WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 13


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"I need to talk to him," I said. "We can't leave it like this. Lynn can't submit past tonight and I have to tell him I don't want to dominate his slave."

"I agree," Marcia said. "This has gone past the point of ignoring. We need to clear the air as best we can. Do you know what you're going to say to him, Sam?"

"It kept me awake last night, thinking of what I might say, and a lot depended on knowing more. I have about three possible directions I can go and I'm fairly convinced one of them is best given this situation. I'll say our brief association with Lynn leads us to suspect there may be problems in their relationship and it would feel like interference on our part if I accepted his generous offer. We thank him for his offer, but believe it best at this time if they work on their problems on their own and we let them find their own resolution."

"I can't think of anything better," Brianna said.

"Nor I, Mistress," Zoe added. "We tell him the problem is his and Lynn's and we're turning the problem over to him."

"Go for it, Sam," Marcia said. "I'm not a Master, but it makes sense to me."

"Please call him up, Lynn. Tell him I'd like to speak to him, and hand me the phone."

"Yes, Master." She dialed his number and he answered. Lynn said, "Master, this is your slave. Master Sam wished to speak to you. I'm giving him the phone." She handed it to me. I took a deep breath.

"Good evening, Roger. Sam Evans here. I wanted to thank you for the magnanimous offer of your slave until she has the opportunity to get back to you, but I needed to tell you, I must regretfully decline your kind offer."

"Why's that?" Roger asked.

"Lynn seems like a delightful slave and I must congratulate you on your good fortune. Over the last couple days, as we've gotten to know her more, it seemed to us there might be some unresolved issues between you. I'm left feeling that if I took you up on your offer, I might be interfering with your ability to successfully resolve any differences you have. It would seem I'm treading on your toes, and I would have no cause or reason to do so. You've already shown your generosity by extending Mistress Brianna the courtesy of granting her the use of your slave, and it was for a reason you considered important; allowing a woman to briefly dominate your slave so she'd be exposed to use by a woman. That purpose has been satisfied. To do more when we realize we might cause problems would reflect badly on your generous spirit. As lovely as she is, I don't want to do you this discourtesy, so I respectfully decline. I know these differences might be weighing on you. Might I suggest you seek to get together sooner than you've previously planned. I know I would feel better if I were able to resolve differences with my own slave sooner rather than later."

"Thank you for calling and letting me know," Roger said.

"Unfortunately, everything does not always run smoothly, no matter the type of relationship. We thank you for sharing your slave and we plan to have her lick a few more cunts, feed her and send her on her way. We won't need further contact with her as I believe she has fulfilled your original purpose for her. Do you wish to speak to her again? We can send her into one of the bedrooms so she can speak privately."

"Yes, please."

I handed the phone back to Lynn and told her to go to Brianna's bedroom and talk to her Master.

She left for the master bedroom and we heard a knock on the door of the suite. Probably our food. Chantelle put on her robe and the rest of us made sure we weren't visible from the door of the suite. Chantelle accepted the cart with our food and handed him the twenty. As soon as the door was closed, we came out of the woodwork and started setting plates on the table, pulling off the covers to identify it. Lynn came out of the bedroom and gingerly took her seat. Her bottom was still paining her.

Brianna said, "I don't know whether or not you can resolve your issues with your Master. It's up to you and him. I do not want to be drawn further into your dispute than I already am, and I believe I speak for Sam and Marcia as well. For that reason, I do not intend to send either of you information on other local Masters as it could be seen as interference. I have no control of Marcia, and as her friend, you may speak to her anytime you wish and need, but until you've resolved your current relationship for good or ill, don't contact me and I recommend you not contact Sam. I can only foresee problems if you do, none of them pleasant."

"I understand, Mistress."

"Good. Eat your dinner. You have a lot of pussy to please before you leave tonight."

"Yes, Mistress."

