Weak in the Knees Ch. 04


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Diego pressed his palms against Zach's chest, feeling his taut chest muscles through the fabric of his shirt. Zach untucked the shirt Diego was wearing and ran his hands along Diego's skin underneath the shirt, loving the hard feeling of his muscles and how hot his skin felt under his cool fingers.

Diego pulled back a little, "Should we do this? The date was wonderful and very romantic, but aren't you worried about rushing into things?"

Zach bit his lower lip as he thought that over, resting his forehead against Diego's. "Yeah, I am worried. I'm mostly worried you'll get scared off if we rush things. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm falling for you, but you always seem to have one foot out ready to run for it."

"I've been hurt a lot," Diego responded, "but I promise I'm not running anywhere right now. I just don't want this to be a flash-in-the-pan thing, y'know?"

"I don't either," Zach admitted. "That's what's been so odd for me. Usually, I want to get someone to bed, and maybe I'll be happy to have them in my bed again, but it's not a serious thing. With you, though, it's less about wanting you in my bed and more about wanting to be waking up next to you and knowing we'll get to do that again the next day, and the next."

Diego smiled wickedly, "You'll say anything to get laid, won't you?"

Zach laughed. "Usually, yes. Not this time though. Getting laid is nice, but I've gone over a year without it. I'm not desperate for it or anything, though it would be great. That's only a small part of what I want though."

Diego smirked, "What is it you want, Mr. Lennox?"

"You," Zach breathed into his ear. "In all of the ways I can have you. Forever if it's in the cards."

"Sweet talker," Diego said, pushing Zach backwards and onto the bed, "you're giving me cavities."

"Yeah?" Zach asked as he laid back and smirked at Diego. "Well how are you going to shut me up then?"

Diego smirked back and stripped off his clothes, his earlier reluctance disappearing. That worked, as Zach took in a sharp intake of breath at the sight of Diego's bare skin being revealed. Zach had seen a lot of people naked in his time as an adult who was sexually active, but he could admit that none of them could hold a candle to how beautiful and sexy Diego looked right then. Diego's tanned, smooth skin welcomed Zach's gaze. His eyes took in the sight of Diego's fit body, made strong by his time in the military and kept that way with occasional trips to the gym. Zach could see scars close to Diego's bad leg, the one he limped on, but even that just added character to the man in front of him.

Zach avoided looking at Diego's crotch for as long as he could but when he did, he noticed that Diego was fully erect. Zach licked his lips as he took in the sight, his own erection straining against his pants obscenely, to the point it was beginning to hurt.

"God, you're stunning," Zach breathed out quietly, though Diego heard him just fine.

Diego looked at him with hooded eyes and flexed his pelvic floor muscle, making his cock bounce enticingly. "Well? How am I supposed to shut you up if you insist on talking instead of putting this in your mouth?"

"You make an excellent point," Zach replied and then pulled his shirt off and flung it off to the side where the hamper was.

Zach's pale skin was mostly flawless, with the only markings along his chest and shoulders that of his freckles which were more pronounced thanks to him spending time in the sun while they were on the construction sites. He was well muscled from the sports he played and from doing manual labor with his workers. His shoulders were broad and strong, and his chest led down to a smaller waist that went down to the V that led to his pelvis.

He laid back again and motioned for Diego to come to him. When Diego joined him on the bed, Zach had him straddle his chest and move up so that Zach could easily reach Diego's cock with his mouth and hands. Zach started by trailing his fingers along the rigid length, watching Diego as he shivered at his touch. He waited until Diego was watching him again before he opened his mouth and licked along the glans, then took the head into his mouth and started working it over.

Diego was fascinated by the show that Zach was making out of sucking his cock. It felt amazing, of course, but for some reason it felt even more memorable because it was Zach doing it. Diego had a history of falling in love too fast and too easily in the past, though, so he was still reluctant to let these feelings get him into trouble again.

