Wedding Reception Help


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I was somewhat concerned about how much her chest was showing through the dress, but by the time we got back to our seats, the lighting had been changed to focus on the wooden dance floor that had been assembled in the middle of the tent. The outer tables were now in gloom, as the darkness of the night gobbled up the light that radiated from the dance floor area. I helped her back to the table we'd been sitting at, which was now deserted. I could see that the bride was doing the father daughter dance and remembered back to having that dance with my own daughter more than a few years ago.

We weren't sitting more than a few moments before her hand drew mine back to her lap. I slid my hand up under her dress again, letting my fingers find her very wet pussy. With the limited amount of access I had, all I could do was to stroke my finger up and down or side to side a very small amount. I could feel her hard clit press against the side of my finger as she spread her legs as far as the skirt of the dress allowed.

"Oh fuck," she groaned softly, her legs spreading farther apart as she slipped the skirt up her thighs farther. I was thankful that the long tablecloth covered what we were doing under the table as my sister walked our direction. I started to pull my hand from between her legs, but she grabbed my wrist and pulled it back. "Don't you dare stop now," she whispered.

"But that's my sister," I whispered back.

"I don't care if it's God. Don't you dare stop now. Not this close."

"How's it going William?" my sister asked as she sat down on the other side of me.

"Pretty good," I answered, trying to concentrate on what my fingers were doing without letting on what exactly was happening under the table. "You enjoying the reception?"

"Yes. It's very nice," she said, before leaning forward to look past me towards Charlie. "Hi. I'm Mary. Since my socially awkward brother won't introduce me."

"Hi. Charlotte Morgan," Charlie answered, leaning forward enough to reach a hand in front of me to offer to my sister.

"Good to meet you. I see you got my brother to at least smile today. I haven't seen that in a while."

"Oh. He's got it inside. I just had to work at it a little to get it to show," Charlie answered a little breathlessly, clearly trying to keep a straight face as I continued to stroke the side of my finger up and down across her clit.

"Well, whatever you're doing, I hope you keep it up," my sister said to her.

"Oh. Trust me. I plan on both of us keeping it up," she said, her voice cracking slightly as she stifled a gasp. I could feel her leg start to tremble against my hand as her climax started to surge over her. "Oh shit," she squeaked softly, closing her eyes and opening her mouth to gasp for breath.

My sister looked at her with a weird look and then rolled her eyes when she realized that Charlie was orgasming right in front of her. "Well. At least I know now how you got him to smile," she said with a little frown.

"Oh trust me. He did more than smile," she said, her body trying to twitch as I continued to rub slowly. "Okay, William," she gasped, reaching under the table to pull my hand away. "Okay."

"I think maybe I should leave you two alone," my sister said as she got up. "It's a little out of character for you to do something this public, but, well, I'm happy to see that at least she could draw you a little bit out of your shell."

"Please. You don't have to leave," Charlie said, reaching out towards her and patting her hand on the table. "I'd like to talk to you about William a little, if you don't mind."

My sister looked at Charlie and then sat back down.

"Why don't you be a sweetie and go get us something to drink," Charlie said with a smile. "Please?"

"Sure," I agreed, realizing she wanted to talk to my sister without me there. "Back soon," I said as I got up and walked away. I looked over my shoulder and saw Charlie move to the chair I'd been in to get closer to my sister.

I had no idea what they talked about, but I stood for a long time, holding our drinks, before I finally walked to the table. "You didn't really say what you wanted, so I got you a glass of white wine," I said as I set the glass down in front of her.

"Oh. Thank you! That's sweet," Charlie said, turning to me as I sat down. She leaned towards me and kissed a soft peck on my lips before turning back to my sister. "Well. I know you want to get back to your husband. Thanks for talking with me."

"Not a problem," she said standing up. She walked around Charlie's chair to mine and leaned down to kiss me on the cheek. "Have fun Will," she whispered before walking away.

"So? You had a good talk?"

"Very interesting," she said with a grin.

"Anything you want to share?"

"Not a chance," she said. "Looks like the bride is coming to see you."

"Oh. Yeah. She said something about wanting to have a special dance with me."

"Yeah. I heard you two were quite close. Some day you'll have to explain about what your sister called 'the woods'."

