What Kind of Man I Am Ch. 03

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"Can you hear it? Oh, it's gettin' better now, every day."
7.4k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/30/2018
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Well alright!

Melting panties and pink teddies!

What has happened so far?

Chip found out Friday that his wife was going to divorce him in 20 days. He confirmed that she has been hiding money for a year.

Chip's plan is to piss her off and even the money up.

Tuesday August 15, 2018.

I woke to my phone vibrating under the pillow. Shit, must have slept through Joan's alarm and departure. Time for a shower and to get my eyes opened farther than these slits.

After a long hot shower, I dried off and jumped on the scale. 192 lbs. Looks like I lost a few pounds this week. I should really start doing sit ups to firm up my weak ass abs.

Just fucking do it you pussy. I was able to do about 25 sit ups decently. I rested and did 2 more sets. I barely finished 20 on the last set. Tomorrow will be a sore stomach day. My chest is still sore from the last two workouts on Sunday and Monday.

While I recovered, I was mulling over a idea that has been brewing in my head for Joan and Laurie. Getting in better shape would help achieve the best results. It would be in 2 phases. Phase 1 would have to be soon and I would need to catch them at Laurie's house.

Phase 2 would happen after Joan's declaration of independence. Why don't we call it, Operation Divide and Conquer. What do you think Cappy?

"I like it! Just tell me which one to fuck. Or both!"

The kids were still sleeping when I left for work. I was still mentally asleep, so I stopped for a large iced coffee. While I was in line, I thought it would be nice to have satellite radio in my office. That would certainly brighten my days.

"Don't you know you're going to shock the monkey. Hey, hey."

I was never a big fan of Peter Gabriel, but I dig this song. I parked the Jeep and listened to the rest.

My morning was going by quickly. I was in and out of a few planning meetings for Christmas ads. Around 10 am I got a call on my office line. Most of my contact with vendors was via email, so the phone ringing was probably important.

"Whatcha ya doing fucker!"

"Hey fucker."

"Dude. We're going to Vegas baby!"


"Vegas? The Plan? Will take the red eye next Thursday night and be there through Sunday."

"Shit really! That's awesome. Um, how much is this going to cost?"

"Not much. The gambling and the hoes is where they get your money. Last night Jacy helped me get the tickets and reservations. This stuff is easy peasy for her. She takes care of all the travel for her company. She also said she would look into some cool things for us to do. She has a lot of connections brother."

I was spinning my wedding ring.

"Do you think fake bake will cover up my wedding ring tan line?"

"Dude, that's a Jacy question. Anything to do with lotions and shit, I ask her."

"Did you shave your balls yet? Might need some lotion for that."

"Funny fucker. You want to sit in coach in between Grandma farting and some big guy with part of his stomach in your seat?"

"No, I do not. Thank you."

"Gotta go. I'll email you the itinerary later today!"

"Sounds good. Thanks Matty."

"Later fucker."

Well that call put me in great mood. I need some tunes to keep it rolling. I found a internet station to play some music and use the little speakers I had.

"But it's only gettin' better, and a change is gonna come my way

Yes it's only gettin' better, better every day, aha yeah"

This song kicks ass. Hard to believe this guy wailing was a cement truck driver.

Right before lunch I remembered to look at Jacy's email. She had a list of colognes that her focus hoe group recommended. I am going to need a professional to help me trying all these out.

I let my staff know that I had to run an errand and would be back at 1:30 PM. I jetted over to the mall and parked by Macy's. There were a tremendous amount of lovely ladies shopping at this time. As I made my way towards the men's cologne area, a song popped in my head.

"See a lot of pretty girls passing by.

I'm walking in the midnight sun once again."

"Can I help you?"

Yes you can Tiffany! Tiffany looked about 25 and was a very fit brunette.

"Yes. Tiffany please! I need to do what this email says. If I don't, there could be some form of spanking involved."

Oh, that joke did not go over so well. But her eyes were sparkling, so maybe It did?

I show her the email on my phone.

"Spankings? Really. Hmmmm. Let me gather these up. This will take a few minutes. Are you okay with me holding onto your phone?"


She had grey slacks on, but they hugged her very well. Her ass quivered with every step as she walked away. She had to make a few trips back and forth for my viewing pleasure. Cappy took notice.

"Chip! Don't you you want to spread those lucious cheeks and bury your face in them."

The view of a womens shapely ass from behind, with a pussy tucked in the middle?One of the top wonders of the world.

She came back smiling with the last couple of bottles. I think I had the bigger smile.

