Wedding Belle


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Just to be on the safe said, I waited till 4:30 a.m. before attempting another espionage mission inside my underpants.

As Cindy breathed evenly beside me, her arms wrapped about my shoulders, as careful as a soldier picking his way through a mine field, I began to stroke up and down.

This time I was doubly careful not to lose control... not to shake the bed or disturb my very hard-headed fiancée. This would be a controlled orgasm. A purely physical exercise so that I could get some shut-eye.

"Just what on earth do you think you are up to missy!?"

Good grief.

"I can't believe you," Cindy said shaking her head. She climbed out of bed.

"Where are you going? What are you doing?" I said fearfully, wanting to keep touching myself, but afraid of Cindy's wrath.

The light went on in the bathroom. "I can't believe that I'm going to have to do this. But you've given me no choice." I heard her rummaging around in her purse.

Cindy whisked back into the room, looking especially heart-stopping in her sheer white teddy that left so much of her gorgeous, curvaceous body bare. I nearly came in my underpants just looking at her.

In her right hand she carried a white wash cloth. In her left a collection of clear plastic pieces.

Pining me down on the bed with her elbow, she lay several clear curved pieces of plastic between my legs and yanked down my sweatpants and jockey shorts. Holding me like she was a lady wrestler, she pulled my clothes completely off, so that I was bottomless in bed beside her.

Could it be she was going to finally let me have my way... maybe by performing oral sex on me... could it be that this delicious creature that was soon to be my wife was going to let me cum...?

"I'm sorry it had to be this way," she said holding the white wash cloth against my testicles. It was filled with ice! "But you've given me no choice."

I shrieked as she firmly held a handful of ice cubes against my painfully frustrated member. "Calm down, hush my pet," Cindy soothed.

She pulled the ice away, examining my shrunken penis like an old prune.

"Any smaller, I'll need a magnifying glass," she chuckled.

"Cindy, that's not fair! Please don't talk about me that way! You're going to give me a complex."

Cindy laughed, infinitely amused by my displeasure. "What? I'm only being honest my darling. It doesn't matter to me that you're on the small side. I've been with hung men before, and most of them are absolutely Neanderthals. No my princess. I much prefer your pretty little penis."

Taking the pieces of clear plastic tubing from the bed she fit a contraption over and around my frozen, shriveled member. It looked sad, like a helmeted prisoner trapped in a tiny, barred cage. Cindy produced a tiny padlock and snapped it through a hole in the ring beneath my balls.

"Don't worry, I have the key."

"I don't understand. What ... why...?"

"It's a CB-2000 chastity device."

"But I can't..."

"You can't masturbate, or even get hard when it's on. That will keep you under control until tomorrow."

"You will take it off tomorrow," I said desperately.

Cindy grinned and kissed me on the cheek. "Of course snookums. Tomorrow is our wedding night. I can't wait to let the little tiger loose."

I tried to smile. All her comments about my endowment were starting to worry me. I wanted desperately to be able to make love to Cindy like any true man would. I wanted to make her scream in ecstasy just the way she did when she humped her pelvis against my hipbone. I wanted desperately to be her man, her lover, the one that pleased her like no other. How could I want anything less? She was the ultimate woman.

By this time it was 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning. At that point I actually fell off to sleep with my arms and legs entwined with Cindy's. She let me sleep till 11:00, at which time she woke me.

I stretched and yawned. "Can you take that thing off me now?"

Cindy sipped a Starbucks coffee. She was already dressed and had been out to fetch us breakfast. Eggs and pancakes steamed on the little motel room table.

"Come eat first," Cindy said beckoning me to join her.

"But I don't have any pants on."

"Here," she said throwing me her short white silk robe. "Just put this on."

"But this is yours. I have a robe," I said, meaning, I'd rather wear a man's robe than woman's clothes.

"But mine will look so much sexier on you," Cindy grinned sitting and munching on an English muffin.

To amuse her, and feeling awkward about the chastity device belted to my manhood, I quickly covered myself with her robe.

I sat across from her and helped myself to a ham and cheese omelet. She'd gotten everything, orange juice, home fries, and even French toast down at the diner on the corner.

"You look so cute," Cindy beamed across the table at me. "I love how your hair is getting longer. It's so pretty. I knew you'd have beautiful hair."

I munched thoughtfully. "You're going to take this thing off after we're done eating? So I can get dressed..."

"After you take your shower," Cindy said evasively.

