Weekend Ski Trip


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I let her carry on, exclaiming about everything as I put the suitcases on the couch. I peeled off my coat and hung it up then started getting dressed to go skiing.

"Where are the beds?" Mom said, looking around.

Her eyes spotted the stairway and she rushed up. She was like a little girl, and I smiled. It might not be the weekend I had planned, but it was sure making mom happy. She came back down just as I was zipping up my suit, a concerned look on her face.

"David, I know this was planned for you and De, but, uhm..."

"The couch pulls out." I said, knowing what she was worried about.

She let out a sigh of relief, and then looked back at me.

"You must have spent a fortune."

I just shrugged.

"So, I guess "bitch" was kind of appropriate. That is, assuming she doesn't have two grandfathers named George?"

"Just the one." I admitted, grabbing my gloves and boots and walking toward the door.

"Stupid bitch might have been more appropriate." She said, walking up and grabbing me. "I'm sort of glad she was."

She stretched up and kissed my cheek.

"Want to tell me why she cancelled?" she said as she stepped back and looked at me.

"Not really." I replied as I turned and headed to the door.

"Okay, I understand. Have fun." She said, as I walked out the door.

Skiing has a way about it, and by the time the lights were shut down I was riding a high. I made my way back to the hotel, my spirits soaring. By then, the fact that I was going to have very little time on the slopes had hidden itself somewhere in the back of my mind, and I rode up the elevator in great spirits.

"I'm back." I shouted as I stepped into the room, half expecting mom to greet me.

When there was no answer, I peeled off my suit and hung it up. The sound of music carried down from upstairs, and I recognized it immediately. Mom had grabbed the cd's from the car. I walked up the stairs quietly, not wanting to disturb her. Stepping into the bedroom I stopped dead in my tracks. Mom was sitting in the whirlpool, a washcloth over her eyes. I could tell from where I stood that her eyes were the only thing that was covered, as her tits bobbed just below the surface of the water.

As I stood there, I noticed the water moving in soft rhythmic waves. It took a moment for me to realize what was going on. I could see her arm, the muscles flexing, and it finally dawned on me. I was tempted to step forward, to get close enough to actually see, but my mind screamed out so many warnings I relented.

Stepping back around the corner, I shouted out, announcing my return. I heard a splashing sound, followed by a soft curse as I quietly made my way back down the stairs. I stepped into the living room just as mom called out.

"I'll be right down." She shouted as I made my way to the couch.

A few minutes later she came down, wearing a white robe and a towel wrapped around her head.

"Now, that's sexy." I said, pointing at the towel.

She smiled as she pulled the towel off and threw it at me. I resisted the urge to throw it back; afraid we would end up in a wrestling match. As it was, seeing her in the robe was stirring things up more than I wanted.

"These robes are wonderful." She said, running her fingers over it as she walked over and sat down at the opposite end of the couch. "Do you think we can take them?"

"It's your credit card they'll charge." I said, turning my gaze away as she pulled her feet up underneath her, causing the robe to ride up uncomfortably high.

Realizing what she had done, she grabbed a pillow and put it on her lap.

"Sorry." She said, reaching out to pat my leg. "I wasn't expecting you back already."

"They close the slopes at ten. I managed to get a few good runs in though, so the weekend isn't a total bust." I said, smiling.

That seemed to bother her, and she turned her head downward, looking at the floor. After several seconds of awkward silence, she looked back up at me.

"This was really supposed to be something special, wasn't it?" She said.

I just shrugged, having no desire to go there.

"This had to have cost a fortune, David. I mean, I was expecting a room, not a suite, and the lift tickets and night skiing. You had to have spent a fortune."

I just shrugged again. The whole deal had set me back almost two grand, which at the time had seemed a good price considering it was going to be a sex filled weekend with De. Thinking back on it now, it was a whole lot of money for pussy.

"Listen," mom said, letting her hand rest on my leg. "I was thinking. I can come up to the casino anytime. How about we work out a compromise?"

I perked up at the hint of the possibility of more skiing.

"I'm not going on the slopes, not a chance." She said, as I looked at her, "But, there's plenty for me to do around here while you ski. Let's say I give you half a day tomorrow, and half a day Sunday."