The meal was somewhat subdued. Marcia and Lynn attempted to keep up a conversation with each other, but it kept lapsing into uncomfortable silences. I believe Lynn realized how close she might have come to hurting Marcia and was sorry for doing so. I was breathing sighs of relief. Roger seemed to accept our polite refusal of his slave and even sounded relieved by it. Fine by me, as long as he didn't blame us for what was wrong with their bond. Everyone else was quiet and thoughtful as well. A lot had been discussed over the past two nights about the links between slave and Mistress and why they mattered. When we'd all eaten our fill, Brianna had Lynn serve Zoe and Marcia first as we had to leave and Zoe was driving. I'd say from what I observed, Lynn had vastly improved her cunt licking. Zoe came fairly quickly and Lynn seemed to make a concerted effort to pleasure Marcia to the fullest extent possible. When Marcia orgasmed, she was shuddering in delight, clinging to Lynn's head. I declined any cocksucking, feeling I'd enjoyed Lynn already and since I'd told her Master I was declining her further services, it included tonight too.

We grabbed our stuff and headed out while Lynn lapped Riyuki. Getting home, I thanked Zoe for the lift and went inside to help Marcia pack for the trip. It took about an hour as we'd packed most of her stuff previously. I slipped the two presents I'd purchased from Tender Moments into her checked luggage when she wasn't looking. I made love to her twice before sleeping, once hard and fast, the second slow and easy. I knew our time together was limited before she left. Letting go was hard; I was going to miss her terribly. I slept all night with her wrapped tightly in my arms, not wanting to release her for an instant.


The next morning started off the same way we ended the previous night. I wanted to taste Marcia's nectar one more time. I pulled her legs apart and kissed my way up those long muscular columns ending at the source, the fountainhead, of her pleasure. I took my time, tasting every fold, every crevice, every ridge and every hollow. I felt her surrender to me three times before I kissed a path up to her lips, her pussy welcoming me into its warm embrace.

"I love you, sweetheart," she gasped as I pushed into her wetness.

"Not as much as I love you." I put an exclamation point on it by slamming the full length of my cock into her. She wrapped her legs around me, moaning.

"I definitely love you more," she said, clutching my ass to keep me deep inside her. "Someday, you'll acknowledge there can be no greater love than mine. You will declare me the winner and bow down to me as the best." She kissed me, slipping her tongue inside my mouth to dance with mine.

When she finally released my mouth, I said, "I already bow down to you, but it's because you're my Goddess. As my Goddess," I pumped into her. "I worship you," I pumped again. "Therefore," I pumped. "There is no amount," pump. "Of adoration," pump. "You can bring to the table," pump. "Which can compare," pump. "To mine." Double pump.

She groaned and giggled at the same time, a uniquely lovely sound indescribable in words. "Before the day is out," she moaned, "you will concede victory to me, Sam Evans." Pant moan. "I will have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, I love you more. Oh, God, fuck me. Fuck me hard."

How could I not when she asked so nicely? I fucked her hard and fast and deep, plowing into her over and over until she sighed and melted, clinging to me like a strangler fig, ready to squeeze the life out of me. Her orgasm almost over when I pulsed, throbbing, expending my sperm in warm jets.

"I don't know who loves who more," I said, "but I award us both laurel wreaths for fucking." I pulled her on top of me, lying quietly, feeling her breathe, soft and warm and glorious, most spectacular of God's creations.

Time was slipping away. I finally patted her bottom and said, "Up and at 'em, cupcake. Time and tide wait for no man or woman. We've already pissed away our breakfast. We'll have to stop for grease on our way."

"I don't want to leave you," she grumbled.

"It's not forever," I said. "Worst case scenario; I'm pulling in the door by mid-day on Sunday in two and a half weeks. If Dawn goes ahead with her plans and drives with me, I'll be there earlier."

"Then plan on being earlier, because the extra driver is guaranteed."

"You're that confident she's going to come to LA?"

"I'm confident you'll have an extra driver, yes."

I should have known then, something was up. I'm so oblivious sometimes. We loaded her bags in the car and made a stop at Burger King for breakfast to eat on the way. At the airport, I parked in short term parking so I could take my time saying goodbye instead of dropping Marcia at the curb. She had two bags to check, plus her purse and a knapsack for carry on, with mostly electronic gear in it, although she also had her butterfly in it to put on later. It made the flight so much shorter. We checked her bags at the curb and waited for Brianna and the girls to show up. Five minutes later, they were climbing off the rental agency bus, four beautiful women and two cute babies. I was such a lucky bastard.

