Wedding Crashers Pt. 09

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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/30/2021
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This story would make more sense if you read the chapters in order. It is a cuckold tale and should not be confused with my other BTB and romance style stories.

Tags: Epilogue. Happy Ending?

Eighteen Months Later.

"This is it here mate." The taxi edged off the road onto the wide concrete driveway. "Jesus, looks like Fort Knox mate."

"Yes," I said as I handed over a fifty. "Keep the change mate."

"You sure? It's nearly $20."

"Yeah, have a good day."

"I can wait for a bit if you want. Doesn't look like they welcome visitors."

"I'll be fine. I've got an appointment."

I got out and closed the door. It was imposing. Tall solid metal gates. Probably bullet proof steel plating with no foot or hand holds. Just in case the top had coils of razor wire running along it. The gates swung off two massive cement pillars. They both had cameras mounted on top. There was an intercom on one of the pillars. I went to it and pressed the button. I heard a whirring noise. Looking up to the top of the other pillar I saw the camera swing towards me. I turned so I was facing it. A distorted voice came through the speaker behind me.

"Someone will let you in shortly Nathan."

I waited for a long five minutes. The early summer sun was reflecting up off the whiter than white concrete. Sweat had just started to trickle down the middle of my back when I heard the sound of a lock disengaging. A smaller doorway in one of the metal gates swung back and a young woman popped her head out.

"Follow me Nathan." She said in a broad Scottish accent.

Inside we went up a narrow paved pathway that ran alongside the driveway. Mercifully it was mostly shaded by large trees. The path curved around the front of the house. We went past the front door, continuing around the side until we came to another metal gate. The girl punched a code into a keypad and the gate clicked open. She went through but held up her hand indicating I should stay where I was. While I waited she went to a box mounted on the wall of the house. I looked again at the gate. Just on the other side of it was a plastic arch. Then I realised it was a metal detector. The girl came back with a tray.

"Empty your pockets into this please." I did as I was instructed. "Any other metal? Belt? Shoes?"

I shook my head. She took the tray through ignoring the squeal of the machine.

"Okay, your turn."

The detector remained silent.

"Arms out and open your legs." The girl ordered as she approached me holding a black object in her hands.

"But the metal detector didn't go off." I complained.

"This isn't for metal. It's to make sure you aren't wired."

When I passed that test I was led further around the side of the house. There was another gate with a key pad then we were in the backyard. Children's voices rang out from a pool. I saw a body emerge from the water, run along the edge then dive in again.

"No running Simon! You'll fall and split your head open again."

I recognised the voice immediately. Eleanor came out from under the shade of a cabana to further berate the child. Once the child looked suitable chastened she turned to us.

"You can take over in here Sue."

The girl went through the pool gate and held it while Eleanor exited. The children in the pool began calling out for Sue to get in with them. The changing of the lifeguard seemed a popular decision.

"Follow me Nathan."

I fell into step behind Eleanor. We went into the back of the house. It wasn't quite as heavily fortified as the front. No steel doors and window shutters. Just another keypad. We went into a sitting area that had large glass windows looking across the pool.

"Bulletproof glass?" I asked as I rapped my knuckles against it.

"Of course." Eleanor replied as if it was a standard thing.

A small Asian woman appeared and she sent her away with an order of tea for two.

"You're looking well Nathan," Eleanor started. "The beard is an improvement. Gives you some character. Life on the road has agreed with you."

"Well it's better than jail." I deadpanned back.

"Touché," she said, "but I don't think we need to rehash the past.

"You're right Elle we don't. So how about we get this over with? I'm really not in the mood for afternoon tea polite conversation anyway."

Eleanor laughed out loud and slapped her leg.

"Damn Nathan, did they have assertiveness training at one of her majesty's motels?"

I didn't answer because the Asian lady came back in. While Eleanor took the tray she had bought I watched the children through the window. One boys darker skin made it obvious he was Tiny's offspring. He looked like he was taking after his dad in other ways as well. Although he must have been a couple of years younger he wasn't much smaller. The other two were like peas in a pod. Same height, body shape and attitude. Not completely identical. Their facial features seemed to have come from their mother's.

