Werewolves and Indians Ch. 02

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They meet but it's not the right time.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 09/27/2013
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Hello and welcome back to Werewolves and Indians. I am actually attempting to slow this story down, and not rush it. Most of my stories, I have been told, seemed rushed. So, just to warn you that this story is definitely a SLOW BURN

There will be sex in the story, but it will happen when it is the right time. There is NO SEX in this chapter, but please don't let that deter you from reading and sharing your thoughts. This is a nonhuman story. All of the characters are above the age of consent.

A special thanks to Harryhill for inspiring me to continue this tale and Overstar for attempting to edit this.


Ja'Mal stood in the entrance of the diner as her scent bombarded him. He was stock still, frozen, but he forced himself to move. He looked around. Ignoring the female and her alluring fragrance, Ja'Mal took a moment to scrutinize his surroundings.

The red and white checkerboard design was well worn. In the center was a long white counter with four red barstools. Two were empty. The diner had six full booths and four tables which would seat four people. He could see that the owner tried to modernize the diner, by bringing in contemporary jukeboxes and other trappings such as swivel stools and the like. The owner had even gone as far as to accommodate smokers and nonsmokers. One side of the diner had cigarettes trays, and the other side did not.

The soulful sounds of Midwestern music permeated the air, and the warm soft lighting gave the place a homely feel. When Ja'Mal entered the small diner, all eyes turned. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Ja'Mal walked over and sat at the counter. He picked up a menu, and stared at it.

"Sir, can I help you?" Isla asked. She was a bit intimidated by him. He looked menacing, with an angry scowl and a manner that screamed, Stay away!

"Yes, I need two dinner specials to go." Ja'Mal ordered looking at the young girl who asked to take his order as he tried to ignore the tantalizing scent that called to him. He was not here to find a woman. A woman was the reason he was out of his home now. His wolf growled, but he subjugated the animal. Remember the Alphas daughter. Remember what happened with her. You tried to claim her. We barely got out alive. He reminded him. A female is the last thing we need, my wolf.

Kerri was hurt. He had not spoken to her, but her wolf felt the sting of his rejection. He was going to deny her; she could feel it. Her wolf took dominance in that moment and howled. She propelled Kerri forward face to face with the man that she knew was hers. He can't deny us. We won't allow it. We have waited a long time for him. Her wolf demanded.

Ja'Mal gasped. She was fucking gorgeous: slim, tall, blonde, with kissable lips and a body made for his. He could not help but wonder if her lips tasted as sweet as they looked. However, he wasn't here for that. He was picking up dinner for his mother and himself. Dinner, that's all he came to the diner for, nothing else.

Unfortunately, his wolf ignored the message that was sent by his brain. He looked at his woman. Yes, she was his woman. Despite what his human half declared. She stood almost as tall as him, nearly six feet, with thick hips, narrow waist. Her blonde hair pulled away from her heart-shaped face. Her lips, so soft, plush, kissable. He scrutinized her form with his eyes noticing her ample well-rounded chest, which led to a narrow waist and an ass that was thick enough to grab hold of and squeeze. He felt his member thicken, but fought his desire. However, the wolf was not done. He smiled at the wideness of her hips, they were perfect for bearing his pups. Ja'Mal shook his head, to try and cut off the amorous thoughts. However, his wolf refused to listen and continued his perusal of the gorgeous female. Then he noticed her thick calves, and felt pride in knowing that his woman took care of her body.

As he admired her, Kerri looked at her mate. He was a caramel brown with long black dreads that hung down over his shoulders. She never thought her mate would be a person of color. But that fact didn't faze her in the least. Kerri had never seen such a man as this. He stood at least a foot taller than her five foot nine frame. A sheen of sweat covered his taut skin. His body looked as if Michelangelo sculpted his form from pure clay. She noticed the bulge at his crotch and knew her mate was well endowed. She would not be disappointed when they joined. He was tight and ripped. She admired the muscles that were barely contained in the tight black tee shirt he wore. His dark soulful eyes called to her very being. Her wolf answered his call, even though they both knew he would deny the claim.

"Hello" she squeaked. At first he did not reply, just stared at her. Then he spoke, and her wolf went wild.

