Wendy's Weekend


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"So there's yet another hoop to jump through before you get the money?" I asked Andy as we sped along the road back to London later that afternoon.

Andy sounded a little dejected.

"That's right. They're going on a tour of European capital cities while their accountants do the groundwork then they're going to Scotland. We're invited to spend a long weekend with them there. If all goes well, the money is ours."

"That's good news, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes of course but..."

"But what?"

"I know it's a lot to ask, Wendy but do you think you could pretend to be my wife again? Just that weekend?"

I thought for a moment. The evening and morning had gone well but I wasn't sure I could keep up the deceit for a full four nights, even if I wanted to. On the other hand, Andy had been a real gentleman and the others had been such pleasant company.

"What about Jamie?" I asked. "I'm not sure he would agree."

I hadn't told Andy that I had lied to my husband about the night's adventures; Jamie thought I was staying with a friend in Birmingham. I wasn't sure how he would have reacted to the idea of my sharing a bed with an old flame, however platonic the friendship was now.

"I can send him on a trip to the US," Andy volunteered. "He needs to go anyway. I'll just bring it forward a week or so. He'll never need to know."

I sat in silence for a good ten minutes, thinking. This was a real chance to help both the company, my husband and myself -- our whole future in fact. But I had to know something more.

"Did they talk to you about children?" I asked tentatively. Andy coughed.

"Yes. They were a bit forthright about it in fact. Why do you ask?"

I told him all that Sandy and Cheryl had told me in the coffee shop.

"Howard said something similar to me. They really believe that their prayers and their company could make a difference to us... to you. They're so convinced, you could almost believe them yourself!"


I made a big deal about thinking it all over but in truth, there really wasn't an alternative so two days later I agreed to spend the four day weekend with Andy posing as his wife. That night, my husband announced that he had to make a short-notice trip to the US to help with the financing plans.

It was as easy as that!

Although I had accepted the inevitability of the trip, it wasn't without reservations. If I was found out as an imposter, the consequences for the business might be severe but then, I reasoned, if we didn't get the money the business would collapse and Jamie and I would be destitute.

If Jamie did find out... well, I could probably make him understand that it was all for us and our future. Maybe he would understand.

Meanwhile the fourth implant was making its presence felt; still no period arrived, I felt hot and flushed a great deal of the time and began to make even more demands on my husband in bed. Jamie did his best to oblige but he was working sixteen hours a day so I was often left unseeded and unsatisfied.

After a few days I received an unexpected e-mail which made me sit back and stare when it popped into my inbox. It was from Sandy who was with 'the girls' in Barcelona. They had just finished dinner and had been talking about me again. After a warm and friendly introduction, I could barely believe my eyes:

'We all thought you were a darling, Wendy. You and your lovely husband are just the sweetest things and we'd really like to help you with your little problem. We've just called our Pastor back home. He's going to arrange a series of special prayer meetings over the weekend that we're all in Scotland. The whole church is going to pray for you and your problem all weekend. Morning, noon and night!

All you have to do is believe in the power of prayer and make sure your lovely husband seeds you morning noon and night too. Don't worry about us hearing -- we're used to it. Andy has told us how strongly you both believe so if God wants you to have a child, it will surely happen that weekend.'

Later that day when Andy and I met for our usual lunch date, I showed him the message.

"You know what this means," I said coldly. "I'm not having sex with you. I'm not doing it even once, let along 'morning noon and night' for four days."

Andy looked as nonplussed as I felt.

"Couldn't we pretend?" he asked.

"After what happened last time? And with them listening in? No way! They'd suss us out straight away!"

"I suppose so."

"And we couldn't use condoms either. I heard all about what they think of those; if they found any sign of birth control we'd be blown completely!"

"But it's our last chance to save the business, Wendy. I know it's distasteful but..."

My implant must have been messing with my hormones because suddenly I flushed into anger. How could the idea of sleeping with me be distasteful for him? I hissed the question over the table.

"That's not what I meant..." he began but I cut him off.

