We Were Neighbors

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First Sex with a girl who has an abusive uncle.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


After I graduated from High School, for a short time I lived with my parents in an old ranch house in Colorado, quite a way out of town. I had just finished high school and had a couple of friends but I didn't have a car and they lived in town. I'd saved up enough money to move to California to hopefully start a career as a pro motorcycle racer. When I finished High School I was the #3 ranked Expert level motocross racer in the state. Of course this was amateur level racing and I had dreams of being a pro. Which, at the time, meant living in California; it was the hotbed and where you needed to be if you were serious. I wasn't going to be able to leave until late summer, early fall -- so for a few months I was stuck just hanging out while I rebuilt my big extended-length Dodge van; that I planned on using while I traveled the race circuit.

One day I noticed this girl walking down the road, past our driveway. She looked nice. A couple of days later she walked by again. I was bored so I went down by the road, where there was this old wooden garage and just sort of hung out. When she walked back by I pretended I was just coming out of the garage and said "hi." It looked like she was around my age and she was friendly and nice looking. She told me her name was Sandy. We talked for a few minutes, she told me she lived just up the road, with her mom and had graduated high school the year before

After we talked awhile she said "well, see ya around" and I said "Yeah, I hope so." Trying to casually let her know I'd like to see her again. A couple of days later she showed back up. This time, just by luck, I noticed her as she started to walk up our drive. Then she paused, seemed to think better of it and started to turn around. I came out of the shop just in time and as she turned away I hollered "Hey, where are ya going?"

Every day or two she'd walk by and she started to stop and talk every time she did. She wasn't going anywhere in particular, just getting some exercise and fresh air. She was small and petite -- you know, small boned petite, just small everywhere, with medium length very light blonde hair. She was nice looking but not what you'd call real pretty. But she was cute and funny and it got to be a ritual over the next couple of weeks. Each time she'd stay longer and I got to where I looked forward to seeing her. There was a practice track that me and a couple of other guys had laid out on a piece of ground a few miles down the road. I went down every day (riding an illegal race bike down the county road). She usually walked about 9:00 every morning, so I made sure to be around during that time.

Then several days or so went by and I didn't see her. I had no idea where she lived and was bummed. On about the 4th day she showed back up again. She didn't seem like her usual cheerful self. She was still friendly and seemed happy to see me but she seemed a little nervous and I noticed she was looking down at the ground pretty often when she'd speak, like she'd suddenly gotten shy or embarrassed -- it was a pretty big change and was weird. She kept looking up the road too.

She didn't stay quite as long, then said she had to get going. Instead of heading further down the road, as she usually did, she turned and started walking back the way she'd came. I trotted after and caught up. I just wanted to talk to her a little more and walked along with her. It was obvious she liked me, but now she seemed distracted. Finally she said "I've got to get moving, I'm late." I asked "when will I see you again?" She gave me a big smile, looked down for a moment and then said "I'll try to come back in a couple of days." I really liked her and I blurted out "You Promise?" She turned, smiled a thin little smile and said "I'll try."

I was just a dumb guy with minimal experience with chicks and felt like and idiot for blurting that out; like I was desperate or something. Two days later she came back and this time she walked up to the house. She was nice and friendly and I really dug her and could tell she liked me too. But, she still seemed a little nervous and kept looking around, like she didn't want to be seen with me. Something was different and I asked her if everything was OK? She just said "Oh, my mom went on a trip with her boyfriend and for some reason my Uncle Dave has showed up and is staying with me. He wants to know where I am all the time and I really don't like him. I told him I was over 18 now and didn't have to answer to him. But that just made him angry. I really wish he'd leave.

After about 15 minutes she said "I really have to go -- he's going to come looking for me." Before she turned I stepped in close to her, put my arms around her and gave her a kiss. She kissed me back and I felt her relax in my arms for a few moments. Then she stiffened and said, "I really have to get going." And "I'll be back as soon as I can. He sleeps in in the morning so I'll try to come back earlier in a day or two." Then she walked quickly down the road and headed back the way she'd come.

