We Are One


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He sputtered and finally ignored me lavishing his attention on Kennedy.

"Hey, hottie. I missed you," he said as she set Bella down.

"Bella wants to swim, so I had to suit her up and get lotion on her."

She walked towards the water with the other girls lavishing attention on the cute three-year-old.

Once Kennedy had the sponge bob life jacket on her, Bella squealed with delight floating between the ladies splashing around with her.

"Hey, bud, want a daquiri?" I think his name was Todd, who asked.

"No." I might have been too gruff in my response.

"Hey, we appreciate you opening your home to us. We're not all like that ass Mark."

I nodded and looked at Mark who was making daquiris at the bar. He was staring at Kennedy and the other girls in the pool with a smirk. I can't say how badly I wanted to knock his smirk off.

Kennedy was only a couple years older than her friends and they got along well. They latched on to Bella as if she were their clique's mascot and were all splashing around the pool making their bikini clad breasts bounce. Mark wasn't the only one watching, except he was making it obvious, and he looked like an ass in doing it.

I checked the steaks, and they were done, I called out, "Time to eat," and stacked the charred animal flesh onto a serving platter. "Let those rest a minute while I grab the potato salad and beans from inside. Mark, your steak is on top. I hope it's the same color as your pussy, as you like. I still don't know what color a man's pussy is, so I had to guess." It was well done. It hurt my soul to overcook a good steak like that, but it was worth it for the look on his face.

Everyone laughed at him as I walked into the house. The sliding door opened behind me, and Kennedy stormed in, pissed.

"If you don't stop being a dick to my friends, I'll..."

I turned and glared at her, "You'll what?"

She sputtered and clenched her fists.

"Kenz, I'm not going to let that jack ass disrespect you or me in my home. If he looks at you and licks his lips one more time, I'm going to frog march his obnoxious ass off my property."

'You're overreacting. He may be rough around the edges but he's a good guy. You don't have to be a dick to him."

She spun and walked towards the door. I shouted, "Hey!" She froze and turned. I said, "Wanna take these out for your guests?"

She took the plates and utensils and walked outside. I shook my head thinking that she liked Mark and there was nothing I could do about it. I was going to lose her before I got her.


I poured myself a Guinness and cooked my steak as Kennedy and her friends ate and chatted away. I realized that Todd was the 'leader' of the group and was dating Carrie, who was the prettiest besides Kennedy. Mark seemed to be disliked by most and I wondered why he was with them. Was he part of their group, or was he there because Kennedy liked him?

I stood by the grill and ate my perfect medium rare ribeye. I'm not a pit master by any stretch, but I was learning, and I enjoyed the acts of grilling and smoking meat. I watched the interactions and Mark was touching Kennedy as often as he could. Each little touch drove me crazy, and she was oblivious to what he was doing. His seduction was smooth, I'd have to give him credit for that.

I took the trashcan I kept outside over to their table and started cleaning up the used paper plates and plastic tableware. Todd stood and said, let me help. Carrie also stood but I waved them down.

"Enjoy yourselves. I've got this," I said watching Kennedy lost in her conversation with Mark.

"Uncle Bane?"

I looked down and saw Bella smiling. "Yes, sweetie?"

"Can I have ice cream?"

I laughed and said, "Sure, follow me."

I finished clearing the garbage from the table, but left Kennedy and Mark's. "Let them clean up their own mess," I thought.

As I walked into the house with Bella, I heard Todd loudly say, "Hey, lover boy! How about you clean up your mess and make us some more drinks?"

Kennedy must've snapped out of whatever love trance she was in, as I heard her shriek, "Where's Bella?" I slid the door closed, just as Carrie told her she was with me.

I scooped out some chocolate chip ice cream and got the extra chocolate chips that I knew Bella wanted.

"You forgot whip cream, Uncle Bane."

I looked at her pout and sighed, "Sorry, baby. My mind must be on other things."

I shook the can and opened my mouth. Bella giggled and opened as wide as she could for me to spray the whipped cream into her waiting mouth. She giggled as she swallowed and surprisingly didn't make a mess. I looked outside and saw Mark making drinks at the bar with Kennedy standing at his side. I shook my head filled Bella's bowl with the rest of the whipped cream. When I was done it looked like a giant bowl of the sweet goodness. Bella giggled happily.

I watched from the bay window and was irritated by Kennedy's apparent interest in the asshole. "She certainly can pick 'em." I whispered and shook my head. "Ready to go back out, Bella?"

