We Had It All - Aftermath


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I smiled and said, "All you need to do in future, is picture yourself at the same age and remember what it felt like to be young and in love!"

New Year had always been a bit special to Gary and I. It was the night that Hazel was conceived and we always made a point of making love that night after everyone had gone home. I was on my own that night, Sheila had an invite to some party and had a new man friend to try out. I was sitting at home, on my own and drinking my way steadily through a bottle of red. Around one in the morning, I answered the phone. It was Gary and Penny who had called to wish me a Happy New Year. It turned out that they had been sharing a few memories and Gary had told her about how special that night had been to us. She had instead that they call and just in case I was on my own. I put the phone down in tears after the conversation had been completed. It was nice of her to think of me and guess I would be lonely and in need of hearing a friendly voice.

New Year is a time of resolutions and taking stock and that's just what I did. Financially, I was, for the first time in my adult life, secure, no debt and with spending money in my pocket. I was in a job that I enjoyed and one that paid me well. My children accepted that their father and I would never get back together and that we were on friendly terms. My sex life still sucked and I decided it was time to buck up and take some of the chances that came my way.

Sheila and I took to going out together at least once a week for dinner, show or both. She put me wise to life as a single woman, something I never had the opportunity to be before. She, like me had found dating to be very difficult. If all you wanted was a one night stand and a quick fuck, any bar would provide opportunities. The problem with that was they tended to attract the younger crowd and we would be regarded as exactly what we were, divorcees, looking for a bit of fun. I was torn, I wanted the fun, but young men looking for an older woman to shag was not my preference. I longed to be courted and seduced before surrendering to my lover. The slam, bang, thank you ma'am was not on the cards for me.

Then, we discovered that the Internet held lots of interesting forums where anonymity was a given. I got right into it and suddenly a whole new world was opened up to me. In these chat rooms I could explore my deepest fantasies without any shame. I had been communicating with one man in particular, called Roger and he was constantly asking me to post a few pictures, which I did. Nothing very revealing, but then he started asking me to post some of me in my swimsuit or bikini. I was nervous about this, but when he posted some of his in his Speedo's, I relented and sent him a few. This was accompanied by ever more risqué conversations, mostly him commenting on my figure and what he considered to be my best feature, my breasts! To cut a long story short, Roger asked me if I had a video camera attached to my computer, he wanted to use the Web Cam, so we could talk and see each other at the same time. I could see where this was heading, but was intrigued about just how far he would try to take things. So I gave him my Web Cam address and we changed to that mode of conversation from then on.

One night, Sheila and I had been out and I was pretty merry when I returned home. I went to check my Emails and had a quick look to see who was logged on. Roger was there and wanted me to sit and talk for a while. Amused I did as he bade and then he talked me into undoing the top few buttons on my blouse, which I did and then before he asked, I slipped another two buttons for good measure. Depending on how I sat dictated the amount of cleavage and bra he could see. I could see he was getting hot under the collar at my actions and as I watched he slowly ran his hands over his crotch and the hardening bulge concealed by his pants. He gazed at me and I could see the lust on his features and popped open a few more buttons. Now my bra was plainly visible and my hardening nipples could be seen trying to poke their way through the skimpy bra that contained them. I felt my pussy start to get damp and then very wet. He was openly stroking his erection with his hand inside his pants as he watched me reach in and take first my left breast then my right out of the restraining bra cups. "Drop your trousers and let me see what you've got before I go any further! I commanded and he did this with alacrity. His prick was not that big, but was very thick and I watched mesmerised as he slowly jacked it up, then started to stroke it faster. I started to tease my nipples now plainly aroused. I felt the familiar tingle in my groin as I tweaked them harder, my breathing getting more ragged. My actions must have been too much for Roger as he ejaculated, sending a fountain of sperm into the air and over his keyboard. I smiled and before he could say anything, I broke the connection. I hurried to my bed and selecting my biggest vibrator, proceeded to bring myself to a huge climax.