"Okay, what's the catch?" I said, the touch of her fingers having unwanted results.

"No catch. You just have fun." She said, her fingers seeming to gently squeeze my leg.

"You're giving up the bet? No strings attached?" I said, trying to ignore the heat of her fingers squeezing my leg.

"You still have to take me to the concert, and dinner beforehand."

"You're the greatest, mom." I said, leaning over and giving her a hug.

Her arms slipped around my back, holding me, and I could feel her tits pressing into me, even through the robe.

"Of course, the concert might include a bit of dancing Mister Gaines." She whispered, laughingly.

"For the morning on the slopes, anything." I said, feeling her breath on my neck. "Uhm, Misses Gaines."

I felt her tremble, before she suddenly pushed me away.

"Alright, we have a deal then?" she said, holding out her hand.

"Deal." I replied, shaking her hand.

"Great. Now that's settled, I'm heading back up to get back in the hot tub." She said, jumping up.

The movement caused her robe to flash open, giving me the briefest glimpse of her nakedness underneath. I didn't see any details, just enough to know she wasn't wearing anything.

"I'd join you, but ..." I said, shifting in my seat.

"Why not?" she said, rushing toward the stairway.

"Because I didn't bring a swimsuit." I shouted after her.

"Just wear your boxers." She shouted back.

Somehow sitting in a hot tub with her while wearing just my boxers seemed like a terrible idea. I stood up and stripped off my shirt and pants, tossing them on the chair before starting up the stairs.

"Just give me a minute." She said as I stood at the top of the steps and announced my arrival.

I stood there, shifting from foot to foot, my conscience screaming this was a bad idea, while my cock screamed to go for it. My conscience had just about won out when mom called for me to come on. I stepped into the bedroom nervously, half expecting her to scream at me.

To my surprise and relief, she was sitting on the edge of the hot tub wearing a bikini. I took a double take and she laughed.

"You didn't think I was going in naked did you?" she smiled as she slid down into the water.

I realized as I got closer that the bikini was actually a bra and panties, and I don't think she realized just how see through they had become once they were wet. I stopped at the edge of the tub, my eyes locked on her tits, clearly outlined in the white bra.

"Don't stare, and climb in." she said, splashing water at me.

Fortunately for me, slipping down into water hid my growing erection as well as hiding her near nakedness. Still, the fact that her body was nearly visible had my cock threatening to burst from my shorts. At least she kept herself under the water, which helped a little.

"I've always wanted one of these." She said, stretching out her legs.

I jumped as her legs brushed against mine. She let out a little giggle and splashed water at me.

"It won't do you much good if you don't relax." She said, slipping even further into the water until her chin was barely above the surface.

I sunk down into the water as well, and realized as soon as I did, that it forced my legs against her hips. She looked at me with a funny expression and slowly pushed my legs away. Still, the water was hot and I slowly managed to relax. Mom turned the music back on, and to my surprise I slowly found myself singing along. Not out loud, mind you, but in my head.

I'm not sure how long much time had passed but thankfully the water had its effects, slowly shrinking the bulge in my boxers. I opened my eyes and looked over at mom. She was watching me, a smile on her face.

"Hope you're having as good a time as you would have had with De." She said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Not exactly, but it's pretty close." I replied as she splashed water at me.

"Well, I'm getting waterlogged." She said, as she grabbed the sides of the tub and started to stand.

Glancing down, she realized how sheer her clothing had become and she stopped, blushing. She looked up at me.

"Okay, close your eyes, mister." She said.

"That's Mister Gaines. And why should I close my eyes, Misses Gaines." I replied.

"Suit yourself." She said, rising up out of the water.

She stood there several seconds staring directly at me as the water dripped off her. At first I kept my eyes locked on hers, but temptation quickly took control and my eyes drifted downward, taking in her body. All the relaxation of the hot water ended with an almost audible snap as my cock jumped back to full erection.

"Seen enough?" she said, the tone in her voice said she was amused.

She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself before climbing out. I couldn't help but watch her as she walked over and dropped down onto the edge of the bed.

"Okay, your turn." She said leaning forward and looking at me with an exaggerated wide eye stare.

"Mom! I'm, I mean..." I said, as I looked around and realized she had grabbed the only towel.