"It's not distasteful. It's immoral. For all you know I'm great in bed. Actually I am really good in bed. Maybe you are too but I'm married and..."

"Please, Wendy!"

Fortunately he managed to calm me down before I could embarrass myself any further.


Two days later Andy called me on the phone at home.

"I have a proposal. Please hear me out before shouting. Will you promise to do that?"

"Well, okay," I said with some unease.

"Wendy, we're old friends. We get along really well and, I think, we care for each other. You're married but I think we both have feelings which we haven't expressed."

"Maybe," I replied though I knew he was quite right.

"I can't bear the thought of coming between you and your husband; I've lost you once and know how much it hurts. So if the Christian Bank deal goes through, I've decided to go back to the US office. In that event I would need to promote someone to head up the UK and Europe."

Now he had my full attention.

"There are only three possible people who could do the job, and your husband James is one of them. It's not entirely my decision but I'm prepared to put him forward as Head of UK and Europe.

My heart thumped in my chest. This was what we really needed.

"But he can only head up the business if there still is a business."

"Of course," I said. The logic was undeniable.

"And there will only be a business if we get the money from the Christian Bank, right?"


I could see where this conversation was going.

"And we will only get the money if we convince them we are 'one of them'."

"I suppose so," I agreed.

"And the only way we can do that now is for you to pose as my wife for four days."

"I've already agreed to do that,"

"And for us to have sex together several times each day."

We had reached the inevitable conclusion. The logic was terrible!

My old friend; my good friend was asking me to cheat on my husband with him in front of witnesses for four whole days.

And the most bizarre thing was that I felt sorry for him for having to ask me!

"Andy, I can't, I..."

"Think about it, Wendy. Please. It's the only way to give us all a future. In a couple of months I'll go off to the US and you'll probably never see me again.

"Andy please..."

"All I'm asking is this one long weekend with you; just four short days as my wife and it'll all be over. The business will be saved, I'll go back to the US, Jamie will get his dream job and your lives will move on to a new level of prosperity. Only you and I will ever know what happened."

"But I will have to sleep with you?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"That's true, I won't deny it. You would hardly be my wife if you didn't sleep with me and we won't convince them we're sincere about having a child unless we do it noisily a great deal over those four days."

"Morning, noon and night?"

"I reckon a dozen times, that's all."

"Jesus, Andy!"

"I know. But when I bring you home again it will all be over and only you and I will know it ever happened."

He laughed in a self-deprecating way.

"You never know, you might even enjoy it. I've come on a lot since Glastonbury, trust me!"

"I can't think about it!"

"Please try, Wendy. Sleep on it too if you have to. But if you say no, I need to take steps to begin shutting the business down now. It's all in your hands. I'd make a decision quickly if I were you."


"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

Jamie's sweet, familiar face was only inches above mine, his chest crushing my boobs, the full weight of his hips thundering into my pelvis as he thrust his long, slim cock into my vagina over and over again.

"Mmmmmmm!" I moaned, faking arousal as I had done many times before, especially recently.

Mistaking energy for technique, my husband's body slammed painfully into mine in short, fast strokes, dragging the upper surface of his shaft across my rather sore clitoris.

"Wendy! Wendy!" he grunted as he thrust mercilessly, letting loose the bottled up tension of so many long, arduous days at work.

Ironically, after weeks of neglect, my husband Jamie had chosen that very night to try and reawaken our stricken love life, presumably in preparation for the sustained period of insemination that would have to take place once my fertility treatment began in earnest.

I loved my husband madly, cared for him completely, still found him extremely attractive but had to admit that our lovemaking left a lot to be desired. It wasn't all his fault; my own lack of imagination had contributed to the perfunctory nature of our copulations that had existed for the last few years but the pressure of his work since the takeover had made things a lot worse.

Determined to at least try and play my part, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations passing through my body; my squashed boobs with their abraded nipples, the aches in my hips where Jamie's bodyweight had forced my legs wide apart, the thump-thump in my belly as the head of his cock slammed hard into my cervix over and over again.