The next time it happened I was stone cold sober and Roger asked me to strip and use my vibrator to bring myself off. I don't know who was the more surprised by my action, me or him. Over the next few weeks, he started to push me for a meeting and revealed that he lived in London. I arranged to meet him at Euston Station, one Saturday in Spring at noon and he was waiting as I came off the platform. We had a nice lunch at my Hotel and then went straight to my room. I was wet with excitement, how would he perform? Would he appreciate my figure? I knew he liked it when we watched each other via the web cam, but this was in the flesh so to speak, would I still be as attractive as he told me I was? As it turned out, I needn't have worried. He was all I had dreamed about and he fucked me twice that afternoon. He was bigger than Gary in length and girth. My poor pussy was sore after we had finished the second time. We showered together before we got dressed and since it was still not all that warm, I decided to wear my cashmere sweater with a short skirt. On top I wore my raincoat for some added warmth and protection against the rain showers.

Roger took me down to the East End and into his local pub for a drink before going out to dinner. The one drink turned into a few and a few turned into more. We were having a good time, all thoughts of dinner forgotten for the moment. We were with some of his mates and the conversation got more ribald as the drinks were downed. I seemed to be the centre of attention right up until I saw Roger talking to a tarty looking blonde woman. They were arguing over something and I saw him gesture in my direction a couple of times, before she turned and stormed out.

He came back over and taking me by the hand led me out the side door of the pub. I thought we were going to get something to eat, but instead he half dragged me into a back alley behind the pub. It was dark and from what little I could see, lined with empty beer barrels and plastic crates awaiting collection. The whole place had an overpowering smell of urine and if I hadn't been half drunk, I would have made more of a protest. He pushed me against the brick wall and started to kiss me and fondle my tits. As I said, if I had been less drunk, I would have fought him off, but in the end, I let him open the coat that I had just fastened and push my sweater up to expose my bra. It was cold and the damp and my nipples were hardening as a result. Roger roughly dragged my breasts out of their restraining bra cups and proceeded to suck and tease them with his teeth. The sheer perversity of what we were doing turned me on! I was worried about being caught, but that just seemed to fuel my excitement. I put my arms round his neck and pulled him closer and he took that as a signal to pull my skirt up and pushing my thong to one side he start caressing my pussy. I lifted my right leg up to give him easier access and wrapped it around his waist while still standing on my left leg. I felt his cock pressing against my sex and helped guide him into me. He immediately started pumping away and I felt my orgasm start to build. Then, I heard a noise coming from the end of the alley and had a quick glance over and saw it was his mates and they were pointing at us and egging him on as they walked closer to get a better view!

That was enough to bring me back to earth with a bump. I was frightened now, this was not my idea of a fun evening and from somewhere deep within me I found the strength to twist my torso and felt him pop out of my vagina and then tried to push him away from me. I struggled to escape his embrace. He was like a leech except this was a leech with hands and arms everywhere. I screamed at him to get off me and tried to repel his advances. I was seriously scared now, I was sure that I was about to be gang banged as his mates did nothing to help me, until one of them, Jimmy I think his name was, shouted, "That's enough! She doesn't want this to happen and I won't be party to rape and if you know what's good for you, you will back off and let her go." Roger backed off and turned on Jimmy shouting at him, "Who the fuck are you to tell me to back off? I ought to kick your arse you moron!"

I took the opportunity to pull my skirt back down and tried to get my breasts back into my bra. I was crying now and I guess the others started to realise that it wasn't consensual as they started to slink away backwards. I looked to see how Jimmy was faring and saw that he had Roger under control and looking at me he said, "If I were you, I'd fuck off quickly. You can grab a cab at the corner." I started to thank him but he just jerked his head and said, "Just go and don't come back! This not a part of town that someone like you should frequent! Now Go!"