"What's the matter, Mister Gaines?" she said, smiling as she held up the other towel.

"It's just, well..., toss me the towel please." I said, holding out my hand.

"What, the mister and misses game lost its appeal suddenly. You chicken?"

Without thinking it through, I grabbed the side of the tub and stood up. My cock pointed straight out, stretching my boxers to their limit. Trying to be a wise ass, I struck a body builder pose, and that was a mistake. The twisting forced my cock hard against my boxers. Suddenly I felt the fabric shift, and before I could react my cock, eager for freedom, managed to slide through the opening in my shorts.

Mom let out a shriek and threw the towel at me. I grabbed the towel in midair and held it over myself as I climbed out of the tub, apologizing all the while.

"God, mom. I'm sorry." I said, as I managed to wrap the towel around myself.

Mom was still sitting on the bed staring at me wide eyed. The towel only seemed to magnify the problem, as my cock stuck straight out, tenting the fabric. I put my hand over it, pushing it down, which managed to draw even more attention as mom sat staring at me.

"It's alright. I guess I should take at least some of the blame." She said, checking her towel to make sure she was covered.

"That's true, but I'm still sorry." I replied.

She just blushed and turned her face away.

"I guess we better call it a night." I said as I made my way to the hallway. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, David." She said, her voice sounding strained.

"Goodnight Misses Gaines." I replied, glancing back at her and smiling.

She grabbed a pillow and threw it at me as I laughed and rushed down the steps. Once downstairs, I tossed the towel on the table and peeled off my boxers. Walking over to the couch, I grabbed the cushions and tossed them on the floor. Grabbing the bed frame I pulled upward. I immediately knew something was wrong, as one side of the frame came up and the other hung down, barely rising. I tried to lower it back down, only to find it wouldn't budge.

"You have got to be kidding me." I cursed, as I kicked the frame.

A foolish move that had me hoping around speaking in tongues. I grabbed the frame and shoved it as hard as I could, a move almost as smart as the foot thing. I felt the bed give suddenly and collapse downward. At least one side did. The other side twisted and buckled and I heard a loud pop followed by the sound of something rolling across the floor.

"Are you alright?" Mom called down.

I could hear her walking down the steps.

"I'm, I'm fine." I shouted dashing to the table and grabbing the towel.

I had just wrapped it around my waist when mom walked in. She took one look at the couch, and at me still holding my foot in the air while trying to keep myself covered and burst into laughter.

"The bed's broke." I said, hopping over and dropping down into the chair.

"What happened?" she said, as she walked over and looked at the thing, shaking her head.

"I don't know. I was trying to open it and it broke." I said, looking at my foot.

At least the skin wasn't broken, although I had a pretty good size red spot.

Mom walked over and picked up the phone. Moments later she was explaining the problem to the front desk. I got up and walked over to my suitcase to grab some shorts as she talked. As I stepped into the hallway and slipped on my shorts I could hear mom's normally calm demeanor turning to frustration. It quickly became clear that an immediate solution didn't seem likely. I was sure of it when she gently laid the phone back in its cradle. By gently, I mean she slammed it down so hard I thought it might break.

"No luck?" I said, as I limped into the stairwell to slip on my shorts.

"I don't believe she said that." Mom replied angrily. "She told me there was nobody on duty to fix it until morning. When I told her that was unacceptable, she asked if we were having guest spend the night. When I told her no, she asked what the problem was. She said, and I quote, "If it's just you and your husband, why do you need the sofa bed?" I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle her."

"Oh, come on mom. We thought it was funny when we checked in. Now, when it comes back to haunt us, it's not so funny?" I said, walking out and tossing the towel on the chair.

"Alright, Mister Gaines. If that's the way you want it, I guess we share the bed tonight." She said, as she picked up the cushions and tossed them on the couch.

"That's alright. But I should warn you, I sleep naked." I laughed.

"That's fine, so do I." she replied, smiling.

"Mom! I was joking." I said as she walked past me and tugged at my shorts.

"I wasn't." she called out as she ran up the stairs, laughing.

It was several seconds before I managed to get my feet moving. I walked up the steps slowly, unsure if she was joking or not. The thought that she might be serious had its expected effect, and my cock was already bulging against my shorts by the time I reached the top of the steps.

