WBDP - Caribbean Cruise


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"Oui, monsieur. It is one reason I love her. She takes such good care of me."

"Where's Marcia?" Brianna asked.

"She's working until midnight. Should be home a half hour later. Works until midnight every night until we leave. She wouldn't have fit in the car anyway. I'll let her know you got here safe. Line up for a pic."

I took their picture standing together and texted it to Marcia.

"I know you didn't get much more than snacks on the plane. We have both a Japanese and Italian Restaurant nearby, both excellent. Which do you prefer?"

"Since we ate junk food on the plane, let's go with Japanese tonight and we'll try the Italian tomorrow," Brianna replied.

"Would you wish to drop your things off and freshen up first, or go straight for the food?"

Brianna checked with both Monique and Chantelle who both mouthed 'food'. "Food seems to be the unanimous consensus, Sam. How far away is it?"

"We're about to pull into the parking lot now," I said, turning right.

"My God! I forget how different things can be outside LA where it seems everything is a two hour drive away."

"Does that change your mind about freshening up first or are you still wanting to eat?"

A chorus of 'food' and 'eat' decided the matter and we went inside.


"You really live close to the airport, don't you, Sam," Monique said after we ate.

"We live close to everything by your standards. It's still early. Would you like to go up to the pool after dropping off your bags and changing into something else? Use the hot tub, a few laps in the water?"

"Sounds great. That would be refreshing."

"Can we go naked, monsieur?" Chantelle asked.

"Not unless you want to get arrested. Conservative town, lots of old folks, stodgy; not really into nudity. We haven't been nude outside the house since leaving your place. You can wear brief things, though, so if you cover the good parts, nips and mons, nobody will bitch about it - probably."

"Can we take booze?" Monique asked. "I could use a drink."

"If it's not in glass. I've got paper cups and I can throw a good boxed wine into a beach bag. It won't have the same ambience, but beggars can't be choosers. Get ready, we'll go. We can walk, it's about a block away."

Brianna said she'd prefer water and I brought three bottles of that.

We walked up to the pool and I used my fob to get in. As it was already past seven, we were the only ones at the pool. Monique said maybe they could get nude after all. I pointed to the cameras hidden under the eaves.

"Smile for candid camera. You're being recorded. Primarily to hinder vandalism or enhance prosecution therefrom, but it's recorded for posterity none-the-less."

I poured some wine for Monique and Chantelle, Brianna declined and took a bottle of water. They went to swim laps in the pool while I got in the hot tub. Brianna sat on the edge of the tub with her feet in the water.

"I've already done my laps for the day," I told her.

We chatted a little about their flight and anything else they might like to do the next couple days before we left. Monique got a refill of wine and was shocked how good it was, despite coming from a box. Chantelle agreed.

Brianna said, "I was surprised to hear Marcia say she came close to licking pussy before you guys left. How near was she?"

"Close, I think. That last day we were at the pool, she mentioned how easily she fell into the practice of accepting feminine favors. She admitted how near she came to licking Emily, and how much she wanted to do it with you. It upset her how readily she welcomed it. She felt it should be harder to choose female companionship than it was. I spoke to her about why she possibly fell into it more freely than she wanted. When you prepared to ride the red monster and had to back onto it rather than sit on it, your pussy was close to her face. I think she would have licked you then except for the fact you'd just drenched yourself in lube."

"That close, huh?"

"I might be wrong, but yeah, that close. It's only a matter of time before she accepts it's okay; she's not really a lesbian, and I will love her regardless and does it. She's tasted pussy on my cock and that doesn't bother her. Once she gets past the fact it's not me she's tasting, it will happen."

"I might have a way to push the issue, get her there a little faster."

"I'd prefer to let her proceed at her own pace, but I'm willing to listen."

"When does her next slavery start?"

"As soon as we leave port in Martinique and for the next five days."

"You've lost another few pounds?"

"I actually lost it in LA. You women worked me over good. I doubt I could consume enough calories to maintain my weight. Every night we went to sleep, I was so tired. I worked harder than even I knew."

"And now you'll be with a bunch of nude women for seven days and nights. Do you think you'll survive, Sam?"

