We Deliver all Things


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It was Alice's turn to be surprised. This was a new Alex; quieter, less brash. He was still undeniably male, but somehow gentler with it. With an instinct that came from she didn't know where, Alice asked, "Would you like to feel something soft like this against your skin?"

"Yes, I would," came his simple reply.

His honesty triggered something in Alice, and suddenly she knew this man was different to others she had met. Alex seemed open with his desire and she liked that; and the fact that he wanted soft fabrics against his skin, she liked that, too.

"Let me help you, then," she said, and began to undo the buttons of his shirt, one by one. She had a loose flowing silk gown that might fit him.

Alex stood still, letting her do it. He placed his hands on her hips, lightly, with no possession intended, no taking of flesh. It was a delicate touch, like stepping out for a dance, or being guided through a gate into a blossom scented bower. Alice appreciated his restraint - he could have pulled her closer to his body in a hungry embrace. Instead, he let her undress him, one slow button at a time. Her fingers were shaking slightly, but she steadied herself and kept going, teeth on her bottom lip in concentration.

The shirt fell away from his body, Alice's hands easing it up from the grip of his pants. Alex's chest was completely smooth, still lightly tanned from summer. His skin was soft under her fingers. She quickly looked up at him to see his blue eyes gazing at her. Alex must have been watching her face, or her hands, the whole time.

"I'd have thought you'd have hair on your chest," she said, running her hands over his torso. "But you're so smooth." His flesh was so warm, his skin was so soft, but she could feel the strength underneath.

"I like how it feels, how it looks. I keep myself smooth. Women do, and I don't see why men can't too."

"There'd be many who'd say, a man pampers himself like that, he must be gay. But you're not gay." It was a statement, not a question. "You seem to like women too much. The way you treat Jenny." She paused. "The way you treat me."

"I do. I love women. I've never been sexually attracted to men. Well, not in real life, anyway. I don't mind looking at pics of men, but I've never been curious in the flesh."

"If a naked man was here, now, would you? Take him in your mouth, I mean?" Alice, in her straightforward, scientific way, was curious.

"Probably." He didn't pretend, he didn't say no. "You got more surprises, Doc?"

"Not any more." And she left it at that, words unsaid but her meaning clear, if he saw it.

"Let me see you, the rest of you." Alice reached for his belt, and at the same time Alex reached for the tied cord around her waist. But the knot was tight, he couldn't loosen it.

"Oh, let me do it." And with a wriggle and a shimmy, Alice tugged her track pants down. "It's been knotted for ages. I just breath in." In turn, she dragged Alex's jeans down to his ankles, and he kicked them away, taking his shoes off as he did so.

"Goodness," said Alice, her eyes wide. "That's a nice tidy package."

Alex stood before her, his body smooth like pale gold glowing, his genitals cupped in a pouch of dark blue silk or velvet - without closer examination Alice couldn't tell. A soft material anyway. She could see the weight and fullness of his testes and the curved outline of his penis held firm by the pouch. A thin strap circled his waist, and she knew the same cord would hide between his ass cheeks. The taut firmness she'd admired in his jeans was now unhindered by any layer of cloth.

She in turn stood before him, a pair of blue French knickers matching her camisole, a matching set from Germaine and Her Daughter, one of Alice's favourite boutique brands. Her legs were long and slim, with finely muscled thighs. Her skin, too, was smooth, but she was much paler than Alex, her indoor English habits rarely seeing the sun.

"You're beautiful," she said, the plain honest truth of it needing no embellishment.

"So are you, Alice." Alex gave her the gift, once again, of using her name.

"Alice Jane, actually," she whispered, giving him a gift in return.

"Doc Alice Jane Turner, huh?" Alex recognised the importance of names and the trust given to give them, but at the same time, he knew to keep the mood light. Alice was brave, revealing herself, but like a fawn or gazelle, she might startle at any time.

"Alex Charles," he said, to complete the circle. He stood beside her, his arm at her waist, and they looked at themselves in a long mirror.

"We're beautiful, Alice."

They were. She leaned her head against his shoulder and watched his cock thicken in its pouch like a stirring snake. She didn't know if his arousal came from himself or from her, but it didn't matter, she didn't care. A nearly naked man was beside her, his sexual potency palpable.