"Here's you phone back."

"Thanks. So how the heck do I try out so many colognes?"

"Well, whoever Jacy is, she did a great job selecting. Why don't you try the Aventus by Creed first. You may melt some panties in the hallways with this though!"

She smirked at me. Oh shit! I forgot about that crack I had made. Jacy did reference it in the email.

"Now I'm embarrassed Tiffany. First I bombed with the spankings joke and now this."

"I was just teasing you. I thought it was very funny. So, you are Chip?"

Cappy still had me thinking about her ass.

"Chip! We should spank Tiffany's tight quivering bottom. I'm sure she would love it."

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm so glad you are here today Tiffany."

"Me to. Is Jacy your wife?

"No. My best friends fiancé. My wife umm. It's kinda complicated. It seems to get more complicated every day."

If she read that email all they way through? She would know something was up from the tone of it.

"Here, let me spray some on your neck and chest. We should undo a button on your shirt."

She reached over and unbuttoned me.

"Lean forward please."

She sprayed me twice. I took in the scent.

"That's really good. Wow. What do you think?"

"Colognes react differently with each person. Lean over again so I can smell you."

I leaned over and she got real close. Kind of turned me on. Okay, it really turned me on.

"Oh yes, mmmmm hmmmmm. That is very good on you."

"Awesome. That's one."

"You have today to take in for a test run.

These are all very sexy scents."

We started working through the list. It wasn't really work. Tiffany made it fun and really hot! Many times she would hold my hand while she smelled the cologne on my wrist and forearm.

We worked through 5 colognes and came away with 3 that we both agreed on.

"Chip, you should really come back another day and try the rest. Here let me wipe your arms clean. Then, lets add just a little more to your chest and wrist and see what happens at work this afternoon. You can tell me when you come back to see me."

"Uh oh. What's going to happen?"

She just smiled at me.

"I'm off tomorrow, but I am here the rest of the week."

I ending buying Acqua Di Gio Armani, Yves Saint Laurent La Nuit del 'home and Aventus by Creed. That set me back around $300.

Tiffany gave me a $50 discount with a coupon. What a sweetie!

"I will be back Friday. Thank you so much Tiffany. I would give you a hug if I could. You have been amazing."

"Ooh. Let me come around."

She scooted out to join me, her heels rapidly clicking on the floor. I gave her a big hug and she put her hands on my chest. I fought bravely, but the rigid Captain pressed against Tiffany's abdomen. Then she took a deep whiff of my neck and whispered in my ear.

"Chip, I think I need to buy some new panties."

"I gotta get out of her Tiffany, before I do something I'm not supposed to. I will see you Friday! Your the best!"

I let go of her as she started to giggle.

"Bye Chip."

Shit. I could jack off at the office! Or I could take Tiffany back into a fitting room and eat that juicy little pussy and bite her ass. How hot would it would be to fuck her from behind with one leg on the little sitting spot and see it all in the mirror. I would love to see her pretty face moaning as I slide my throbbing cock inside her pussy. Cappy decided.

"Chip. My vote is for fitting room fucking."

I needed to take my mind off of Tiffany. Okay, so what is the plan after work tonight? Work out and dinner? What should we do as a family tonight? We usually do something on the weekend, but the pool party took up most of Sunday. There really wasn't any new movies out and I didn't want to shop for back to school yet. I just want to eat and relax with my family. Maybe have some fun.

Dave and Busters is fun! Even Joan liked it last time we went.

My phone buzzed that I had a message.

"Hey, have you told the family about Vegas yet?"

"Not yet. What's up?"

"We are going to the Mayweather fight on Saturday night. SAY WHAT!"

"Holy shit! How?"

"Jacy is the bombdiddy bomb!"

"You should lock that shit up."

"I know! Right? I will."

"This is a huge fight. How much are the tickets?"

"Don't worry about that. Part of the The Plan. You should tell Joan and the kids now before something comes up."

"Okay. On it fucker."

"Vegas fucker!"

I deleted the text and opened up a new text for the family.

"Hey guys. Matty and I are going to Vegas the following weekend. Leaving late Thurs night thru Sunday. Sorry about short notice. Jacy fell into some tickets for the Mayweather fight! Is everyone up for Dave and Busters for dinner and games tonight. Parents vs Brats! Who's in?"

Kixx of course replied back quickly.

"Awesome. Your going down old man!"

About 2 minutes later Chel replied.

