What a Fool

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Man must deal with a wife's choices.
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What a Fool....

This story has no sex in it at all. Its main intent is to illustrate how a man deals with the emotion of betrayal and sharing of his wife. Thanks to all of you who have sent me good constructive feedback as I appreciate it. For those few who have been less than kind, I can only ask you to stop reading now as my writing apparently either offends you or is not up to your high standards. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this one.

I will never forget that Saturday morning when it started. We were sleeping quietly in bed one moment and the next my wife was sexually attacking me. In the twenty years we have been married Karla had never been so aggressive in her lovemaking.

For the next twenty minutes we did not make love but instead screwed each other in the most primal way. When we were finished both of us were sweaty, blissful and fully sated. I guess that is what she had hoped for as my darling waited until that moment in our post coital happiness to hit me with her bombshell. "Tom darling, how much do you love me?"

On a good day that is a loaded question that would've made me wonder, but this morning I was too mellow to analyze its implications so I answered by holding up my left hand above us, "See that wedding ring babes?" She coooed a sweet and innocent yes as her hands roamed my chest enhancing my already warm loving mood.

I continued, "Well sweetheart, that ring is round and will continue on without a break forever. That is how much I love you Karla, infinite, as it will go on as long as this ring is round."

She moved her head up to mine and gave me a kiss that made me think that round two was in the offing but then came the bombshell as she broke the kiss and pulled away. "Tom, I need you to think about something really seriously and don't go off halfcocked or get mad about what I am going to ask you. Will your promise me that?"

The alarm bells had not yet started in my head and without much thought I promised.

Karla continued to stroke my chest sensuously as she haltingly pressed on, "Tom, some of the girls I work with have talked about their boyfriends..... and what they can do to them. Honey, these young guys really seem to have the stamina that you no longer seem to have. What I am asking you Tom, ......no begging you really ....." She stopped as if to gather strength and then just let it spill out. " If you really love me as you say, will you allow me to experience an unbridled sexual encounter with another man, just once?"

I felt myself tense up as the anger began to rise in me and I terminated this stupid question with all the dignity it deserved, a simple forceful, "No!" With that declaration I abruptly got out of bed to do my yard work.

Karla was nothing if not resourceful and over the next few days tried various ways to bring up the topic again, even offering me the same option of a night with a younger woman. Each time I simply told her that it was never going to happen and to let it go.

A few weeks passed and I thought that her fixation with her desire for another lover had ended when she got hit with another problem. Karla's company downsized and she was let go.

Karla looked for work but being a forty five year old secretary in this economy did not yield too many openings. As the weeks passed I saw my wife falling deeper into depression. When she wasn't actually out looking for work she was on our computer doing God only knows what.

Then the day came when she hit me with her craziness again. I had just come home from work when I encountered her waiting at the door in nothing but a garter belt, stockings and heels holding a martini. I know I should have been suspicious as this was so contrary to my wife's normal behavior over the last twenty years, but any logical thought processes I would normally utilize disappeared when I saw her nude. At that point I simply went with the flow.

An hour later I was exhausted and completely drained. Karla was like an insatiable beast and for the first time since she was laid off I begin to think that her being without a job was not without an upside. That is, until she spoiled the moment and laid it on me again.

After experiencing what was undoubtedly the greatest sex in our marriage she headed into the bathroom to clean herself off and when she returned I could see something bad was coming as it was written on her face when she climbed back into our bed to cuddle by my side.

"Tom, I need to tell you something and I want your promise that you will not get mad and storm off without discussing this with me completely, alright?"

I knew in my guts that this was not going to be pleasant so with reservations I grudgingly told her I would abide by her request.

Karla snuggled in to me and laid her head on my shoulder so she could almost whisper in my ear and began, "Tom do you know how I have felt over the last few weeks? Do you know what it is like to be told you're overqualified for a job when some twenty something who knows half of what you know gets hired because in reality her tits are perkier?" I heard her gasp as if she were holding back the tears.