I tensed my pelvic floor as hard as I could, trying to tighten my vagina around his long but rather slender erection. It worked to some extent; the increased pressure rubbed every ridge and undulation on his shaft across my inner lips.

I tilted my pelvis too, forcing my clitoris even harder against the top of his fast-moving shaft. Again the sensations increased but I could already tell that, once again, I would not reach orgasm.

'Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!'

"Oh Yes! You're the best!"

I showered lie upon lie in the hope of stirring my husband to greater feats of lovemaking but to no avail; I was too distracted and my arousal remained far too low for even a glimpse of an orgasm. As if oblivious to this, Jamie continued to thrust with his regular, gradually increasing pace and I knew that our copulation wouldn't last much longer.

"Oh Wendy Wendy Wendy!"

My prediction correct, to my disappointment I recognised the familiar signs that Jamie was about to reach the climax that was denied me. I closed my eyes, clamped down on his cock one last time, tilted my pelvis even more steeply and silently prayed for a last minute orgasm however small...


But it was too late! The sound of release coming from my husband's mouth along with the faint throbbing and pulsing inside my vagina told me clearly that his climax was in progress and he was already ejaculating inside my body.

I looked up at his handsome face, now twisted in orgasm as he came. I closed my eyes again. It really wasn't his fault; under normal circumstances my husband's routine but thorough technique would have produced the results I needed.

But circumstances were not normal! How could I relax and enjoy sex with my husband when my first ever infidelity might be only days away?

As I felt Jamie's seed flowing from his body into mine, another face began to materialise in my mind.

As my husband's thrusting body slowed to a halt, behind my closed eyelids the handsome features of my old friend Andy began to form.

For a moment I wondered what making love with him might actually be like.


Needless to say, I didn't sleep much after that. There was no way I could discuss my dilemma with my husband or anyone else so I had to keep my terrible thoughts to myself. The entire future of the business, Jamie and my financial future and the security of all the company's employees rested on me and my decision.

On the one hand, asking me to be unfaithful to my husband for the first time in twenty years was intolerable.

On the other hand, all I would have to do was have no-strings sex a dozen times with an old friend; a very attractive old friend too.

A dozen times, that was all. He wasn't asking for an affair, just a 'dirty weekend'. Four short days and it would be over. Only he and I ever would know what had happened and the rewards would be enormous.

And I was infertile too; the timing was perfect -- IF I chose to go ahead and do it.

It wasn't as if Andy had any choice either; he was as trapped as I was!

But I had never cheated on my husband before! And having sex for money -- however indirectly -- was a kind of prostitution wasn't it?

It all came down to one question; was I really that kind of girl?


Jamie had already gone to work when I dragged myself down to the kitchen and drank the first of many cups of strong coffee before starting my day. My implant was messing with my hormones badly; my face and chest were flushed pink, almost as if, like Sandy, I'd had a morning orgasm.

The clinic had been right; no period had materialised since my treatment had started. I was infertile; in another week I would move onto the Stage Two implants and become hyper-fertile so the timing for a first and only infidelity was perfect.

In my current condition I could have as much unprotected sex as I wanted without fear of getting pregnant, though Andy's infertility made that impossible anyway.

It was ironic; before last night my exhausted husband and I hadn't made love for weeks despite the increased sex drive the implants had given me. I silently prayed that his performance would improve once my fertility returned in earnest and I needed his seed on a daily basis.

All this talk of babies must have affected my mind because right then I really, desperately wanted to have a child; to be a mother; to be as happy and fulfilled as Sandy and the girls clearly were.

But having a baby was unthinkable if we were to become bankrupt.

Jamie's conversation with the Estate Agent the previous day had been depressing; there was no prospect of selling either house anytime soon and the interest was crippling us. We were behind on all four credit cards and one of the car loans. The clock was ticking; it could only be a few weeks before one or other of our creditors called in the debt.

It was a desperate time and called for desperate measures. The thought helped me come to terms with the decision I knew I had to take and the phone call I had to make.