"Milk? Sugar?" Eleanor asked as she stood poised with the teapot.

"Just black for me."

As Eleanor bought my cup over her maid came in. She began setting up a table with afternoon treats for the swimmers. We stayed silent until she was finished.

"So why am I here Elle? I thought having a ex-con turning up at the head of a biker gang's house would be the last thing you'd want."

"Well, I'd better correct you before I explain. Ben is no longer associated with The Renegades. We parted ways a year ago. He's in the security business now."

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. "And the security around this place..."

"Is because not everyone realises we aren't involved anymore." My host butted in. "Also I have it on good authority that the police stopped keeping tabs on you about six months ago. So there's no issues there either."

"Okay then, so let's get it over with. What's the deal with the money?"

"I'll give you a bank account number and a letter of introduction when you leave. When you give them to the account manager they'll change the account to your name. What you do from there is your business."

"Have you got them with you now?"

"No, they are in a safe place. I'll get them when you leave."

"Let's make that now then." I drained the cup and stood up.

Eleanor remained unmoved in her seat.

"I thought you might have wanted to know about how she's getting on?"

"Fuck that! Glad to be rid of her."

"Not your ex dickhead, CC."

"Oh, er, right. Not really sure it's relevant to me either." I said while shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

"I think she's got a soft spot for you Nathan."

I was spared any further embarrassment by three hungry children barging into the room. They went straight to the table of food. Once they'd loaded up they went to crowd around Elle on the lounge. Tiny's boy climbed onto her lap. The other two took up positions either side of her and eyed me suspiciously.

"Who's that Auntie Elle?" The boy on her left asked pointing at me with a half eaten chocolate biscuit.

"This is Nathan. He's an old friend of mine and your mothers." Eleanor then pointed to the boy who'd asked the question. "Nathan, this is Simon, and Eli and this little monster on my knee is Sonny."

"Hi guys," I sat back down not really knowing what else to do.

Simon had Claire's eyes and nose. Eli was all Eleanor while Sonny was a mini Tiny. They continued eating and ignoring me. I wasn't a point of interest to them anymore. Once they'd cleaned all the food off the table Sue appeared. She ushered the boys out announcing it was time for a shower.

"Jim didn't get much of a look in," I said.

Eleanor opened her mouth to say something then stopped. I thought she'd misunderstood what I meant so I explained.

"The boys, their features. I could pick Simon was Claire's child and Eli yours. Apart from some small facial differences they are very similar, but I can't see Jim there at all."

Eleanor stood up and went to the door where Sue had taken the boys out. She opened it, had a quick look then closed it and turned the lock. When she sat back down Eleanor seemed flustered. She fidgeted with the gold band on her finger then it was like she came to a decision.

"Jim's not Eli's father."

"Oh okay, sorry. CC told me you were pregnant around the same time as Claire so I just assumed."

I felt embarrassed about mentioning it. CC speculation that Eleanor had already lined up Jim's replacement was on the money.

"Jim isn't Simon's father either."

"I think Claire made sure there were no other candidates for that position." I added dryly.

Eleanor pointed to some pictures on a decorative table close by. There were old framed family shots with Jim, Eleanor and their family. All the children had inherited their father's olive skin, nose and thick eyebrows.

"There's no doubt in my mind. Jim left his mark on everything he touched. Especially his children."

"Genetics can play some weird tricks sometimes." I countered.

"Not this time." Eleanor said firmly. "Looking at Simon and Eli you know they have the same dad. And in the end it can only be one person."

"Who? No how? I mean who could possibly have slept with both of... yo..."

It dawned on me slowly. But it couldn't be true. Eleanor didn't comment further. She just watched as I performed my own mental gymnastics.

"But we only... just that one time... and Claire... she... we... she always sucked me... well mostly... I..."

"I thought I was finished with baby making but apparently not." She was sitting back now, more relaxed.

"But Jim?"

"Jim and I hadn't been intimate in months. He was too busy with his whor... your wife."