After my shower, Cindy said, "After you get dressed."

"But I want it off now, so I can get dressed!"

"Just leave it on for now. While we're out shopping, I don't want you trying to run to the men's room to wank yourself."

"Cindy! I would never do that!"

"I don't know, not after the way you behaved last night. I have a feeling you're a regular little masturbator. Do you masturbate a lot? More than once a day?"

"Cindy!" I said red-faced. "Not at all! Never! Once a week that's all, if that much," I lied.

Cindy chewed and nodded, seeing through me. "You're not a very good liar. I have a feeling you're probably playing with yourself a couple times a day. My fiancé, my husband to be, is a dirty little masturbator."

"Cindy! Please don't talk that way!"

"I think you need to leave that thing on there," Cindy said handing me a piece of white silk cloth. "You need to prove to me that you can be trusted."

"What is this?" I asked looking a pair of women's lacey panties.

"I want you to put them on."

"What!? What on earth ever for!?"

Looking exasperated, Cindy cried: "Will you just listen to me for once without an argument! Just put them on! I bought them especially for you. For this weekend. For our wedding day."

"But for God's sake Cindy, women's underwear," I said looking at the tag, "from Victoria's Secrets?"

"Go ahead, and just put them on."

Feeling foolish I stepped into them and pulled them up.

"They look ridiculous," I grumbled. And I did too, with that damnable cage fitted around my crotch.

"Turn around. Look at your tush." I didn't realize it, but the material was completely see through in the rear. "They look adorable on you," Cindy giggled, patted my bottom, and told me to finish getting dressed.

The rest of the day went exactly as Cindy directed. After breakfast in a tiny corner diner, we went into the first jewelry store we could find on the boardwalk. We held hands as we looked among the jewelry cases. Or rather as Cindy looked. She asked me my thoughts on a pear shaped diamond.

"Just pick whatever you like," I said. She obviously knew more about jewelry than I did. "Whatever you want, is fine by me."

"Are you sure?" Cindy said sharply. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Of course!" I said. "I don't know a thing about jewelry. Get what you want."

"So what do you think of this pear shaped diamond?

"I think it looks beautiful."

"You would wear something like that?"

My heart stopped. "That's a woman's ring."

"I thought you didn't know anything about jewelry," she grinned.

"I know enough to know that's a woman's ring. A man's wedding ring doesn't have a stone."

"I'm going to wear the band. I want you to wear the stone.

"But why!?" I cried. "I'm the man."

Cindy chuckled. "Are you so certain of that... my little cupcake?"

I clenched my fists, exasperated. "It's too expensive. It's five thousand dollars. I don't have that much money." In fact, I hardly had any money at all. Just $837 in the bank and $2200 in credit card bills.

Cindy hugged me, infinitely amused. "You needn't worry about that. I'm taking care of everything. I have plenty of cash. So what will it be?" she asked softly. "Do you want me to get the salesperson or not?"

"I hadn't expected you to want me to wear the woman's ring."

"Darling," Cindy said, kissing my cheek, and waving to a smart looking business woman. "You're going to be the wife in this relationship. Haven't you figured that out yet?"

"Cindy!" I cried. My eyes widened as the saleswoman smiled, amused by my fiancé's comment.

"Can I help you?" the woman smiled primly.

I said nothing as Cindy pointed out the ring she wanted. The woman, whose nametag said "Rose" went to measure Cindy's ring finger.

"No, no," she chuckled, "Sandy will wear that one. I want the matching wedding band. The gold one."

The woman looked at me, a bit confused. "All right Miss. Let me have your ring finger."

I wanted to die. I looked at Cindy horror struck. This stupid lady thought I was a woman. The glimmer in her eye was that she thought we were a couple of lesbians.

Cindy read everything that was going on in my mind, and unseen by Rose, she slipped her arm around my waist and gave my bottom a playful pat. "Go ahead girlfriend." She gave me neck a gentle kiss. "I want to see how your engagement ring looks on you."

Rose slipped the sample ring up my finger. "This should fit you."

It fit beautifully. Cindy beamed as she moved my hand, admiring the way the stones glittered.

"You'll want the wedding ring that goes with it," said Rose.

"Yes we will," Cindy said softly, kissing me and squeezing me in joy.

By the time we left the jewelry store, it was time for lunch. We ate at the friendly diner on the corner, and then went back to our motel room to put on our bathing suits and spend a few hours sunning on the beach.

