What Sandy Was Not Told Ch. 03


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He was right, we all then felt like it was a good idea, sitting up. It was so dark that Jean had to find a flashlight - "torch" she called it - so that we could find our clothes. Then we did chuckle at finding each other's difference items spread around. Tacitly, we seemed to agree to put on all our underwear, letting me wonder if maybe that had been the final act. As we put on our shoes, Mary remarked:

"I really got to go now. I guess as long as you're doing that, you don't feel like you have to."

"Something like that; me too," I agreed, and then we were all leaving the tent, Mary rushing off first, the rest of us slipping out more discreetly, but their neighbors were apparently all at the bar; it sounded like it.

On the way, Pat chuckled and said:

"We better wash our faces."

"At least!" Jean agreed with a chuckle.

"I'll tell Mary," Trish enjoined, and then with chuckles we went our ways.

Face washing was easy, but without a towel ... A wipe in a toilet with a wet and then a dry paper towel from the washbasin had to do. Mary was the last to return, snickering as she explained:

"I had to go back, ... after Jean told me to use paper towels."

"Us, too," Trish remarked before anyone could chuckle.

"Let's have a beer," Jean suggested: "It's my shout."

A cold beer sounded like a very good idea, and Rick and I - and the others - nodded, but I guess Jean recognized from our expressions that we didn't understand her second remark.

No, Mary had repeated questioningly: "shout?"

"Oh, 'shout' is an Aussie expression for a round of drinks."

"Then it's not just yours," Pat added: ... "they invited us to dinner."

Trish nodded and said: "Mine too."

"Mine too," Mary chimed in: "... but I don't have any money with me."

"We can settle that later," Jean replied as we walked towards the bar.

She "shouted" her round. The noise from the group gave meaning to the expression. With six cans of beer, we moved to the fringe of the area.

"Cheers," Jean toasted.

"Cin cin," Trish responded, explaining: "That's what Italians say."

"Here's looking at you," I added, undressing them with my eyes.

My glances weren't lost on them; the girls smirked as Rick nodded, and then we all drank - more deeply than our sips of the warm wine. Jean reminded us that they were starting early the next morning, heading for Yugoslavia, mentioning what she remembered about the area. I don't recall where their first stop would be; she talked more about Split and Dubrovnik as we quickly finished our beers.

When Pat suggested that it was her "shout", we agreed that two of us could share a can, and she went off and returned with three cans. She handed Rick and me one and we opened them, and then with a smirk, she repeated my toast with pointed glances below our waistlines - he even seemed to feel it.

"At you, too," Rick responded, and I recalled how she looked naked as the other girls snickered, and Pat smiled with a glance down at her breasts. We three drank and then handed our cans to the others, who drank.

It took us about as long to share the three cans as we had needed for the first round, Jean telling more about their route - and about the social interaction.

We already knew from Jean, of course, how she and her two tentmates had interacted, but she told us they had taken advantage of the company that campsites offered - "but never like this," and she smiled, and we did. That had gotten better after they reached Europe. At first, in India, it seemed that all the girls had taken a chance with guys in the group, fewer than the girls, but she and her tentmates quickly recognized the problems.

She smirked:

"Maybe because we found a better alternative than some of the other girls."

A couple of steady pairs developed; some girls apparently took what they could get, even knowing that sometimes the guy came from another bed or went to one.

Mary looked shocked for a moment, but then snorted and grinned and remarked:

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but this is all sort of 'in the family.'"

We all nodded and chuckled and drank. Yeah, that's when that round was finished. Trish got up and asked: "Three more?" we nodded, and she went off. While she was away, Jean told us that the "couriers" were good, serious, dependable guys, watching out for younger girls and guys - "not that they didn't, if the girls wanted to" - even "taking care" of those who were "entirely deprived."

We chuckled, agreeing that they took their job seriously. Then Trish returned, followed at a distance by a man taller than Rick or me from the group with a can in his hand.

"He's a courier," Jean murmured.

As Trish passed out the cans, he approached and asked:

"You girls all right?" They nodded.

"And you Yanks? Need any help?"

"We're doing fine," Rick replied, and the girls nodded again.

"Sure? These Aussie girls can be a handful."

He sounded a little drunk, and the girls looked a little apprehensive, but I - maybe also a little drunk - boldly replied:

"We've noticed, ... but we've been training with Dutch girls for ten day."

The girls snickered as he looked surprised, and I added:

"And the real 'handful' is English."

He glanced at Mary, who chuckled unblushingly with a grin.

Did she shake her shoulders? Or did I just think that it would have been an appropriate way for her to accentuate her humor at his now apparent defeat? Whatever, he looked discouraged and replied less confidently:

"I guess you do ... have everything in hand."

