What It Means To Be a Spare


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"You're right no more. We're finished."

"Come on, Red."

"Don't call me anymore."

"Now listen to me... be at my apartment tonight after you get off work and be ready to have your sacred ass fucked or by tomorrow morning your husband, or should I say, spare cock, will know about us."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't I? I have nothing to lose except a worthless slut. You, on the other hand, have a lot to lose."

"You bastard."

"Sure I am, but I'm the bastard who's going to fuck your ass. After that, you can do what you want."

Their conversation ended and I just stared at the screen. Jeannie was adamantly opposed to anal sex. I had never tried it because she asked me not to and up until recently, I loved her enough to honor her request. Frankly, anal sex never interested me anyway.

He had used "spare" again. The word had recently received worldwide notoriety and not necessarily in a good way. An "Heir and a Spare" have apparently been used in aristocratic circles for a very long time to ensure an inheritance stays within the family. In my case, I was the spare, but not for inheritance reasons. I had become a spare dick for Jeannie in the event her fulltime one was no longer available, which, apparently, after tonight, he would no longer be; but neither would I.

Then I remembered something else Top said. The discharge nurse told him that the nurse in the next cubicle was having trouble with "another" of her boyfriends. Another one? Christ, how many did she have?

In the motel, I was still looking at my computer screen. I took out my phone and took pictures of the conversation I just read. I might not be able to catch them in the act, but a copy of this conversation might work. Of course they could always claim it wasn't them.

I thought about my next step. It was a given that our marriage was over and I had no reason to help either of them, but I was thinking. I could tell her I knew about them and she didn't have to go to his apartment that night or I could say nothing and let her get her just rewards; or they could even kiss and make up. If they did, I might still get pictures or video of them together.

I decided on another option and took out my phone. She answered when it rang.

"Hello, Tony. What's up?" She asked.

"We finished early so I'm on my way home. I'll be there in about three hours."

"I won't be there. I'm working."

"I know, but you'll be getting off in a couple of hours."

"Uh... not tonight. I volunteered to work another shift." I just sat there. "Tony? You there?"

"I'm here. Okay. I guess I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay. Drive safely."


No, "I love you." No, "I'll be happy to see you." Nothing. I went right to her social page to see if she tried to contact Wingard, but there was nothing. I thought she might try to beg off going to his house after work because I was coming home, but if she did, she did it by phone.

And I think she lied about working overnight because the hospital had a rule that no one worked back-to-back shifts unless it was an emergency. She just told me that so she could go to his apartment. So, fine. Let her go. I had given her an excuse not to, but....

I checked out of the motel and went home.

My phone rang at 4 in the morning. It was Lt. Daniels, the Commander of the Military Police Detachment. "Maj. Clarkson, we have your wife at the detachment office, sir. The local police got her for DUI but when they found out who she was, they brought her here instead of arresting her and throwing her in the drunk tank to sober up and go before a judge. I know you've been on leave, but the gate guard reported that you came through the gate last evening and I'm glad you did. You can come get her and nothing will go in the official log."

"Thank you, Lt. I'll be right there." The local police were very good about things like that. Unless someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of the drunkenness, they either brought the culprit to the base, or our MP's or security people went to retrieve them. All in all, it was a good deal for everyone.

I'd seen her tipsy before, but never drunk, and when she'd been tipsy, she was jovial and happy. Drunk, she was nasty and bitter. She didn't want anyone to touch her. Of course, if Wingard did to her what he promised to do, I could understand why.

I was tempted to have them keep her in the small cell they had, but decided against it. It took several minutes to coax her to the car because she wouldn't allow us to physically help her. When I finally got her home, she made it as far as the livingroom sofa before collapsing and passing out.

I looked at her and thought of the last five years.

We'd had a good life with the potential of it being even better in the future. Worldwide travel, adventure, and excitement: it all would have been ours.

Maybe the whole thing was my fault. It was me who insisted she keep working even though the hours sucked. Maybe I had tunnel vision and was selfish asking her to sacrifice.

Nah...... Most couples had to sacrifice one way or another and the majority of them did it without one of them cheating.

By then it was after six in the morning. I showered, shaved, put on my uniform and went to my office leaving her there to sleep it off.

I had gotten a cup of coffee in the dining facility and chatted with the head cook. It was Sunday and the dining steward was off. Several soldiers were having breakfast, but Sunday mornings were usually pretty slack. It was generally the best day for eating in the dining facility because the cooks were able to spend time experimenting with recipes and honing their craft.