"Stay here," she said, and turned to her wardrobe. She rattled through some hangers on the bright steel bar and found the garment she had in mind, a silken gown which on her flowed to her ankles, so on him, plenty long enough to feel like the shimmer of a breeze on his legs when he turned.

"Let me put it on you. Silver silk on golden brown. It'll feel like moonlight on your skin."

"Let me take this off. Your skin will feel like warm satin against mine." Alex reached for her camisole.

She nodded, and he lifted the delicate drift of the cami up over her head, revealing Alice's firm little breasts, with tight dark nipples pulling them up into points. He held her body against his, his hands on her back. Alice pressed back against him, her hands drifting down to the cheeks of his tight bottom. She could feel his hardness against her, and the kiss of the silk gown around them.

"Who first?" he asked, "to drop to their knees in prayer?"

My god, thought Alice, to be an idol? Is that what he wants, to worship me? Or am I to worship him, this alabaster smooth statue, this angel?

"Me first," she replied, wanting to please him, and to please herself too. She wasn't quite ready for kisses, but a closer look at his body, that would be fine. She slid down to kneel at his feet. His cock, straining against the cloth, was hot against her cheek. Alice looked up to see him looking down at her. She raised both hands to the sides of the pouch and pulled it swiftly down his legs.

His cock, released from the tight restraint, rose hard against his gut, long and thick. It looked longer than it might be, for his genitals were completely smooth, other than a fine trace of hair at the base of his belly, an inch wide landing strip down to his cock.

"My god," Alice repeated her prayer, aloud this time, "he's rather splendid. You have a beautiful cock, Alex."

She knelt in front of him, her hands cupping his balls, her eyes fixed on the shaft which rose steel hard against his gut, the dark plum red of his cock head just reaching the bottom of his navel. She felt heat almost radiate, a contrast to the cooler weight of his balls.

He must use depilatories, Alice thought, her practical observation creeping past her wonder, because he's so smooth. She thought of her Friday night bath routine, and was pleased that her skin would be just as silky. How awful, she thought, if I had prickles on my skin. She giggled.

"What is it, honey?"

The endearment was delivered so spontaneously, so naturally, that Alice knew she wouldn't resist, couldn't, even if she wanted to.

"Your skin, it's so delicious. I was thinking of my Friday night end-of-week routine, when I do my legs, pamper myself in a bath, with candles and oils and dreamy lace afterwards, when I'm clean." She stroked his shaft with a slow curiosity, learning its length, its circumference, seeing how her fingers curled around it. "I'm glad I'm not prickly. We can compare," she said, knowing, now they'd started on the slippery slide towards sex, that they would.

"What lotions do you use?" Alex started already. "I mostly use George's, they've got a good range for men."

Alice looked up at him, got to her feet, and led him to the bed by his cock. Alex clearly knew what he was on about, knowing the fine art of skin care, buying from a boutique men's range.

"Lie down here, beauty, let me show you." Alice gently pushed him down onto her bed, patting down the covers as she did so. She placed a single kiss on his shaft. "Don't go away, now."

Alex watched Alice as she crossed the room and into the hall; to the bathroom, he assumed. He saw the bumps of her spine and her long slim legs, her backside hidden by the blue French knickers. The swish of the short pony tail swung as she walked. He looked down at himself, enjoying the bounce his erection gave at the sight of her. He made himself more comfortable on the bed, keeping his eye on the door. He didn't want to miss her return, walking towards him, bending over him, looking down at him.

She was only away a minute, and came back with a bottle of lotion under one arm, a glass of water in one hand and two small candle bowls in the other. Alex watched as she put the objects on the bedside table, then move to the windows where she was silhouetted against the moonlight, her skin milky white in the gentle glow.

"No, leave the curtains open," he said.

"Won't people see?"

"You're on the third floor, remember. They'd need a big ladder."

"Where would..." Alice turned to him. "I'm very literal, aren't I? I was thinking, 'how would a pervert get a ladder here' and imagined a big lorry."