That galvanised me and I ran out of the alley and was lucky to hail a cab straight away. Back in my hotel, I ran a bath and while I lay there soaking in its soothing warmth, I took stock of what nearly happened to me. What the fuck was I thinking about! Allowing myself to be persuaded to come to London by a guy I didn't really know that well, not only that, I allowed him into my hotel room and seduce me! Then, to compound it all I let him take me out of the relative safety of the central London hotel, down to East End and into a pub full of strangers. To compound it, I let them buy me enough drinks to impair my judgement and to end up in that dirty, smelly alley! Fucking Hell! I had done some dozy things in my life, but that was just plain stupid! As I lay there full of self-loathing, it dawned on me that Roger had NOT put a condom on when he was fucking me in that alley. I was too aroused to realise that at the time and had let him enter me without protection! Just as well, I managed to disengage before he had time to pump me full of his seed! Pregnancy was the last thing I needed, not to mention STD's. I had stopped taking the Pill when my sex life dwindle to zero so pregnancy was a real issue and resolved to check checked out at a clinic when I got home, better to be safe than sorry. How could I be so stupid!

4. We Had I All -- Conclusion

I returned home severely chastened by my near catastrophe. I threw myself into work and deleted my non de plume from the web site that hosted the chat room that so nearly led to my undoing. I missed the chat and the excitement of it all, but it was just too risky. I had nearly come a cropper in London and that put me off that type of excitement for a while!

The kids and I continued to see each other often and I was pleased that we could now talk easily and openly to one another.

The next big life changing event in my life came about when I was returning the kids to their father and met Barry Boston, just as he was leaving Gary's house. We stopped and chatted for minute while the kids were transferring their overnight bags into the house. Barry asked, "Debbie, have you got time to go for a coffee with me. There's something I've been meaning to ask you about?"

I checked the time and said, "Sure, I'll meet you in Costa in about fifteen minutes." I stopped long enough with Gary and Penny to tell them what we had been up to since yesterday morning. We always found it best if we passed that sort of detail on as little Danny would make references to it hours later and get annoyed if Penny didn't understand what he was referring to. I left them and went to meet with Barry Boston.

Barry and I had merely tolerated each other when I was married to his best friend Gary! Now he was asking me to meet him. I was intrigued. He bought the coffees and we sat together chatting about this and that, but nothing of any consequence. I waited patiently until he was ready to tell me what he wanted to see me about. Finally, he got to the point. "I used to have an Accountant that I employed ever since I started as a Pro, but he died two years ago. One of the other Accountants in the same firm took over and since then the returns have been diminishing! I suspect that my Accountant has been embezzling cash from my investment portfolio, or at the very least skimming more than a fair percentage! I know that you and I never really hit it off when you were married to Gary, but you are the only other accountant I know and Gary says that I can trust you, so I want you to run your eye over my accounts and see if you can confirm what he's up to. Will you do that for me?"

I thought about his request for a few minutes and he must have seen my hesitation in my face and he continued, "Look. I'll pay you for your time! This is a cry for help, if I'm not careful, that cheating bastard will bleed me dry. I fought very hard to get that money and I don't intend to let him screw me over this!"

"Have you given any thought about how you will get your accounts off him for me to audit?" I asked. "Chances are he will have a set of doctored books that he uses to show you everything's above board and legit. If you go at it the wrong way, he'll suspect that you're on to him."

"Just you leave that to me! I'll make up some cock and bull story that my lawyer needs them for drawing up my will or something." He replied.

"OK, I'll leave that to you, but I want as much information as you can gather about your share portfolio as it stands now and a detailed list of investments you have made and if possible what you've traded." I told him, "Oh, and I'll need your Bank Statements as well."