I hung out for a few minutes before going to my office. My desk was clean so there was nothing there I would need to concentrate on the next day. Apparently, the XO and Top had taken care of everything, which didn't surprise me.

I sat there for an hour before going home. Jeannie was still asleep when Lt. Daniels pulled up in her car about mid-afternoon. I went out to greet him.

"I hope you don't mind," he said. "I thought you might be otherwise engaged and not have time to pick up her car, so we got it for you."

"Thank you, Lt, but who's the we?"

"Sgt Handy and I, or me, I never know which is correct. Anyway, here's her car and what happened to her doesn't show up on any report." Sgt Handy was sitting in his own POV (Privately Owned Vehicle). I waved to him.

"Thank both you and Sgt Handy," I said. "It was very kind of you. Do you know where she was when she was stopped?"

"Yes, sir, I do. She was sitting in the intersection of Cary and Third. She had apparently stopped for the light and fell asleep while waiting."

"Fell asleep? That's a nice way of saying she passed out, isn't it?"

He smiled. "Yes, sir." And handed me her keys.

"Thank you, again, Lt."

"You're welcome, sir."

They left and I went back inside. It was good she was stopped when she passed out, otherwise some real damage or injury could have occurred.

The rest of the day was quiet; I watched TV while she slept. By 11:OO that evening, I was still watching TV and waiting for her to wake up. During the course of the evening, I had looked over at her many times wondering how long she was going to sleep. I went to bed at midnight.

I was in the shower at 5:30 the next morning not having gotten much sleep. I had looked in on her before my shower and she had been asleep almost 24 hours.

I took my laptop and was in my office at seven, my usual hour. I asked Top to sign me in off of leave and back on duty. I brought both him and Dennis up to date on what I'd seen and done. I opened my computer and went right to Wingard's social page. It was filled with more of his braggadocio and his conquest of a "virgin ass" which he "tore up" and enjoyed watching "Red" having to get drunk to take his cock in her ass. He even laughed at her pain. The sickness of the bastard made me ill. I almost felt sorry for "Red" until I remembered who she was. There were lots of comments from his "friends" and only one of them thought what he did was funny. Most of them got on him pretty good for being so sadistic and mean. Quite a few said they were no longer going to be friends with him.

Dennis and Top left me alone the rest of the morning. The last thing I did before going home at noon was to call Lt Daniels.

Jeannie was still on the sofa, but sitting upright. We just looked at each other until I spoke. "How many?"

"How many what?"

"Men. How many men have you slept with in the last five years? I know of two others besides Wingard, but what's the total?" I didn't know if she had any others, but the hospital nurse referred to her 'boyfriends' so I figured I'd take a shot.

She just looked at me. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Really? Then who fucked your ass so much yesterday that you had to get drunk to deal with it?"

Her head snapped in my direction so hard I think she hurt herself. She started to say something, but caught herself, then calmly asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Christ, Jeannie. I know what happened. Can't you just admit it?"

"You're crazy."

"Okay. I'm crazy, but you're a cheater and I'm filing for divorce. You can get Frederick G. Wingard to help move you and your stuff out and into his apartment or wherever you want it to go, but get it out of here." I looked out a front window and saw a Military Police car pull up. Lt Daniels had come through for me. "There will be an MP posted here until 8 tonight. You and all of your stuff better be gone by then or else you'll be arrested for trespassing on Government Property."

I was on shaky ground with that threat, but as with the number of men she'd had, I figured I'd take a chance.

"You're crazy. I've never done.... that; and you can't kick me out of my own house."

"This isn't your house. It belongs to the people of the United States. They're just loaning it to us because I'm in the Army, and since I'm getting a divorce and won't need it anymore, someone who deserves it will move in."

"Tony, I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever gave you the idea I was having an affair?"

"Wingard did. He's the one who told on you.

"How could he do that when nothing ever happened between us?"

I laughed. "You mean to say that you spent most of this past week with him... alone in his apartment overnight... and nothing happened?"

"Tony, where did you hear all of this? I don't even know any Freddie Wingard."


"I... uh... that's what you called him."

"No, it isn't. I called him Frederick G. Wingard."

"It's the same."

"If you say so."

"Anyway, whoever he is, I never slept with him."

"I never said you slept with him; you were probably too busy to sleep, but you did spend several nights at his apartment with him. All I want to know is how many were there."

She jumped up and forgot that she had a painful area until she felt it. "Oh. Damn."

"What's wrong. Your ass hurt?"

"Fuck, you. I told you I don't know what you're talking about."