I blushed. "Maybe someday," I answered her as I stood up. I stepped to meet my niece and hugged her tightly. I let her wrap an arm around my waist and lead me to the dance floor. The DJ started the music at her nod and I stood in front her, completely shocked.

"This is for you. I know Shelly would have loved to dance this with you, but since she can't. Allow me?" she asked softly, pressing herself against me.

"She would have. How did you now this was the song we danced our first dance at our reception to?" I asked as we started to move together, doing my best not to trip on her gown.

"She told me a long time ago. One time when we were looking at wedding pictures," she said with a smile. "She said it was her favorite song."

"It was. But I never knew why."

"Because of that dance. Is that a surprise?"

"I guess it shouldn't be," I answered her. "It was a beautiful ceremony," I said softly. "You looked like an angel coming down that aisle."

She smiled up at me. "I wouldn't have ever come down it if you hadn't been there for me."

"Oh. You would have been okay," I answered back.

"I'm not so sure," she said. "That was a pretty dark time for me."

"Well, those days are gone. I'm glad things turned out. This guy seems to be a lot better than Marcus."

"Marcus was an asshole. You helped me see that. But yeah. Brian is a sweetie," she said, leaning closer to me. "He makes love almost as good as you," she whispered in my ear.

"Well, let's just keep that to ourselves, shall we?"

"I always have, haven't I?" she asked with a giggle as the music started to wind down to the end of the song. "If you ever need me. You know to call. For anything," she said with a soft smile as she gave me one more hug before stepping back.

"I do," I whispered before leaning to kiss her on the cheek. She smiled at me and then turned to walk towards her new husband.

"Well, that was something," Charlie said from where she sat. "I'm pretty good at my job, and that includes body language. There was a whole lot more being said than was being said," she said with a grin. "I take it that has something to do with 'the woods'?"

I looked at Charlie for long seconds, trying to decide what, if anything I could tell her. "It's probably one of the only things I've ever kept secret from my wife," I said softly.

"But it was important to her?"

"Everyone thinks that I talked her out of killing herself. The embarrassing fact is that I did a lot more than talk. It was what she needed right then."

Charlie looked at me for long seconds, almost as if searching for something in my eyes. "She loves you, doesn't she?"

"I don't know. All I know is she found what she needed to keep going when she was having a difficult time. We've been pretty close ever since. Not just me, but my wife too."

"Do you think she ever knew? Your wife, I mean."

"I don't think so. At least I hope not."

"Are you ashamed of it? Of what you did?"

"Only because it was cheating on Shelly. But Christine. She needed to understand that what her husband was doing to her wasn't right. It wasn't loving. It wasn't anything good. Personally, I wish I'd have shot the bastard."

"That's pretty strong."

"Yeah. I guess so," I answered her, looking down at my lap.

"So. How many times?" she asked.

"What?" I asked, looking up at her in surprise.

"It's my job, remember? I'm an expert at reading between the lines. How many times did she come back, wanting to feel loved?"

"Too many," I answered.

"I think it's a wonderful thing you did, even if it did compromise how you felt about yourself. You reached out and helped a young woman that needed help. Help that only someone who really knew her could provide."

"Yeah. But just the same, I wish I could have found a better way to handle it."

"I think you handed it just fine," she said, getting up from her chair. She moved to sit on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'd ask if you've ever made love out in the woods, but I already know the answer to that. Have you ever made love in the moonlight?"

"Just once. With Shelly, out camping."

"How would you like to make it twice?"

"Here?" I asked in surprise.

"Well, not right here. But close."

"How close?"

"Close enough that you can carry me," she said. I slipped my hands under her and stood up, picking her up in my arms. "That way," she said, nodding with her head towards where she wanted me to head, her arms around my neck again. "Over there," she said, pointing me towards a wooden privacy fence. I walked towards what looked like a gate. Charlie flipped the latch and we walked onto the deck area of what looked like a small built-in pool. Not big enough to be a city pool, but larger than most home pools. There were an array of lounge chairs stacked against the building on the far side, but several also pulled out on the deck, two of them with pads on them. "I saw a couple headed this way earlier. She looked freshly fucked when they came back, so I figured there had to be something good here," she said as I carried her towards one of the chairs.

