What A F"ing Mess


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"What have you done so far?" he asked.

"I have cameras in the house, and a tap on the phone. I have copies of the last six months of our telephone and cell phone bills that I could give him. I had gone through all her emails, telephone bills, cell phone messages, text messages, and I couldn't find any evidence of her have an affair," I informed him.

We agreed to meet tomorrow for lunch at Ruby Tuesday, and discuss my situation some, also I could give him all tapes and information that I had so far.

The lunch went great and he gave me two small GPS devices, one for her car, and the other was to go into her purse. Both were good for almost a half a mile. He had a voice recorder for her car, but I told him I had one in her car already.

"I don't know about the purse, she has a bunch of purses that she changes with constantly and I would never know just which purse she might be using," I said.

"Ok, we will scrape the purse GPS. I have a couple of good agents to put on this case, one is a female. If she plans to cheat on you next week, we'll get the evidence that you need to prove it," he said.

I felt a whole lot better after talking with Lance. One way or another next week, I felt that Lance's team would get the information that I needed.

It was Thursday afternoon, and I called Marybeth at her office.

"Hi hon, Bob stopped in my office this morning, and informed me that he had some commitments, and wondered if we could swap places for the meetings in Houston next week. Dow has changed the meeting schedule on us again. I told him no problem, I would be glad to swap places with him. I just wanted to give you a call, and let you know these new developments," I said.

We chatted for a few minutes and said our goodbyes.

I had avoided her so far this week in regards to sex, but I knew that she would want some sex on Sunday night. We always had sex on the night before I would go on a trip. Now that I think about it, it probably helped her ease a guilty conscience.


It was Monday and I had left for Houston. I had called Lance during the week, but he told to wait until Friday. We could meet at Ruby Tuesday for lunch. He could then give me a report on what Marybeth's activities were while I was gone.

I got back from Houston just before lunch Friday, found my car, and left the airport parking lot. I gave Lance a call, and we agreed to meet at Ruby Tuesday in a half an hour.

I arrived first, and got a booth in the back. Lance walked in with his briefcase. We shook hands and talked for a few minutes. He opened his briefcase and took out a large envelope stuffed full. My stomach just heaved with anxiety, wondering on what I might find out.

Chapter Three

Just as I reached for the envelope, the waitress stopped and asked if we were ready to order. Lance ordered a hamburger, fries and a diet coke. She looked at me oddly, probably because I had a sickly look on my face. I ordered the same thing Lance did.

I opened the envelope, and looked at the report and pictures. Lance started to fill me in on what she did during the week.

"My team had her under surveillance all day Monday through Thursday night. We watched her from when she left in the morning until she went to bed at night. I'm happy to say Har that she never cheated on you during those times that we were monitoring her activities. It's not to say that she hasn't cheated on you, but during this time period she was clean," he told me.

I sat there reviewing all the information that he had in the envelope. I don't know if I was happy or sad. I knew what I saw a few weeks ago at the hotel.

"I don't know Lance, maybe she didn't have enough time to line up a partner to cheat with. She already had her change of life, so I know the wrong time of month doesn't happen anymore. I know what I saw a few weeks ago, something doesn't add up here. What do you think?" I asked him.

We paused for a few moments while the waitress served us our drinks.

"Well Har, she either doesn't cheat, or she is a very smart cheater. Maybe there were some other options that we need to consider. Obliviously the stuff in your house hasn't given us any information, maybe she knows about it. Get rid of all the camera's and recording devices. On the days that you know that you will be gone, give me a call ahead of time and we will keep her under surveillance. Maybe with the stuff in the house gone, she might get careless."

"Alright, I'll get a hold of Don as soon as possible to clean out his stuff. I'll keep you posted on my schedule."

"One more thing Har, you have to act normal with her. Don't act like Sherlock Holmes, and investigate everything she does. Don't search her purse, her cell phone, her laptop, or look for any of her disguises. Let things rest, let her think that you're not suspicious of her. We need her to relax. Also don't change your routine."

He just finished his report when the waitress brought our lunch. We ate in silence. I was mentally reviewing everything he said, and I reread his report. After we finished, we talked some more.

"Har, most cheaters are stupid. They do a bad job of covering their tracks. You have just this one occurrence, with very little evidence to go by. So far she hasn't done anything else.