"Yeah but... we'd been trying before and it wasn't working. After I heard about Claire, I, I just assumed the problem was me."

I dropped my head into my hands as I tried to come to terms with the news I was a dad. Twice.

"Who else knows? Claire?"

"A woman would know." Eleanor replied with certainty. "And others may speculate but they aren't brave, or stupid enough to say anything like that in public."

"So what now?"

Eleanor shrugged her shoulders.

"Can I see them again?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea."

"But I'm their dad. I've got rights."

"You've got fuck all. Claire signed over legal guardianship to me six months ago. Jim is listed as the father on both birth certificates."

"What about DNA? I'll, I'll..."

"You'll do nothing. You will live your life and..."

"You can't do that!" I jumped to my feet as I shouted.

Eleanor showed no sign of concern.

"Fuck me Nathan! Haven't you worked it out yet? I can do whatever the fuck I want. If I whispered in the right people's ear you would be cut into small pieces and fed to the sharks off north head." There was no discernible emotion in her voice. It was just a plain statement of fact. "So sit down and shut up so I can finish."

I retreated to my former position in the chair.

"As I was saying, you will live your life and they will live theirs. If in the future when they are older they want to connect with their father I won't stand in their way."

"They think their father's dead."

"No they don't. I've told them their father is in prison."

"So he's not dead just a deadbeat crim."

Eleanor didn't say anything for a moment but her lips curled into a smirk.

"Well I guess you'll have to prove me wrong."

It was a lot easier getting out of the house then it had been getting in. On the other side of the road in the shade of a street tree was the taxi I'd arrived in. I heard his engine start then he swung across the road and pulled up in front of me.

"You didn't have to wait." I said as I opened the door.

"Yeah I know but it was coffee break time so I got a cup then swung back here just in case." I shrugged a thanks. "So where to now boss?"

"Do you know where the Executive club is?"

"The strip place?" He clarified and I nodded. "Yeah I do, but it's all the way back in the city. I know a few places just as good that are closer."

"It's got to be the Executive club. I'm trying to find someone who used to work there."

Okay the city it is." The driver flicked his blinker and swung back onto the road.

Forty minutes later we pulled up in front of a nondescript shopfront on the edge of the CBD. The glass front was blacked out while a garish neon sign flashed Executive Club, Open Now. I paid the driver and pushed through the double door. Inside there was no sign of any strip club. Just a generic reception area with a middle aged woman behind the counter. She enquired if I was a member. When I said I wasn't I had to fill in a form and sign it to get temporary status. She then directed me around the corner to the lifts.

At the lifts there was the first sign of what was waiting above. Two large bouncers lent against the wall either side of the doors. I flashed my temporary membership card and they pressed the button for the lift to descend. While it was coming down they gave me a light pat down while explaining it was standard procedure for non members.

When the lift doors opened one of the bouncers went up with me. He explained about the four levels. Lower ground/car park, ground floor, first floor and VIP. My temporary membership only allow me to go to the first floor. I was told I could access the private areas on the VIP floor but only after negotiating a payment with a dancer.

He let me out on the first floor then stayed inside to return to the ground floor. Once you've been to one strip club you've pretty much been to them all. The only difference I've found is some are cleaner. This place was on the upper end of that scale so perhaps that explained the Executive part of the title. Other than that it was the standard fare.

Dim lighting, lots of red paint and drapes. Strategically placed erotic pictures and sculptures highlighted with mini spotlights. A bar on one side of the room, stage area at the front with a runway that jutted out among some benches with stools. Two poles for the dancers to wither around. One on the main stage, one on the end of the runway. Along the opposite wall to the bar was a series of u shaped faux leather lounges. The other feature was a staircase that started near the bar area and went up to a mezzanine level that I had to assume was the VIP area.

I went to the bar to get a drink. There were two other patrons at the bar. They were sitting on stools facing the stage where a buxom redhead was starting her set. There were another couple of guys sitting on the chairs that lined the walkway. And a group of young office types that looked to be having a long lunch drinking session at one of the benches. When the barmen came back with my beer I enquired if Claire was dancing that afternoon. He shrugged and said there wasn't any dancers at the club by that name.