Zach, on the other hand, had been the type of person in a relationship who had always taken his time with the falling part, so it was disconcerting and throwing Zach off-kilter how easily and quickly he was feeling attached to Diego. He didn't question it right then, though, because he wanted this to be good for Diego so all of his attention was on bringing the best pleasure to him that Zach could.

It was clear that Zach knew his way around a dick, and he watched Diego closely to see what he reacted to most so he could do those things more than the other techniques. He used one hand to play with Diego's balls and the skin right behind them while the other trailed down Diego's crack enticingly, just barely brushing up against sensitive skin to remind Diego of what else could come after to ramp up his desire. Zach moved down farther, moaning around Diego's cock every time more precum leaked out and hit his tongue.

"You taste divine," Zach said when he pulled away for a moment before he sunk back down Diego's entire length. What he really wanted to say was that he tasted like forever, but he had been pushing his luck already and didn't want to freak Diego out.

"Well, I am descended from Mars..." Diego quipped. "If you keep doing that you're going to ruin your dinner."

Zach came off Diego's cock with a pop and looked up at him as he ran his fingers along Diego's crack again. "Oh, you want to save the release for the main course?"

Diego laughed gently, "No, I was mostly concerned with you throwing up your dinner all over my dick."

"Baby, I'm a pro at this," Zach responded with a confident grin. Zach sunk back down onto Diego's cock, proving his point as he took Diego deep into his throat and started to swallow around the head while looking up into Diego's rich brown eyes.

"Suit yourself," Diego said as his balls tightened up and his cock jumped in Zach's mouth, "but if you splatter French cuisine and cum all over me, we're done for the night."

Zach would have laughed at that, but his mouth was full, so instead he gave Diego a look with his eyes that said to bring it and kept up what he was doing. He was rewarded for his efforts with spurt after spurt of Diego's cum as he orgasmed. Zach drank it down like it was the first rain after a long drought, which it kind of was for Zach. He pulled back near the end of Diego's spasms in his mouth so he would let the salty fluid wash over his tongue. He used his tongue to clean Diego up before Zach shifted Diego into his lap so he could sit up enough to kiss him fiercely, sharing Diego's own taste with him as their tongues danced together.

Diego moaned into Zach's lips when he tasted himself on his lover's breath, finding it erotic enough to make his cock twitch even as it deflated. In this position, Diego could feel Zach's hard cock pressing against his ass through his dark wash jeans. He pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath and commented, "You're going to break that poor critter if you don't let it out of that denim prison soon."

Zach shifted forward and flipped their positions, putting him on top of Diego, letting him feel Zach's weight for a moment before he pushed back to a kneeling position. Zach took his belt off and then unzipped his jeans. He stripped them off, along with his boxers, and threw them at the hamper.

Zach kept his pubic hair cut very short, though Diego could still see the red color of it around his cock, which was standing proud and gleaming with precum. He was a little over seven inches with a decent girth, with balls that were average in size and look. Those were also mostly hairless, but he had a fair amount of hair on his chest and down his stomach towards his crotch to make up for it.

Zach ran his hand along Diego's leg, slowing down a little when he came upon some of the scars marking his side and leg. His fingers could feel the divots of what must have been metal slicing through the skin that now was just faint scar tissue. Diego laid still, trying not to flinch away, though Zach could see that was exactly what he initially wanted to do.

"Sorry," Diego said embarrassedly, "force of habit. Most people recoil from them, so I tend to as well."

Zach shook his head at that, slowing down his hand's movements so he had stalled over the scars. "Most people are stupid then. There's nothing to recoil from. They aren't bad or ugly or scary. They are just a little bit of your story written on your skin, much like my brother's scars are. They are proof you went through hell and survived. You lived, and they're beautiful for that reason. Because you're still here."

"For a few years I wasn't," Diego reminisced, shivering. "After I came back from the tour that retired me, I got lost in the system trying to get seen by the VA and denying that I needed psychiatric care."