I set her down on the chair, her legs over one side. She stood up and began unbuttoning her dress. "You going to join me?" she asked with a smile as I stared at her undressing.

"Sure," I answered, quickly starting to pull off my tie. She was undressed long before I was, and lay down on the lounge chair. She slipped her stockings down and off while I took my pants off and then laid with her legs spread, looking up at me. I finished undressing and knelt down on the chair between her legs, looking at her incredibly sexy body.

"William?" she whispered.


"Show me."

"Show you what?"

"Show me what you showed her that day. Show me how you made her feel. Show me how you taught her that a man makes love to a woman. Show me the difference between sex and making love. Please?"

I leaned down over her, holding myself on my hands and knees, looking down at her face in the moonlight. I slowly leaned my face down, softly kissing the tip of her nose. Just a gentle soft kiss. I moved my face lower, tilting my head slightly as I lowered my lips to hers, pressing my lips to her hot wet lips. She tilted her head, trying to kiss back, and I lifted my head away, preventing her from kissing back the way she wanted. She got the message without words and relaxed back down again. I lowered my face to hers again, softly kissing her lips, letting mine rub against hers softly. She opened her mouth slightly and lifted her face the few fractions of an inch needed to kiss me back. I held myself there, our lips tasting each other's, our tongues reaching out to swipe across the other's lips or even far enough to touch each other's tongues. Her arms looped around me, wanting to pull me down, but I held myself up, keeping distance between our bodies.

I let my kiss move from her lips, off to her cheek, and then slowly, worked my kisses down her cheek to her neck. I tasted her neck with my tongue, my hot lips kissing each place my tongue gently licked, just the tip, and ever so softly. I kissed my way down to the base of her neck, almost to her shoulder and then worked slowly around to the little depression at the front. She squirmed and giggled softly as I began to kiss lower, working straight down her chest, not aiming for either breast, but between them. I stopped midway down her chest and started to move to her left, kissing ever so slowly up her soft mound, working my kisses so that I tasted her skin all around her soft mound, only then, allowing my kisses to reach her areola and nipple.

"Ohhhh God," she moaned as I pressed my open lips to her areola, suctioning the front of her breast into my mouth, including her already rock hard nipple. I held it there, my tongue teasing around and around her nipple for long seconds before releasing it, letting it slip from my lips. I moved quickly back to the middle of her chest, and started to kiss again, this time the other way, working towards her right breast. I felt her hands reach around me, one stroking my back and the other my short hair as I kissed my way around her right breast, stroking her soft brown skin with the tip of my tongue, following each stroke with a soft wet kiss. Again, I heard her moan in pleasure as I tasted her nipple, this time sucking it a little more aggressively, teasing it with my tongue, but also letting my lips slide across her areola until I could press them against her nipple.

"Oh fuck," she groaned as I pulled gently, stretching her breast, pulling her nipple upward until it slipped from my mouth. I grinned to myself at her reaction as I moved back to the middle of her chest, this time kissing downward again. I worked slowly, letting my kisses now range from side to side, her stomach and abdomen being showered with my excruciatingly slow kisses. She tried to push my head lower, knowing where I was headed and wanting to feel my lips there, but I refused to be hurried. "God what a tease!" she moaned, in complaint. But I knew she was enjoying it. I could already smell her arousal and I was only now kissing around her curly pubic hairs. I moved my body back, working myself down until I could slide my legs off the end of the chair. The pavement was hard on my knees, but I almost didn't care as I kissed lower, working my kisses a little quicker, up and down around her pussy, kissing her round outer lips but not yet on her soft protruding inner labia. I pulled my face away, lowering down towards the pad as low as I could. I slipped my hands under her thighs, slowly working them under and around each one as I kissed first her left and then right thigh, teasing her soft sensitive skin. I reached around her thighs and used my fingertips to pull her lips apart, exposing her soft pink depths.