"I don't know them all and sometimes they change their stage names so you should wait and see." He added.

"How many girls dance here?"

"Arr, I guess, fifteen, maybe twenty. They come and go and it depends on shifts. The popular ones don't start until five when the offices close for the day,"

I looked at my phone. It was three thirty. I had no particular place to be so I decided to hang around. It was probably a long shot that Claire would be here. I hadn't planned on catching up with her but after the revelations of earlier in the day I had some questions. Drifting away from the bright lights of the bar I found myself a stool at a bench in a darker corner.

After the red head there was a brunette and two blondes but neither were Claire. They did their sets then came off the stage to tout for private dances. The second blonde had got lucky with the office boys. They were now seated on one of the u shaped lounges while she did her thing on a table in the middle of them. The club had filled up with guys in suits. The announcement came over the sound system that Nicky was coming on next. For the first time there was a smattering of applause and there wasn't a spare chair along the edge of the walkway.

I could tell as soon as she strutted out to cheers from the crowd it was Claire. Even with the teased hair, thick makeup, silicone boobs and slutty nurse's uniform. She shimmied and shook her way down the runway making it to the pole as the first song ended. From her interaction with the crowd it seemed she had a dedicated following. As she began removing her clothes they got more raucous in their responses.

I went to the bar to ask how I got a private dance with her. The guy pointed to the u shaped lounges.

"The queue starts there but I'd suggest you go now because by the time she finishes they'll all be taken."

I sat in the first one and watched the rest of 'Nicky's' performance from there. She worked the crowd into a frenzy over four songs. Their were two guys right at the end of the runway she was particularly playing up to. She finished off her act laying with her legs spread directly in front of them with two fingers buried in her pussy. The crowd were calling for more as she collected her garments and a few scattered tips that had been cast in her direction. By the time she had left the lounges were all taken and a few patrons had asked me if they could join me and split the cost. I declined and nervously waited for my ex-wife to appear.

Claire came out a side door near the stage and started heading in my direction. Other patrons were interacting with her as she did. She stopped to talk to some briefly but kept moving towards me. As she got closer I kept waiting for her to show some sign that she recognised me. The longer hair, full beard and thinner frame must have been enough to throw her off. Or perhaps running into her ex husband was the last thing in her mind. She flashed me a bright smile then lent in close and spoke into my ear to make herself heard above the music of the dancer that followed her.

"Hi honey, are you after a private dance?"

I nodded. "Can we go somewhere more private?"

"Sure, but the booths upstairs but it costs more."

"How much?"

It didn't matter what it cost but I thought if I didn't ask she might get suspicious. She pulled back and I saw her check me out again. I thought I saw a flicker of recognition. Claire stood up straighter then she leaned in again. She seemed to be having trouble focusing so I suspected she was high.

"Anything wrong?" I asked.

"No, you just remind me of someone." Her eyes flicked along the other lounges at the others waiting. "Two hundred."

"Okay," I agree. "Led the way."

Claire took my hand and started towards the stairs. As she went past the lounges she assured those seated she wouldn't be long. Upstairs there was another bar area and real leather chairs. She led me past them to a corridor. It had three openings either side. We went to the last one on the left. Once inside she pulled the curtain closed behind us. There was a wide padded seat along the back wall and a low wide table/stage in front of it. I went towards the seat then got my wallet out and began counting out her payment.

"Wait a second," Claire put her hand on mine. "I've got quite a queue formed downstairs so how about, to speed things up, we skip the dance. An extra fifty gets you a blow job and for a hundred you can have full service."

"I'll pass," I said as she took the cash from my hand. "I only want to talk Claire."

Her head snapped up and she once again stared intently at my face. She took a hurried step back as her mouth opened and emitted a strangled cry of surprise.


"Just talk, that's all." I repeated hoping she would calm down and not call security.

Claire went to retreat further but her heel clipped the table and she fell backward onto the floor. As I went to help her the curtain was pulled back and a large Polynesian man appeared. He roughly shoved me backwards so I landed on the bench seat.