All her phone records are clean, and so was her email. I doubt that she was doing her contacting while at her work place. Most good cheaters try to keep their work place clean. Let's give her some time, by the time your next meeting in Detroit arrives, I bet she will had made contact with someone, if she is cheating. And if she plans on cheating we'll catch her then."

I thanked Lance for his help, and told him to send his bill to my office. I then gave Don a call when I got into my car.

"Hi Don, can you meet me tomorrow morning at my house? I would like to get all of your surveillance equipment out while Marybeth is at the gym. I'll get your recorder out of her car tonight. We can discuss what Lance found out tomorrow morning."

"No problem, give me a call when the coast was clear, and I'll meet you at your house. I hope everything worked out ok for you."

Saturday morning Don showed up shortly after I called him. We removed everything and I told him what Lance had told me yesterday on Marybeth. We chatted some more about our local sport team and he left.



I just finished talking with Har, and he told me about having to go to Houston. Good while he was gone, I'll get some sexual relief. Not only do I use a burner phone to make contact with my partners, but I also use a Yahoo email account on my office computer. It was generally just short messages tell a certain partner to give me a call on my burner phone at lunch time. We then can setup a time to get together and scratch my itch. I have the message setup in a code format, so if somebody did get a copy of my email message, they wouldn't know what we were talking about. All my messages are deleted after they are sent.

As soon as I got off the phone with Har, I sent a quick email to John and Gregg to call me at lunch time today. They both did and I set it up to meet with John on Tuesday night, and with Gregg on Wednesday night. Thursday would be a day of rest. Usually Har and I would have sex on Sunday night before he goes to Houston, and again on Friday night when he arrives home.

Tuesday afternoon, I received a strange email message from John to call him at 3:30 pm this afternoon. At that time, I took a quick break and went to the bathroom, to give him a call. He had to cancel tonight, his wife was sick and he needed to be there to take care of the kids. Damn now it's too late to find another partner for some sexual relief tonight. I simply refused to go to a bar and pick some guy up. That was a sure way to get caught. Oh, well, vibrator time tonight.

Wednesday, and I was so looking forward to my night of fucking with Gregg and his huge cock. At lunch time Gregg sent an email telling me to call him as soon as possible. I called him right away. He said he wasn't feeling well, and was cancelling out our meeting for tonight. Shit, I tried to contact a few other relief partners, but I couldn't get anybody in this short time frame. Damn, another night with my vibrator. Har was really going to get his brains fucked out when he gets home on Friday.

Thursday on my way home from work, I was fiddling with my earring on my right ear, when the damn thing fell off and went between the seat and console. I tried to reach it but it was impossible while I was driving. Damn, I will have to get it when I get home. I pulled into the garage and got a flashlight from the work bench, and moved my seat back, so I can look for my earring.

I found my earring right next a box thing. I pulled both out, and gave a gasp. I knew what the box was it was a recording device of some type. Damn, Har must suspect something. I wonder how much? I grabbed my earring and put the recorder back under my car seat and went into the house.

I did an internet search using my laptop on recorders and surveillance cameras. After reading about them, I decided not to search the house. I figured that Har had one camera in our bedroom for sure, and probably one in the guest room, and maybe one in the living room. Those were the logical places the internet said to put the cameras. The internet also had information on where the best place was to put voice recorders and how to place a phone bug.

I didn't want to tip my hand and let Har know that I was on to his surveillance game. I didn't want to give Har any evidence to become suspicious of me. I checked my cell phone, but didn't notice anything different. I probably wouldn't notice anything if there was something on my phone to check calls. Not that I used my phone for that anyway that was why I had the burner phone.

So far Har hasn't approached me yet about anything that he might have found on his surveillance equipment. I'll bet that he probably doesn't have anything solid yet. I haven't done anything where his surveillance equipment could record the evidence. It's time to cool off all of my sexual relief's, until I can figure out what Har knows. I'll send out an email to all of my contacts tomorrow, informing them of a cooling off period. It is time for me to be the perfect loving wife. I'll make Har forget all about any possible suspicions that he might have. I'll be squeaky clean.



Well it had been over three months and I had been on a few out of town trips and she hasn't cheated on me. The only thing that I can think of was that she caught on that I was suspicious of her actions. I wonder just how long she can go without cheating on me. So far she had been the perfect loving wife almost too perfect. I get sex whenever I want some. She accompanies me on weekend trips up to the cabin. In a few months, we plan on going to Florida to check out possible spots for our winter retirement home. Yet everything seems just too normal and almost perfect. Maybe I was wrong about what happen at the hotel four months ago. Lance had watched her on those times that I was out of town and nothing happened.