"I don't know," I said, laughing. "At least Emily and Bella won't be along. I only have to worry about Marcia and you. It's the one thing I really envy about women. I mean, I know you can tire from having many orgasms, but you can go and go and never worry about recharging."

"There has to be compensation for going through menses every month."

"I suppose. So what were you thinking about Marcia?"

"I thought she might undergo some punishment, with another slave, such as Monique, experiencing the same punishment. If she was denied orgasm during this punishment, but had access to the services of that slave to relieve her, our little cum queen could not hold out. Under those circumstances, indulging herself with that slave, she might take pity on them and return the favor. That breaks the ice and once done, won't be so hard thereafter. Just a thought."

"That's wholly devious and totally the thing I might think up. I must congratulate you, Mistress Brianna, on your wicked, evil mind. We are a pretty pair, aren't we?"

"You don't mind nudging her in that direction?"

"I'm okay with it. Two women together is totally hot. Two men leaves me ice cold, but two beautiful women going at it. Whew. That probably had much to do with how often I could have sex in LA. Every time I saw a gaggle of you soaping each other in the shower, or one woman going down on another, was a jolt of desire straight to my Johnson. Watching her service a female isn't any different from one of you licking her. I just want to fuck whatever hole you've left open for me."

"Men. I swear they're so predictable I could make oodles of cash on the stock market if they just traded you instead of stocks. I know precisely which way you're all going to move."

"Whereas women are all over the place."

"Exactly. And they can change without warning."

I looked at my watch and saw how close we were to nine. "Time to go ladies. This place wraps up at nine, just like Cinderella at midnight. Out of the pool, let's go, chop-chop."

Monique and Chantelle got out of the pool and dried each other off. The way they did it was so intense. I helped Brianna up before I got a hard-on which I'd have to wear home with their luscious bodies swaying in front of me. She helped pat me dry; only her legs were wet. We hurried back to the house, the night air cool on our damp bodies.

We got home and they shed their swimming attire. Brianna was Brianna and I've already described her. Monique was a slightly less lush, Kate Upton type, also blonde. She had a navel piercing, bars through her nipples with a chain dangles. I thought I detected a clitoral piercing and she had a tattoo over her mons reading 'Property of Brianna'. Chantelle had a small landing strip on her mons, but otherwise closely shaved. She had a navel piercing, small loops in her nipples and what appeared to be a labial piercing similar to Marcia's, although I couldn't see it clearly from a distance. Figuring it would be rude pleading to look closer, I asked if they were retiring now.

"We'd like to wait until Marcia gets home, if it's all the same to you," Brianna replied.

"She won't be home until after midnight."

"Which is just nine LA time. We had to get up early, but not so early we can't stay up to see her."

Which is why when Marcia came through the door three hours later, we were all drinking in the family room, nude, laughing and talking. We all stood up and Marcia got hugs and kisses from each one.

"Brianna, it's great seeing you again. Monique, you're just as lovely as ever. And you must be Chantelle. Welcome to our home. I'm pleased to see you and I'm so looking forward to going on vacation. Give me a second to get rid of the gear and I'll join you. You can pour me a small glass of wine, Sam. It'll help me unwind."

She disappeared in the bedroom and ten minutes later, joined us, just as naked as we were.

"It's so nice being around people who aren't shocked at nudity," she said, taking the glass of wine from me. "What have you been doing since you got here?"

"Origami, pool/hot tub, shootin' the shit, in that order," I replied.

"What do you want to do tomorrow? Did Sam tell you about all the touristy stuff?"

"He did," Monique replied, "but we'd love to just go to the pool in our skimpiest bikinis and work on a good base tan before heading out to sea, except for Chantelle. She need not work on a tan as much as she just loves the water."

"Good. That's what I'd like to do as well. I have spent little time in the sun since LA, due to work and of course, Sam. He likes to keep me naked around the house."

"I don't blame Monsieur Sam. I'd like you nude around my house as well," Chantelle said.

Marcia blushed. "Thank you, Chantelle."

Brianna stood and said, "Let me pour you a little more wine and I'd like to propose a toast."

"Here, here," I said.

She poured a little more wine in each glass and stood facing us, raising her bottle of water.

"First, I'd like to drink to the new father and step-mother, Sam and Marcia."

