WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 06


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I saw Brianna looking at me and I could tell exactly what she was thinking. She was wondering if we should explore this submissive side of my Mother. I shook my head NO, practically bruising my brain in my denial. There was absolutely no way I wanted to explore the sub side of my nearly eighty year old Mom. Those memories could die along with all the other memories she had of my father. Brianna smiled back at me. She would at no time go anywhere with this without my approval and she was never going to get it.

"What about Sam as Master and all of the female slaves here. If he demanded it, could they be forced to have sex with him?

"Unless countermanded by their own Mistress. However, Sam realizes the women here are lesbians and would not appreciate sex with him. He won't take advantage of his position as a Master.

Mother asked Marcia what happened during her slavery.

Marcia would have to tread lightly here. We both agreed the fact others had now shared our marriage bed would have to remain a secret. Even if Mom did have a submissive side, I believed she'd always been one hundred percent faithful to my father. I know since his death, she'd been with other men. No one expected her to be a saint. I'm not sure she would react well to knowledge Marcia and I were not the same in this regard. Mom had always been honest with us as adults, telling us she'd been propositioned by a couple women, one a woman she had coffee with, although she said she rejected them all. She said she quit having coffee with her and never put herself in a position where she was alone with her again.

At one party at Halloween, Dad had to work late but would be coming to the party after work. She was still young and naive and rarely had alcohol before. She was given spiked punch by the other guests, not realizing how potent it was, got drunk, and another man kissed her and tried to feel her up. She pushed him away, saying, 'I'm married. If you do it again, I'll tell my husband.' She was left alone after that, my Dad being a scary guy to most sane people, but she remembered her lips were numb for several hours. She got sick and when Dad got to the party, he had to take her home.

Marcia was silent for a minute or two as she gathered her thoughts and tried to formulate a response.

"Pretty much anything my Master wants," Marcia said. "I must obey his commands fully. He may use my mouth, my pussy or my ass for sex at any time. He will punish me sometimes, for his own pleasure or for some infraction. This could be a spanking with his hand, or a paddle; perhaps something else. My Master will take control of my sexuality. He will control my orgasms, denying them or even forcing them on me. I am his to command within reason. We set limits before we started this and he will never ask me to do anything I've prohibited him from doing. Additionally, I have a safe word. If at any time it should become too intense for me, I merely speak the safe word and he must stop whatever he's doing. I've never had to say my safe word. My Master understands his slave's body and limits very well."

"Have you had sex in front of others?" Mom asked.

Marcia replied, "Everyone here has likely seen my Master use me. They are slaves such as myself who understand a slave's needs and responsibility to fully serve her Master or Mistress."

"And you have seen Brianna's slaves being forced to serve their Mistress?"

"Or each other, yes, or their Mistress pleasure them. Slaves have no right to privacy if it falls within the boundaries previously established," Marcia replied.

"How does it make you feel having others watch you having sex?"

"For me, having others watch me have sex increases my pleasure. I've discovered I have an exhibitionist streak. My orgasms are more intense when I'm forced to have sex in front of other people."

"But you won't have sex in public, outside the confines of the estate?"

Marcia thought carefully about her next answer. I could see the gears inside her head meshing.

"Not here. We're going to make Los Angeles our home and I hope to find a law enforcement job here. I will do nothing to jeopardize that. The same for Florida. Last summer, we were on a sailing cruise in the Caribbean. Brianna and three of her slaves were there as well as others we knew and others we didn't. My Master used me fully on the cruise, in front of everyone else. It was very overpowering to be used in such a setting. For five days of the cruise, I was my Master's to command. The other slaves were used as well."

"Will you have sex with her in front of me, Sam?" Mom asked.

"No, Mom. I'm not going to show you my erect penis. It would be too much like incest in this setting, even if I'm not having it with you."

"Do you remember how many times I caught you masturbating when you were a kid?"

"Yes, too damn many, but I was a kid blowing off steam, not intending to be seen by my Mother, and not intentionally fucking another person in front of you."

"Don't use that word in front of me. You know I don't like that language."

"But that's what it is. I fuck my slave. I make love to my wife, but I fuck my slave. She's mine to fuck in any way I want to have her. That's what we do. How would you have liked fucking in front of your parents?"

