Wendy Takes In Her Boarder


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I am 75 years old and I still want sex, Wendy thought. She knew from surfing the Internet that she was not alone. There were other women her vintage and more who still wanted to be held and cuddled and stimulated to lust by a willing, capable and considerate partner. A tall order, she reflected, given the general mortality rate of men who do not live on average as long as women. How many women her age would have the opportunity to have what was being offered to her; not by the aggressive come-on of the husband but by the anxious appeal of the distant wife? A Latin phrase she once heard swam up into her consciousness. Carpe diem, she thought. Seize the day. When you're playing with the house's money it is no time to deny yourself an opportunity offered. What had the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas written? "Do not go gentle into that goodnight." She made up her mind. She would give herself to Kenneth if he wanted her. She knew instinctively that Donna would not change her mind. Wendy would deal with the corollaries of her choice, known and unknown, as they presented themselves.

Her mind made up, she went to bed and slept peacefully.

The next afternoon Donna called once more. She and Kenneth had discussed the arrangement thoroughly and he had agreed, admitting that the thought stimulated him and his excitement in turn arousing Donna.

"Don't get so turned on," Donna cautioned, that you have to give yourself a relief cum. Save it for Wendy."

Breakfast was a bit strained as each of them thought about "the arrangement" not yet consummated. Kenneth took his lunch pail and at the door he hugged Wendy and kissed her cheek warmly.

"We'll talk when I get home," he said.

"Yes, we should," Wendy said. She watched him climb into his pickup and only when he had driven off down the street did she close the front door.

Donna called again in the afternoon.

Wendy told her, "I am willing to accept that I cannot have him permanently no matter how much I might come to care for him. So... If I am convinced that it you truly endorse and want this; that it really would not harm your relationship with him, I would love to give myself to Kenneth. But he has to be comfortable with your acceptance and with himself. And, Donna I can only do this if Kenneth asks me. Donna, I'm no prize. There's a big age difference. My body looks nothing like yours. Kenneth's shown me pictures. It's been so long I'm not sure how good I can perform. I might not be able to satisfy him."

"If he asks, will you try Wendy? Please? And Wendy you might be surprised but if you'll be a little flirty I think it will make him want to ask. He won't be able to help himself because he's so horny."

Before dinner Wendy put on a button front spaghetti strap sun dress with a scooped neckline that showed a generous amount of cleavage. Her bra lifted her full breasts and her panties, on impulse were left in her dresser drawer. It made her feel wanton and warmed her groin. When Kenneth sat down to eat that evening (Wendy fixed breaded pork chops, pan fried potatoes, peas and a lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad with balsamic vinegar dressing and served up still oven warm chocolate cake for dessert.) Wendy served him, leaning over and lingering to let him get a good look down her dress. He did not disappoint. She felt the color rise in her neck and moved away to sit opposite him, her straining nipples now clearly apparent where they pushed up her bra and bodice. It pleased her that he greedily drank in the view of breasts and bra, probably her bare skin to the waist too. She poured each of them a glass of the cabernet she had been saving. He immediately drank half and she refilled his wine stem.

Kenneth said, "Wendy you look right fetching in that dress. I don't recall seeing you in it before and I'm sure I would remember if I had. You know, I'm surprised you don't have any men trying to win over a fine looking widow lady like you."

"Thank you, Kenneth. I love a compliment about my looks, even if I'm old and overweight. You've made me blush." Wendy leaned forward, ostensibly reaching for the salt shaker so that he could get another good peek down her front. They looked at each other and he tried not to but he broke eye contact and looked down the front of her dress. Wendy again felt the pleasant warmth in her groin.

Kenneth cleared his throat and asked, "Did Donna call you today?"

"She did, yes."

He drank half his glass of wine. "So what did you talk about.? I'll bet she had some crazy notions." Wendy was bemused with Kenneth. She had not seen him as tentative and uneasy as he was just in that moment.

Wendy smiled, "It was not 'what' we talked about it was 'who'."

There seemed to be a little charade that Kenneth needed to play out. Wendy readily accepted his need to approach her in his own way. She too was tense with anticipation.

Kenneth put his fork down and wiped his mouth with the cloth napkin Wendy always set out.