"Sounds good. Bring your trifocals pops! I don't know who Mayweather is. You and Uncle Matty in Vegas? Sounds like a bad movie.

Joan replied right after that.

"Sorry kids. I'm bringing home work that has to get done."

Well that is how I thought it would go. Chel sent another text.

"Dad can I bring Jessie instead? Girls vs boys!"


"Can we pick her up at her house?"

Eeek. That means I will probably see Mrs. Porter again and Mr. Porter.

I reply back.


That completed, I headed for my corporate entrance. As I walked into the outer cubicles, Carrie asked for my thoughts on some distribution dates for the 4rth quarter. Then I headed for my office.

Only a few minutes later, Carrie and Lori came in.

"Hey Chip? Are you good with these shipping dates?

Carrie and Lori are two of my buyers. Carrie is around my age and is a ample bosomed and bottomed brunette that prefers western type clothing. Always tight and right! Lori is a tall and thin red head in her late 20's. She's a pretty girl with long legs. I would lick her calves while fucking her on my desk. Shit. This is getting out of hand. Every time I interact with a woman, I think about how I would fuck her.

Why they were in here didn't make any sense. Carrie didn't need me to check on the dates. Then I think I figured it out.

"Alright, what's going on?'


"You don't need me to check these? And Lori, why are you hovering over my shoulder?

"Well. You smell really good! You rarely wear cologne. When you walked by, Carrie grabbed me to come in. You smell really, really good."

"I bought some new cologne. I'm trying a few out."

"It's too good.. We might have to forbid you to wear it here at work. You can't have your buying team fighting to sit on your lap."

Giggling ensues.

"Oh stop. Get out of her you teases."

They both had one last exaggerated sniff and hurried out of my office giggling. No matter what happens, I will not fuck anyone on my team. Well, I will i. The thought of Carrie sitting on my lap with those tits in my face brought back the Captain.

"Threesome in the office baby!"

"Hey, wait a minute."

They both stopped at the door smiling.

"If I try a different cologne every day, will you tell me if its good on me?"

"Of course boss."

The rest of the day flew by after that.

Once home, I switched into my workout gear and heading back out to the gym.

I made it home around 6:45pm and told the kids I would ready in fifteen minutes. I skipped the shower and just freshened up my underarms. Luckily, I think I avoided getting close to Joan during any conversations we had. Not sure how she would react to some sweaty Aventus.

Jessie's house was only 3-4 minutes away. We arrived in front of the Porter's at 7:05pm. We all got out of the Jeep and walked up to the door. Chel knocked and a few seconds later Jessie answered. She quickly pulled Chel inside.

"We need 10 more minutes!"

I looked at Kixx.


So we went back to the Jeep and I pulled out the football.

"Kixx. Lets throw the ball around while we wait."

"Yeah, cool."

We made small talk about what he did today and made plans Saturday for us to go to the Y together.

Then Theresa came out the front door smiling and waving.

"We'll hello there Chip. Kixx"


"Hi Mrs. Porter."

"Sorry. Jessie forgot her manners and didn't invite you in."

"It's okay. I always carry some things in the Jeep for just the occasion."

"I can see."

She moved closer to me, but she kept an eye on the football.

"Hey, so I was thinking we would probably have Jessie back here by 10 PM if that's okay?"

"Perfect. It sounds like a fun evening. Mmmmmm. Chip? You smell really good."

All during this conversation me and Kixx were throwing the football back and forth.

"Oh. Thank you. Ummm, maybe next time you and Mr. Porter can go with us?"

Theresa frowned slightly and replied in a lower tone.

"That would be awkward since I am separated from Mr. Porter."

I was still looking at Theresa and felt bad that I didn't know that.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

Whap! I forgot to pay attention to Kixx's throw and he nailed me in the cheek with the football.

"Oh! Chip are you okay?"

"Dad! I'm sorry. I thought?"

"I'm okay. Just smarts a little bit. I'm fine. Really."

I was looking down and rubbing my check. I then noticed how good Theresa smelled and that she had lovely scooped blouse on that showed her inviting cleavage. When did she get so close to me?

"Are you sure your okay Chip. I could get you some ice."

Theresa had her hand on my biceps. Oh shit. I do need ice, but not for my cheek. The Captain went on rapid deployment with all my flirting and fantasies firing off in my head today. Just look at her eyes Chip! But it's so difficult not to look at the valley of creamy goodness. Argh!

Saved by the Chel again!

Jessie and Chel came bursting out the front door chatting away. Chel suddenly had a quizzical look on her face while Jessie's smile started to get bigger as they got closer to us.

