We Had it All


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The door buzzed and I went straight to her door and rang the bell. I don't know who was the more surprised when the guy I had seen her with the night before opened the door dressed only with a towel round his waist. I pushed past him and took the three short steps to see my wife lying on the bed with the sheets pulled up to her neck in a vain attempt to cover her nudity. Vain, because I simply ripped it out of her hands and exposed her nakedness. Her lover, for I was now sure that's what he was, tried to grab my arm and propel me away. Big mistake that, on his part and subsequently on mine! He tried to say something as he grabbed at my arm, well I think that's what happened. It was just before my right hand connected with is jaw, followed by a left cross that snapped his head back the other way. He crashed backwards and collided with the ceramic wash basin on the way down. I looked down at him lying there, blood pouring from a wound to his scalp. "Doctor Barry I presume. I can't say that it's nice to meet you under the circumstances, but you'll be hearing from my solicitor."

I kicked him in the balls just for sheer badness and turned to face my wife. God my right hand hurt, it felt as if I had broken something and as I stood there looking first at him then my wife before focussing on the pain emanating from my damaged hand. It was starting to swell as I stood there stupidly. Meanwhile Debbie was scrabbling around to pull the sheet back into place when the hall keeper and one of the other students appeared in response to the scream that Debbie had involuntary let out with my sudden appearance and from the crash of the broken ceramic basin. I looked down at my wife, on the bed, she had stopped trying to make herself look respectable. Her breast looked red and I swear I saw what looked like a love bite on her tit, right next to her hardened nipple. She must have realised that it was futile to try and make excuses or to try and disguise her part in the fracas and was stupidly looking up at me, tears in her eyes and trying to say something to me. I closed the gap a bit more and did something I have been deeply ashamed of ever since, I hawked, just once in her face and pushed past the startled observors. The hall keeper tried to prevent me leaving, but I just cocked my right fist and he very sensibly backed down. I found my way to the front door and I jumped into the van and drove off.

As luck would have it, my trip home instead of taking two hours, took nearer six. There had been a major pile upon the motorway and I was trapped in the queue only a mile from my exit. I got home to the sight of a police car standing at our doorstep and two very large policemen waiting for me. They asked me to accompany them to the station to help them with their enquiries.

I asked them, "Can you tell me in what connection you are asking for my assistance?" I had already guessed that it was about the incident at Milton Keynes, but I was trying to play for time. I needed to sort out my story and when they confirmed that it was as I presumed, the assault on one Dr. Mark Bennett.

I said, "What about my children? Are you happy to leave them here alone?"

"They won't be alone sir, your wife has already returned by train. She has given us her statement and now we need to obtain yours. Are you going to come voluntarily or do I need to arrest you?"

Debbie must have been listening at the door as it opened and she was standing there looking at me as if trying to fathom out what my reaction would be. Hazel was standing beside her at the door holding Danny. A bewildered Gemma was just coming home from somewhere, ushered in by her mother who was trying to answer her non stop questions about what was going on? I was led towards the police car when Hazel came rushing out, walking straight up to the policeman who was guiding me into the back seat, she asked him, "Where are you taking my dad and what's he supposed to have done?"

The policeman simply ignored her at first and after locking me in the car, turned to her and said, "He is wanted in relation to an assault on a man in Milton Keynes earlier today. If you want more detail, ask your mother!"

On the way to the station, the other policeman turned round and looked at my bruised and swollen hand and said, "I saw you box a few times at the Town Hall, you were good and had a terrific right hand. I hope the damage is not too serious."

"It hurts like hell, I think I might have broken it!"

"We'll get the Doctor to have a look at it when we get to the station." He said a little sympathetically. "Was it worth it?"

"You better believe it." I responded with a smile for the first time in hours.

He got on the radio requesting that a Doctor meet us at the station. Once at the station, I was cautioned and asked if I was prepared to make a statement? "I am prepared to make a statement about the circumstances that led to me assaulting a Mr Bennett. I only hope I broke his jaw, as my hand hurts like buggery!"

Before he could proceed any further, the Doctor arrived and examined my hand. He ordered an ice pack to reduce the swelling and said, "An Ex-ray can wait until you have taken his statement. The ice will help ease the pain until then."

So I made my statement admitting my actions in response to extreme provocation. I then had to sign it with my left hand as my right was totally useless by then, numb with cold!

Shortly after, I was charged with assault and released on Police bail and told I would be notified when I would be required to appear before the beak. It would not be locally and most likely at a Crown Court near to the seminar location, probably Northampton or Bedford. It was well after midnight and the police arranged for a car to run me home.