He knew she meant him. "Darn," he said. "Donna has a mind of her own. She gets a notion and won't let go. I hope she didn't say anything foolish or that might have been out of line. I sure don't want you to tell me to pack up and get out."

"Goodness," Wendy said. "I wouldn't put you out Kenneth. Why would you think that? Over something you think Wendy might have said that would offend me? I like your company very much Kenneth. It is a pleasure to have a nice handsome man in my house. What do you think she might have said?"

Wendy was toying with him, knowing very well what Donna had proposed was something Kenneth had talked to her about and he was edging towards it. She took a long drink of her wine. She felt more pleasant warmth in her groin and knew her sex was moistening.

Kenneth drew a deep breath and let it out slowly as he spoke, "She probably said something about my needing it a lot and being hard to keep from looking for a woman. She probably said she was afraid she'd lose me to another woman being apart so much. And I'll just bet she asked you if you'd help keep me satisfied, while I'm here on me job. She told you it would meet with her approval and that it would be good for both of us. Is that about right?"

He abandoned the gloss that Donna's call was just her quirky way of joshing. He stood and ran his hand through his thick hair and rubbed his face. He had put on shorts and a tee after showering when he got home. He emptied his wine and refilled his glass. Wendy could see by the bulge in his shorts that the discussion had aroused him. She longed to caress that bulge, to hold it and rub it, to take it in her mouth.

"Yes, that's about right," Wendy said simply. She could feel moisture in her armpits and on her upper lip dew began to gather. She almost trembled with the excitement that grew in her eager body. Memory of sexual gratification, of being taken by a man soaked with lust in anticipation of having her, sprang into her consciousness with urgency.

Kenneth leaned on the table with both hands flat palms down. "What is your answer, Wendy?"

"I, well, what I said was I would, if you would have me, old as I am and not so much to look at anymore." The words tumbled out of her. She rushed on, "I told Wendy that I had to know she was really okay with us having sex. I told her I did want you but I didn't know if I could satisfy you. And I said that you would have to ask me first."

Wendy blushed from her chest to her hairline. She had gotten it out; said what she needed to say. Would he respond as she hoped?

"This has got me feeling pretty randy," Kenneth said. "I have thought about you , about coming on to you, what it would be like to get it on with you. I'm so horny and I do want you. "

Wendy opened her arms wide to him in response. He stepped over to her and put his hand on her cheek and she clutched his hand with her own, moved it so she could press her lips to it and smell his smell.

"I think you're the sexiest landlady I've ever had," he said smiling.

"That could be flattering Mr. construction foreman, if I knew how many landladies you've had.

"Only one," he said with a grin.

"I might surprise you with this old body. Kiss me, Kenneth."

Wendy turned her face up to his, already descending. They kissed lightly several times, then he kissed her neck and her cheeks, and her ears. His breath smelled of the wine they had drunk. Then with unspoken agreement they both opened their mouths and French kissed, invading each other with phallic tongues. It made Wendy's pussy throb. Finally they stopped out of breath.

"Wendy, you are a damned fine kisser." Kenneth's voice was thick with lust.

Wendy was still seated. She put her arms around Kenneth's hips as he stood by her chair. She hugged him close and could feel his straining erection confined in his underwear.

"Oh, Kenneth I've wanted to hold you, be held by you from the moment you appeared at my door. " She rubbed her cheek against his groin, pushing against the engorged protrusion. She put her mouth on the bulge and exhaled ho t breath that sank through his shorts to flow around his cock.

He gave a long sigh. "Wendy, that feels good. Do you suck cock Wendy? I'd like it if you would suck mine."

"I haven't done that to a man for years, Kenneth. But I'd love to suck you. Shall I do it now?"

Kenneth dropped his shorts and underwear and Wendy got her first look at his proud penis. It made her vagina spasm. She watched enthralled as it continued to stretch and stiffen, now untrammeled by clothing. Am I dreaming, Wendy thought? But the penis at that moment oozed a drop of viscous pre-ejaculation fluid. Instinctively she grasped it and stroked the shaft as she leaned in and kissed, licked and finally took the head into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the and sucking vigorously.