Being the compassionate husband I held her tighter and said softly, "No I don't Karla but you are a beautiful and intelligent woman and that shows through. I know you will get a job and it won't be because of your breasts or legs or a terrific butt, all of which you possess, it will be on your abilities. You are smart, talented and a good worker and you will beat this!"

Her left arm that had been draped over my chest now seemed to hold me tighter and she seemed to be on the verge of tears as she went on, "Tom, I might have found a job right here in town through a wonderful man who has put me in touch with a friend of his who owns an insurance agency and is looking for a personal assistant."

Now I was alert as I pursued this last bit of information, "Karla, what man is this and how did you come to meet him?"

Karla squeezed me again, "Tom I met Devon online at a dating website.."

I about came off the bed, "You met him WHERE!"

Karla soothingly pulled me back again and began talking to me in a manner that my mother used years ago when she wanted me to understand something that I was too young to comprehend. "Tom sweetheart, you know I have been going through a rough spot since my layoff and I needed something to cheer me up so I put my picture on a website for married women looking for single guys. I did it as a confidence builder and it worked. I got a lot of hits by men who wanted me for me and it perked me up a lot."

I was shaking my head and trying to keep my anger in check, "I can't believe you would do that to me, actually to us!" She gently reminded me that being angry would not solve anything and to let her finish. In the end I was pacified into hearing her out.

"Tom, through the site I met a man named Devon and we have been emailing each other. He's a businessman with a lot of contacts and when I told him I had been laid off he set me up with an interview tomorrow with his friend." She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts.

When she stopped talking I interjected, "OK, Karla, let me recap this scenario and see where it is going to go. First, you have a job interview that you got from posting your picture on a slut site. Second, a meat chasing asshole sets you up with a job interview thinking that now that he has done something for you there is something you can do for him in return. Third, and this really is the wrinkle, I am supposed to be so happy by all of this that I lay down and allow this jerk to screw my wife as my way of saying thanks too. Fourth, you then promise me that it will be just this once and that will be the end of it. Do I have it about right Karla?"

I felt my wife tremble at my outburst and try to pull away but I held onto her tightly. Karla started to blabber between her tears, "No! It is not like that at all. Devon is a gentleman and he never mentioned to my prospective boss where we met! I love you Tom but I want to have sex with Devon! I need to feel that I am wanted by someone other than my husband. Can't you see that?"

I really couldn't see her point but nonetheless I tried to calm her down. With flagging hope that I might be able to assuage her longings and restore her reasoning in this matter I began to stroke her back with my left hand and whisper soothing platitudes like it will be alright and we will get through this. I thought she was calming down when she suddenly spoke out again in a more forceful manner.

"You said you loved me! Well I love you too but this has nothing to do with any of that!" Her voice notched down in timber as she forcefully continued, "I could have cheated on you Tom and done exactly what I plan to do with Devon on the sly, but I won't disrespect you like that. This will be a one-time experience for me and I will never do it again. Please allow me this dear husband and show me how much you really do love me!" She paused, but before I could interject, her voice, now utilizing a more placating tone commenced again, "Darling, try to think of it in this manner, do you remember last summer when you lent our neighbor your mower when his broke?" I mumbled that I did. "Well, when you got it back it was just fine. You didn't like the mower less or find that it didn't cut the same after another man had used it. This is just like that Tom! I will be back after this is over and you will never know the difference except that I will show you in a much more physical way how much I truly love you too."

Listening to her warped logic had really given me an insight into how bad my wife desired to do this and it angered me on a level that almost frightened me. I knew then that she would see this Devon fellow with or without my approval so with my anger barely held in check I just flat out stated, "I see that no matter what I say you're going to do what you want to do, consequences be damned, but Karla, before you do this thoughtless thing I want to meet this Devon first. Got it?"

