WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 09


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"Our cum tastes very good with the ratatouille," Marcia said calmly, "even if it is a little cold now."

We all broke out laughing.

"God, I love you," I whispered.

"You'd better," she said, "considering all I do for you."

"Never question it for a second."

She was right about it being a little tepid now. I took her plate and popped it in the microwave for a minute, than did my own.

"Much better now," Marcia said, taking another bite. Brianna was smiling at us, sipping on her glass of wine. We finished off our dinner.

"I have a feeling things will be very interesting once you move here," Brianna said. "We've never had a man here so much before."

"Let me ask all of you a question," I asked, "Mistress and slaves alike. Will my being here be a problem for anyone?"

"Speaking for myself, Monsieur," Chantelle said, "I enjoy the variety you provide. I cannot speak for the others since I'm the only one to truly enjoy cock once in awhile."

Monique glanced at Adele and Zoe before answering. "I think I can speak for the other slaves, Master. You don't seem to care about or be offended by our lifestyle and it doesn't insult your masculinity. You're perfectly willing to leave us to our own devices even if we should happen to share a bed with you, I think we're all okay with you being here. You never push for anyone to have sex with you. The few times I've been with you and Mistress, the only times I've touched you was if I wanted to or if ordered by Mistress. You've always arranged for me to be with another woman, even when I was trying to become pregnant. As long as this continues to be your normal modus operandi, I foresee no problems with you residing here. More so as you'll be in the guest house when it's completed. I look at you as another member of our extended family." Adele and Zoe nodded in agreement.

"For myself," Brianna said. "I enjoy your company. I believe your being here will benefit our children. I love you and Marcia. I would not have offered the guest house if I had any doubts about your presence here."

I raised my glass to salute them all. "Thank you for your vote of confidence," then took a sip. The six women raised their own glasses in acknowledgement of my own, including my own beloved. Looking at my watch, I noted there were only a few minutes left until eight, the de-witching hour of my little slave.

"Please remove all symbols of your slavery, Marcia. I want to thank you for providing me an additional day of your bondage."

"We still have fifteen minutes or so, Master."

"Not enough to matter," I said, "and you've already exceeded our agreement for having to chop it up. I'm not disappointed. I've enjoyed every moment of your service." I kissed her.

She removed all four cuffs, her slave medallion from her labial piercing, then lowered her head to me so I could remove her collar. I set everything on the table.

"I really feel bare now," Marcia said.

Brianna said, "Welcome back, Mistress Evans." The four female slaves bowed their heads in recognition of her new status.

Everyone helped Chantelle clean up after supper but Brianna, who went to check on the babies as it was getting close to feeding time. With all the extra hands, we finished quickly and could all head out to the pool for our usual evening activities. I got in the pool. It was too crowded to try and do laps, but I found an empty air mattress and gratefully floated around. The twins weren't yet hungry, so Brianna also came to the pool, and floated on a mattress. We bumped into each other. She grabbed the side of my float and held herself there.

"I appreciate you asking us if your presence here would be a problem for us. The very fact you asked is the reason it won't be an issue for us. You're always looking to ensure we're all comfortable with you."

"It needed to be asked. It's a big step from being around once in a great while to being here constantly."

"What would you have done if my slaves had a problem with it?"

"Found somewhere else to live, whether it be renting an apartment somewhere close or buying 90 miles away."

"Ultimately, the decision would have been up to me. My slaves would have accepted any decision I made. If they had major problems with it, they could have moved on."

"It's not fair to all of you. You've built a good life for yourselves here. Everyone has found a place and you're happy here. Why throw all of it into unnecessary turmoil? Marcia and I have gotten along without you before; we could continue to do so."

"The very reason we can all get along with you. Despite your Master status, you make no unreasonable demands on anyone. We're going to miss you, I think, while you close up your affairs in Florida," Brianna said. "You've become part of the fabric here. You've been tested and found acceptable."

"Tested? How?" I asked.