My jaw dropped and I looked at Marcia and hers was near the floor as well. She looked back at me and we both screamed, "You're pregnant?", "You know already?", "Have you been to the doctors?", "Oh, Brianna, that's marvelous. I'm so happy for you - we're - we're both happy for you", "Congratulations!", "Does anyone else know?" Our voices clambering over each other, getting louder and louder as we each tried to make ourselves heard. Marcia threw her arms around Brianna and cried. Then she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the group hug and of course, I got hard.

"Shh! There, there. You will wake everyone up. They all don't need to hear the news. Slow down, take a deep breath and I'll try to answer all your questions in order." She glanced down at my budding erection and said, "That's the little man that got us into this situation. A job well done, I must say," and she shook my cock. That certainly broke the ice and we all laughed.

I sat down and drew Marcia into my lap, as much to hide my hard-on as a need to sit down to absorb the news.

"My period was late, so I got a pregnancy test, and it was positive. Not wanting to depend solely on that, I made an appointment with my gynecologist and she confirmed it. I'll be getting my first ultrasound about six weeks after we get home."

Suddenly it hit me. Duh! "That's why you've been drinking water and didn't get into the hot tub. What a dunce. I totally missed the cues."

"You were thinking vacation and possibly more fucking around would be my guess for your lack of perception."

"Probably," I admitted.

"The good news for you, Marcia, is that you'll no longer need to share your husband. The deed is done."

"When I look back on it now, I didn't mind as much as I thought I would. Maybe it's like with Morris for Sam. When it's a gift we give to the other, it's not as bad as if he were fucking around. I really wanted him to be a daddy and I would have given almost anything to make that happen."

"You gave everything and I'm eternally grateful." She smiled at us both. "No one outside this room knows this except for my doctor. I'll tell everyone else after we get home."

"How about you two," I asked Monique and Chantelle. "How are you liking the news?"

Monique said, "We talked about having the baby before she asked you to father it. We were both excited that she - that we - would have a baby around the house. I'm delighted."

"I am so happy for my Mistress," replied Chantelle. "This is something she's wanted for a long time and I'm glad I could see it happen. She deserves much happiness, n'est pas."

"Are you looking forward to seeing your family, Chantelle? Do they know you are coming?" Marcia asked.

"Maman et Papa both know I am coming. They are gathering the rest of the family together and it will be a surprise to them. Both mon frères et soeurs have not seen me for several years, brothers and sisters, you understand?"

"Oui, mademoiselle, although that's about the limits of the high school French I still remember," I replied. "Do they know about your relationship to Mistress Brianna?"

"They believe her to be my employer. That is all they were told. I think Maman may believe there is something more, but she does not know and will not voice it aloud as Papa would be furious. He is démodé; old fashioned, and set in his ways. He would not understand my love of a woman." Chantelle hugged and kissed Brianna. "She is the world to me. I don't mind sharing her with the others, who I love as well."

"Why do you think your mother suspects?" I asked.

"No boyfriends. I was close to many boys at home, but none since going to Los Angeles."

Brianna added, "Chantelle is a true bi-sexual. She loves men and women equally, but she respects our relationship and sticks to girls for now."

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you," Marcia said, "but I'm ready for bed. Brianna, if you would like, why don't you sleep with us tonight. At least we have a Queen. The other bed is just a double if that's okay with you girls. Or we could open the sofa bed."

"I'd love to sleep with you," Brianna said. "My slaves get to spend a lot of time with their Mistress at home."

We all trooped off to bed, Monique and Chantelle to the spare bedroom and Brianna, Marcia and I to our bedroom. Brianna was not my slave anymore. I wondered how everything would fit together. We all climbed into bed, Marcia taking the center and I laid down facing her with my arm over her waist. Marcia was facing Brianna and I could hear Marcia and Brianna whispering, talking about the baby, baby names and other things.

I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard Marcia say, "Sam has been practicing his oral technique and has actually improved greatly. I think you should lick me now so I know how much more he has to learn."

Brianna giggled, "I think he will need to improve much more to become as good as I am, and doubly more to beat Monique, who's the best I've ever been with."

"Prove it," Marcia whispered.

"With pleasure."