"Hi." He replied, knowing he just made another huge mistake.

Ja'Mal's wolf tried to surface, but he subjugated the beast once more. "No, my wolf. We are not here for that." He reminded him. His wolf was not happy. Unable to resist, Kerri walked over to the tall man. He chose to ignore her and turned away.

She stood before him, not moving, as she sensed the beating of his heart as hers too beat with the same frantic rhythm. His breath was shallow as he forced himself to look away. Kerri didn't even know if she was breathing at all. For in that moment, standing next to her mate, she was lost in a moment in time. She inhaled his scent and wanted to leap up on him and bite him, clearly marking her territory, but the man did not move.

His wolf growled demanding that he acknowledge her, and she heard the wolf grumble, but the man with an iron will refused to move. So there they stood completely oblivious to all of the others around them; a man and woman locked in a small battle of wills.

Their eyes connected and she saw the pain he struggled to hide. For a moment, she wanted to climb inside his skin and wipe that hurt from his eyes. Ja'Mal blinked, steeling his resolve and burying his hurt once more. She'd seen too much. This woman had the power to destroy him and he had to get away. Kerri wanted to simply touch him, but knew he wasn't ready so she stood and listened as she heard the drumming of their hearts in synchronicity.

Isla quickly prepared his order and delivered it. Breaking their solitude, she spoke. "Sir, your order?"

"Thank you, Miss." He looked at Kerri once more and then took the food, paid, and stood to hastily leave the diner. He passed Lionel as he exited and the Indians hair stood on edge. It was then that Ja'Mal noticed the predatory stare of the Indian as he watched Kerri. Ja'Mal didn't like it, but right now the last thing he needed was to draw attention to himself. However, his wolf was displeased with his cowardice and spoke. How dare you walk away from her? She is ours and he wants her. We must go back and protect her from him. Ja'Mal resisted the wolf once more, hating that primal part of his being. No man should be ruled by his animal. If only he were human, then he could simply exist. He then turned and walked out of the door.

After Ja'Mal left, Lionel looked at Kerri and noticed the forlorn look on her face. It was just as he suspected. She scented the other male. He was certain that the dark one was her mate, but he could not allow that to happen.

It was time to take action. He would go to, Larry, her father, and demand his due. It was because of him that they still owned their meager lands. If Larry refused to comply, he'd then go to her. Kerri had one weakness which was her love for her father. Lionel loved no one. He especially didn't love her; he just needed her. He smiled evilly, because he knew Larry would refuse his offer.

Kerri would panic when he called her about the problem, and she'd be right where he wanted her. She'd agree to anything to protect her only surviving parent. He'd have his bank call in the loans, and her father would lose everything, unless she did what he wanted. He smiled evilly; she would not let her father be rendered homeless and destitute. He would demand that she marry him and she would be in no position to refuse. If by chance she did, he'd destroy her precious town one business at a time. She loved this town and the people in it. He could use that to his advantage and he would.

As for the dark wolf, he was hiding something. As soon as he figured out what, he'd use that knowledge to get rid of him. He had to act quickly because she was his wanapi and he'd be damned if this interloper would take what was his. She was what he needed to regain his power and take control over his people. Dark one has to go. He won't mess this up for me. he vowed.

Kerri stood staring at the door that her mate had just exited. Her wolf howled, angry and saddened. Their mate was hurting and frightened. She needed to go to him, comfort him in some way. "Kerri, you have a customer. Come take my order." He demanded sitting in her station, smiling at her lecherously. She looked at him, and shivered. Her wolf growled. Lionel was interested in her, and she was aware of that fact, but lately something had changed. He scared her, and that caused her to worry.

Kerri despised Lionel, but she needed this job. She knew her boss, Mary, would tolerate a lot, but never rudeness to a paying customer. "Hey Lionel, what can I get you today?" she smiled and took his order.

"I want my usual. Beef tips and noodles, green beans, and sweet tea. Girl, you know what I like." He teased as he eyed her frame, slowly moving his eyes up and down her body, smiling in appreciation of her form. Forcing a smile, Kerri turned to walk away, but not before Lionel took her hand and squeezed it gently. His message was clear. He wanted her and one day he would make his claim. Kerri looked at him, disgusted, but she forced herself to smile and quickly went to place his order.