So they had their first sex in that tender, rather comically lurid vignette there in the dining area of Wendy's country kitchen. Kenneth naked from the waist down, caressing Wendy's head as she sat at the front of her chair, knees wide apart taking his stalwart erection in her mouth. The only sound in the room came from Kenneth's "ahhhs" and "mmmms" and the slurping sounds made by Wendy's mouth as she sucked and kissed and licked his cock and balls. Where her tongue was not she fondled and petted with her free hand while, with the other, holding and rubbing the part of his shaft not in her mouth at the moment.

"That's good, Wendy. That's real good. You're doing just fi... fi... fine," he said. His hips had begun to undulate instinctively as the bliss intensified, adding the lubricated friction of his glans and shaft rubbing the hot wet flesh of her mouth and tongue to enhance the waves of keen pleasure rolling out through his body.

Wendy reveled in the feel and texture of his cock on her lips and tongue and in her mouth. There seemed to be a pleasure circuit of nerves leading directly from her mouth to her pussy where excited tissue began to swell and ooze preparatory coital fluid. The warm glow in her sex increased in pleasure as he communicated the increasing intensity of pleasure radiating from his own sex.

She took his cock out of her mouth and smiled as she looked up at him. "Am I doing good, Kenneth? Do you like me sucking and licking your big beautiful cock? Want more? Want to spurt your stuff in my mouth?"

"Yes, yes, yes to everything. Put me back in your mouth and make me cum. I need it bad."

She took him in again and resumed. Thereafter he soon cried out, "Ah, ahhhh We... Wen....Wendeeeeeee! I'm cumming!" which he did straightaway, spurting into her mouth, She clutched his buttocks. He held her head. His hips jerked as he came. A frisson caused Wendy's vagina to spasm with sympathetic pleasure as Kenneth ejaculated into her mouth. She swallowed his load and licked away the semen clinging to his cock. When he withdrew from her mouth his penis had begun to soften but the tissue looked puffy from the distended rigidity; thrilled to be receiving a fabulous blow job from this remarkably wanton elderly lady.

"Wendy that was fantastic. You give great head."

Looking up at him, Wendy said, "Kenneth look at what I have for you. " Wine brave and brazenly she pulled her dress up to her hips thereby revealing that she wore no panties and, with her knees wide her sex was completely revealed to him.

He drank in the sight of that entrance to her body; that place of blissful transport; long thick swollen outer labia slack now like plush curtains lifted aside to reveal the hot wet flesh within. Her inner labia too were engorged, succulent and protruding flutes of delicate deep pink. The entrance to her vagina was a dime sized flexing opening into the sweet darkness of her anxious sheath. She spread herself with two fingers and lifted the folds, with her knees spread wide so that her swollen clit came into view, a glistening, throbbing finger tip nubbin of blush red flesh.

"Aw, Wendy," he said, "that is just about the nicest pussy I have seen for an age. It sure looks like it needs a lot more attention. When you extend an invitation like this I couldn't refuse if I wanted to. " HIs moist cock twitched as he spoke.

Wendy watched mesmerized as he brought his hand towards her then looked up into his eyes. When the tip of thumb touched her clit she jerked and gripped his flaccid cock. She could hear sounds and realized it was she making them, grunts and moans of pleasure as he massaged her cunt and worked not only her clit but her vagina with two, then three and finally four fingers in her, fucking her with his adroit hand . It brought Wendy to the edge of the chair, clinging to him, humping his wonderful hand, taking her to a crescendo.

"OH, OH, OH, OH. AAAAHHHH. Oh my god! Oh fuck! AAAAAGH!. EEEEEEAAAHHH, WHOOOOOO, AUGHHH, UGHHH, UNHHH," Wendy screeched and groaned in ecstasy. The intensity of that orgasm flashed through her like a lightning bolt. Wendy bucked so hard against the invading hand that she lifted off the chair. Kenneth held her so she didn't collapse to the floor until he could get her backside onto the chair again. As the rapture suffused her body she squirted pee and coital juices hotly over his hand , some dribbling onto the floor.

Wendy gasped and giggled at the mess she made. Her thighs clamped together and she sucked in her breath, threw her head back and groaned as the blissful waves continued to pulse through her; jerking and squeezing; making little sounds of pleasure,

Kenneth was blown away by Wendy's fierce orgasm. He extracted his hand finally when the orgasmic spasm had diminished to the point Wendy could open her thighs and release him. He stared at her in amazement.

"By God," he marveled, "that was a hell of a cum, Are you okay?"