She looked up at me with her face still buried in the bowl from licking the last of it. I laughed at her mouth and nose covered in melted ice cream. I tossed her a towel and she wiped her face, still giggling.

Bella slipped off her chair and put the bowl on the counter.

"Good, girl," I said, and she smiled at the praise.

She ran off into the yard, while I walked to my grill. I cleaned the grates and wiped out the grease and oil from the bottom, all the time staring down Mark, who was handing out another round of drinks.

It felt like I was an outsider. I felt like she didn't have any feelings for me other than me being a roommate, and it hurt. I loved her more each passing day, but my hands were tied by my self-imposed morality and my unwillingness to tell her how I felt until she was a free woman. Apparently, Mark either didn't care that she was married, or she didn't tell him.

I put the cover on the grill and slid the trashcan back in its place. I pulled another Guinness out of the cooler and sat at the small table on my porch. It was a beautiful day and I figured I may as well try to enjoy it. I lit a cigar and sighed as I watched the sunset.

I had a beautiful view to the west of almost endless land, as all of the houses in the rural area I lived were separated by acres of empty land and farmland. I enjoyed sitting outside and relaxing, thinking of nothing. It was cathartic for me and helped me get through the anger I felt at my family and Kennedy.

The laughter of Kennedy's group behind me annoyed me, so I stood and walked along the porch that wrapped around my home. It was one of the best features of the house, giving it an old-time southern plantation feel.

I sat on the swing on the front part of the house and watched squirrels chase each other through the trees that lined my front fence. Before long, I felt a presence and then little Bella appeared at my side.

"Uncle Bane, can I rock on the swing with you?"

"Of course, Bella. Come on up."

She climbed on and settled down, placing her head on my leg. It couldn't have been five minutes before she fell asleep. I stroked her hair and saw Kennedy walk around the corner.

"There she is. I keep telling her not to run off. I don't want her to be a bother for you."

"She's no bother. As you can see, she's out like a light."

"I'll put her into bed. Thank you, Blaine."

I nodded and lifted Bella into her mother's arms. Kennedy looked at back at me with a sad smile as she went into the house.

I re-lit my cigar and watched the sun finally lose its battle with the horizon. It was symbolic of how I was losing the chance to finally be with my soulmate, and I wondered if we had changed that much in the six years since I left home.

Maybe we were just too different to pick up where we left off? Maybe we never had a chance six years ago, and I shouldn't have expected to have a chance six years later? Maybe I was just an idiot?

An hour later, I took the last puff and walked into the house to do the dishes. I found Carrie and Kennedy in the kitchen already cleaning up. As I walked up, I heard Kennedy say, "I fucked it all up. He was supposed to get jealous and take me into his arms to claim me, not get pissed off and avoid me all night."

I froze in the hallway and listened.

"I don't think he's pissed at you," Carrie mused. "Mark's an asshole, and Blaine's pissed at him. We all are. Blaine's been a perfect host. Shit, girl, he's been waiting on us, cooking for us, and cleaning up after us like he works here rather than as host. He's doing all of that for you since he's certainly not participating in the party."

"He's just that kind of guy."

Carrie laughed, "He's the perfect guy. Look at this place. He's loaded, he's a gentleman, he clearly loves the shit out of you, and he dotes on your daughter. The question is, why the hell aren't you throwing yourself at him instead of playing stupid games trying to make him jealous? This isn't some stupid rom-com; this is your life, and you're screwing it up."

I smiled and made some noise as I started to walk into the kitchen to alert them to my approach.

"You guys don't have to do that. Enjoy your party, I'll clean up."

"Nuh, uh, Blaine," Carrie admonished. "You've been waiting on us hand and foot all day. It's the least we can do. Go have a beer and enjoy yourself for a while."

"Okay," I conceded. Instead of walking out back, I went up to my room. I checked on Bella, who was snoring away in her room, on the way and closed my door. I kicked off my sandals and left the light off. If I sat by my window, I could hear the conversation on my back porch, so I decided to snoop a bit. I'd already heard Kennedy lament her games and I was thrilled. I was happy I had a chance and after everyone left, I'd make sure to jump on it.

I listened as Todd bitched Mark out for acting like an ass. Mark had no real response other than to bluster on about how I was an asshole because I kept saying he had a pussy and overcooked his steak. It was laughable.

Todd said, "If you make a pass at Kennedy, I will knock you out, feel me?"