A new ritual developed. My Dad traveled for work and was gone every week. He'd come home on weekends, we'd work around the place and then he was usually gone again on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. He was getting ready to change jobs and I knew he'd rented this place, out of town, just for me. Ever since I was a kid I'd never liked being in town and really wanted to be someplace where I could practice. My mom worked at a bank in town, so I had the place to myself.

Two days later she came by around 0700 in the morning. She wasn't as nervous and seemed like she wasn't in quite as much of a hurry. We hung out, just talking casually and having fun. She came by at the same time every morning for the next few days. Every time she'd leave I'd hold her close and give her a kiss before she left. She always wore kinda the same thing -- a thin little tank top, a short sleeved cotton snap-front cowboy shirt, cut-off jeans and tennis shoes. In the last week she'd started wearing a little eye shadow and really looked nice.

About the 4th morning she showed up, as usual, but was back to being nervous and looking down a lot. I took her for a little walk around the place. It wasn't really a ranch, but it was about 40 acres of hillside and scrubland. And, there was a really nice spring-fed pond. It was at least half an acre in size; it was deep and the water was clear and clean. We finally worked our way back to an old wooden garage that was down next to the road. It was one of those with two wooden doors that swung open, with just barely enough room for an old model A Ford.

She wanted to see inside so we went in. I'd been in there before, it was cluttered and there were the remains of an old pickup truck that hadn't run in a long time. There were piles of old boxes stacked here and there. I'd been through them, but nothing of real interest. Believe me, I'd checked, hoping to find a hidden stash of old porn magazines or something interesting. But, there was nothing. The floor was dirt.

For unknown reasons she really liked it and was a little more flirty than usual. I really didn't know what to make of it. After a bit she suddenly went "oh, shit, I've gotta go, I'm late." Before I let her go I pulled her in and kissed her -- that's when I noticed a bruise on top of her shoulder. I asked her what happened. She got quiet, stepped back from me, looked down at the dirt and said "oh, nothing, I bumped into something."

Her whole demeanor changed and she seemed to withdraw. She stepped in, got on tippy toes, gave me a quick kiss and said "I'll see ya tomorrow."

But, tomorrow she didn't show up. I'd been seeing her for nearly a month and had gotten where I really liked her. I missed her and was worried about her; something had changed and I figured it had something to do with her Uncle.

I'd never had a "real girlfriend" before. I'd always been too busy doing other things, mostly racing. I liked girls but they just never seemed to get above number 4 on my list of priorities. Every afternoon when my mom would come home, she'd haul me into town, where I worked at a gas station till closing.

A couple days later Sandy returned. She wanted to go back to the old garage but I couldn't imagine why. She told me she knew a game we could play and the old garage would be the perfect place. I wasn't sure I was that interested in playing a game with her but she seemed excited, so I said "Ok, what is it."

She replied "well, it doesn't really have a name; I guess it's called the pebble game."

It didn't sound too interesting, but, like I said, I was bored so I asked her to tell me about the game. She said "well, there isn't too much to tell, it's easier if I show you."

So, we went down to the old garage and she started gathering up little pebbles; said I should do the same. Then we got down on the ground, in front of the old pickup, and sat facing each other. She said "the game is simple. We each gather up a few pebbles, we sit cross-legged and face each other. Then we take turns throwing the pebbles, ummm, between each others legs." At that point, I realized that she meant we toss the pebbles at each other's crotch. That perked my interest considerably.

She said the first one to score 5 hits wins and the other one had to take off something (clothes) or do something the winner told them to do. Now I was really interested. I paid close attention, aimed carefully, and scored a hit on my first toss. We were maybe 7 or 8' apart so it wasn't really easy but, like I said, I was focused - plus I didn't want to be the one that lost.

We went back and forth. I don't know if she just wasn't trying or if she was a lousy shot. But, she'd only made 2 hits by the time I scored my 5th. Of course, I didn't know exactly what to tell her to do - I was embarrassed (but by now I was also horny). So, I told her to take off her baseball hat - I know, dumb hugh?