"It wasn't my idea, but when you conducted your punishments the other night, each of those allowing you to punish them put restrictions on you. You did only as you were asked; nothing more nor anything less. I thought Lucia's was especially creative. She asked you to fondle her and you did, but only to the limits she imposed on you. She doesn't require any of the women punishing her to do as she asked you to do. It's when I realized you were being tested. It was an unusual set of demands. You didn't even penetrate her with your hand, even though she gave you permission to play with her pussy and ass. When you had to seek relief for yourself, you used your own slave; no one else. They were testing you, I guessed, and you passed with flying colors. I was authorizing you to discipline them and they saw it was all you would do, to their specifications. It's why no one cares if you live here. You won't cause issues for anyone."

"I'm happy to know I won't upset the apple cart. You won't miss us for long. Marcia will be back relatively quickly and I don't expect to be much longer. We won't hold anyone up to get the best possible price for our house. We'll take the best reasonable offer. If it's a question of signing the closing paperwork, we might fly back for that instead of hanging around."

"If Marcia returns before you're able to, will you allow her to have sex without your presence?" Brianna asked.

"Coming back, it won't be as a slave, so whether she has sex will be entirely her decision. I would anticipate it would only be with you, Monique or Chantelle, given our recent decisions. I have no objections to her enjoying herself with any of you."

"Even if you would be without sex yourself while she was gone?"

I held up my hand. "I always have this," I said, laughing.

Brianna laughed with me. "I could arrange for Chantelle to keep you company while Marcia is here."

"No, thank you. I appreciate your offer, but Chantelle is the one person Marcia would be most concerned about. I wouldn't have sex with her if Marcia weren't around. I'll be fine. I don't need help to get me through at most, maybe a month, without my sweetie."

"See. You always know to say or do exactly the right thing. No wonder Marcia loves you so much."

"And she'll keep loving me as long as I keep doing the right things, so I'm good."

"Yes, you are."

It made me feel special knowing how much Brianna appreciated my integrity. It was something I always appreciated about Marcia as well. She always let me know how special I was. When people asked her why she loved me, one of the things she told them was I was the most honorable man she'd ever met. I would never do anything to jeopardize her trust in me. It was too important to my own sense of self worth. Brianna got out of the pool and called Adele over to her lounge and told Adele to service her. I closed my eyes and drifted, hearing the laughter going on around me. I was a part of this now and I felt at home.

I felt some lips on mine and opened my eyes to see Marcia beside me.

"Hello, darling," I said.

"Hello, Sam. You and Brianna were talking for quite awhile. What were you talking about?"

I gave her the gist of our conversation. How her slaves had been testing me during their discipline and I apparently passed their tests and Brianna asking if I'd have issues with Marcia having sex with them if I had to remain in Florida while Marcia came back to attend school.

"Do you have a problem with it?" Marcia asked.

"No. They're a part of our lives now and I have no issues with you having sex with them. I said it's entirely up to you what you did while you were here. If I'm not here, you aren't my slave and your sexuality is totally up to you within the boundaries we've set. Brianna offered to send Chantelle to me if you had to come here without me."

"Did you take her up on her offer?"

"I would never have sex with Chantelle without you being nearby."

"I trust you enough to let Chantelle spend time with you alone."

"Part of the reason you trust me is because I've never given you reason to distrust me. I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not going to die if we're apart for awhile. I don't anticipate it would be for more than a month, and probably less. You'll be my slave again before you have to come back for your training. I'll make sure I fuck you to a fare-thee-well."

"How much fucking would a fare-thee-well entail?" Marcia asked.

"A lot. A fucking lot."

"Good. I'll take all I can get."

"Speaking of fucking; how would you like to go to our bedroom and practice?"

"We need practice?" Marcia asked. "I'd think we'd be fucking experts by now."

I laughed. "Well, not so much practice as an encore performance. Just the two of us, without any other distractions. It's been few and far between since it's only been the two of us."

"I would love that."

"Let's go. I'm ready, or nearly so." I pointed to my cock which was half erect already.

We got out of the pool and I told Brianna we'd be spending a little alone time together. She smiled at Marcia and me, then waved us off. My hand went possessively on Marcia's ass as we walked back to the house. I patted it a couple times. Marcia grabbed my arm and held onto it while leaning her head into me.

"I'm already wet," Marcia said. "I started getting wet as soon as you started talking about fucking me to a fare-thee-well. I'm looking forward to it now."