I heard the water running in the bathroom, and took the opportunity to rush into the room and jump into bed. By the time mom walked out of the bathroom, I was under the blankets. She smiled and turned off the lights before walking over and standing at the edge of the bed. Even with the lights off, I could see her fairly clearly.

"Alright, no peeking." She said, as she started to untie her robe.

"Mom! You're kidding, right." I said, quickly turning my back to her.

It wasn't what I wanted to do, and secretly I hoped she wasn't kidding. She let out a laugh and threw her robe at me.

"Relax, I have a nightie on." She said.

My head filled with a mixture of relief and disappointment, as I felt the bed shift and knew she had climbed in. I closed my eyes only to find myself drawing up images of mom in her nightie. I could hear her breathing, soft slow breaths, which only served to urge my erection on. My cock pressed against my shorts, begging for attention. I heard mom let out a soft moan, and the bed shifted again. My mind drew up even wilder images, images that sent my cock straining even harder against the fabric of my shorts. I reached down, shoving my shorts down far enough to free my raging hard on. It was some relief, but not the relief I needed. It was going to be a long night.

I drifted off at some point only to wake up to the feeling of a hand sliding across my leg. I considered saying something, but then felt mom curling up against my back. I could feel her pressing against me, her nipples seeming to burn little holes into my skin. Her fingers moved slowly, inch by inch creeping downward until they came to rest on my cock.

They didn't grab it, like I hoped they would. They just rested there, the light touch far more arousing than anything I could have imagined. Her head was pressed against my back, and I could feel her breathing in slow and evenly. I knew she had to be asleep, and wasn't sure what to do. My cock pulsed and jerked, wanting more, begging for more but I didn't dare move. I stayed still, not daring to move for almost ten minutes, silently begging her to grasp my cock, to do something, anything.

Just when I thought I couldn't bear any more, and was ready to help her fingers encircle my cock, she let out a soft moan and rolled away, turning her back to me. I waited several minutes, listening to her breathing, wondering if she was actually asleep or was she toying with me. Either way, I knew sleep was out of the question as my cock throbbed, begging for attention.

I looked over at the window and realized it was almost morning. The sky was beginning to lighten, declaring what I hoped would be a great day on the slopes.

"Half a day." I reminded myself as I climbed out of bed.

As I stood there I looked over at mom. She was curled up, half on her side, her arms wrapped around her pillow. The blanket had shifted down enough to reveal her bare shoulders, without a hint of a nightgown! For the briefest moment I considered climbing back into the bed and curling up against her back. If I positioned myself just right, my cock might slip...

"Stop it!" I thought, shaking my head.

I walked around the bed, my cock still sticking straight out. Secretly I hoped she was awake. I hoped she would see the state I was in and...

"And what? You're an idiot." I thought, as I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

As I climbed into the shower I glanced back into the bedroom. Mom was still asleep, her face buried in the pillow. I knew I should close the door, but I didn't. Instead, I pulled the shower door closed, wondering how much she would see if she woke up.

The idea that she might wake up and see me had me both nervous and excited. I was certain she would probably explode; but then, I hoped she would, well that wasn't going to happen but she might just watch.

My hand dropped down, wrapping around my cock as the water danced across my skin. I began slowly, pretending I was giving her a show, imagining she was sitting there watching me. Just maybe she was taking care of her own needs as she watched. Maybe, just maybe she would become so aroused she would ...

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as my hand moved up and down my cock faster and faster. I glanced over, trying to see mom, but the glass distorted my vision so much all I could see was a blur. It didn't matter, as my hand moved wildly, my need taking control. She could have walked in right then and I wouldn't have been able to stop. I would have just kept going until I exploded.

I closed my eyes, as my mine filled with an image of her kneeling before me, her mouth hanging open in anticipation, her tits dripping with water as the shower soaked her body.

I erupted, cum spraying from my cock in long jets, splattering against the shower wall and slowly sliding down. Glob after glob splattered the tile as I slowly fell against the wall, my legs trembling. I let the water run over me, allowing the soothing heat to slowly help me regain my balance. I glanced over again, this time, pushing the door open just enough to peer through.