She stopped. Good, I finally shut her up. But not all the way.

"Would you spank her in front of me?"

That brought me up short. Would I spank my slave in front of my Mother? Everyone was watching me, interested in my answer. There was a certain wicked deliciousness to the idea. Spanking my slave/wife in front of Mom.

"Little slave, would you like to be punished in front of my Mother?" I asked Marcia.

"If it please my Master," Marcia replied. Apparently, the idea of submitting in front of my Mother had a certain appeal to her as well.

"Display," I ordered.

Marcia immediately stood with her legs spread more than shoulders width apart, her hands clasped behind her head. Her cunt lips had started to unfurl and signs of her moisture sprinkled her open lips. I heard Mom's sharp intake of breath.

"You have a very beautiful slave, son," she said.

"I do. She's an exceptional slave."

"We all think so," Brianna said. "There's not a woman here who would mind getting into Marcia's knickers."

Marcia moaned

"Are you wet, slave?" I asked.

"Yes, Master," she whispered.

"Louder. I don't think everyone heard you."

"Your slave is very wet, Master." Louder; so loud everyone heard.

"Let's see, shall we."

I rubbed my finger through her slit and shoved two fingers into her cunt. She moaned again. I removed my fingers and they were coated with her fluids, a string of which went from the tips of my fingers to her gaping pussy.

"You are a hopeless slut, aren't you slave? You want to cum right now in front of everyone here, don't you? You want to cum in front of my Mother?" I put my fingers up to her mouth.

"Yes, Master." Loud enough this time she didn't have to repeat it. Everyone was aware of my slave's need. She licked herself off my fingers. I think Mom stopped breathing for a second.

"I want you to go to our room and dress in full slave gear. Leather collar, metal cuffs on ankles and wrists and your diamond slave jewelry. Bring a plug, your vibe, a paddle, and some lube. Be quick about it. If you're longer than ten minutes, your punishment will be increased. Go."

Marcia sprinted across the lawn and into the house. Any other time, she might have sauntered, hoping to increase her punishment, but today, she needed to cum too badly to dally. It had been a long time since morning and she was so aroused right now. Everyone was silent while she was gone, anticipating the fun.

Still, it took her longer than ten minutes to return as I knew it would. It took time to fully dress and change out her jewelry. She could not run when she returned, the slave jewelry dangling between her legs making it hard to run. The bells on the jewelry chimed pleasingly as she walked.

"Thirteen minutes, slave. You've earned an increased punishment."

"Yes, Master," she panted, a little breathless from hurrying and her excitement. She handed me all the things she carried in her hands.

"Display for my Mother, slave."

Marcia drew nearer to Mom and displayed.

Mom started to reach out to touch the jewelry, interested in what it was and where it was attached. She reached for Marcia's nipple piercing, the bell and diamond setting there, suddenly realized she was about to touch her daughter-in-laws breast and looking up, asked, "May I?"

"A slave cannot deny a Mistress or Master anything within her agreement unless countermanded by her own Master. I can say my safe word if needed. My safe word is 'Cocoa Puffs'."

Mom looked at me to see if I would overturn her desire to check out my slave's jewelry. I nodded for her to continue. She touched the jewelry, fingered the piercing for a moment, touching Marcia's nipple in the process. Marcia twitched slightly at the light touch.

"Are these real diamonds?" She asked.

"Yes, Jane. My Master had Brianna make these for me."

"You do beautiful work, Brianna."

"Thank you, Jane."

Mom looked over the collar, her cuffs, the body chain before leaning over to inspect the labial piercing and the intertwining hearts hanging from her outer labia, the diamond and bell. It read 'Sam's Valentine' if my memory served. I should check to see if I could get interchangeable parts for it; something saying slave or slut or similar. It wasn't Valentine's Day today. Still, a gorgeous piece. Mother inspected the piercing carefully, touching it where it passed through the skin. Marcia flinched again, not because it hurt, but because Mother was very close to fingering her cunt and she was extremely excited.

"Did it hurt to get the piercing here?" Mom asked, still touching it.

"My Master allowed me to orgasm just before the piercing. It hurt less than one of his spankings do."

Mom removed her finger. It showed signs of dampness. Marcia must be very wet now. It was starting to spread from her core. Mom sniffed her finger.