"What," Wendy asked? She opened her eyes and Kenneth's question slowly registered with her. "Mmmmm," she sighed deeply. "Oh, I am so okay. Oh yes darling. Oh my! I thought for a minute I was going to pass out. I did not have any idea that I had that in me at my age. Goodness! Just let me rest a minute Kenneth. Whew! I need to recover a bit. That was a shock. I didn't expect to cum and certainly not so hard. My clitoris is still throbbing ."

The blow job and now Wendy's intense orgasm inflamed Kenneth so that he was overcome with desire for this incredibly hot elderly woman; and now he desperately wanted to get his needful cock up inside her and fuck her thoroughly.

"Wendy, doggone it, I should have been fucking you since you took me in. I wish I'd known how much you like, hell how much you need some good fucking. We could have been taking care of each other. We got to make up for what we missed. Let's get on up to your bedroom. Can you do some more tonight? We can take our time now. I going to love you like you should have been getting loved all these years since you husband passed. I will give you slow loving' and taste your pussy until you can't stand it for another minute That's when I'm going to fuck that fine pussy I'm looking at so pretty right here."

He helped Wendy stand and she clung to him for a couple of minutes. There was a blooming wet spot on the back of her dress where juices had drooled out of her and run down her crotch.

Although still aroused and needing much more from him, Wendy's practical side asserted itself. "Oh dear I made a mess on the floor. I'm going to clean that up. You ought to call Donna like you always do. She will especially want to hear from you now. When you're done with your call come to my room if you still want more of me . You've wrung me out but I still want more of you."

She cupped his cheek with one hand and kissed him on the lips. She left him and went to her bedroom, hoping he would still come to her after talking to Donna; that his wife would not have changed her mind. She wanted and needed Kenneth now that the barriers of convention had been swept aside, but the last thing she wanted to happen was to be instrumental in causing them to become estranged.

When Kenneth called, Donna picked up immediately.

"Hey, sweetheart, it's me."

She knew as quickly as she heard the timbre of his voice that Wendy had agreed to do as Donna had requested and that Wendy and Kenneth had sex of some sort.

"Well," she said, "You horny guy, tell me all about it. I want details. I know you guys did something together."

"Donna," Kenneth said, "Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, I feel just now as though I've strayed on you tonight."

"Oh baby, don't feel that way. If you were having sex with Wendy behind my back then you would be straying. But when we've all agreed with each other that's not cheating honey. That's me being selfish and asking Wendy to be my surrogate so you don't run off with some young slut. Now give it up. What did you two do?"

"She gave me a blow job. It was mighty fine."

"Oh, you randy man. Did you come in her mouth?"

"Yes, she wouldn't have it otherwise."

"Donna, I ouched her clit and finger fucked her briefly and she had a cum you wouldn't believe. She's up in her bedroom now and wants me to come and do her good. I'm feeling' so horny right now, even with the blow job I'd fuck your brains out if you were here. "

Learning that she had told him after the blow job that he should come to her if he wanted more, Donna told him to, "go on, get off the phone and go take care of that woman and yourself. Wendy is my surrogate and she's going to keep you out of the hands of some hussy trying' to take my man. Just know that I am going to want to hear all the juicy details. I love you so much sweetie. I can't wait to get you in my pussy ."

"You going to use your toys?"

"Baby, I got one doing me right now. Want me to put the phone down by my pussy so you can hear it?" Without waiting for his response Donna put the earpiece close to her very wet sex that made squishy sounds as she massaged herself with it.

"Like that honey?"

"Oh yeah. That's hot. Wish it was my tongue doing that instead of a dildo. I'll be thinking about you while I love up Wendy. Man, this is going to take some getting used to."

"OK baby, you go ahead on to her now. I love you and give Wendy a big hug and a kiss from me."

"You know I do not deserve you, Donna. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you darling'."

* * *

When Wendy reached her bedroom she went into the adjoining bathroom and rinsed her mouth, peed and washed her crotch to remove the dribbles of coital fluids that had wet her thighs. Then she gave herself a quick flavored douche. Back in the bedroom she removed her dress and bra allowing her ample breasts to sag. Although gravity had taken its toll on her DD sized pair they did not droop like two pendulous sock saps. They retained their globular shape despite becoming somewhat elongated . Her large erect nipples signaled readiness for attention.