By that time I'd been wearing the clear, curved CB-3000 for several hours and had almost forgotten it was there. As I undressed, I grimaced as I looked down at myself. Hastily I removed the white silk panties Cindy had me wear.

"Can't you take it off now!?" I pleaded. "Haven't I proven myself yet? I can't wear this under my bathing suit, it will show. Everyone will be able to see."

"Do you really care so much what other people think?" Cindy said loftily. "What about what I think? I'm the one you're marrying. Not everyone else. I'm the one you're going to live with."

"That reminds me," I asked. "Where are we going to live when we go back. Your place or mine?"

She laughed as if I'd just made a joke. "Mine of course. Here, put this on."

"Good Lord! I'm not wearing a woman's one piece bathing suit! Cindy, this is going too far!"

"But look at the bottom Its got a fringe. If you're so nervous about someone seeing your chastity belt under your boy's bathing suit, just wear this. Or how about this?" She rummaged through her clothes in a drawer, withdrawing a bright orange towel. "Wrap it around your little boy's speedo like a sari and wear it like that. No one will notice."

I handed her the one-piece back. After I pulled on my navy blue speedo, she wrapped the orange cloth around my waist like a skirt.

Grudgingly, I went along. What else could I do?

We found a good spot on the beach near the surf, where we could enjoy watching the other sunbathers and walk to the water. Occasionally when she got too hot and sweat began to bead on her perfectly proportioned body, Cindy bid me join her in the waves.

"No, I'm not that hot," I said nervously. I was afraid to take off my sari, lest anyone notice the oversized bulge in my bathing suit.

"You're afraid," Cindy said shaking her head in amusement. "You're afraid someone will see the huge bulge in your crotch... and think you've got a big package."

"Well... I wasn't really afraid of that..."

"Good. Then come join me. You only have to walk from our towels to the water. No one is going to notice. And if they do, they're just going to think that you're hung like a Doberman. That's all."

Blushing, but encouraged, I got up and let the sari drop. Quite playfully, Cindy's eyes went right to the curved bulge in my speedo. Play acting, her eyes widened, and she held her hands to her cheeks. "Oh my Lord! You're hung like King Kong," she said loudly. Then she ran off laughing to dive into the waves, where she swam like a fish.

Feeling awkward, like I was walking funny, I hurried down to the water's edge where cautiously I followed Cindy into the surf.

I'd never learned to swim, and Cindy moved through the water like an Olympic champion.

"Come on," she called. "Come on out here. It's not that deep! You just float with the waves."

I clung to the waist deep water, where I got pounded and knocked down by the waves over and over. But it was better than drowning, or getting eaten by sharks.

Feeling refreshed, her hair dripping, she emerged from the water like Aphrodite on a half shell... or maybe more like a James Bond girl in a hot orange bikini... with curvaceous hips and a pair of single scoop ice cream cup sized breasts.

"That was fun!" Cindy said throwing herself down on her towel. "Put some sun tan lotion on my back, will you honey bear?"

"Sure," I said, re-wrapping the sari around my waist. I'd caught a couple of girls on the next set of beach towels staring at my crotch and whispering.

Sitting on Cindy's rump, I rubbed #15 sun block on my girlfriend's strong shoulders. "I didn't realize you had all of these muscles in your back," I said massaging creamy liquid across her pink flesh.

"I swam on my high school and college swim teams," she said, arms crossed under her chin. "And I still swim, in the master's program at the YMCA twice a week. It helps to keep me in shape."

I dare say it did. In her bathing suit, at 5'10" and me at 5'5" and scrawny as can be, I felt my insides shudder slightly as I realized that my girlfriend, my wife-to-be, was undoubtedly more physically powerful than I was. Mentally, morally, financially, and now even physically, I realized this woman had me beat.

We left the beach around 3:00 and went back to our motel room to shower and get changed. "We'll get married, then we'll go get some dinner," Cindy said, then looked at me sadly. "I hope you don't feel like you're being cheated out of a big wedding."

"No! Not at all. I never cared for all the fuss people make This is much better. More personal and private."

"Good," Cindy purred as she stripped off her bathing suit and padded naked into the bathroom. I followed, leaving my speedo on, not wanting to walk around in my embarrassing cage.

Standing behind her, I watched her lean over into the tub to turn on the shower spigots. When she did I noticed the deep line lines around her back and bottom where her bikini had covered her pearly white flesh.