"OH FUCK!" she gasped as my kisses stopped and I licked suddenly up the full length of her slit from the entrance to her depths to her excited clit. I felt her whole body jerk at the sudden change in sensation, her legs trying to close around my head as I let my tongue linger on her now exposed clit, flicking and teasing it. "Ohhhhhh fuck Yes," she moaned as I moved my tongue down her slit, allowing her to relax. I pressed my tongue into her as far as I could, tasting her sweet juices and teasing the entrance I was soon going to be thrusting into. I licked again, slowly this time, sliding up her pubic bone until once again I could tease her hard clit. "Ohhhhhh shit," she moaned as I flicked across her clit with the tip of my tongue. Her whole body seemed to shudder and tremble as I assaulted her clit, driving the climax she didn't even realize was that close, to its peak in only moments. Her hips lifted and she tried pushing towards my face, her hands pressing my head toward her pussy as I licked and flicked her clit with my tongue.

I heard her panting, her hands easing their press towards her pussy. I unlooped my hands and arms from her legs, making sure her legs stayed splayed apart. I lifted myself and crawled slowly up her body, pausing to gently kiss each nipple before continuing higher. I reached between us, finding my hard cock and aiming it at her pussy.

"Please yes!" she moaned as she felt my head rub up and down her slit, the tip teasing her still excited clit. I pushed my cock down again, letting it settle into her vaginal opening and then pressed my hips down, forcing me slowly into her several inches. As I had earlier, I started to stroke little short strokes, working myself deeper into her. She spread her legs wider, helping me get deep into her, holding them apart until my cock was slick with her juices and I was stroking deep into her. I felt her legs relax, her heels resting on my ass as I plunged myself into her over and over, her body seeming to accept me and want more of me. I could feel the spasms and squeeze of her pussy, her climax renewed with the sensations of my shaft thrusting into her.

"Oh fuck!" she squealed as a second peak of her orgasm washed over her. I knew I wasn't far behind. This time...This time I had no intention of stopping. I thrust faster, driving my cock deep into her with each push. I could feel my head banging against her cervix at the end of each stroke, the impact sending tingles through my whole body.

"OH fuck!" I grunted as my body spasmed, jamming me deep into her, a surge of cum lancing from my cock deep into her pussy. I felt her arms and legs pull me down, her heaving chest against mine, her hard nipples pressing into my skin as she pulled me even tighter. Each jerk added more to the load pumping into her, my body giving her every bit it could.

I finally lay on her, panting, my body occasionally jerking and twitching, my cock having gifted her everything it had, slowly starting to soften.

"Oh my God," she whispered in my ear, holding me close, not wanting to let go. "Now I know why you are so special to her. And why I know you are now going to be so special to me. I was attracted to you before, but now...Now I want you more than I know how to put into words, and for me that's saying something."

"Thank you," I whispered back, starting to push myself up.

"Not yet. Please, not yet," she whispered, pulling her arms tight to hold me down again.

"Alright," I answered, letting myself rest on her, my weight like a heavy blanket. She held me there until my dick softened enough that her pussy expelled me with my cum leaking from her pussy and running down the crack of her butt. Only then did she let me lift off of her onto my hands and knees.

"God, can you fuck," she said with a smile. "You remember that thing I said earlier, that maybe if you asked? Ask. Please ask. I want to feel you in me over and over all night," she whispered.

"You sure you don't want to go back and dance?" I asked in a whisper.

"Oh God no. I want you to take me to your room and let me find a way to make you feel like you just made me feel," she whispered, staring up at me. "Let me love your body like you just loved mine. I've never believed in love at first sight. I've never believed that any couple can be that connected that fast. Let me try and find a way to connect with you like you just did to me. God knows, it may go nowhere, but let me try to be YOUR lifeline. Let me try to be YOUR connection to life again. Maybe. Just maybe, you'll want to share some of it with me. Will you let me try?"

"I'd love to let you try," I whispered before lowering my face to hers again for a long wet kiss.

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DuncanitaDuncanita11 months ago

Wow... i gave this 10stars... (yes, i pressed 2x on the 5stars button, i am a rebel...)

TennTed22TennTed2212 months ago

Fantastic Love Story!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful love story. It was so spellbinding that OI tried it out on my wifE and she went ballistic and returned the favor. It actually changed both our thoughts to strengthening our relationship with each other.

I had her read the story and she passed it along to some of our friends, and one couple actually realized that this story let them know that love can be revived and cherished. 5 stars

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