WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 08


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"I figured. You and Dad were pretty wild about each other."

"I miss him so much. I didn't have him long enough."

"I miss him, too. He never even got to meet Marcia. He would have loved her."

"You're right. He would have. Where is Marcia anyway?"

"She had to leave for her physical fitness test early. We don't trust traffic around here. Still unsure of what to expect and where the shortcuts are. I'm guessing she'll be home anytime after one up to about three depending on traffic that time of day."

"I'm sure she'll do well. You really worked her hard a couple days ago and she did fine."

"What, me worry? No, I'm sure she'll do fine. She works out all the time. She worked out with me to help me get off the weight. Still does. She doesn't want me getting fat again. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, son. What do you want to know?"

"What do you think Dad would have thought about Marcia's submission?"

"I don't know for sure. You know how he was about striking women. Pretty adamant that men who did strike women were nothing more than assholes and bullies, but since Marcia is willing to submit, seems to enjoy it, and he did spank me in fun, I'm thinking he would say it's okay. He'd probably be more freaked out by the lesbian sex and multiple partners. We grew up in a different generation. He understood differences existed, but perhaps not why. Do you care what he would think?"

"Maybe. Of course, I can't ask him about it or explain it to him, so it's a moot point. I just wondered, I guess."

"He loved all of his children. He would have liked knowing you as you are now. The most important thing to him was the same as it is for me. Are you happy? If you were, he wouldn't have cared whether you were gay, joined the circus to be a clown, or probably not this either. If you mistreated Marcia, he wouldn't like it, but that's not the case. You seem to be two of the happiest, most content people I know. You've got children now and he would like that. You know how much he loved his other grandchildren."

"Three contractors are coming in today to check the guest house for changes. Most of the ladies will probably be dressed today unless they plan on staying out of the way. First one's due at ten. I'm going to hit the gym for about ninety minutes, then take a shower and put on some regular people clothes for them. Are you going to have company tonight? It's your last night here."

"No. I'm spending the night in the nursery. I want to spend as much time with them as I can before I leave tomorrow. Probably most of the day as well. I need to get my baby fix before I leave."

"I'll check on you throughout the day."

"Thank you. Look for me wherever the twins are."

I finished up the last of my breakfast, went to the gym for a heavy workout, split halfway between aerobics and weight training. I was drenched in sweat when I finished, so I took a fast shower and put on slacks and a polo shirt, slipped on my deck shoes. Casual, but still nice. A little before ten, I headed outside by the driveway so I could keep an eye out for the first one and keep them from wandering around the property in case some of the women chose not to dress. Adele had closed the shop today so we wouldn't be disturbing any work being done there. The first guy arrived a couple minutes after ten. He was in a three year old pick-up truck with a bunch of stuff in it I suspected was going to a working project after he finished with my estimate.

He introduced himself as Carlos Dominguez. I led him to the guest house.

"As I mentioned when I called," I said, "we're going to be converting this guest house back into a house instead of the metalworking shop it's been used as for several years. I'm interested in seeing what it would cost to turn it back to a nice house of about 1500 square feet, two bedrooms, two and a half baths, a living room or family room, an office and kitchen area. We won't really need a dining room or much of a kitchen as we'll be eating at the main house most of the time. We could use a small kitchenette area with seating for four or five, and a regular complement of kitchen appliances, but we probably could go with smaller ones."

"You wish to maintain the general appearance of the outside to match the main house?" Carlos asked.

"No drastic changes, yes. We can make smaller changes to the outside as long as it doesn't depart too much from the main house. We want to keep the primary style of California Mission with tile roof. We can change the exterior colors as long as they don't clash."

"How much are you willing to spend for this conversion?" Carlos inquired.

"We can go as high as $400,000," I said, "but I'm not wanting to necessarily use all of it. I'm looking for functional, not elegant. I'd be willing to look at any ideas you think I'll like, but don't load it up with frills. There are a large number of luxury features in the main house which we have access to, so comfortable is all I'm looking at for this."