I suppose that I could tell her I saw her leaving the hotel four months ago. I could ask her just what the fuck was she doing there? And why in the fuck were you wearing a disguise? Maybe making these accusations I could break her into tell me the truth. But do I really want to know? I still love her with all my heart, and at this time in my life it's too late to start over. But that was four months ago, and it's a little too late to be making accusations now especially without any backup evidence. You might say what about the trust factor. I don't have a really good answer for that question. It will be something that I just have to work though.




I turned sixty-five the other day and I told Dow that I plan on retiring on my sixty-six birthday. That will give Dow sometime to break in my replacement. Last year when we were in Florida, we stopped into Spanish Wells, which is just outside of Bonita Springs. Bonita Springs is located between Fort Meyers and Naples. We bought a house there that was being sold by the owner's estate. We got it for a song, and we started to update the house to a tune of fifty thousand to modernize the place. Spanish Wells has three nine-hole golf courses in their complex and we both enjoy playing golf.

We are starting to get our house in Midland ready to sell next year. We are keeping to our plan of living at the cottage in the summer months and Spanish Wells in the winter months. We have already moved some of our stuff up to the cottage.

I haven't really given much thought lately to that black Friday, when I thought Marybeth maybe cheating on me. I have stopped the surveillance a number of months ago. As I said in my rant, I am too fucking old to start over again, and I sure don't want to be alone at this time of my life.



Har just turned sixty-six, and had retired from Dow. I plan on retiring from my job as soon as I turn 65. We have a nice place in Florida, and plan on living at our cottage on Higgins Lake. We have gotten the house ready to be placed on the market in a few months from now. The last two years had been stressful. I haven't contacted any of my lovers, since I emailed the cool down notice to them all. It had been over two years since my last sexual relief encounter.

I never really knew just how much Har knew or suspected. He never confronted me about anything that he might have known. He never served divorce papers on me, so I don't think he had any real solid proof. Do I plan on confessing my affairs to him? Not on your life. I will not ruin his retirement by telling him of my need for sexual relief. He never asked, so I will never tell. I will take my affairs with me to my grave. I love Har and he loves me, and what happen, happened, and nobody got hurt.


I buried Marybeth a week ago. She came down with a fast moving cancer. She died forty-five days after being diagnosed. We had been married for sixty years. Except for that one glitch twenty years ago, they were sixty great years. Fifteen years ago I finally was able to forgive Marybeth for what I saw that day. I may never know for sure if she cheated on me, but sometimes you just have to live your life as it comes. When she died, a large piece of my heat died with her. She was a great wife and lifelong companion.

The End

If you think this story needs a different ending, then by all means write one. I did leave a few things unresolved in case somebody wanted to address them in different ending.

Before you write the ending, let's review some of the facts.

1. We know that Marybeth cheats, she told us.

2. In Har's rant he said he was afraid to be alone, and didn't want to start over.

3. Remember we are talking about a 64-year-old man in a 40-year-old marriage, it is not going to be easy to pick up the pieces. The biggest fear to a senior was being alone.

If you write an ending, then you should be skipping Chapter Three and these facts become important.

4. Did Lance get any information on her cheating, or was she good for that week?

5. If she cheated what should Har do?

6. If she didn't cheat what should Har do?

7. We know Marybeth is a careful cheater, and so far Har has found no solid evidence.

These are some of the points that will need to be thought out if you plan on writing an ending.

Thanks for read this story. If you plan on writing a different ending, please let me know.

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enderlocke77enderlocke7710 days ago

lol what a waste not sure why he even bothered with all that stuff if he wasn't going to do anything. pointless story and didn't have any detail of sex to be a wack-off piece. maybe it was a writing experiment. nothing here

rfnks2002rfnks200214 days ago

Think all you want be it’s still ONE & DONE

tralan69ertralan69er14 days ago

@James G 5

Plot hole: Why didn't the voice recorder pick up the burner phone call to her lover the first day Har caught her. --

He didnt know she was cheating then. It was the first he knew about her cheating. So WHY would he have a recorder in her car?

26thNC26thNC14 days ago

I do hate to see a cheating bitch get away with. Wake up cuck and toast her ass.

usaretusaret14 days ago

Boring non-ending tale. Waste of time, all the way around.

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