"Knowing you're wet is getting me turned on. You're the sexiest woman I know and to realize I make you aroused is the biggest aphrodisiac I can imagine."

She took my hand and placed it on her pussy. "Check it out stud. I'm so wet, I'm dripping." She was right.

"Fuck," I exclaimed. I picked her up, put her over my shoulder and started hurrying to our room, anxious to start. Marcia was laughing and pounding on my buttocks.

"You caveman," she laughed. "Put me down."

"I'll be happy to put you down as soon as I can run my tongue up your cunt."

"Then hurry. I want to feel your mouth on me."

My stride increased. I rushed past Dorinda who was going out to the pool. She giggled when she saw Marcia dangling over my shoulder. I went into the room and kicked the door shut behind me. I tossed Marcia on the bed and she lay there, legs spread, pussy glistening. I dived right in. Marcia moaned and grabbed the back of my head. As soon as I'd gathered her dew, I speared two fingers into her, teasing her g-spot while suckling her clitoris.

"Oh, lover," she moaned, "all the practice you're getting has done you a world of good. It's amazing how magnificent a rug muncher you've become."

I snorted, pausing long enough to say, "It's what I hear about you as well."

She pulled me back into her crack. "We both get enough practice. You can tell me about it later."

I resumed my pussy pleasing attack until I felt her shudder in orgasm. When her tremors stopped, she got up, pushed me down and straddled me. Putting my cock at the entrance to her cunt, she sank back onto me, fully enveloping my prick in her pussy. She was so tight and wet, a heated cauldron of lust.

She looked down at me. "How soon before you cum?"

"How long would you like me to last?" I asked.

"Long enough for me to have three more orgasms," she grinned.

"I can maybe hold out for two. Three's stretching it a bit."

"Fine, you slacker. If it's all I can get, I suppose I have to be satisfied with that."

"This erection. You give me another one after, I'll give you the rest later when I fuck your ass."

"You know just what to say to a girl, don't you?" She started sliding up and down my pole.

"Girls are all I have to talk to around here. I'm bound to learn something about dealing with estrogen fueled people."

"Shut up and fuck me, Sam. You're talking too much and fucking too little."

Which was nonsense and we both knew it. She was in control of the fucking at the moment, going at her own pace and happy to do so. I was content to let her drive for now. She'd find her climax easier this way and I wanted her to have one before I started pushing for my own. Marcia didn't appear to be rushing for her own orgasm. At the moment, it was more about the journey than the destination. Her rocking was leisurely and relaxed.

As time passed, her speed increased, seeking a conclusion. I thumbed her nipples, taut and flushed with desire. She pumped faster and suddenly gasped and planted herself on my crotch, her cunt clutching my cock in continuous contractions.

"Mmmmm. One," she said.

"So that's two for you and none for me. And you were complaining I couldn't hold out for three."

"I can't help it men are defective biologically. If they were any good, they'd never lose their erections."

I slammed up into her, causing her to moan prettily.

"I must be doing something right. You married me, didn't you?"

She laughed. "I didn't marry you for your fucking. It's an added bonus, like a coupon at checkout."

I slammed into her again and she moaned some more.

"A coupon?" I questioned.

"Okay, like a half off coupon and free shipping," she gasped, "and a free gift. Still not the main reason. You weren't this good when we married."

"Must be all the practice," I murmured, spearing up into her.

She gasped again, the sound of her pleasure thrilling me. "And your self confidence, your regular mastery of me, your love which I feel all the time."

"Because it's not possible to love someone more than I love you." Pumping into her hot, humid, sheath.

"Nor I you," panted Marcia. "I can't imagine loving anyone as much as I love you." She leaned down and captured my lips in hers and we kissed passionately.