"So what happened?" Zach asked gently.

"When?" Diego asked confusedly.

Zach considered that. He had meant what had happened to get him to seek the care he finally needed, but he could see how Diego could wonder if he meant about the wound. "I assume the wound was from a bomb or something similar, so I meant what happened with getting that care? You're far more level-headed than I am, so I assume you got the help you needed."

"Eventually, yeah," Diego admitted. "I found a private counselor who would see me on a sliding scale based on my income. He was super helpful for a few years and then he changed practices."

"I'm glad you survived both of those things," Zach commented, letting his hand resume its travel up Diego's body. "Mine and Nadya's lives are richer with you in them."

"I didn't really have a choice. My abuela would have tracked me all the way to the afterlife and brought me back so she could wallop me with her chancla," Diego laughed.

Zach's fingers stopped their journey once they got to Diego's jawline, as he caressed the skin there for a moment and smiled at Diego warmly. "Either way, I'm lucky to be able to know you."

Diego gazed into Zach's eyes with a combination of love and trepidation, "No, I'm the lucky one."

Zach smiled warmly down at Diego, his eyes sparkling like silver as he mirrored the look of love, though there wasn't any trepidation in his expression. Zach leaned down and captured Diego's lips with his own, gently and full of emotion. Diego closed his eyes and lost himself in the kiss. As they were close to breaking contact, Diego started waving his arms and legs chaotically and pretended to be stuck mouth-to-mouth with Zach, his efforts quickly turning to fits of laughter as Zach looked at him as if he was insane. After a moment, Zach joined in with his laughter. He loved being able to see Diego's playful side like this, especially after all of the heavy stuff lately.

When their laughter finally died down, they were both laying on their sides, facing each other, and Zach made the first move by putting his arm around Diego and pulling him into a much more passionate kiss, one that said just how much he wanted him. Diego returned the energy Zach put into the kiss, his hand finding Zach's member and gently squeezing and pulling at it to reawaken it.

It didn't take much to get it back to full mast, especially with Diego working it over with his hand so well. Zach pulled away only long enough to get into one of the drawers on the side of the bed so he could grab lube and a condom before he came back to kiss Diego again while he popped open the cap of the lube bottle and collected some on his fingers. He rubbed his fingers and thumb together to warm the slick liquid up.

Zach rubbed the lube around Diego's hole, taking time to get everything slicked up before he slipped a finger inside.

"Why doctor! What big hands you have!" Diego joked.

"Just wait until my dick is in there," Zach replied back with a smirk, continuing his work of opening Diego up. A second finger joined the first, and then a third. He took his time to make sure there was very little pain and so that Diego was properly prepared for him.

Zach kissed and sucked at the skin on Diego's neck while he grabbed the condom and slid it on. He added lube to himself before adding a little more to Diego's hole and then lined himself up, nudging Diego's opening with the head of his cock. Zach had been in this position more than once with quite a few men over the years, but it had never felt like this before. To hide some of that, in an effort not to freak Diego out, he brought his mouth down to work on one of Diego's nipples as he slowly pushed inside.

Diego gasped wordlessly as he felt every contour of Zach's thick head enter him. Zach paused, then, to let him get used to the invasion. When he felt that he was ready for more, Diego nodded to Zach. Zach moved forward inch by inch, groaning deep in his throat at how hot and smooth it felt inside Diego. He was kind of glad that he had to stop once he was fully ensheathed by Diego's colon, because it had been a long, long time since he had been inside anyone at all and he didn't want to be a disappointingly fast shot.

Diego took a moment to adjust as well once Zach was firmly buried in his bowels. Zach was longer than his previous partners, and considerably more mindful and attentive as well. He was ready for Zach to continue before Zach was, as was made obvious when Diego swiveled his hips around in a quick figure eight, causing Zach to groan at the same time that his eyes widened in barely restrained pleasure.