I felt the bed shift as Brianna shifted herself down the bed and I Marcia splayed her legs, one of them going over me. How the hell was I supposed to get any sleep with Marcia moaning beside me and the sounds of Brianna's tongue lapping her wet folds. It was hard, but I finally drifted off, her satisfied sighs lingering in my ear.


I was the first one up in the morning. I showered, Brianna joining me about halfway through to help me wash any parts I might have trouble reaching. When I passed back through the bedroom, Marcia was just swinging her legs over the side of the bed and rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, honey. How'd you sleep last night?"

"I slept great," Marcia said, "after Brianna tongued me to two fantastic orgasms. You still have a little way to go, Sam. Her tongue is a marvel of biological science."

"That's nice dear. I'll scramble up some eggs while you shower. Put on your skimpiest bikini if you're going to get ready for some nude sun bathing. Bring lots of sun tan lotion."

"Right. Good morning, Brianna," who was trailing me out of the bathroom. "How'd you sleep last night?"

"If I'm being fully honest, I was frustrated last night."

Marcia stopped and kissed her. "I'm sorry. Not ready to commit to that, yet. Perhaps Monique or Chantelle can help you out before we go to the pool."

"I've been frustrated before and I'm sure I will be again. I'll get by."

I scrambled up a huge platter of eggs with chives, sesame seeds and cheese. Brianna toasted several slices of bread, spreading butter on them as soon as they popped up, allowing the butter to melt into the toast. Going to the guest room, I knocked just as a loud cry of pleasure came from within. Heck, I thought I'd have to wake them up.

"Yes," said a voice, breathlessly, I think Monique due to the lack of discernible accent, although it's hard to tell with a single word.

"Breakfast is ready and getting cold. Don't dawdle."

"Oui, Monsieur Sam. We'll be right there." Definitely Chantelle.

"Marcia! Soups on."


Chantelle and Monique appeared first, Chantelle wiping her face and Monique with the fresh fucked look of recent pleasure gracing her features. Marcia appeared after, drying her hair. Of course, we were all naked. No point in getting dressed before we had to. We sat down and dug in.

"Raise your hand if you didn't have a climax last night," I said between bites.

Brianna and I raised our hands.

"Are Brianna and I the only ones?" I asked.

"It appears so, monsieur. Monique gave me trés bon pleasure last night. I returned the favor this morning. Her taste is enhancing every bite of food this morning," Chantelle said, smiling to Monique.

"TMI, TMI," I said.

"What is this TMI, monsieur?"

"Too Much Information," Brianna replied. "He's saying he need not know what flavors still linger on your tongue."

"Well, he inquired about our pleasure," Chantelle said. We all laughed.

"It was a question of generalities, not specifics," Marcia added. "Sam is feeling sorry for himself that he got left out last night and wanted to make sure we knew it. Brianna was also frustrated. Sam wanted to point that out as well."

"Mistress," Chantelle said. "I can take care of both of you before we go should you need pleasure."

"Thank you, my dear Chantelle. I'm fine for now, honestly."

"I'm good. Just bitching a little. Thank you, Chantelle."

"I don't understand men sometimes," Chantelle said. "They confuse me."

"Just remember that they want to have sex all the time," Marcia said, "and pout like little boys if they don't get it. That's about all you need to know about men."

"If you reversed out situations and Brianna and I pleasured each other and you were out, who would pout then?"

"I would," Marcia replied honestly. "But you tell me all the time I'm a sexy slut who can't have enough orgasms to satisfy her. I happily admit to it." She rose from the table. "Let's get going. The suns a wasting. Suits on. I'll get lots of lotion; Sam, get about eight waters and some fruit to eat later; Monique, if you could grab a half dozen beach towels from the hall closet across from your room, we can get going."

We grabbed everything, tossed it into a couple beach bags and headed to the pool. All four of the women were laughing and talking in front of me, all wearing the skimpiest suits they thought they could get away with. Beautiful bodies, hips swaying; Chantelle smacking Monique's ass at one point and Monique jumping, laughing, slapping Chantelle's hand away. Needless to say, I carried my beach bag covering my crotch as we walked. Why did it have to be so obvious when men were aroused? A woman could be cumming right in front of you in her bikini and unless she made a sound or moved funny, you'd never know. A man; he gets one sexy, dirty little thought in his head and everyone knew right away if his pants were tight enough.