"Dad, what happened?"

Kixx came over to the group.

"I hit Dad in the face with the football on accident."

"I'm fine. We should probably get going. Then me and Kixx can gloat after we soundly defeat the girls!"

Theresa touched my arm again.

"Chip are you sure your okay?"

Her left breast pressed into me.

"Really. I'm uh good."

Theresa walked with us to the Jeep. I let the girls get in first.

"Have fun guys."

"Bye Mom!"

While I started the Jeep, I gazed at Theresa's fine ass in those tight shorts. It had a hypnotizing sway to it. Captain, as always, ready with some music.

"Shake it. Shake it. Shake it. Shake it. Shake it."

I looked in the mirror and saw Jessie smirking and Chel looking concerned.

"Mr. Jameson. You smell really good! I'm surprised my mom didn't invite herself along."

"Jessie! Never mind. We're starving. Peddle to the metal please."

I laughed. But Chel knew something. Oh hell. Everyone seems to know more than I do.

Dave and Buster's was a blast. We played this giant version of Rockem Sockem robots and made the rounds on a bunch of other games.

At one point, we separated for a bit. Kixx was jamming on some Zombie killing machine. I think the girls were looking to see if any cute boys worked there. I found a baseball game in the back corner that you tried to hit a metal ball. It was a mix of old school and new. Turns out I was pretty good at it. So I kept at for awhile, until I accumulated 200 plus points.

We met back up and the girls killed us on the dance machines. Seems the Jameson men lack rhythm to any techno beats. All night there was lots of smack talking, but the boys came out victorious overall because of our superior skills with balls! Ski ball and basketball. Boys and our balls. I laughed, thinking about Matty having a conversation with Jacy about his hairy balls.

We headed over to the prize desk with our cards. Kixx wanted to save his points for next time.

"Dad how did you get so many points?"

"I got mad skills bro."

The kids laughed at my badly played German accent.

In the end we combined all our points together and picked a pink teddy bear as a prize. Theresa would look hot in a pink teddy! God, I would love to empty my balls all over Theresa's breasts. Suddenly, I felt bad fantasizing about Jessie's mom when she was only 3 feet away.

"Hey guys. I need to use the restroom."

I hit the stall and locked the door. I took a piss but ending up stroking my cock a little thinking about a pink teddy on Theresa. That triggered the pool party blowjob fantasy.

I shook my self out of the dream and tucked an erect Cappy down my right leg. I'm definitely going to bust my nuts tonight in the shower again. I should think about where I am going to put the cum this time. Hmmmm.

I rejoined the kids and we headed back. The whole way we chatted about the night and who was going to win next time we went. I did bring home a steak tips meal for Joan. She ordered it last time we went and said it was really good. Some hubby habits die hard.

I let the girls out my side and I walked with them to the door. Kixx stayed in the car to listen to music. I guess it must have been decided that Jessie would get the bear. Jessie opened the door and Theresa was walking up to it at the same time. Shit! I should have offered to bring her some food. The Captain volunteered to help.

"Chip. I do have a large amount of protein available to deliver in only a couple of minutes!"

"How did it go?"

Jessie handed the pink teddy bear to her mom.

"Mr. Jameson won this for you mom."

"Did he now? Thank you Chip!"

Even though that's not what happened, I was turning red with embarrassment.

"Hey now. That's not what happened!"

Did I just whine?

"Dad. I'll be out in 5 minutes."

Chel pushed Jessie and smacked her in the butt, looking a little pissed. Jessie was giggling the whole time. Theresa moved a little closer to me. I was left standing there smiling sheepishly. So I just blurted something out.

"You look great in a pink teddy."

Really Chip! You forgot to say bear! Pink teddy bear! Oh gawd! Smooth. Stupid fucker.

"Why thank you sir."

I am so hosed. I can't call Matty to get me out this one. Theresa is smirking a little bit.

Probably wondering what the hell I meant by that. Then I thought of a pink lace teddy on her and how it would look awesome to see her nipples trying to poke through the lace. Get a hold of yourself!

"By the way, I'm sorry. I wish I would have asked you if wanted something from the restaurant. Their chicken breasts and ah the umm the ribs ah, are really good."

"Are they?"

She raised her eye brows while she still hugged the pink teddy bear between her tits.

She's killing me. Why can't I speak correctly! Be the teddy. Be the teddy.

"Oh yeah. Everything looks and tastes really good. And instead of relaxing afterwards, we burn off all the calories getting umm wild."