We Don't have a Choice!

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Can extra-marital entanglements save a couple’s future?
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"So your recommendation is Brian Fletcher."

"That's correct, Roger. He is the divisional head and has recently had his security clearance upgraded. He has the technical knowledge and is a great team player."

"Well that's fine, Marvin. As we will have to work with him closely, I was wondering what he and his wife are like socially?"

"Oh you'll have no problem there. He and his wife are quite compatible and like to play. I've seen Roger when he swings. When he plays it is hot ... more daring, experimental.

"So they're swingers?"

"Most definitely. They're both into it. I don't know where they get their energy. In a group you can see they play together with a fresh and invigorating spirit and listen deeply and respond to each other with daring and joy."

"Well I look forward to having Brian on board for our collaboration. Thank you, Marvin."

"Please call any time ... thanks again, Roger."

Marvin hung up his phone and then called for his assistant.

"Samantha, please make a note for me to inform Brian Fletcher that he'll be working closely with Roger Hamstead, CEO of SEC."

"Yes, Mr Romano."


"I want you to focus on my questions without distraction. I'll now give you some general questions to calibrate the machine. Is your name Brian Fletcher?"


"Were you born in the United States of America?"


"I now need you to deliberately lie to the following question. Do you work for EAS, Ethereal Advantage Systems?"


"Mmm ... good. We're now ready to commence."

I wasn't all that comfortable with the scrutiny that I was being put under. Recently I'd been appointed as the head of the Development Division of Ethereal Advantage Systems. Some of our innovations had defense applications and I know my boss, Marvin, had great expectations that this would be the savior of the company's future.

The fact that the FBI now insisted that key staff needed a TOP SECRET level security clearance seemed to be some vindication of his hopes. I'd filled in lengthy questionnaires and while I wasn't trying to hide anything, the details on the financial questions took considerable research and checking. At least it made me realize where I might make savings if my mortgage rate rose.

I'd undergone a long interview and I was aware that my wife and referees had also been contacted. I thought that with my Army background, the process would be just to update details, however there was nothing cursory in their examination. They even took my fingerprints again.

This had occurred over the last two months and today's polygraph was meant to be the final check.

The examiner's questions had been slow and deliberate for the last 20 minutes. Most of these questions seemed to be verification of information I'd already provided. I was then allowed a glass of water before he continued.

"Are you a member of any foreign institution, club or society?"


"Have you ever been filmed having any form of sexual relations?"

I had been told to keep myself calm during this process, however I suspect that my answer: "No," sounded a little more emphatic than I'd intended.

"Have you knowingly had sex with a foreign person or a person of suspected foreign origins?"

"No." I reassured myself that this was probably a routine question.

"Have you had an affair or sexual relations with anyone other than your wife since you were married?"

"No." Thank goodness I told myself. Like any red-blooded man there had been other women I considered attractive, however I had made a rock-solid commitment to Brooke that I would not break. I wondered what would have happened if my answer had been 'Yes'.

"That's all from me. You can relax and just remain where you are while I remove the wires."

As I remained seated in the chair, I wondered if the examiner would share any information. The first thought that came to mind was: "Were there any problems with my polygraph?"

"I'll review the data and provide a written report. Until then it isn't formal, but I haven't detected any problems."

"Can I ask what happens with people that are having affairs?"

"Oh ... I'm often asked that. The problem isn't having affairs. The problem is having affairs and lying about it."

"Oh ... I see." Although I'd never had an affair, I felt some relief as the idea had been a fantasy that I'd often shared with Brooke. Of course I'd never explored the opportunity. Life was too busy with us both working and raising two young girls.

At least it was worth noting that if I ever did stray, it wouldn't necessarily affect my security clearance.

It was already after 3pm, and as it could sometimes be a three hour drive across Los Angeles from the Federal Building to home, I decided there was little point going back to work.

That night, after having finally settled the girls to sleep, Brooke asked about my day.

"Well it isn't confirmed yet, but you'll be happy to know that the Government thinks your husband is a trustworthy type."