Soon more customers came in and the diner was busy. Kerri made sure Lionel's meal was delivered and that she avoided any more unnecessary touching from him. Soon it was late and time to close. Isla's brother, Oman came to walk her home and he stayed with the girls and Mary as she locked up and they left. Both Isla and Oman walked Kerri to her car.

She was being watched, and it set her nerves on edge. Her wolf was agitated. She unlocked her car door and climbed inside. As she headed home, she waved to her friends as she drove away.

"I am worried. Lionel is becoming obsessively possessive with her. Today at work, he watched her so closely with this evil grin. I fear for my friend, Oman. He is up to no good." Isla told her brother as they walked. Kerri was her friend, and over the past few months she'd watched Lionel act as if she belonged to him. At first they laughed it off, but over the last few months, his fascination with her friend was now serious. He watched her all the time. Even when he left the diner, Isla would often see him parked across the street watching Kerri through the windows. Kerri tried to pretended everything was normal. But Isla knew she was afraid.

"Warn her, but be careful. She is not human, so I don't know why he would be interested. If he harms her, it could incite violence between our people and the wolves. I'll talk to grandfather." Oman stated.

"Oman, we must do something. Can we go to Chief Joe? He is wary of him. Maybe he can-" Oman stopped his sister. "You know we can't approach an elder, but Grandfather can. Let me talk to him." he explained.

They arrived home and Grandfather waited. He was troubled in his spirit.

"Grandfather, I have news. It is not good, but I must warn you." Oman explained. "Lionel is up to mischief. He was different today, he seemed more powerful. It is something about the she-wolf, Kerri. He is enamored with her; Isla says he has become possessive of the girls. He watches her constantly."

Grandfather nodded, and then faced his grandson. "Oman, the old Shaman has left this plane. It was not natural. His life was taken by force. The spirits have spoken and told me that it was justifiable, but one will use his demise for evil. His nephew, the one you call Lionel has inherited his life force. This man is dangerous and only one can stop him." Grandfather stood and walked away.

"The Dark Wolf has to end him, but he is wounded. He has to overcome his own demons before he can defeat him. Sadly, if he does not intervene and "Ty-ke-miwah" marries the wanapi, we are damned as people. He will take control over us and bend us to his own will. The wolves may turn against us, and no human would be safe from attack."

Oman froze, he had heard tales as a child of the werewolf princess, but he never thought she really existed. "Isla, is she safe being there?" Oman asked. His sister was his heart. When they were younger and their grandparents took them in, he swore to Isla that he'd keep her safe. So far he'd been true to his word. She finished school with honors, and would go to the city for college in a few months. She made it. She would get out of this place and have a shot at a real life. He could not let Lionel jeopardize that.

"He is not after your sister, but he is not above using a human shield." Grandfather explained. Grandfather, looked at his grandson and said one more thing. "I must go see Marcus. Watch out for Isla, and Kerri if you can. I have to talk to the leader of the pack." He then left, leaving a terrified young man wondering how to keep them safe.

Oman was now on full alert. Lionel needed to be watched, but everyone in the tribe feared him. If his target was Kerri, then his sister needed to be away from her. Oman could not sleep, because as the oldest brother, he had to ban his sister from her friend and her job. The only way he knew to keep Isla safe, was to keep her out of Lionel's radar. Lionel was focused on Kerri, so Isla needed to stay away from her friend.


Ja'Mal left the diner, uneasy. Lionel worried him. It was clear that he wanted the woman. Could they be involved? he wondered. He didn't think so, but if they were it wasn't his business.She is ours. His wolf insisted once more. My wolf, I am not here to claim a woman. We need to lay low and when the time is right, we will move on. Understand. he told his beast.

His wolf was silent and then he spoke once more. Ja"Mal, why do you hate me? I am a part of you, yet you despise my very existence. This has not always been so. I admit that I was wrong about Sherrie, but you need to listen to me. Your anger and hatred can cause our mate to be injured. I promise you this. If she is harmed because of your self-hatred, I will go rogue and we will die. You can deny many things, but you cannot deny who and what you are. His wolf then stopped speaking.