"I thought you might." He smiled at her and her heart melted. "I'm getting used to the way my strange woman thinks, my very literal, very straightforward woman." Having taken possession of Alice with his determiner, Alex went on. "But what are you doing over there?"

He looked at Alice, standing with an elegant grace by the window, comfortable in her own skin in the safety of her own place; and he felt himself very fortunate to be allowed in. Sure, the Ikea cabinet needed to go into her bedroom because that's where her lingerie was, but she was letting him into her life, too, with her revelation of luscious silken treasures worn against her skin, the names her parents gave her, the vision of her nearly nude beauty.

She looked down at herself, then back across to Alex. "I'm... " She laughed, her explanation quickly cut short. "I'm coming, love, don't worry."

Her endearment astonished her, falling so naturally from her lips. His eyes, when he heard it, told her everything.

"I've got my favourite lotion, I'm going to pamper you with it. It won't be all spicy and masculine like yours. It's soft and feminine, like me. You'll love it." She came back to the bed and knelt over him, her thighs outside his, the slightly darkened centre of her knicker gusset sliding along the length of his prick. She was wet already, her slipperiness beginning like Cinderella's coach ride; the silk of her cami knickers riding against Alex's hard shaft.

He savoured the sensation, enhanced by the sight of Alice's naked torso above him. She smiled, half for herself, half for him, then squeezed two large dollops of lotion onto her palms to warm it up.

"Here you are, beauty, you can smell just like me." She spread the lotion over his shoulders and chest, rubbing it in until his skin shone. It was delicately scented. Alex enjoyed the sensual feel of her fingers as the lotion warmed and was absorbed by his skin, its scent rising in the warm air around them. Alice shifted down his legs, squeezed another dollop out of the bottle, and began to gently massage it into his perineum, around the smooth star of his anus and gently over his balls. His eyes closed in bliss.

Alice took the opportunity of not being watched to study Alex's body closely, seeing how he was all put together. His limbs were long and his muscles firm but not huge. He had a lean strength, not a solid one. Everything seemed in perfect proportion. She thought of the Statue of David, which she'd seen once on a trip to Florence, but Alex's hair wasn't curly, and his penis not so coy.

She bent her head down to his chest to gently bite a nipple, and was rewarded with a sigh. She tugged the other nipple up with her fingers and felt his hands in her hair. They lay like that for a minute, Alice's fingers entwined with the fingers of one hand, while his other hand stroked her cheek. She worked on his nipples, back and forth with the suck of her mouth and the nip of her teeth. Alice realised she hadn't even kissed him yet, but his cock was hard against her thigh. She felt wicked and wonderful. She moved down his body to take the head of his cock into her mouth like a fruit.

His breath rose with a quick gasp, and she smiled around his shaft. Her lips were stretched but she felt the creases of her eyes tighten and knew she was radiant even if her mouth was full. She sucked harder, and Alex's fingers gripped her hair.

"Ohhh..." His sigh turned into a low moan as his cock head nudged the back of her throat. Alice eased back up until tip of his flesh was at her lips. She wiped a trace of spittle from her mouth down his shaft, before taking him to her throat again. This time she nudged his rose bud with a knuckle and pressed up to him. His fingers curled in her hair, but he never forced her head down. Alex let Alice make her own way to his centre, trusting that she would. She was grateful that he restrained his lust, letting her lead with her pleasure.

She sucked on him, her wet mouth becoming louder. Her scent rose in the still air, mingling with the fragrance of the body lotion and his darker male smell. A promise of joyous late summer sex ran through the room and she'd not even kissed him yet.

"It's your turn, lovely girl." His voice broke her reverie, and Alice realised her eyes were closed, her fingers slow and gripping on Alex's shaft, her mouth still sucking, but slow. She was almost in a hypnotic daze.

"Lie on your belly," he said. "It's my turn to pamper you."

Alice was grateful for the instruction, and delighted again in his restraint. Other men would be straight between her thighs, but Alex was slower. She liked that he took his time. It meant she didn't need to rush her own arousal, nor be left behind.

"Are you always so slow and decadent?" she asked.

"Most of the time," he replied, "except when you don't want me to be."

"Does that mean there'll be more?"