"You smell of sex, slave."

"Yes, Jane. This slave is very needy. I need to orgasm soon."

"Let me see if I understand correctly," Mother said, "you as a slave would be required to comply with any order I give if it does not exceed your slave agreement unless contravened by Sam?"

"Yes, Jane. I have no rights as a slave except for what I've reserved for myself in my agreement. I can stop anything with my safe word, but other than that, any Master or Mistress is in control of a slave."

"So if I were to tell you to lick Monique to orgasm, you would obey?"

Marcia looked at me, wondering where I might want this to go. We'd decided we wouldn't say anything about others already shared, but this didn't quite fit in that category. I shrugged my shoulders, curious to see where it might lead.

Mom slapped Marcia's tit and ordered, "Answer me, slave. Your Master has a voice and can use it if he wishes to stop this. Would you lick this slave's pussy?"

Marcia moaned deep in her throat and moaned, "I'm cumming, Master. Please forgive your slutty slave. I'm cumming." Her ass muscles were clenching and releasing, her inner pudenda descending further and cum began dripping from her lips.

Mom slapped her tit again, saying "Answer me, slave," and Marcia cried out, "Yes, I would lick the slave's pussy."

"You did not put into your agreement you wouldn't sexually satisfy another person. It seems to me it's an unfortunate discrepancy and lack of foresight on your part. Did you secretly want to sexually satisfy other people and it's why you didn't put it in your contract?"

"No, Jane. Given what happened with my Master's first wife and how badly she hurt him, I would never anticipate him giving me permission to be with another."

"You figured you were safe of having to service any others because my son would never heal from those emotional wounds?"

"Yes, Jane. Our agreement was not comprehensive. Master drew up the contract putting in only those things I specifically requested not to do. The rest was left vague. I never imagined he would want me having sex with another person."

She was right. I'd purposely left in some very large loopholes in case I eventually thought of some other things I might want to do in the future. We'd blasted through a lot of those loopholes before this, and Mom was catching on to the same.

"I want to test the bounds of your subservience, slave. I want you to lick Monique's pussy until she climaxes."

Marcia looked at me again, wanting to know if I would let her do this in front of my Mother. She'd already done it multiple times in the past, but circumstances were changed. My Mother was watching her now.

"Wait!" I said. I thought I could actually see Marcia breathe a sigh of relief. I was going to put a stop to this.

"A slave should be properly prepared to service another," I said. Marcia's shoulders fell. I was going to make her do this. "Come here, slave."

She came to me, a look of panic in her eyes. She'd expected to receive a spanking for my Mother's benefit and hers. Now I was pushing her to accept servicing another woman before her. I knew why she was concerned. She adored my Mother and wanted to keep her respect. Marcia was unsure she could keep it now.

"Bend over, slave," I ordered.

Marcia put her back to me and turned, bending over as she did so. Her tits hung down from her chest and her bells chimed as she moved. I spread some lubricant over her star shaped hole and the head of the butt plug, then pushed it in, her rectum parting easily for the plug. Next, I had her stand and cuffed her hands behind her back, warning her she could only use her mouth, lips and teeth. I had her turn again and prepared to put her Vibe in.

"Master, I warn you now I will cum if you put my Vibe in. You won't even have to turn it on. May I please have permission to cum."

"You may cum as much as you like while you're doing this, little slave."

"Thank you, Master."

She spread her legs for me to insert the Vibe and as she warned, she climaxed, releasing more of her cum onto my hand as I properly seated it over her clit. She moaned so prettily as she orgasmed. I turned her around, aiming her in the direction of Monique. I patted her on her ass and told her to make me proud.

Marcia drew near to Monique and Monique spread her legs for her. Marcia carefully lowered herself to the ground, unable to use her hands.

"Jane," Marcia said. "I care for you a great deal and I know you care for me. My concern in doing this lies not in licking this woman to orgasm as you demand, but that you will lose respect for me and no longer consider me a fit spouse for your son. I don't want to damage the relationship I have with you by doing something you order now but might regret later. I beg of you to reconsider what you're commanding me to do."

"I have thought about it, slave. I will only lose respect for you if you fail to do as you're instructed."