"Fuck you," Mark almost shouted. "That bitch wants me. She's been all over me today. I knew she was game whether she was going through a divorce or not. I plan on staying the night tonight after a midnight skinny dip."

"Listen very carefully, asshole. I promise you, if you fuck up whatever she has going on with Blaine, I will end you. She has a daughter and needs a real man to take care of them as Blaine is already doing. Your juvenile bullshit can't take care of her kid."

"I don't give a shit about the kid. Kennedy's a total pump and dump, dude. Hell, I'll have her screaming my name so loudly, that asshole Blaine will know she was taking care of properly and in his house. He can have her when I'm done, maybe he'll like sloppy seconds."

"You fucking asshole!" Kennedy shouted. I hadn't heard the door open, and it was obvious the guys didn't either.

After that there was a lot of screaming and scuffling of chairs. I hurried down and ran out to the back patio. Kennedy was kicking a curled-up Mark while he lay on the ground trying to block her attack. Carrie was trying to pull her back and Todd was watching in amusement.

"Enough!" I shouted. Kennedy spun around, and Carrie stumbled back into Todd's waiting arms.


"Hush," I said softly. "I heard everything from my bedroom window."

Todd and Carrie smiled, and Mark groaned.

"I think the party is over, guys." I looked down at Mark, who wasn't doing well after Kennedy's attack. "Todd, help me take out the trash, will you?"

"With pleasure, Blaine."

I picked up Mark's legs, and Todd lifted him by the shoulders. Mark hardly struggled as we carried him to his car and tossed him roughly towards it.

"Go, now! If I ever hear of you messing with Kennedy or Todd and Carrie, I will put a hurt on you that your children's children will remember."

He held his hands out towards in a motion of surrender, wiped the blood from his busted lip, and stood. He didn't say a word as he got into the car and drove away.

"She's an idiot, but she really likes you, Blaine." Todd said as we watched the taillights fade.

"Yeah, she realizes she screwed up."

"You're not going to..." He started to ask before I cut him off.

"No, I love her, and I love the kid. She never had to put on a show for me."

He nodded and we walked back to the house.


I stayed out of the way as Kennedy made her goodbyes to Todd and Carrie. I walked through the backyard to make sure I had all the garbage cleared away. Living on an open piece of land meant that critters were plentiful, and they wouldn't hesitate to make a bigger mess if we left tasty garbage out for them.

I realized it was still early and I wasn't very tired. I guess the surge of adrenaline from dealing with Mark eliminated any tiredness, so I started a fire in the pit.

As the flames picked up, I moved my cooler over along with a chair. After cracking open my beer, I heard, "May I join you?"

"Please," I answered.

She set her chair down with its arm touching the arm of my chair. After she sat, she put her hand on mine, and said, "I'm sorry about everything."

I laughed, "What's the apology for? Kicking that asshole's ass, or trying to make me jealous?"

"All of it. None of us like Mark. I thought he would be the perfect guy to make you stop hiding how you feel about me. I didn't realize I should be showing you how I feel about you."

I squeezed her hand and looked into the fire, "We've been dancing around our feelings for too long. I never stopped loving you, and the worst thing about that was I could never move on from it. I never had you, yet I couldn't get over losing you."

With her soft hand she turned my head towards her, "Blaine, I will never forgive myself for turning you away a lifetime ago." She shook her head. "It hasn't been seven years, but it feels like an eternity to me. We both had to grow up so quickly, it seems as if we went from being kids to being fucked up adults overnight. But all of that is in the past, and I'm here now. It's been a tough road with more obstacles than two people should have to bear, but I'm yours if you'll have me."

I kissed her hand and nodded, "You're all I ever wanted."

She leaned over and we kissed softly. Her lips were soft, and she tasted like a daquiri, as she parted my lips with her tongue. I stroked her cheek with my thumb and cupped her chin as she moaned into my mouth.

I pulled back to break our first kiss in forever and looked as deeply into her soul as I could through her eyes. "I love you, Kennedy. I love you and your daughter. I opened my home to you, my life to you, and my heart to you. I've got nothing more to give."

"I think there's one thing you haven't given me yet," she said with a sly smirk. She slid down to the grass and gently pulled me with her.

The warmth of the fire staved off the chill of the air as she lifted my tank top over my head. "You were never ripped like this when we were kids," she purred as she slid her finger along my chest, tracing my muscles.

I returned the effort and untied the sarong top's knot at her shoulder. "This bikini has been driving me insane all day," I confessed.

