life.

"I can't have children. I've had a complete hysterectomy. I'm a total sports model now, fucking only. Sam would like to have kids. His mom would like grandkids. I'd like him to have kids. Brianna wants kids, but needs a man. Sam wants kids but he needs someone with a workable womb. Simple right. But I'm normal; I have hang ups about my husband fucking other women like anyone else. Especially beautiful ones who can give him children. But she can't die like Morris did. She needs to be here to have the children, so I imagine Sam fucking this beautiful, fertile, rich woman, living on this fabulous estate and chills run down my spine. I don't really want to do it, to release him for this. Only two things make this a possibility for me. First, Sam sacrificed for me so I could spend a few good hours with Morris. I knew how hard it was for him and he did it anyway, so if I couldn't return the favor, I'd feel like shit. Second, I know Brianna is a die hard lesbian, but she's been with men before, even been a submissive for one in the past, but it's not her nature. She's a dominant. Dominant and lesbian, maybe I can work with this. I tell her if she wants stud services from my husband, she will have to submit to him as a sex slave, exactly as I do. He will fuck her face and her ass as well as her cunt. Hopefully, to me, this will make it more unlikely she'd try to snatch my husband from me. He's a guy, and he's dominant and if I make the point crystal clear to her, Brianna will realize he's not a good permanent catch.

"I have a collar made up for her, the one Monique is wearing now, in fact. I bring cuffs, and a bunch of other stuff Sam uses to dominate me. I suspect Sam will go along with it; he really would like children, and Brianna would make a wonderful mother. But I can't be sure and I don't know if Sam will want to be part of a child's life three thousand miles from ours. So, Brianna draws up a contract agreeing to all of my conditions. She agrees to be financially responsible for any children, to fully assume responsibility if Sam doesn't want to be a part of his kid's life. Not what I'm hoping for, given the act of surrendering my husband to another woman, but what I'm planning for. We fly in and Monique picks us up. We go to the limo and Brianna is waiting, stripped bare; her normal state around here, but we didn't realize it then. We explain all to Sam. Brianna will be submitting to him for the purpose of having children. Sam will have control of her the same as he would me. Brianna assumes all responsibility for the child, but if he wants to be a part of his or her life, we can visit them here, and she will visit us in Florida. Grandparents can be involved, holidays and family vacations are accounted for. All he has to do is give her his collar and he can fuck a new slave and have kids.

"The sexy part for me - the one I see in my dreams sometimes - is watching Brianna kneel at my husbands feet, calling him Master, spreading her legs as I do, exposing all her holes for his enjoyment. He fingers her after questioning me whether I really want him to do this. He makes her lick her juices off his finger. She bows her head and bares her neck so he can collar her, then sucks his cock until he's hard. When he's fully erect, she sits in his lap and they kiss. He licks her nipples and fingers her ass and cunt some more until he's sure she's wet, then has her position his cock at the entrance to her cunt. Sam makes me get close and watch as Brianna slowly settles on his prick. She's tight and he's larger than she expects and she has to work to take all of his shaft. Brianna finally gets used to his cock's girth and she continues secreting her lubrication and she starts riding his staff. I see his prick get wet as she slimes him and her cunt spreads around him like a tight glove. Her sheath is pulled out when she rises up, clinging to his cock, then pushes back in when she slides down his pole. I'm watching this; watching this other woman fuck my husband and I know I'm responsible for it. Soon, he's going to arch up into her pussy and shoot his delicious cream into her fertile womb and I will be giving him the child I never thought I could. And she'll cum on his cock and I will be giving her this pleasure as well. The amusing part was if Brianna was submitting to my Master, all of her submissives were then subject to him as well. There were some nervous women around here until Sam made it clear he wouldn't force himself on them. The moment in the limo, I remember the most, more than all others."

There was a moment of silence, then Brianna said, "Shit, you just made me cum. Well that and John sucking on my nipple. I remember it so well; like it happened yesterday and it was exactly like that. Damn, it makes me want to have your fucking cock in me again, Sam, you fucker. You're a pain in my ass."

"Oh, you want me to fuck you there as well," I quipped. "I can do that."

"Aren't you a little sore for that, Brianna," Marcia asked, ignoring my joke.

"I don't know, but I never will unless I try it. But I don't want to get pregnant again, at least not now. Monique, do you know if we have any of those condoms left from the last time they came?"

"I don't know, Mistress. I can look."

"Don't worry about it tonight, nor tomorrow either. Sam's got other fish to fry the next couple days, but I'll be damned if I'll let him leave here without riding his prick again."

"You make me feel warm and tingly all over," I said, laughing.

"You people are a bunch of fucking freaks," William said, laughing with me.

"You just noticed?" Marcia said. "I didn't take you for being quite so slow."

"Well I, for one, am having much more fun than the last time I was around you all," Evelyn said, "so carry on."

"Marcia and I have baby duty tonight, so we won't be joining in reindeer games. Monique is my slave to command, and if they wish it, she will serve Bill and Evelyn tonight in whatever capacity they desire, from fetching things to sucking cock or licking cunt. If you decide to use my slave, remember she may not cum until eight tomorrow morning. If you do not wish her services, you may release her to her Mistress. Brianna, do not let her cum either."

"I would enjoy Monique's presence, Master," Evelyn said. "I'm sure we can find some use for a lowly slave."

"Are you sure, slave? Your happiness is my only concern at this point."

She pulled his head down to meet hers for a passionate kiss while rubbing her naked body against his.

"I'm sure, Master. Now fuck your slave, make her cum on your cock. I'm so aroused right now, I can't wait to feel you in me. Come along, Monique. I'm sure my Master will find some use for you."

"You may continue using my bedroom if you wish, Bill," Brianna said. "I'm comfortable where I am and I know you'll have need of it again soon."

"Thank you, Brianna." He allowed himself to be led to her room by his adored slave, Monique trailing behind.


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MikePaulWritesMikePaulWrites8 months ago

Your stories are so tight. Do you plot out your stories or do you just write from the seat of your pants? I don't mind the repetition as it gives me a chance to reminisce within a given episode. You have obviously lived a very full life.

Five big stars.

Thors_FistThors_Fist8 months agoAuthor

For people who haven't read the other stuff that I'm now retelling, it lets them know why things are the way they are. It would be a shame to just start reading and not know what the hell is going on and why. Thors_Fist.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

First time thru. . . .Your dialogue writing is so excellent. A real strength. All the re - visiting of past events took too many words. DEAR AUTHOR, you do go on and on ! But ! I over look that and enjoy your excellent writing. So creative ! Liked treatment of EVELYN. 5 stars.

kiteareskitearesalmost 6 years ago
Some heart warming moments

Bit of a cheat using the 'best memories' part and rehashing events from other stories, but also there were some beautiful pieces in this chapter. I loved the part where Sam takes Evelyn's hand kisses it, that is just a part of the exploration of Evelyn through this whole chapter and it was very well written.

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