I won the next game and told her to take off her shirt. It was a snap front western shirt and I by now I knew she had a tank top on underneath it, so I didn't figure it wouldn't be too compromising. Again, she didn't hesitate and quickly removed her shirt. The tank top was pretty thin and I could clearly see that she wasn't wearing a bra. The outline of her little tits and nipples poked out as if they were calling to me. I was happy. Then I noticed she had bruises on the top of both of her shoulders -- and on her collarbones.

She was anxious for another round, so instead of asking her about the bruises, we started again. I won again but, being a little worried about what to do next. I told her to take off her shoes. The next game she suddenly became a better shot. She won and had me remove my t-shirt. All I had left was tennis shoes, cut-off jeans, and underwear (OK, I had socks too, but didn't know if they counted).

I concentrated and went 5 for 5 and she'd only managed one hit. All she had on were her short pants and a tank top and underwear. I was hesitant and she asked "well, what do you want me to do next?" And, suddenly she sounded older, or at least more experienced and anxious. So, I just mustered up my courage and told her to take her shorts off. Which she did without hesitation.

Before she sat down on the ground she looked around and finally grabbed my t-shirt to sit on. I didn't care. Now my mind was reeling. If I won twice more, she'd be naked and I didn't know what happened when I won the game. I tried hard but had trouble concentrating and she finally won 5 hits to my 4. She told me to take off my pants.

I protested saying I still had my boots on. But she said "thats not how it goes, I get to pick - you can put your boots back on after you take off your pants." Reluctantly I complied and there I was sitting cross-legged in front of her with just my tighty-whitey underwear. I didn't bother with my boots and focused hard to make sure I didn't loose again.

We started the next round and somehow the laughing and joking had suddenly gotten a little more serious. It didn't help that I had a hard cock straining at my underwear. This round was actually closer than I would have liked, but I got to 5 before she did. Without hesitation I told her to take off her tank top. She just reached down, pulled it over her head and stared at me, almost defiantly.

That's when I noticed that the two bruises were in almost exactly the same place and there were marks on the front of her shoulders, just below her collarbones. They were darker, but smaller, like dots, about the size of a marble.

Then she started laughing and with a very mischievous grin said "is that what you've been waiting for?"

I was trying to act cool but was nervous as hell. I'd never had sex before and I was rapidly reaching the conclusion that this might turn into my first time. Somehow I composed myself and with as manly a voice as I could muster I said, "well, that's one of the things I've been waiting for."

We both laughed, but even her laugh was a little nervous at that point. Instead of tossing pebbles at her pussy again I asked her "so, where did you learn this game?"

She looked at me, more seriously this time, broke eye contact with me and looked down as said "well, ummm, my uncle taught me."

I was literally stunned, so I asked "why would you play a game like this with your uncle?" She looked down and in almost a whisper she said "he kind of made me." I thought, what the fuck?

Then I blurted out "how old is he?"

"Well" She said, "he's older." I didn't know if that meant he was two years older or if he was 40, and she didn't offer anymore details. It really disturbed me and for the first time I felt protective of her. I tried to find out more but she brushed it off saying "you wanna play or what?"

It mattered, but now I had this girl sitting in front of me with just her panties on and she was already gathering up her pebbles, getting ready for the next go round, so I let it go. She made a serious effort at winning but I was now laser focused and since I was the winner of the last game, I got to go first. She never missed, but neither did I and I got to 5 before she had a chance for her 5th shot.

She said "well, what do you want me to do next?" and I said "well, you've only got one thing left on, so what do you think?" She hesitated for a second and then said "well, you also can choose to tell me to do something instead of having me sit here naked in front of you." My mind was racing and I was nervous, wondering what I COULD tell her to do.

I had several dirty thoughts in my mind, but just couldn't quite bring myself to blurt one out, so I told her to take off her panties. She stood up and made a big show of slowly pulling them down, then she turned sideways so I couldn't see her pussy, slid the panties all the way off and stood there looking at me. She had really light blonde hair and her pussy had a coating of hair that was so blonde it was almost see-through.