Her rigid nipples pressed into my chest like buttons. She kept rocking her hips over my cock, sliding back and forth, dragging her clit through my pubic hair against the bone. I was getting close. I hoped she was too or I wouldn't be able to keep my promise of two for her before I climaxed. I started bucking up into her, driving deep. Thankfully, she shuddered over me as her spasms overtook her and I could release as well, exploding into her as my balls pumped every particle of fluid I'd accumulated over the past few hours in pulsating waves. I could feel her trembling against me, overcome with the intensity of her orgasm. I clutched her fiercely, overcome with the rush of feeling all I felt for her. Our lips mashed together, our moans mingling into one low pitched rumble. We were both short of breath when it ended, sucking for wind, unable to get enough air as we kissed. She laid her head on my chest, listening to my heart beat, rapid and strong. I kept running my hands down her back and over her buttocks, then back up.

I was so content and peaceful. Could there be a better feeling than making love to the person you loved most in all the world? If there was, I didn't know what it was. My cock was slowly shrinking, and it finally fell out of her, this person I adored with all my heart. I felt her stir, preparing to lick up our mess.

"Not yet. I want to hold you a few minutes longer." She settled back into position, kissing my chest briefly as she did so.

"We taste better if I don't wait for everything to cool down and gel," she said.

"Then we can use a wash cloth. I don't want to let go of you. This is as perfect as life gets."

She raised her face and I lowered mine and we kissed again, gentle as feathers.

"I agree. Sam, promise me it will always be like this."

"For my part. I will love you like this all my days upon this earth. You never have to worry about me; only your own heart."

"I'm not worried about my own heart. It's not big enough to hold any more than it holds right now."

We lay like that for fifteen minutes, enjoying this moment of closeness. I was as calm as I'd ever felt in my whole life. Everything was focused with laser precision on this exact second. My arms enveloping this incredible women, two lovely children nearby, the new life we were embarking on together. It was as perfect as I could ever expect. After, I got up and rinsed a wash cloth in warm water and wiped myself off, then rinsed it again and brought it in the bedroom and cleaned Marcia of our respective fluids. When I finished, I rinsed it again, wrung it out and hung it up to dry. I returned to bed and Marcia took my cock in her mouth.

I laid back on the bed and enjoyed her oral attentions. She knew every secret part of me and how to get a rise out of a dead man. I was nowhere near dead and she felt me grow in her mouth. Bobbing up and down over my stalk, she almost looked like she was worshipping me, bowing down before an idol. The thought tickled my fancy because I worshipped her. When she had me fully erect, she knelt down on the bed and presented me with her ass. Neither one had thought to bring some lubricant to bed with us, so I put my prick in her still wet pussy to moisten it before I would take her nether hole. She was still wet and as I plumbed her depths, she quickly grew wetter.

I heard her gasp and she orgasmed around me, further soaking my cock in her fluids. I backed out of her, licked her bottom a couple times to further ease my entry and placed the head of my shaft against the crinkled star of her back door. I pushed in and she groaned to feel me stretch her apart.

"Oh, God, that feels good," Marcia moaned. "I feel it from my cunt to my tits."

I pushed farther in and Marcia mewled her pleasure. She slammed back against me until I filled her completely.

"Fuck me, Sam. Fuck my tight ass."

"Your wish is my command, my dear."

I started stroking my cock full length into her bottom, from the edge of the crown until I slammed against her cheeks and my sack slapped her pussy lips. To add to her enjoyment, I reached around her waist and fingered her clit. As soon as I touched her she moaned some more. Her rectum clamped down on my cock.

"Oh, fuck! It feels so good," Marcia whimpered. "You fill me so beautifully. Faster, love. Make me cum on your cock."

I increased the speed of my thrusting. I was starting to find the rhythm of my own release. I wanted to hold back so we could climax together, so I slowed down once more, though still faster. I renewed my assault on her clit, hoping to get her off fairly quickly as I didn't know how much longer I would last. She was so tight and hot and covered me like a glove.

She started shuddering and gasped a quick, "I cum" and spasmed around me. The palpitations were exquisite and ten seconds into her orgasm, I groaned and joined her, spewing into her back passage. I bucked into her with each pulse of my prick, injecting it as far as I could reach. When I was depleted, I pulled her down with me on the bed as she rode out the last of her tensing muscles. I held her against me as I fondled her breasts.

"Is this what you had in mind for our evening?" I whispered questioningly.

"Yes, God, yes," she replied passionately. "It was exactly what I needed from you." She lifted my hand and brought it to her lips.