They checked all the none carry-ons at the curb as well, including the play pen which they'd found a big, big bag for, the baby carriers and two bags of luggage. The babies were now on in soft carriers, one on Brianna's chest, the other on Zoe's. I hugged and kissed Riyuki first because she was babyless, then awkwardly put my arms around Zoe, hugging and kissing her, and dropping a kiss on John's forehead as well.

"Behave yourself, little man. Do what your mommies tell you." He gurgled happily.

I kissed Sarah on the cheek. She would be a little heartbreaker someday. She was cute as the dickens already. I hugged her mom and gave her a kiss with a little more feeling.

"Thank you so much for everything, Brianna. I can't thank you enough, really. You've been wonderful."

"Don't mention it, Sammie. It's been a pleasure. Thanks for showing us around."


"Hey, if Karen can call you Sammie, I should be able to also. I'm just as sweet as she is."

"You're also not an old lady."

"I'll think about it."

I moved to Chantelle. "Thanks mademoiselle, for your help with the party. It was a huge success due to you. We've had fun haven't we?"

"Oui, Monsieur, much fun, and we will again I think." She grinned at me like the Cheshire Cat. Should have been my second clue, but hindsight is twenty-twenty.

Last, I held my wife tight, locked in an unbreakable embrace, accompanied by a righteous lip lock. "I put a couple items in your luggage. Think of me when you use them. You'll know I love you more."

"Sam, Sam, Sam. You must think you're dealing with an amateur. I'm a professional. A professional cop and a professional slave. You're a little boy compared to me. I'll see you in a little more than two weeks. Bow down to me now."

I bowed with a magnificent flourish. "Why am I bowing, now?"

"Because I love you more."

"I don't think so."

"I know so."

"Says you. It's time for you to go now. Chantelle, where's your luggage?"

"I do not require luggage, Monsieur. I am staying here." There was that grin again.

I looked at Marcia. "What did you do? I told you I didn't need anyone while you were gone."

"And the very reason you told me you didn't, is the very reason I trust you with Chantelle. She'll stay here and help you clean the house after it's empty. She'll help you drive to California and she'll help keep you warm at night. I'll expect you to FaceTime me while she's sucking your cock or riding it, so I'll know you're well taken care of."

Brianna handed me a room key. "Here, you'll need this. You can share the room with Chantelle, and get the movers right in and utilities shut off right away."

I looked at her in amazement. "I can't afford a suite at the Hyatt."

"Suite? Who said anything about a suite? I moved her into a single room with a queen size bed, and you're paying for only half. I'm paying for my own slave."

Marcia hugged and kissed me again. "Goodbye, husband and Master." She also hugged Chantelle and told her to take good care of me.

They all disappeared into the bowels of the terminal.


"What is the problem, Monsieur? Did she forget something?"

"No, but she won. She might love me more."


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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

First time thru. . . .Just too much, DEAR AUTHOR. Your strength, true talent is character inter action. Yet, just too much. Although interesting, this became a travelogue. LYNN was a complete waste of time. DAWN, O.K. Leaving CHANTELLE, what's up with that ? Still 5 stars.

LeifsonLeifsonover 1 year ago

Hearing about the effects of hurricane Ian. Didn't know much about SW Florida, except some glimpses from this series. Hope all the best for the people going through this.

DaniellaxmjtsDaniellaxmjtsover 5 years ago
Like the story but waaay too long

Seriously at 15 pages this should,have been broken up into 3 chapters. I like you r writing, don’t really care for the girl on girl stuff but am hooked on the story itself. The length of the chapter really detracted from the story. I kept thinking does this ever end, when I should have been engrossed in the story.

lazy_readerlazy_readerover 5 years ago
Long but interesting; gonna miss Marcia

Wow! Two new slaves. It looks like they successfully tiptoed around the Lynn minefield, but there is no guarantee she won't show up in LA later, which would complicate life for Sam and Marcia.

Two weeks without Marcia. We knew that was the plan. But the story will suffer without her presence. The real joy of this story is the interplay between Sam and Marcia. The relative lack of that (because so much else was happening) is probably why I was not completely involved in this story. I was distracted by the many other activities and characters, but it just didn't "grab" me.

I do like the Chantelle character. She it's very good to Sam. Maybe she will distract him (and us) from the lack of Marcia.

TootsallTootsallover 5 years ago
Great Ending

I seriously wish for an epilogue, but if that’s not to be....thank you.

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