"You're not the owner of the entire property?" Asked Carlos.

"No. The guest house will remain the property of the owner. I'm changing the guest house to a residence for my wife and I."

"I will have to confirm any changes with the owner," he said. "The building permit will have to be taken out in their name."

"I understand. I can get her now if you wish."

"I'd appreciate it. I'd like to have their approval before undertaking any substantial work."

"If you wait here, I'll get her."

Going into the house, I found Brianna in the nursery talking to Mother. I asked if she could come out and reassure the contractor I wouldn't be making any changes to the Guest House without her permission.

"Of course, Sam. I'll be right out."

I went back outside and started discussing a little of what I envisioned and within a couple minutes, Brianna joined us.

I introduced them and Brianna confirmed she was the owner and would okay any reasonable changes to the property I wished to make and she said she was willing to put it in writing. She could have her lawyer draw up the documents before he started any work beyond the estimate.

"Thank you, señora," Carlos said. "If I could have a look around the inside of the structure, I'll get started. You don't happen to have the original blueprints, do you?"

"I gave them to the contractor who did the first conversion into a workshop. I don't recall if he made copies and returned the originals to me. I'll look. But I believe he's one of the others making an estimate, so if he still has them, we'll get copies made for all of you," Brianna said.

"I'll show you around the place," I said. "Right over here."

We did a tour and I showed him what I was generally hoping for in terms of livability. He took notes and photos.

"Will you be bringing furniture from your current residence and would you like your interior to go with what you currently have or do you plan on furnishing it in a local style?" Carlos asked.

"I haven't thought about it. I'll have to speak to my wife."

"You're married? But not to the señora?"

"No, my wife is taking a test for a prospective employer. I'll be working for the señora, managing some finances for her."

"Your wife is not worried about the many beautiful señoritas here? I've seen a number of them."

"No. My wife is more beautiful than all of them. She can trust me. Besides, she's a police officer. Do you know how many ways she could hurt me if I cheated on her?"

Carlos laughed. "I imagine it would be quite painful."


We had a good laugh.

"I could send you a proposal in about a week. If you tell me about your furniture, I could make some decisions about the interior and how it should look."

"We'll be heading back to Florida in four days. Here's my name, phone number and email address." I showed him my info on my phone and let him copy it down. "I can let you know about the furniture sometime tomorrow. I'll speak to the missus tonight."

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to earn your business. How many contractors am I competing with?"

"Two others, unless I don't find anything I like, in which case I might expand my search, but usually three are sufficient. I won't necessarily be going with the lowest price, but a combination of value and quality. You sometimes pay more for what you want. Do you have any model homes or projects where I could check the quality of your work?"

He handed me an iPad with pictures of some of his work on them. I glanced at several pictures. "These are nice, but I'd like to see a work in progress as well."

He gave me an address. "I'm currently working on this residence. The things in the back of the truck are going there when I leave. If you have time, you can follow me."

"Not right now. I have the other two contractors coming shortly and my wife has the car. My wife will be getting back in a few hours. If it's nearby, I may come by when she gets here."

"It's about 25 or 30 minutes away."

"Should I ask for you or will someone else be in charge?"

"I should be there the rest of the afternoon, until about 4:30, then we start cleaning up the day's mess and leave about 5:00. If you don't think you'll get there by 4:30, you can come tomorrow. I should be there all day."

I shook his hand. "Gracias, señor. I'll hope to see you then."

He left. The next one was due to arrive in five minutes. He was the one who'd done the original conversion. I waited for him, sitting on one of the planters in the front of the house. He drove up in a brand new, high end, pick-up, though the bed was empty. If I were guessing, I'd think his estimate would be higher than Carlos for the same work, based solely upon what he drove, but it was dangerous making assumptions.

He hopped out of the truck, stuck his hand out and asked, "Sam Evans, I'm guessing."

"That's me. You're...?"

"Sean Fogarty. I think I recognize this place. I might have worked here before."