She sat back down, but chose to kneel so she was sitting on her heels. I guess she wasn't that comfortable sitting cross-legged, shooting me a big, naked beaver shot. Then she started picking up pebbles and got ready to go again. Now I was in no-mans land. I had no idea what to do if or when I beat her again. I can tell you I had no intention of loosing - I wasn't quite ready to sit in front of her with nothing on but my hard dick.

I won again, for the same reason as last time. I got to go first and neither of us missed, but I got to 5 first. I made a mental note to always try to win, noting that it gave me a significant advantage against a chick that suddenly had become very accurate with her pebble tosses.

Her nervous look had suddenly turned coy and serious as she asked "well, now what - I'm already naked".

I kinda knew what I wanted to say, but was unable to get the words out so, after sitting there for an uncomfortable minute, like a fool, I told her to run around the inside of the garage. Honestly, that's what I said. She looked at me funny, then stood up and I watched as she trotted her naked little body around the garage.

Her tits were small, but perfect with little light colored areolas and hard little nipples that were about the size of a pencil eraser. Watching her little titties bounce up and down was a mind-altering experience for a guy who'd never before seen a fully naked set, in person. She had a round little ass, I could see definition in her tight stomach and I thought she was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. Way better than anything I'd seen in a dirty magazine.

She came back, stood in front of me for a few seconds, my eyes altering between looking at her pussy, then her tits, and then at her face, which now had a serious look, except for a little grin she was trying to hide. I think by then she'd realized I had no experience with anything beyond this point. As I looked at her, I suddenly wondered how much she'd learned from her uncle Dave and why -- when I thought about it - it really bothered me, a lot.

Then, kneeled back down, gathered up 5 pebbles and was ready to go again. At that point I had no idea what the hell to do next but I wasn't going to back down and I already felt like an idiot for making her run around the garage. My heart was pounding as I quickly dressed, picked up my pebbles, took careful aim and MISSED my first shot, by a lot! Her next shot was a bullseye, so was the next and the next until she had 5.

She gave me a big smile and said "well, you know what to do." I was frozen with fear but stood up, dropped my white cotton underwear and stood there naked for a second with the hardest hard-on I'd ever had sticking straight up in the air. She giggled and just stared at me. Everything inside of me was telling me to grab my pants and run - well, almost everything. Instead I sat back down, cross-legged - I couldn't kneel like she'd done because my balls were swollen and I knew it'd be a very uncomfortable position - at best.

So, there we were, sitting there. Her naked, kneeling in front of me with light blonde pussy hairs sticking out, her nipples soft looking and nothing but a grin on. She shot first and missed. I made a hit, she missed again, and I made another hit. At that point I knew that unless I fucked up really bad, I was going to win and I had NO IDEA what to do with her after I'd won this time. OK, I was already thinking about fucking her or a blowjob, but I had no idea how to tell her that or where we might do it. How far had she gone before? What was she prepared to do? And mostly, uncle Dave and his role in this haunted me.

She only managed 2 hits and I went 5 for 5 - I was way too nervous to miss and almost as worried about winning - but the competitive side of me took over and there she was, naked as my mind reeled wondering what to do. I noticed that she couldn't take her eyes off my cock. Which, by now, was just about purple it was so engorged with blood.

I stared at her with a kind of deer in the headlights look, she grinned a big grin, leaned forward so she was on her hands and knees and crawled over to me. She said "well, now that you've won, again, and I'm already naked, the rules are I have to do something for you." And, before I could react she reached up, grabbed my cock with one hand, jacked it a couple of times, and sucked the tip of it into her mouth.

It's a miracle that I didn't just shoot in her mouth, right then and there. I probably would have only lasted a few more seconds, except suddenly there was a car pulling into our driveway. There were spaces between the boards in the garage and she whispered "oh shit, it's my Uncle."

My dick went from rock hard, with pre-cum oozing out the end, ready to ABSOLUTELY explode to nothing. We jumped up, grabbed clothes, and got dressed. It didn't take me as long as her, so I cracked open the garage door, saw that he was up by the ranch house. I grabbed her hand; we hunkered down low, sneaked around the side and trotted down the road, staying in the ditch until we were a fair distance away. Then I led her up a little hill and down to the pond. Then we just casually walked back from the pond to greet her uncle Dave.