Home was probably the last place I wanted to be, but I had nowhere else to go at that time of night. Debbie was waiting up for me and rounded on me asking, "Why did you attack him. You are an animal, do you know that? You deserve all that's coming to you!"

No apology for her behaviour and certainly no remorse. I said rather woodenly, "Debbie, your my wife and I love you. Tell me, do you love him?"

"I'm not really sure. It started as just sex and he is very good at it." She said and then said the words that added to the pain I was suffering, "He does thing to me that you never have. I guess he realised one of my long held fantasies, remember we talked about what another man would feel like, well I found out and how!"

I was too stunned to get really angry, that would come later when I had a chance to reflect more. "I thought we had agreed that they were to remain fantasies and that I was the only man for you?" I asked in response.

"Yes." she replied more reflectively, "but that was before I got to find out what I had been missing."

"So that's it then?" I asked her, "I'm to be discarded now that you have had a chance to sample a bigger, better dick?"

"I didn't say anything about discarding you! All you have to do is ask and you can have all fucking you can handle."

"But you're going to continue fucking around, trying to find the biggest dick around?" I asked with a sinking feeling in my heart.

"Probably not, he just answered a question that has been unanswered for years. For your information, he's not any bigger than you, only he uses what he's got better! If you can match his performance, then there's still a chance for us."

"That's quite a challenge. You're presuming that I want to remain married to you! To be your cuckold whenever you feel the urge to try something new? Let me tell you this now, that's not going to happen! I guess that means it's over and I will be looking for somewhere else to live tomorrow." I said sadly.

"You know the one thing that really hurts, your infidelity, I could probably get over in time, but the real hurt is that you have no remorse about what you did! Have you forgotten during all the times that you cheated with him just so you could experience another cock, that you were not the only one to give their virginity when we made first made love? I also lost mine that night and I realise now that I have loved you from the time that we first met. I told you recently that we had it all when Danny was born, but by your actions you have thrown it all away. We almost had it all, but your lust to check out another cock has trashed everything."

I slept on the couch that night, with three kids, we didn't have the luxury of a spare room. In the morning, I gathered the girls together over breakfast and told them that their mother and I were splitting up.

Naturally they wanted to know why and I simply said, "Sometimes two people get together for the wrong reasons and it takes a long time for one or the other to realise it. Your mother and I, well we both love you very much and that won't change, but sometimes two people just don't love each other enough to keep together. That's what's happening between me and your mum. That's why I will be moving out, but when we get divorced, I will be asking the court for joint custody of the three of you. That way we will still see each other every day."

I didn't know that Debbie was standing a the door listening to every word, "Sorry to disappoint you all, but that won't be happening! Our children need to have a stable background and you know we can't afford to remain in this house without both of us earning, so we will be moving to Milton Keynes! I've already squared it with my boss and I will be working out of their office there as of next month!"

Before I could stop myself, I snarled back, "You have it all worked out don't you. You want to tell them the real reason you are moving there? Maybe they won't be so keen to go with you when they find out that it to be nearer your lover boy. By the way does his wife know about the pair of you?"

Hazel looked at her mother and asked, "Is his true? You're splitting up because you cheated on dad?" Without waiting for her response she stormed on, " Well I'm almost sixteen and will be able to make my own decisions about who I live with then, and it won't be you!"

Debbie started to plead her case, "Listen darling, I realise that you are upset, this has all be a traumatic shock to you, thanks to your dad's big mouth. But the Court always awards custody to the mother in cases like these. I'm sorry if that does not meet with your approval, but you will come to Milton Keynes with your sister and brother!"

Hazel looked at her with complete loathing on her face and ran into her bedroom crying.

Debbie turned her attention back to me and said sadly, "It's not really your fault, you did nothing wrong and yes, we really did nearly have it all, but I just got tired of scrimping and saving, watching the pennies, but with Mark and my new found degree, I will be able to live a more comfortable life, one that you could never provide! I intend to keep my family together, Hazel will soon come round once she sees the life style we will have enjoy and you, well you can carry on with your miserable existence living hand to mouth as usual. Oh and you will have to pay the child support as well!"

"We'll see what the Court has to say about that!" I said, almost shouting.

"Gary, how do you think you will be able to care for our children. As likely as not, you will be in prison for assault, maybe even GBH, if I testify that your attack on Mark was unprovoked and that you quite deliberately went back to him and kicked him in the balls as he lay on the floor helpless!"

"You're forgetting the eye witnesses. They both saw you and him stark naked in your bedroom, don't you think that your accusation that the attack was unprovoked will carry much water when they testify to that?" I retorted. This was not going as well as I had thought.