Brooke knew I was having a polygraph, so she asked: "Were there any difficult questions?"

"Well you have to tell the truth, so it was one test where I knew all the answers. Some of the questions were interesting." I looked carefully at Brooke to gauge her reaction as I said in a dead pan voice: "At the end they focused on all my sexual affairs."

Brooke didn't even flinch as she blithely replied: "Oh, did you enjoy them dear?"

I just laughed: "Any way, at the end they said that having affairs wasn't the problem, it was lying about them that would get me into hot water."

Then in a lighthearted manner she declared: "Oh, that is fine dear. So the Government will let you have an affair or two. It's funny you know, when I was interviewed, I said we hadn't had any other sexual relationships. If you do have an affair, you had better let me know for future interviews."

Enjoying our banter, we shared a laugh and then turned on the TV to wind down before bed. The program was a repeat, so my mind wandered. It was good that Brooke appeared less stressed. Both our daughters were now attending elementary school and went to Nan's after school. This gave Brooke more time as she was still establishing her architectural business.

It was once we'd both retired to bed that Brooke started with: "It's been a few years since we shared naughty fantasies. Do you still have them?"

"Of course, but perhaps not as often. We've been too busy establishing the house and garden while caring for two babies. I guess I've been too distracted for flights of fancy. What about you?" I enquired.

"I think the same applies to me. The new business has been an additional distraction, but things are now starting to settle into a routine. That's probably why I had a really naughty dream the other night. It did get me so hot; I almost woke you for some tender relief."

"Hey, next time I'd be happy to be woken ... but you have to tell me all about it."

"Well, we were on vacation at a resort, and I was having a massage. The male massage therapist was tall and muscley about his shoulders and chest. He was nicely tanned and a real hunk of a man. Just for emphasis he wore tight speedos that displayed his prowess even when he wasn't excited. Just looking at him made my juices run.

He poured warm oil over my skin and started by manipulating the muscles in my shoulders, arm and back. I could feel the release of my built-up tension and then his caressing touch just aroused a tingle throughout my body. As he progressed down to my hips and legs my excitement just blossomed. When asked, I agreed that he could massage my bottom. He removed the small privacy towel and soon I could feel my juices seeping from my vagina.

He asked if I was ready to turn over. Without answering I rolled over before he could position the towel over my privates. I know my lips must have bloomed as for a moment he was stunned staring at the area. He seemed to drag his attention back to his work and started at my shoulders and chest. He worked around my nipples however they were now upright hard cherries. When I looked to the side, his erection was monstrous inside his speedos. He caught me looking and this just prompted him to squeeze my breasts into cones. When he pinched my nipples, I sighed a loud surrender.

He proceeded down to my feet and progressively worked up my legs, rubbing, squeezing and rolling the muscles. As he approached the middle of my thighs, I consciously spread them to give him full access. He didn't stop and continued all the way to the apex of my legs, carelessly skimming past my vulva lips. I was now breathing heavily and feeling on edge. You might say I was hot and bothered.

I reached out my hand and ran it up and down his speedos over his engorged penis. Our eyes met. He knew I was desperate for release, and I could tell he was now equally aroused. When he dropped his swimmers, I knew he would relieve my escalating tension. I spread my legs and readied for his entry ... at that moment I must have kicked your leg as I then woke up. I was beside myself with frustration. You were still sleeping but I seriously considered waking you to demand satisfaction."

Brooke's dream now had me totally worked up. I'd been holding her while she related her story so I could feel that she was completely turned on again.

As I touched inside her thigh, she eagerly spread her legs so that I could lie between them. There were no preliminaries as I thrust my rampant cock into her pussy to its full extent. We were both riding hard and in an unexpected short time we both climaxed.

It shouldn't have been so surprising as my focus had been on just one outcome. When I looked at Brooke, I think she was just as astonished at the swiftness of our instant gratification.

Lying on my back again, I quickly caught my breath and exclaimed: "Phew! That was intense."