With those words she heard what she wanted to hear and became almost giddy as she kissed me and jumped up dancing naked around our bedroom. I knew that this moment would mark the end of our happy marriage. Finally, she stopped dancing and still clad only in garter belt and stockings fairly screamed that she had to email Devon as she flew out of our bedroom to the computer. I couldn't believe how my always conservative wife was now acting like a moonstruck teenager finding out the captain of the football team wants to date her.

I had a lot to think about and I suddenly felt like an old man as I roused myself from our bed and went in to take a shower.

The next few days flew by and lo and behold Karla got the job working for the friend of her soon to be lover, Devon. My wife seemed on top of the world when she giddily informed me that the two of them decided that they would go out Friday next and spend the entire night together before she came home on Saturday. I thanked her for the information and I doubted that she even noted the pain I was in as she so gingerly flaunted her sexual adventure in front of me.

Karla went out of her way to prepare for her date and during the week bought a new evening gown, new shoes and all the accessories to go with them, even setting up an appointment at the beauty parlor for a complete makeover for Friday afternoon before Devon arrived to pick her up. I think the thing that hurt me the most was that even when we were dating she never got this worked up to see me.

The one thing that helped me keep my sanity was during that week I too was busy running a few errands and preparing for my meeting with her lover on Friday.

The evening finally arrived and Karla was as nervous as a bride on her wedding day. When I arrived home from work I found her busily preparing her overnight bag for her sleepover. I was saddened to see a glow about her that I had never been able to inspire in her even when we were dating so many years ago. She jubilantly informed me that I should call and order a pizza for myself as she and Devon would be eating at an exclusive new club in town, the Chateau De Rochambeau.

I had heard of this restaurant and from what I could discern you had to have a lot of cash and some great connections to even think about going there. In short, it was where the elite went to eat. Apparently Devon was well heeled and had connections.

When the doorbell rang Karla screamed in panic that he was early and wouldn't be ready for another twenty minutes or so and I was to keep Devon occupied. Shaking my head in disgust I opened the door to be greeted by a distinguished looking man about four inches taller than my 5'10" and about forty pounds of muscle thicker. His hair was the perfect mixture of salt and pepper and his eyes were almost piercing as he checked me out in return. As I stared at this imposing man he reached his hand out and in a very friendly, but powerful voice introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Devon James and I am here to pick up Karla."

I took his hand and shook it thinking this is how Karla's dad must have felt the first time I came to pick her up. I didn't like the feeling much but I covered it up as I replied, "Come in, I'm Tom, Karla's husband. She is running a little slow but should be ready in about twenty minutes. Can I get you something to drink?"

Devon shook his head as he sat in a chair, "No thank you. What I really wanted was to meet you."

I retreated to my chair and raising my eyebrows just replied, "That is interesting. Not often does the love interest want to meet the jilted husband, but then again I have not had too much experience in these matters, have you?"

Devon chuckled, "Actually, I have, and that's why I wanted to meet you. At present I have four wives that I see on a regular basis. If Karla and I hit it off like I think then it will be five. I guess that the whole idea of an extramarital lover is somewhat of a turn on for them."

I had caught the word regular loud and clear and now knew that Karla had been planning more than a one night stand with this guy. Keeping my anger in check I replied "Really, that is quite amazing. It is almost unbelievable that there are more screwed up people out there besides my wife?"

Devon facial expression indicated surprise when I answered him. "Let me ask you something Tom, you are not really onboard with this date are you?"

I looked at Devon with a flat emotionless face and responded, "No I am not. However, it doesn't really matter anymore at this point does it? So, tell me. What are the four husbands of the wives you're boning like?"