"I think you'll find that the eye witnesses will state that we were both fully dressed and having a breakfast meeting when you burst into my room and assaulted Mark! Your so called witnesses have a vested interest in doing as we dictate! One wants to keep his job at the University and the other wants to pass her course, something she will not do if she doesn't toe the line!" Debbie said triumphantly.

"You mean you have gotten to the witnesses and blackmailed them into committing perjury in Court, just to ensure that I go to jail?"

"I will do anything to keep my family together and it wasn't me who got to the witnesses, I don't have that kind of hold over them. Mark talked to his peers and they agreed that they didn't want any scandal cast on the University, just at the time the budget grants were due for renewal, so the 'old boys' network triumphs once again."

I tried to bluster my way out of it but it was useless, she knew she had me by the balls or at least she thought she had!

As I turned to leave as if conceding defeat, she couldn't resist one last indignity, "In any case Danny isn't your son, he's Mark's! He was conceived while I was on one of the weekend seminars. Why did you think I suddenly had you stop using the condoms! It was convenient for me at the time to let you believe that he was your son as Mark wasn't ready to commit himself to leaving his wife for me, but now he is!"

I swung back and said, "It makes no difference to me, but maybe the Court will view the matter of his parentage in a more objective light when it comes to trial! I don't care whether I am his actual father or not, he's my son, I have looked after him and cared for him since he was born and it's too late to change that now!"

With that off my chest, I left and drove back to the cop shop and asked to see the police constable who had taken my statement earlier. When we went back into the interview room I told him what had transpired between my wife and I and he said, "What you say may well be true, but unless you can prove your story, she has set you up perfectly."

I took the tape recorder that I had secretly carried in my pocket and which had recorded our conversation and he began to smile as he listened and when the conversation ceased he said, "I think you have your 'get out of jail free card' right there. Can I take a copy of this for our files?"

I nodded yes and then he continued, "Are you prepared to sign a statement regarding the circumstances under which this conversation was taped?"

Again I nodded my assent and we spent the next hour getting the facts down on paper, signed and verified. I was feeling a lot better when I left the station this time round.

I found out later that armed with a copy of my statement and tape, the police arrested Debbie and questioned her about the discrepancies between her signed statement regarding my alleged attack on Dr. Bennett in which she claimed that they were both dressed and conducting a breakfast meeting at the time and the tape recording in which she admitted that that the witnesses had been coerced or bribed into making false statements to the police. They warned her that Perverting the Course of Justice was a very serious crime which if she was found guilty would lead to a custodial sentence. They also told her that Dr. Bennett had been arrested and was facing similar questions. She denied it all until the Milton Keynes police confirmed that the two eye witnesses had confessed to making false declarations on their statements and were likely to be charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Faced with this overwhelming evidence, Debbie asked if she could change her statement. The police allowed her to do this, but warned that she could still face charges at a later date. Dr. Bennett tried place the blame for their false statements firmly in Debbie's court alleging that she had blackmailed him into agreeing to the scheme or she would inform his wife! He was betrayed by the very same senior officers of the faculty who had earlier agreed to his scheme in order to protect the University. Faced with possible charges against them, they folded and implicated Dr Bennett as the brain behind the plan to discredit me.

All charges against me were dropped and Bennett was convicted and sentenced to 18 months and Debbie did indeed face charges that resulted in her getting a 6 month custodial sentence.

While she was out on police bail, I had her served with divorce papers citing her adultery as the reason. Our divorce went through unopposed while she was serving her sentence and I got full custody of my children. The irony was, the week after the divorce became final. I won 50 million Euros on the Euro Millions Lottery, so if she had waited just a few more months, she really could have had it all!

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NallusNallusabout 2 months ago

Good story. Believable main character, if he was above average, he would've paid more attention to his wife and talked more.

Had me grabbed from the beginning in it was worth it!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

OK, the ending was too perfect and too hurried to make an impact on the story overall. Would have been better to show her anguish and regret for being so stupid. A little dna test to make the lover pay wuld be nice as well.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJ8 months ago

The lottery win tainted the story of a hardworking man struggling to take care of his family and beating the odds to do so. He defeated the cheaters and could have been successful by his own sweat not relying on a lottery. Good story until that last sentence.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Good story.

Until the last sentence. Why is it that so many of the authors on here have the man becoming unbelievable rich after the divorce. All that you left out was him saving a former Miss Universe and marrying her. Pathetic ending. Too bad I can't give it a negative 5.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Hate cheating wives So glad she got NOTHING (jaybee186)

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