"That was the intent, my love."

We kissed and our hands roamed. I memorized every line and curve of her soft body, every whimper or moan she made. Her breast was firm in my hand as I rubbed my thumb around her hardening nipple.

She sat on my lap and wrapped her legs around me. My rapidly hardening cock pressed into her hot pussy, and I craved to be inside her. The fire crackled and she moved her hips giving me a lap dance.

"Will you take me inside and make love to me, Blaine, or do I have to molest you against your will right here."

I pushed her hands up and she stood, allowing me to rise. I slid my shorts down and kicked them away, before sitting back down. She smiled and returned to my lap.

I pushed aside her bikini and she lowered herself onto my waiting shaft.

"Oh, Blaine," she moaned as she slid me in deeper.

I hugged her into me, taking her breast into my mouth through the bikini top. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her as she rode me.

"So good, Blaine. So fucking good."

"I'll never stop loving you, Kenz."

"Me too." She said breathlessly.

I couldn't believe how good she felt as she slowly rode me. She was nirvana. I knew I'd never make love to anyone else for the rest of my life.

Her body tensed and she quivered, I knew she was coming as she softly mewled into my neck. Just as she stopped, I started to drive into her to release myself into her tunnel.

"Oh, God, Blaine. I feel you. You're close, you're getting...oh!"

I grunted as I shot stream after stream into her. I imagine the look on my face was something out of an eighties porno, as I finally stopped shooting into her.

"I love you so much, Kennedy."

"I love you more, Blaine."


The next morning, I woke to Bella crying. I looked over and saw Kennedy sleeping with her hair splayed out on the pillow. She looked so beautiful.

I opened my door and found Bella crying in the hallway.

"What's wrong, cuddles?" I asked as I picked her up.

"Mommy's gone."

"Aw, sweetie. No, she's not. See? She's there in my bed still sleeping."

She sniffed and started to calm down.

"Are you hungry? Would you like some pancakes?" I asked.

"With chocolate chips, Uncle Bane?"

"Of course. Who could eat pancakes without chocolate chips? That's just silly."

We walked down to the kitchen, and she stood less than a foot away from me the entire time it took to make a pot of coffee and to whip up the pancake batter.

"Do you want to help?" I asked. She nodded yes, so I lifted her up to sit on the counter. I handed her the bag of chips and said, "Okay, cuddles, put as many in as you'd like."

I knew it would happen, and she didn't let me down; she dumped the entire bag into the bowl. It was only half the bag that was left, so it was the right amount. She didn't know that and giggled as if she was pulling one over on me. I played along, acted horrified, and handed her a spoon to stir them in.

"What's all this nonsense?" Kennedy said walking into the kitchen.

"I'm making pancakes, mommy," Bella said with a big smile.

Kennedy lifted Bella up and kissed her cheek.

"Stir it good, baby. You want to make sure every pancake has chips in them."

"I am, mommy."

She set her down on the counter and turned to me, "Good morning, Blaine. You should have woken me."

"Nah. You looked so peaceful; I didn't have the heart to wake you."

"But this is such a sweet moment and I missed most of it," she sighed into my shoulder as she hugged me.

I turned her around and pulled her into my side as we watched little Bella put a spoonful of the raw batter into her mouth. Bella giggled realizing she was caught. I kissed Kennedy on her cheek and said, "We have the rest of our lives to make more sweet moments together."

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01Timber6701Timber676 days ago

She ruined him at 18 by being with his brother. She played a game with his heart at the party so what’s next for her to do ,,,, end up in the loving wives category

Ocker53Ocker537 days ago

Yeah I just don’t buy how quick he forgave Kennedy for lying to him and breaking his heart, then we are to believe that he believes everything that she now says despite her history of lying to him. Yes she lied, the fact that he was blind sighted by her fucking his brother and choosing his brother over him, tells you she must have lied about her relationship with his brother all along. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Sorry Bh but this story was just terrible with pathetic characters

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago


AngelRiderAngelRider30 days ago

I'm sorry but I don't believe any of this twaddle. That woman is broken emotionally and mentally due to her upbringing. If she was able to completely destroy her best friend due to mercenary selfish needs at 18 then she was far too gone for growth. Maybe it makes hallmark movie fans gullible and naive but Kennedy would never in a million years be able to develop normal relationships. It's a fantasy.

She lacked empathy at 18. Once it's gone, you can't get it back. That's the reality. The woman is broken.

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