God, what a lucky man I was! Looking at her round white ass, it's perfectly engineered shape, made my insides flutter. I gasped, and moaned in pain, as my penis tried to rise and ran into the bars of it's chastity cage.

Cindy glanced over her shoulder at my pained expression. "Take off your bathing suit and get in with me."

"When are you going take this thing off me!?" I whined as I pushed my speedo to the floor. There was no hiding the way my member had swollen and was pressed up against the clear bars of the CB-2000.

Cindy climbed into the shower, and pulled me in after her. The water felt heavenly after being outside in the sun all day. It cascaded over Cindy's apple-sized white breasts, and coursed in little rivulets across her tanned shoulders.

Taking the soap, she handed it to me with a wash cloth and told me to scrub her body. As I did so, being this close, feeling her wet, warm body rubbing against mine, I continued to whimper and moan as my captured little prisoner throbbed in its cage.

When she noticed how I was squirming as my manhood swelled and turned red, filling the tight confines of the CB2000, she took the hand-held shower head, turned the water on cold, and directed it at my crotch.

"OH! Please don't! It's freezing!"

"This will cool your ardor a bit," she said. She continued to spray the icy stream at my poor, frustrated organ, until it shriveled down to withered nubbin of flesh. "There, that's much better. Now we can wash in peace."

She adjusted the spigots back to a warm stream of water and returned the shower head to its bracket on the wall. Then she took the soap and wash cloth from me, and scrubbed my whole body.

When she got to my crotch, the way she lathered up my restrained testicles, I was afraid that I would get aroused once more, meaning another cold shower, but fortunately my poor, confused little flesh remained soft.

"Cindy, I've had that thing on all night and all day. Can't you please take it off now?"

"What, so you can play with yourself. Not a chance. You can wait a few more hours," she said giving my hairless testicles a parting pat.

After we'd dried each other off, and went to get dressed, I discovered that the maid must have knocked a cup of coffee onto all my clothes in my suitcase.

"This is what I was going to wear tonight! It's my best shirt and slacks! And now they're ruined."

"That is a shame," Cindy said shrugging.

"I can't wear my bathing suit to get married," I groaned.

"Well, I brought plenty of clothes. You can wear something of mine," Cindy said hopefully.

"NO! I'm not wearing women's clothes to get married! We can run back to the shops. I'll buy something. I'll put it on my credit card."

"I thought you said you'd reached your credit limit?"

"Cindy, you've got to help me. I'll pay you back."

Shaking her head no, my fiancée rummaged through her drawer and selected a pair of white Capri pants and a white blouse. "These will fit you just fine. I was going to wear them out to dinner later. But I can just keep on my dark business suit."

Mortified, but not knowing what else to do, I let Cindy dress me in another pair of white panties, her white slacks and a sheer white sleeveless blouse.

"With all the color you got today on the beach, it looks marvelous on you," she said giving me a kiss on the lips. "It's just a shame you don't have better sandals, and my heels are all too big for you. You've got very dainty feet for a man."

Once we were dressed, Cindy called me into the bathroom where I sat on the commode as she put on a little makeup. She did her eyes, rouged her cheeks slightly, and then slapped on some lipstick.

"Come here for a minute. Stand up. I want to put some eye makeup on you."

"Cindy! Now that's just going a bit too far."

"You must not have slept very well last night. You've got dark circles under your eyes. I just want to put a little foundation and power on you. You don't have to wear eye shadow or mascara... although a little eyeliner would bring out your green eyes quite nicely."

Whimpering, unable to say a word, I stood silently as Cindy dabbed brushes beneath and around my eyes.

"Let me look."

"Not yet. Not until I'm done."

"What are you doing? I though you were just taking care of the dark circles. Why are you doing that to me?"

"It's just a little mascara and a little powder. Relax. You look adorable."

Finally when she was done adding a smear of lip gloss she let me look at myself in the mirror.

I admit, I was shocked. With my long hair now down to my shoulders, in a women's blouse, Capri pants, and a touch of makeup, I actually looked like a real girl.

Cindy stood behind me, and wrapped her arms around my waist, drawing me to her. Behind me, her face over my shoulder, she looked absolutely radiant.

"You look so gorgeous," she said kissing my neck affectionately. "I want to tear all of your clothes off and rape you right now." She twisted me around so that I was facing her, and kissed me passionately. For some strange reason, seeing me dressed like this undoubtedly had an affect on her. The way she was moving against me, grinding her hips into mine, I was soon moaning in agony as the chastity cage cut off the blood flow to my groin.