Marcia bent over the chair and leaned down over Monique's cunt. There wasn't a sound as Marcia's tongue came out between her parted lips. But, as soon as her tongue slithered up Monique's slit, there was a collective sigh as everyone released the breath they'd been holding. The sexual tension around the pool was palpable, pressing down like humidity on a hot, muggy day. Monique was pleased to accept Marcia's oral attentions. Marcia was becoming increasingly better in orally pleasuring a woman. She might not be the best cunt licker in the bunch, but she was more than adequate to do the job. Monique grasped her head and directed Marcia's head where she wanted it to go. First up and down the inner lips, then her tongue inserted deep into Monique's leaking hole, up to her clit and back to licking her slit. Monique was moaning louder and louder from the lascivious attention to her cunt.

I thought she shouldn't be the only one to climax and turned on Marcia's Vibe. She started squirming as the vibrations worked their magic on her over aroused cunt and clit. In half a minute, she was screaming through her own orgasm, desperately licking and sucking to bring Monique to release even as her own ricocheted through her cunt. Monique surrendered to her own cosmic blast shortly after, grinding her pussy against Marcia's face as she groaned through her orgasm.

Before Monique's climax could ease, Brianna stripped off her clothes.

"Jane, tell the slave to lick my cunt next." She lay down and spread her legs.

"You're a Mistress," Mom responded, "why don't you order her yourself?"

"Because it will be so much more meaningful to the slave coming from you."

Marcia shivered into another orgasm even as they discussed her licking another cunt.

"Slave, you have one more pussy to satisfy before you're done. Lick Brianna to orgasm as you did Monique."

Marcia sidled over to the adjoining chair and dipped her head between Brianna's legs, taking a broad licking stroke right up her sex from her pouting lips to her clit. Brianna moaned at the exquisite sensation of Marcia licking her cunt at the order of my Mother. Well aroused by all which occurred, Brianna had a screaming orgasm within five minutes of Marcia starting.

"Fuck, I'm cumming, you cunt licking slut. Lick my pussy. Suck my clit. Oooh, it feels so good. I'm cumming." Her juices flowed over Marcia's tongue and chin.

Before Marcia finished licking Brianna's cunt clean of the flood of cum, Marcia had another orgasm from the stimulation of her Vibe, her thrill of exhibitionism and her intense arousal at being ordered to perform sex by her Mother-in-Law. Nor was she the only one cumming at the moment. The others who'd been at the pool had succumbed to the allure of the sexual tension pervading the atmosphere and most either found a partner to engage with or were masturbating themselves to orgasm. I thought the situation with Marcia could get out of hand, so I turned off her vibrator and ordered her back to me.

Giving her the signal to kneel before me, I said, "You were to get 25 strokes to start. I'm giving you an additional 25 because you were late coming back from the house and 25 more for each of the two cunts your slutty mouth licked to orgasm. That's a total of 100. You are to count them for me. The first fifty will be administered with the paddle, the last fifty with my hand. You will not orgasm without my permission. You will lie over my legs so your slutty slave cunt is pointed at my Mother and she can see what a needy, cum hungry slave you are. Do you have any questions?"

"No, Master."

"Get on my lap. Spread your legs so we can see the shameful state of your cunt."

She quickly took her position, pointing her perfect ass towards Brianna, Monique and Mom. Her gorgeous globes were bisected by her crevice; the glass butt plug with the large fake gemstone was firmly fixed in her rectum, the Vibe caressed the front of her flowered cunt from her clit to her g-spot and her hole was dripping her liquid like a leaky pipe. I patted her bottom. I started working her.

"From where she's sitting, Mom can look right up your cunt hole, did you know that? Yeah, your pussy lips are pouting wide open and your cunt juice if running out of it like you sprung a leak. If I put a glass under your pussy right now, we could probably fill it up in the next 15, 20 minutes. You could drink it down and show us how much you enjoy girl cum, especially your own. I could ask someone to get a glass. Do you want to drink your cum?"

"No, Master."

"If you don't want to drink it, why is it flowing out of you like this?"

"Master, I need to cum. Please let a slave cum."

"Already. I haven't even touched you yet. Alright, go ahead. Cum for me. Show my Mother what a slut you are."

She moaned through her orgasm, her whole body quivering with the intensity of it.