Ja'Mal was stunned. Never in their long life had his other half spoken to him in that way. He'd deal with him later, right now Momma was waiting. He drove to the mine and picked up his mother. Betty noticed he seemed preoccupied. She knew he blamed himself for them being exiled, but she never really faulted him. She understood things even if her son did not. A pack could only have one Alpha. No alpha would allow another male to grow and ascertain power.

Her son was a latent Alpha, and even at his tender age, he was powerful. That was why he easily defeated the Old One in the desert. She liked it here, and hated than fact the Ja'Mal hated his lot in life. He didn't like being lycan, being ruled by his beast. It was one of the reasons they spent so much time alone.

Betty faulted herself for the events that brought them here in this place at this time. When he was younger, she made sure that everyone realized that her son was no different from the other pack members. She was not completely oblivious to the pain he faced, and she comforted him often. Many nights, as Ja'Mal grew, she pondered her choice to accept her mate. Was being different really fair to her pup?


Betty sighed, she relived her memories. When her mate Carl brought her home, the pack was surprised. None of them had ever met a dark werewolf and hundreds of question came. Eventually despite some tests and trials, she became a part of the community. She and Carl lived happily for over a decade when Ja'mal was conceived.

No one was more excited when the pup was born than Carl. He insisted that they name him Ja'Mal. He studied African American culture because he wanted his son to be well rounded and know the came from a proud people. So for several decades they lived in relative peace. Carl loved his wife and son dearly, and when he was attacked by a rogue were and killed, Betty fell apart. The only thing that helped her hold on was her young son, who now, needed her now more than ever.

They stayed with the pack for a few more decades, but Betty could sense that it was time for her and her son to move on. After all, they only accepted her because of Carl, and he was gone now. So she secretly prepped for the time when she and her son had to go.

Growing up was not easy for Ja'Mal. Even though many in the pack accepted him as he was, some felt the need to reminded him that he and his mother were different. Although some tried to tease him, her son often had friends that followed him, despite the fact that he was unique. Unfortunately for them, his uniqueness caught the eye of the wrong person.

Sherrie, the Alphas daughter, noticed him sparring one afternoon. He piqued her interest and she made her intentions known. Sherrie wanted Ja'Mal because he was different from the other weres around. He was tall, strong, and agile, He was one of the best fighters in the pack; he was also much younger than most of the men she used. Sherrie approached him and he basically ignored her and did his own thing.

One day as he was out hunting, she arranged to meet him in the forest. It was on that day that her seduction of the young dark male started. A slight touch, small embrace, tiny kiss was all it took to get the young male's attention. So driven was Sherrie, that she'd often invite Ja'Mal into her bedroom in her parent's home. It was one of these nights that lead to the ostracizing of the young man and his mother.

When Betty learned of these dalliances, she warned her son. But he was in love, thinking the Alphas daughter was his mate. One night, the Alpha pair came home from a hunt early and heard sounds coming from their daughter's room. Incensed that one of his wolves would disrespect his home, the Alphas barged in to find the young dark wolf rutting between his daughters thighs. The girl screamed and yelled rape and Jamal was immediately accosted. He tried to defend himself but the Alphas would not hear it.

Two of the betas offered to take him and teach him a lesson. The alpha agreed and called for a healer to care for his daughter. The betas were rough with the young male, slapping, kicking, and belittling him across the open court for all to see. Betty rushed forward and begged for mercy for her young son and the wolves verbally assaulted her as well. This angered Ja'Mal even more. He hated this place. If he were human, at least he would be free. The first blow landed, and he went down. All he remembered was his mother's screams, and he knew he had to fight back.

The larger males surrounded him, but they didn't know they were seriously outnumbered. Having been a victim all of his life, Ja'Mal knew how to fight back and bested all three weres. This frightened the Alpha. If he challenged the young buck and lost, he'd be dethroned as alpha, so he ordered them off his lands.

Both the dark wolf and his mother had to go. Sherrie stood with her mother sobbing, not regretting for an instant that her actions had cost this young man and his mother their home. Ja'Mal gathered their belongings and drove.