"About eight years ago. Converted the guest house into a metallurgy shop. They've expanded beyond the capabilities of this shop and my wife and I are going to move into the guest house after it's converted back. It would be helpful if you still have the original blueprints."

"Probably not. We usually only keep things about four years before they hit the circular file, but I would have returned either the originals or copies back to the owner. Particularly since I didn't anticipate it would stay workspace forever. If she sold the place, she'd have to change it back. Pretty sure she got something back from us."

"She couldn't remember. She's looking now, so perhaps you're right. Anyway, we're looking for two Master Bedrooms with full baths, another half bath, living or family room for the TV/entertainment area, an office, small dinette area, small kitchen. We can eat at the main house most of the time, but maybe enough for whipping together breakfast or small meals. Outside should remain pretty much the same. Interior might be up for just about anything. I'm thinking tile or stone floors, but I'm willing to look at anything you want to pitch. We're not going on price alone. I want quality and comfort, I don't need fancy. I'd be willing to go up to around 400 grand, but unless it wows me, I don't want to spend it all. Let's take a look inside."

I walked him around, pointing out where I hoped to have certain things. He took pictures as well, both interior and exterior, but not as many notes, though he did dictate things onto his phone a few times. More modern approach perhaps? I gave him my contact info and said we'd be leaving town in a few days. I said the owner would provide a letter or contract which detailed my permission to change the guest house to my taste. He didn't ask any questions about my furniture, which either meant he didn't think it was important or he planned something so neutral it could go with anything. He also gave me an address where he was doing some work nearby we could check on the quality of his work.

I gave myself time to eat before my next appointment at two. Most of the ladies were finishing up their lunches. I liked the way they managed most of the meals, allowing people to wander in as they desired and leaving food out to forage on. I had some chef's salad with cheese, ham and bacon, some chunky vegetable soup and fresh sliced fruit. Chantelle was starting to put some of the food away, leaving just enough for people who hadn't eaten yet. We chatted with each other a little while while I ate. I really wanted to discuss her night with my Mom, but didn't have enough time or privacy for that. I would ask Marcia if she would object to Chantelle joining us in bed tonight. She probably wouldn't, but I refused to make assumptions without checking with her first, particularly when she wasn't in slave mode.

Back in the driveway waiting for the last contractor at two, I was pleased to see Marcia driving through the gates before they arrived. She saw me standing out and stopped beside me, rolling down the window.

"Hello, Sam. Waiting for your next appointment?"

"Yes. It's a good thing you're here, you can join us as I show them what we're looking for in the changes."

"Not before taking a shower. I rushed back home as soon as I finished. I'll be quick and join you as soon as I can, but I have to grab something to eat as I haven't had anything since breakfast."

"Would you have an objection to Chantelle joining us tonight," I asked. "I'd like to talk to her a little about her experience with my Mother."

"I have no problem with that," she smiled.

"She's working in the kitchen today. Ask her if you see her when you grab some food, make sure she doesn't have other plans."

"Will do." She rolled up the window and pulled ahead to park by the garage without blocking any of the doors.

She ran into the house, already stripping off her sweaty t-shirt as she went. A little more than five minutes later, the last contractor arrived and I was pleased to see it was a woman. It would be nice getting a feminine perspective on our project. I gave her the same spiel about what we wanted as I'd given the previous two. She also took some notes as I spoke. By the time I'd finished with it, Marcia was joining us in fresh clothes, carrying a plate of the chef's salad. I introduced them.

"Linda, this is my wife, Marcia. Marcia, this is Linda Davidson. She's the last of the contractors we're getting bids from today."

Marcia stuck out her hand, taking Linda's in a firm grip. "Pleased to meet you, Linda. Don't often meet women in your profession. A little like mine, I guess."

"What do you do?" Linda inquired.

"Police officer, or I guess sheriff's deputy if my PT test today was any indication. I kicked ass and took names."

"You passed," I asked.

"With flying colors. Had no problem with any of the exercises they threw at me and had a couple easy take downs on the mats. The evaluators were happy. They gave me increased difficulty exercises because of my experience and I passed them all."