A few days later he brought over so much information that I was stunned! He told me had investments, but the scale of his investments caught me by surprise. He was rich, very rich. Boxing had clearly been very good to him and his old Accountant had served him well. Over the next week or two, I worked on his accounts almost every evening and found that he had been getting screwed. His Accountant had not made a very good job of disguising his embezzlement and Barry could have figured it out for himself, with a little effort. I called him and asked him to drop over. He came the next evening and insisted on taking me out for dinner. I had to rush to get changed and apply some war paint, it had been a while since a man had taken me to dinner and I was a little nervous. I needn't have worried, he was courteous and took me to the best restaurant locally which was not saying a lot, but it was very enjoyable just to be out to dinner with a man and I found myself liking Barry more than I had thought.

We talked about everything except the reason for our date. At one point he said, "I guess I should apologise to you. I know we didn't hit it off when you were married to Gary and that you didn't like me calling in on you and Gary uninvited, but he was my best mate and when you find one as good as Gary, you cherish him. You probably don't realise this but, I was infatuated by you, but at the same time scared that Gary would notice it. That's why, I was always parading a string of girls through your home whenever I was over for dinner. I want to try and explain why that was." He paused and gulped some of his coffee before continuing, "You see, I was attracted to you and admired you so much, but at the same time, Gary was my best friend and still is thankfully and those girls, well they were my way of not making it too obvious that I was interested in you. It was a sort of defence mechanism, having those girls around would allay any suspicions that Gary may have had about my eagerness to accept his invitations to dinner.

Wow! I thought, now that's surprised me for I had always assumed that he was a bit of a playboy. Well, to be perfectly clear, he was a playboy. During the fifteen or so years that I had known him, he played the field, never married, though if some of the gossip columnists were to be believed, he had been close a few times. There was no doubt in my mind that he was a lothario, but I was curious about his motive in telling me this now, so I played it cool and said, "And you just couldn't come and tell me before now! I've heard some good pick-up lines lately, but that's got to be up there at the top of the tree!"

"It's not a pick-up line! It's the truth. I had watched you and Gary together for years. You were so totally into each other that I thought that nothing and nobody could get in between the pair of you. Then came the divorce, Gary was really cut up about that. I've never seen him so distraught. He told me that you had cheated on him with your University tutor and that Danny was not his child. I know now that was said in the heat of the moment, but at the time Gary was broken. Do you have any idea how much you hurt him?"

This was not the way I had envisaged the evening going, but I was not going to let him get away with that line of questioning, so I said angrily, "Of course I know, I'm not a totally insensitive bitch! I have apologised to him and being the lovely man that he is, he has forgiven me. We are now on fairly friendly terms and he realises that I never really loved him as much as I should. I not going to defend myself to you, I was rushed into marriage and for a while it seemed to work, but I resented the fact that I hadn't gone to University and experienced more of life, but Gary was the only man in my life until I met Mark and allowed myself to be seduced. Look, I screwed up my marriage, end of story. I some ways I'm glad that I did because Gary now has a wife that truly loves him. Of course, I regret the pain I caused him and our children, but I have no intention of discussing it further with you! Now do you want to know about your finances or not?"

He looked as though he was going to say something more on the subject, then thought the better of it and asked me, "Have you completed your investigation that quickly?"

"Yes and it's as you suspected. I calculate that he's been skimming off about £5,000 a month for the last six months. He's not even been very clever at trying to cover it up, almost like he wants to get caught!" I told him.

"Why would he want to get caught? Don't answer that! I'll deal with him and sort the problem. Nobody cheats me and gets away with it!"

We talked on and he asked me if I would go on date with him! I was almost going to refuse and then thought, why the hell not? It's not as if I had a string of suitor's queuing up to invite me out, so I said yes!

So the next night we went out on our first date. We went to the cinema and then a late supper. He was a perfect gentleman. He was attentive and actually listened to me when I spoke to him, not that many men do that when they are out on date, they're usually too busy blowing their own trumpet and trying to impress for that. I could see why he had little difficulty in attracting female company and warmed to him a little. He took me home and simply kissed my cheek as he left me at the door. I don't know if I was disappointed or not. If he had asked to come in, I might not have refused!