"This is getting us nowhere. The bottom line is you're moving out. Today. Or you'll be in a federal jail tonight."

She was starting to realize I was serious. "Tony. Listen to me. I haven't cheated on you. Ever."

"And you still insist you don't know Wingard?"

"I swear I don't."

"Jeannie, I saw you with him. I saw you holding hands with him. I saw you eating pizza with him. I saw you going into and out of his apartment building with him. I even saw you kiss him."

"Okay. Maybe I know him, but I never slept with him."

"How stupid do you think I am? I also read both his and your social pages." I paused. "The MP will be posted outside until 8 tonight. If you are still here, he will place you under arrest and put you in jail until you can see a Federal Magistrate. I'm leaving and will be back at 8:01. Take as much of our furniture as you'd like, but leave the government issued stuff."

"Tony. Tony! TONY!!" But I was gone.

Lt. Daniels called me at 7:45 to tell me she was gone. Two young college aged guys showed up in a pickup truck and trailer and moved her out. She gave her house key to the MP posted there before she got in her car and drove off.

She left a note for me. "Tony, I hope you get to do all the things we talked about and are important to you. They never were to me. They were your dreams not mine. I learned to hate the army and the life I was forced to live. I was hoping you would be transferred somewhere I couldn't go so I could have that time to plan a divorce and life without you. You can file for divorce, but I will be counter-filing because of the mental cruelty this marriage has put me through. Jeannie"

I did file and she did counter-file, but my attorney asked Wingard for a statement, which he eagerly gave. My attorney convinced him it would make him a BMOC once it got out that he seduced an Army Major's wife, and his ego being what it was, he jumped at the opportunity. The statement said that he had a sexual relationship with Jeannie for over four months. That they met at the hospital when he took a sick friend there.

He said they started talking and he sensed that she might be amenable to going out with him. His interest was strictly short-term sexual enjoyment. She was older than he was and married to an Army officer which made her more of a target. He disliked the military but couldn't give a reason; he just didn't like them.

He also stated that on more than one occasion she had described her husband as "a nice guy, but boring as toast" and "he never wants to have any fun". She also said that she loved working night shift because it gave her lots of opportunities to meet other men; especially young college students.

My attorney asked him to specifically spell out in detail about the night he fucked her ass and how he threatened to tell me about their affair if she didn't do as he told her. "The more detail the better," my not so jovial Santa Claus looking attorney told him; and Wingard provided all the details he could.

He rattled on for several pages about that episode and others and how and where they'd had sex and how much she, and other women, loved it with him. In fact, most of his statement was about how good he was and how he was the best lover she, or any other woman, could have. The fact that some of them resisted a little was, he thought, more indicative of his abilities as a lover.

My attorney told me about the statement. I didn't read it, but the police did, and he was arrested for blackmail, extortion, and rape.

Jeannie didn't read it either. She was confronted with it and started to read it, but stopped shortly after starting. She dropped her counter-suit and we never had to go to court. The divorce was granted and we went on with our lives.

I am approaching the end of my three-year tour here and have received orders for Germany and am looking forward to three years there as a bachelor. Top has also received his orders and a promotion. He will be going to Germany as well; but as a Sergeant Major, the highest enlisted rank in the Army.

Dennis is taking over my job for a year then he will also be transferred somewhere else.

I've heard Jeannie is still working the 3-11 shift, but I haven't seen her and we haven't talked.

Three years as a bachelor in Europe. I'm going to have a lot of fun.

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 2 months ago

This was a pretty weak story. The main character wasn't particularly likeable in almost any way and seemed really rather ineffectual and lacking in any kind of substance or character. He was just a faceless guy with no real personality. Heck, none of the characters in this story other than the "Villain" (Freddie) seemed to have anything passing for a personality, at least he was an arrogant dweeb with some sort of anti-military opinions. I mean, it's not much, but it's SOMETHING.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperT2 months ago

Sorry, your worst I've read so gar. MC had not a shroud of self-respect

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She was not really broken up at the discovery except for it messed with her time table. She was already gone. Hated service life and was wishing a hardship tour on her husband. Whats next? Oh boy maybe he'll KIA and get the benefits? He was the one playing catch up the whole time.

NoBullAlNoBullAl4 months ago

Just another story about a rather slow witted MC who has trouble getting his act together and get rid of a cheating bitch!!

orneryonezorneryonez4 months ago

Military Service WTF?, get it right, the correct term is Corporate Service (Corporations)... Servicing the whims of the Elite in order to make them wealthier "no ifs buts or maybes"!!!

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