I gave her a quick kiss. "You're great, honey."

"Do you only have women on your crews?" Marcia asked.

"No," she replied, "I usually carry mixed crews, but I tend to hire as many women as I can find. Male contractors tend not to give them a chance to prove themselves."

"Could you make up a crew of all women?" Marcia continued.

"I could, probably, for anything but perhaps plastering. I don't have enough women plasterers in my company. Why do you ask?" Linda curiously asked.

"Except for my husband, the only people who live here are women and they enjoy going au naturelle, so's to speak. They would be more comfortable doing so if there were only women present. I suppose we could make allowances for any days you had to plaster."

"Kind of a nudist colony here?" Linda inquired.

"Not exactly, but it's close enough," Marcia said. "Men tend to get a little handsy with women if they run around nude, like the women are naked just for them. No one would appreciate being molested by any workers. Women don't assume you're bare for them. If you could use an all female crew around here except for days you know you'll be plastering, we could allow people living here to be in their natural state. We wouldn't choose a contractor specifically on that basis, but it might give you an edge."

"I could certainly work out something like that for you if you wished," Linda said. "I think some of my women would prefer not being in mixed crews. You're right about men getting handsy sometimes, especially in male dominated ones like construction. Almost all the women go through a period of a couple weeks to a couple months where they have to fend off the bucks, depending on how firm they are in their denials. I warn them when I hire them they'll put up with less the faster they make it clear they're not in the construction profession to get fucked, pardon my French."

"Did you have the same problems when you started in construction?" I asked.

"I took over the company from my Dad," she replied, "but I worked on his crews learning the business. Even though I was the boss's daughter, I took my share of crap. Dad warned me they'd never respect a boss who they slept with so I learned at an early age to shut them down fast. The fact I was his daughter usually minimized it some, but you can't avoid getting hit on in this profession. I make it clear to my crews I won't put up with any bullshit to any of the women and no means no, not maybe. I'm not opposed to fraternization if both of them are willing partners, but you better not use your position to get laid or you're fired. They all know I'm not afraid of letting someone go no matter how good they might be. Everyone can be replaced and they won't get a good recommendation either. I'll do my best to get them blackballed if they're out of line and arrested if they rape one of my workers. Women like working for me. My crews are pretty harmonious."

"If you told your plasterers they were working at a nudist colony and told them they were welcome to look, but not touch, would they be likely to follow your orders?" I asked. "The women might still be more comfortable being clothed, but the choice could be up to them."

"I might not get as much work out of them each day as I liked, but there's not a one wouldn't give up their right nut to watch naked women," Linda opined. "They'd probably behave if they lost their right to work here."

"We can discuss it with the others," I said. "Leave it up to them. If we had the right to kick them immediately off the job site. It's a possibility. Let's take a look around the inside, shall we."

We started walking around and I pointed out a few things I'd thought of, Marcia adding other things as we went. I mentioned one of the previous contractors asked about our furniture and if we had any feeling about keeping it or replacing it and if so, what we'd be getting. Marcia asked why it would matter.

"He probably has an interior designer on staff or hires outside, and would design the interior to go with whatever you had as furniture," Linda replied. "Certain interior set ups would go better for anything from Japanese to African to hunting lodge chic. Might make a difference if you go with paneling, wall paper or paint in a specific room. I outside contract for the same thing on occasion."

"What do you think, honey?" Marcia asked. "Do you think we should keep anything or start all over? Our current stuff is a mishmash of leather, wood, rattan and bamboo."

"We should definitely keep our bedroom set," I said. "It's new, good quality and I like it's multiple uses," referring to the four poster bed allowing me to confine her in a number of different positions, horizontal as well as vertical. Marcia smiled at me when I said it. "The wood is light and would go with a number of different motifs if we wanted to redecorate the rest of the house. I see no reason not to keep our TV's, stereo, and all our books, reminding me it might be nice to have a lot of built in book cases. I like the red couch, but I'd be perfectly willing to let everything else go."