Devon flashed me a disarming smile, "Well, first off I'm not "boning" them, I like to think that we make love. However Tom, as you said, some guys are really screwed up. One of the husbands likes his wife to describe to him the smallest details of our dates with emphasis on the lovemaking, which seems to satisfy him. Another likes to just clean his wife out as soon as she comes home. That's why she can never stay overnight with me as she wants to have fresh leavings for him." Devon stopped for a second to see how I was taking his accounts but seeing me sitting impassively he continued on. "The third husband just wants to wait on me and begs me to take his wife every time I go over there. That dude really has serious problems and even creeps me out, but his wife really loves him and so she caters to his whims. The last guy is the one I really feel for. He has a bad ticker and can't have sex anymore so he allows me to take care of his wife for him. Sometimes I can almost feel the pain he is experiencing as I take his wife out."

Devon stopped and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I sense that you are not like any of those husbands are you Tom."

For the first time I smiled, "Well, outside of the pain the guy with the bad heart feels when his wife goes out with you I can't really relate to any of them. No, I am not like any of them. So let me ask you another question, why do you pursue married women?"

Devon was quick to respond, "Actually Tom that is an easy question to answer. First, I make a lot of money and unfortunately so many women will move in on you just to get a slice of your fortune. Married women don't do that as they already have someone waiting for them at home. Another plus is that they make no demands; they are always willing to put out and they don't complain about it later. Finally, there is no sneaking around, the husbands are all aware and even approve. Besides, it seems like it is always fresh and fun. No, I don't need a gold digging woman when these married girls are so willing to satisfy my needs for companionship, romance and sex."

Devon looked at me like he was trying to figure me out, "Tom, let me ask you this, if you don't want your wife doing this why did you give it the green light?"

I gave him a deadpan look as I responded, "I really had no choice. Karla pretty much told me that it was this way or behind my back. I didn't want to have that happen so I told that she had to do what she had to do and she did. However, in the end I am more than confident that it will all work out."

A shadow fleetingly crossed Devon's face as he seemed to comprehend what I had just alluded to. Inching forward in his chair he pacifyingly said, "Tom, I know that your wife really does love you. She has alluded to it in every one of our emails. If you say the word I will call it off and leave right now."

I felt the pain of this whole dilemma in my chest as I quietly replied, "Did you ever wonder if she only wrote that to convince you or herself?" He nodded like he really sympathized with my thinking.

I could've really liked this guy under different circumstances, but not tonight, "Don't worry about your date, you go ahead and have a good time. As far as I'm concerned the die is cast and the deed will be done."

Devon apparently did not want to let it drop and his eyebrow rose up as he pointedly asked, "This night is not going to end well for Karla is it? Before you do something that you will regret later I need you to know that I will never have any emotional demands on your wife and this is only for the physical aspect. You know that right?"

I blankly looked at him and really took a measure of the man, "You are very perceptive Devon. No wonder you're such a successful businessman. I understand you only want my wife's body but you can't take that without taking the soul of this marriage. At this point I again only wish you an enjoyable night and let's leave it at that."

I believe that Devon did not really know what to say after that as he sat there looking shamed before he finally said, "I'm sorry Tom, this is never what I intended."

About that time my wife came waltzing into the room looking like a million dollars. Her face and attitude was radiant and her ensemble would send fire into any man's libido. Without hesitation she went over to Devon who had stood when she came into the room and placing her arms around his neck kissed him long and deep. I felt an anguish and remorse as it occurred to me what a fool I had been for not insisting that Karla see a therapist when this all started, but it was too late now.

When she pulled away from Devon I could see he was aroused by her sexiness and the intensity of her kiss. Looking at me with a pang of guilt he quietly said to Karla, "Baby, why don't you go and kiss your husband good bye like it's the last kiss he will ever get from you." She smiled a wicked smile of lust and sexual promises as she withdrew her arms from his neck and with a sultry sway in her walk she crossed our living room to me.

Karla put her arms around me and putting her head close to my ear whispered, "I know how much you love me and I thank you for this night. Here is a down payment on account." With that she kissed me so softly and tenderly that without warning my tears began to fall from my eyes. When she pulled away I could see the concern on her face as she reassuringly said, "Remember my dear sweet husband, my love is only for you. While he might use my body tonight you will have it back tomorrow with none the worse for wear."