"That seemed to get you quite excited. Would you have been as excited if I actually had sex with my massage therapist ... for real?"

"Gee ... let me think about that. I guess I would have been. If it was just you indulging a lustful desire without affecting our love and marriage ... I'd have been excited. But then if I was watching, I'd then need to satisfy my own cravings."

"I guess if you knew and gave your blessing it wouldn't be cheating either."

What about you? How would you feel if I was pleasuring my lustful needs with a beautiful woman?

If I gave you permission, then that would be alright. Of course, I wouldn't want anything that compromised our partnership."

"Wow ... that is interesting to know. Perhaps we should consider seeing what can happen during a double massage when next on vacation." While I knew such adventures were impossible, my mind started fantasizing about the possibilities. Unfortunately, I was soon asleep.

It was the next night that Brooke and I attended my boss's, Marvin, house party. For Marvin it was a small social affair with only about 50 guests. He was always generous with his entertainment, so it was like a cocktail party with a small band. At least half the guests were from the company. He liked his parties on a Friday night as it limited the interference if people had plans for the weekend.

Of course he had the ideal room that had space for everyone either standing, sitting or dancing. There was no formal meal, however he had engaged at least eight waitstaff to provide drinks and plenty of finger food.

After meeting our hosts I introduced Brooke to some of my work colleagues. This group grew and eventually fractured into smaller groups. I saw Brooke was enjoying herself with some of the other wives. As my group's conversation was stuck on sport, I allowed myself the opportunity to scan the room.

I'm not sure whether it was with a sense of pride or appreciation of my good luck that I cast my eyes over Brooke. She was tall and had always been lithe yet pleasantly shapely. While many women blamed childbirth for ruining their bodies, in Brooke's case it had just increased her breast size to either a large C or D cup, depending on the lingerie brand. This plus her natural blonde hair with a red tinge, some call is strawberry blonde, left many men ogling.

I was proud how she'd combined motherhood and establishing a new home with her recently started architectural business. She'd cut her teeth on several small projects, but currently she had a significant construction that was taking most of her time.

Finding the ongoing sports talk rather boring, I politely made my excuses and moved to a new group. Very quickly I was joined by Scarlett Grainger, the company's Finance Officer. At 25, many considered her very young to hold down such a responsible job. There were always those who suggested her good looks had gained her the position. I held no prejudices as she was hard working and proved to be very clever.

"How are you tonight, Brian?" Scarlett had a bubbly personality and even with brunette hair and dark brown eyes, she always seemed to sparkle.

"I'm enjoying myself thanks. It's pleasant to be able to mix with other members of the company in a more social setting."

"Marvin is very generous in having us here. I prefer not to talk about work, but I did want to congratulate you on selecting Maude for that promotion. She has twice been ignored for similar positions. She won't disappoint you."

"It wasn't a hard decision to make. I've seen her work and she was the most competent and the best qualified. I was surprised she wasn't given more responsibility earlier."

"Maybe your predecessor was blinded by her gender." Scarlett then gave me a long contemplative look before adding: "Just in case you didn't know, your team think you're doing a pretty good job."

I was somewhat surprised by this unsolicited complement and as I didn't know how to reply, I just said: "Thank you, Scarlett."

We then settled into a discussion about her new home that she'd just renovated. Probably because Brooke was an architect, I'd recently developed an interest in innovations for making homes more comfortable while being environmentally efficient. We were able to share many ideas.

I noticed that the band had started and that a few couples had decided to dance. Instinctively I looked for Brooke and saw that Marvin had grabbed her hand and was leading her onto the dance floor. Scarlett detected my observation and said: "If you'd like to dance, I'd be delighted to accompany you."

Given she'd also watched Brooke, I couldn't think of a reason to refuse. "That would be great, thanks."

Ballroom dancing wasn't my favorite, however at Brooke's insistence I'd undertaken many weeks of lessons. I just needed a moment to work out the correct dance for the music. When I recognized it was a Rumba, I relaxed knowing it wasn't too complex. I unwound even more when Scarlett instantly synchronized with me and even gently helped me remember the steps. I was even able to continue our conversation.