Zach took one last deep breath to calm down again and then started to thrust slowly in and out, making sure he could handle it before speeding up his thrusts. His normally pale eyes seemed so much darker in desire than Diego had ever seen them before. He kept his eyes locked on Diego's as he shifted position so he could hit deeper right along Diego's prostate and upped his pace.

All of Diego's previous wicked looks and devilment was gone now as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he started moaning rhythmically in time with Zach's thrusts, lost in the pleasure he was receiving. His cock flopped around with his movements, limp but still leaking a little fluid from the tip in his overly-stimulated state.

They eventually got into a position that had one of Diego's legs over Zach's shoulder while their stomachs were pressing against Diego's cock, the hair on Zach's abs stimulating the head of his dick the entire time. Zach let his head drop down to Diego's shoulder as his climax seemed to rip through his entire body. He cried out and Diego could feel him expand inside of him while Zach's whole body seemed to shake.

Diego had been edging to forestall his own orgasm for the past little while as time seemed to lose all meaning to him, but once he felt Zach's orgasm begin, he let himself fall over the edge and his already tight hole contracted around Zach's spurting cock and held him in place as Diego's cock shot cum all over their stomachs. Zach swore under his breath at the feeling of Diego contracting around him.

When they both caught their breath, Zach pulled out and threw the condom away before getting something to clean them both up. He laid down next to Diego afterward, suddenly looking a little nervous now that the passionate part was over with. He brought his eyes back up to look at Diego and asked, "Stay in here tonight?"

"In where?" Diego asked, only a little blearily as the twinkle was back in his eye that denoted that he was being ornery. He poked the tip of his index finger at Zach's pink starfish, "In here?"

Zach chuckled. "Well, that's certainly an option, yes, but I meant my room. My bed."

Diego's face took on a serious cast, even though his brown eyes remained unchanged. "That's a big step! Shacking up together after the first date!" he said, clutching his imaginary pearls, "What will the church board think?"

"That we're sodomizers who love dirty sinning," Zach said and snuggled in against Diego's neck. "Which isn't entirely wrong."

"Sodomite," Diego said, with as much conviction as he could muster at the moment, which wasn't much.

"Yeah, but I didn't hear you complaining at all," Zach pointed out.

"That's because you were too busy filling me up with your pillar of salt!" Diego joked.

Zach just grinned at that, clearly not sorry at all. Both of them got up to take their night time pills before they settled back into the bed the way they had been before. Zach grabbed his sheet, which was all he usually used because he had a tendency of feeling hot in the middle of the night, and pulled it up around them before he shut the light off. It didn't take either of them long to fall asleep once their meds had kicked in, but it felt so good to fall asleep next to Diego, and it was one of the first nights in over a year that Zach slept straight through the night without waking up to check on Nadya or from nightmares he couldn't escape from.

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Cane23Cane233 months ago

What a clumsy organized kidnaping and police action even clumsier! As it has all been organized by 'Dumb and Dumber'! For a moment I've been thinking that Daniel has something with it but even he is not so stupid.

At least, this situation brought Zach and Diego closer, resulting in a beautiful and hot sex scene.

Looking forward the next chapter!

BidickulousBidickulous3 months ago

Not a fun time for Zach & Diego: MS, PTSD and a kidnapping. Here’s hoping the nice date, a bit of sex and a good nights sleep is just the beginning of some better days (and happier chapters) ahead for them!

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer3 months ago

Thank God for that dinner date, the hot sex and the calming effect of Zach and Diego falling asleep together. It was the only thing took away the tense feeling I got from reading about the kidnapping and the anger I felt at the inept handling of the situation by the police in this chapter. Considering all of the sadness in this story already with Kali's death and Zach's MS, I probably wouldn't have continued on with this if Nadya had come to a bad end. But that's what good writing is supposed to do, provoke strong emotional reactions, and you certainly achieved that with this chapter. I'm wiped after reading this one but still looking forward to #5.

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