"Depends how many cabinets, honey." Alex smiled. He pulled the band from Alice's pony tail, stroking her hair away from her shoulders.

"I don't think I need any more cabinets," she replied. "But I might."

She let her body flop, falling like a leaf into his hands. She felt the warm cream slide over her, as Alex began a slow, sensuous massage.

"You're very good at this," she murmured.

"Strong hands," he replied. "All those packages."

"I'm glad you delivered them to me."

"So am I."

Some time in the next half hour Alex slid the blue knickers down Alice's legs, and she spread them slightly apart to allow his fingers to drift between her lips and up over her bottom, up her back and down again. At one point he massaged both her feet, one at a time, and sucked on her toes. She couldn't believe that the two furthest parts of her body could receive such delicious attention, and lay almost swooning under his hands, wondering what his mouth would be like on hers, on her sex. She wouldn't ask him, not now. She wanted to wait, because this was the slowest lovemaking she'd ever experienced, and she wanted it to last forever.

"It's time for a different cream." His voice broke through her dream. "It's my own brand, you'll like it."

Alice felt his long hot shaft against her back, the coolness of his balls against her back hole. She spread her legs wider so he could push against her.

Alex found a comfortable place and adjusted his weight, and began to slide up and down her back. The length of his cock was between the cheeks of her ass, and her whole body became her vagina. Alex swayed up and down her back, the long hard hot heat of him against her spine.

She stretched her arms out above her head, and he took her hands in his, and fucked his whole body up over hers. Still he'd not kissed her, but she felt the long hot magnificent heat of his flesh, his smooth skin covering her body, and her whole flesh felt like her cunt inside her and his whole body his cock all around her.

"Oh god, my beauty, come on my back, give me your cream."

She knew where this slippery slide was going and urged him on. She felt his breathing quicken, and felt a hot wet slick on her back as his pre-cum added to the slick of their sweat and the last glow of the body lotion. Alex was breathing faster, holding his body slightly away from the pressure of hers, so his cock could slide between them easily, between his belly and her back. Alice pushed her bottom back against him, forcing herself against his shaft sliding sliding sliding...

"Oh fuck, Alice Jane... " and with the cry of her name, Alex came on her back, wet hot streams of come spurting in long streaks up her spine to her shoulder blades, a delirious hot wet wonderful stickiness spreading its warmth all over her. He collapsed onto her, and Alice loved the weight of his body and the smell of him and the sticky heat. Her own heaviness was hot and heavy in her belly, and she knew when she came she'd explode, but there was time for that, time for everything.

"I need to smooth it in," said Alex, easing his body back from hers. Their skin separated in a clinging let go, and for a few minutes Alex massaged his come into the skin of her back, up over her shoulders and down her arms.

He smelt of her perfume, and she was covered in his musky scent, and Alice thought it exquisite, that they could share each other's skin.

"There," he said, "Cream of Alex, specially delivered, just for you."

He lay down beside her, took her into his arms, and for the first time, they kissed. Alice pulled a cover up over them, and they kissed some more.

"It's quite early in the evening," she said. "Will you stay."

"Yes," he replied. "I've got no more deliveries to make."

"Yes, you do," she replied. "And besides, I've got more lingerie to show you."

"Black stockings?" he asked.

"Ooo yes. You'll look wonderful in black stockings. I shall wear white." She popped him on the nose with her finger. "Or red, depending on my mood."

© electricblue66 2021

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holliday1960holliday1960almost 3 years ago

It sets a tone of tolerance and inclusion that's long overdue, EB. My congratulations on a job well done, and on opening a door behind which there's no bigotry or false motivations. So proud of your writing and the success you enjoy, doing something you love doing.

theMasterBaitertheMasterBaiterabout 3 years ago

Different, and lovely.

29wordsforsnow29wordsforsnowabout 3 years ago

Most enjoyable fetish for flirtation, and more.

Thanks for taking your time till the first kiss.

ThefirefliesThefirefliesabout 3 years ago

Loved the punny double entendres. I suppose we will have to imagine how snugly tab A did indeed fit in slot B, and they, ah, successfully finished the flat-pack cabinet!

(also, 5 stars)

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