Just before lunch I picked up my phone and pressed the speed-dial.

"Andrew Brown," the familiar voice at the other end of the phone announced cheerfully.


I tried to keep the wobble from my voice.

"Wendy! How lovely to hear from you!"

My tummy filled with butterflies but I told myself firmly I had no choice; this was the only way to save us financially; get Jamie his job and secure my one chance to become a mother!

"Andy, about... about what you said. I've... I've made a decision."

"Okay," his voice sounded as anxious as my own.

"I've decided..." I said, blinking back tears. "I've decided to ... to say yes. I agree to your proposal."

"You mean you will be my wife for the weekend?" Andy's voice was calm and clear and allowed for no misunderstanding. "In every way?"

"Andy I..."

"Please Wendy. We both need to be clear. After all, we only have one chance that weekend; there can't be any hesitation or reluctance; we have to convince them completely."

"I know. I've thought about nothing else!"

"So you will come to Scotland with me and act as my wife, both in and out of the bedroom? Morning, noon and night?"

I gulped, my tummy churning. I felt sick as I replied.

"Yes. Yes I will."

The relief in his voice was almost tangible.

"Oh thank Goodness! Wendy you're an angel. Thank you so, so much. I appreciate what a difficult decision this must have been. I won't ever forget it."

I could feel small tears starting to run from the corner of my eyes.

"And I promise I will do exactly as I said; if the company survives, James will get his job."

It was my turn to feel relieved and grateful.

"Are you okay, Wendy? You sounded very nervous."

"I feel a little queasy," I replied.

"That's understandable. Just keep your mind on what life will be like afterwards. What all our lives will be like when the money problems are over."

"I suppose so," I mumbled, tears now running down my face.

"I'll pick you up on Friday afternoon after lunch. You'd better think what to tell Jamie. Can you come up with a story?"

"I think so."

"I'll send you a programme of activity so you can pack the right clothes," he said in his practical, office style voice. "Charge any new clothes you need to James' expense account."


"Relax, it won't be that bad. I'm a nice guy, it's a nice place, they're nice people and you're saving the company and your entire future."

"I know but..."

"Compared with bankruptcy and destitution, having sex a few times with an old friend isn't too bad, is it?"

He was right! Andy hadn't put us in the dreadful financial position we were in and he was the only person offering any route out at all.

"I understand."

"Great! I'll pick you up from wherever suits your story best at two o'clock. Just let me know where to go."

We said our rather awkward goodbyes. What had I just done? Had I really just agreed to spend four nights and five days as the wife of my husband's Boss? Was I really going to have sex morning, noon and night with a man who was not my husband?

The price was high -- very high but, I kept reminding myself, the reward was going to be high too -- nothing less than our entire financial and family future.


The next few days passed in an agony of indecision. Sometimes I couldn't believe what I had agreed to do, other times it seemed the only logical solution to our problems.

Sometimes I couldn't bear even to contemplate having sex with another man, other times I became excited at the prospect of feeling sexy and desirable after so many years with only one lover, and then felt ashamed of myself for feeling that way.

As the week progressed my emotions swung wildly from exhilaration and excitement to shame and disgust but I hung on to the notion that, if we were ever to get out of our terrible financial situation, I just had to bite the bullet and do it!

By the time Friday finally came I was literally trembling with fear and unbearable anticipation. I kissed my husband goodbye early that morning before the taxi whisked him off to the airport for his flight to Boston and the conveniently arranged US trip.

An hour or so later, another taxi arrived to take me to a different airport where Andy was waiting discreetly for me in a coffee shop. The flight to Scotland was short; the two of us barely exchanging a few dozen words on the way.

I had packed according to Andy's plan and was travelling in a dark blue business-style skirt suit with white shirt and dark tights. I looked smart but modest in case we encountered our hosts on arrival. Andy looked stylish and attractive in his designer suit and open-necked shirt.

If I really did have to have sex with a man who was not my husband, I could have done a lot worse.

When we arrived at the hotel Andy checked us in as I waited in the lobby.