At the dance studio, my instructors always kept a polite distance between us. Progressively, Scarlett closed the space and began rubbing her body against mine. It had been a few years since I'd felt the warmth of breasts against my body, other than my wife's. Frankly, I didn't quite know what the norm for dancing was and didn't know how to open a gap without being rude.

Perhaps it was her perfume and the intimacy that soon had me aroused. I could feel my penis swelling and pressing against my trousers. I just hoped that it wasn't obvious to Scarlett. Then I hoped our closeness wouldn't be obvious to Brooke. I found it hard to focus on the repetitive steps of the rumba, so we just adopted a swaying dance when the music changed.

I'll confess that my initial guilt was easily overwhelmed by flights of fancy wondering what it would be like to sleep with another women. Of course, Scarlett played a central part in the fantasy. But all along, I knew the reality would be impossible.

Scarlett then said: "You should come around to see my home sometime. Any evening or a weekend would be convenient."

I know that I'm naive about such things, but even I detected some suggestive undertones in Scarlett's voice. I politely answered: "That would be nice."

As she looked up with adoration into my eyes, she said: "I know you're married with a family, but perhaps when your wife is away, we could enjoy the time without you having to rush."

I now was pretty certain what she meant. In a mild panic, I couldn't think of a clever response. Fortunately I was relieved of the immediate problem as the band stopped and Marvin started making a speech.

When the speech finished, Brooke walked over to join us. I made the introductions. I was still pondering how to make a response to Scarlett when Brooke interrupted my thoughts and said: "It was nice to meet you Scarlett, but I'm sure you'll forgive me if I steal my husband for a dance. It's been too long since we've had the opportunity."

We were soon twirling about on the dance floor. Brooke seemed happy so I reasoned that perhaps she hadn't seen Scarlett and me almost embracing. I tried to shelve the thought to the back of my mind as this wasn't the place for a confession. It was more important that I focused on my steps to ensure Brooke had a good time. Unfortunately my guilt lingered.

After three continuous dances we stopped for some refreshments. A waiter passed with a tray that included glasses of water. After I gulped down the water, I introduced Brooke to some other colleagues so that I could find a bathroom.

On my return, somehow Karl had convinced Brooke to dance with him. Karl Pretzel worked in my division. He was a bit of a computer geek to the extent that he talked in internet abbreviations, actually saying 'LOL' and 'G2G' in plain speech. His manager reckoned he had a perpetual grudge believing that he was owed a good living without the need to work. From other staff I heard that he somehow survived by always teaming up with clever partners that made him look more capable than he really was. Now no one wanted to work with him.

I was talking with Marvin's wife, Joyce, and a financial advisor. While they were intently discussing the trends in interest rates, I observed Karl and Brooke. I was relieved that she was smiling and seemed to be enjoying herself. She must have been happy as they remained together for at least four songs until the band had a break.

Brooke then disappeared to the bathroom. On her return I was reassured when she joined me. I resolved to not leave her side for the rest of the evening ... and to avoid Scarlett.


It had been a while since Brian and I had been invited to such an upmarket cocktail function. I was excited as I was able to properly glam up and feel attractive again. Brian's promotion had provided a badly needed boost to our finances, so I was keen to make a good impression. Brian had explained that Marvin was taking a risk in promoting someone so young, however the job was conditional on achieving some objectives.

I found Marvin and his wife, Joyce, to be quite relaxed and refreshingly sincere. It was a marvelous morale booster when Marvin invited me for the first dance. He was particularly complementary of Brian as we danced.

"You know Brooke, one of the advantages of getting older is that I've learned the importance of grooming young talent. Your husband is energetic and knows how to encourage and get the best out of people."

"Thank you, Marvin. You may not be surprised that I think he is pretty splendid as well."

"I know it isn't easy to balance work and family life, but he isn't boring. He seems to have plenty of other interests such as playing the saxophone in that swing band. I was very impressed when I listened to them last year."