He smirked at his turn of phrase, and we all grinned as the girls nodded their smiles changing to smirks, but he missed them, having turned to go, but then turned back to remind the girls of their early start and went off.

"Oh, that was good!" Trish remarked as we opened the cans, all nodding with chuckles and then drinking, first one and then the other from each can.

"It was," Jean agreed: "... but we'll probably hear about it later, ... but that could be interesting. I was thinking about letting him know that that I had done the trip before and had experience with couriers. ... Oh, if I had said that, he could have thought it was invitation, ... better this way," and she looked at me with a smile and held up her can. Luckily, I was holding the one I was sharing with Trish and raised it, and we drank.

The others drank, sharing their cans, and there was a lull in the conversation. We all drank again, and the lull became a pregnant pause. The crowd at the bar was as loud as before, but it seemed that the other were wondering like me what would happen next. We drank again in silence.

Jean broke the silence, referring to what she had said:

"Maybe we'll need that later; better think of something to say that doesn't sound like an invitation."

We all nodded, and drank again. Apparently we wanted to finish our beers, but what then? It didn't seem like anyone wanted another round. Was someone - probably Jean - going to suggest that we go to bed - each to his/her own? It wasn't really late - but 'later'. I snorted at the thought.

"What was that for," Trish asked, nearest me to hear it.

"I was thinking that it really isn't late, and then thought that it is, however, 'later'."

The others snickered, more than was necessary just to show their recognition of my reference. Mary smirked and agreed:

"Yeah, it's way past my bedtime."

The others snickered again, and we all glanced around to see if anyone could overhear us; we had some experience with how such conversations could develop, especially if Mary led them, but everyone's glance around suggested that they anticipated that it might, and weren't adverse to it. The people at the next tables had disappeared. Pat responded to Mary's remark:

"Yeah, mine too. You need someone to put you to bed, maybe to change your diapers?"

Mary grinned, obviously now comfortable in her role as the youngest, and agreed:

"Maybe, but not for that, if I can go to the loo first."

She'd done it again, make us all want to go to the loo - and suggested that when she had, she needed someone to help put her to bed, hardly a euphemism with the our common experience. We drained our cans. No one was going to suggest that the "evening" was over, and we went to the loo, and waited till we were all back together and then went in the direction of their tent. On the way, Mary snickered and whispered:

"Oh, I didn't wash. Anyone mind?"

There were just chuckles.

We took off our shoes and entered the tent - still nicely warmer than outside. Warm enough that we didn't need another suggest from Mary that it was too warm for clothes. We just started to take them off - like the last evening with Geerta and Marga - but just seeing silhouettes of each other. No one was hesitating, all of us just stripping them off, our underpants last, which everyone must also have observed; when they were removed, we gravitated together: hands touching and then sliding up arms and down to asses as we crowded closer, reaching further to touch the next person. I recognized that the person beyond Trish must be Rick, and he must have recognized that I was on the other side of her; he couldn't have meant that tight grasp for one of the girl's bottoms.

Of course, it was Mary again who asked the obvious:

"What are we going to do? I can't think of anything else."

There were snickers of agreement at her dilemma - at our dilemma. We all wanted to, but what? I snorted as an idea occurred to me, and felt the other turning their heads in my direction.

"Mary can't have all the good ideas. Don't know if this is good, but I think it is."

"What," Mary asked for the others - left and right I could feel nods.

"I want to suck Mary's breasts and kiss her - haven't done that yet." The others snickered.

"And would like to kiss and suck the others', ... and the rest, too."

"How?" Mary asked, the other girls letting her lead me on, nodding with "um-hmm." Rick squeezed my ass again.

"Guess I have to go into some detail. I was thinking of the girls' taking turns lying on one of us - also taking turns ..." There were snickers.

"... on her back on us - one of us, not just lying, of course - ..." more snickers: "... and then everyone else could suck or kiss or lick."

There were chuckles and snickers; I had to snicker, myself.

"Sounds complicated, but I guess it would work," Jean commented, adding:

"And we're going to do that four times?"

"That was what I was thinking, ... if everyone wants to." More chuckles.

"Oooh, all of us doing to each other! I would like that! I haven't sucked a girl's breast ... or kissed one, but I'll sure do it," Mary enthused, adding in my direction: "If you want suck mine, I'd better 'lie' on Rick."

"Then someone ought to help me get aroused," he remarked with a snort.

There were snorts, and I felt Trish move and felt Jean's hand find my cock as she chuckled, and then heard Rick murmur:

"Both of you? That's nice."

There was some more movement in the dark, while Jean fondled me, and then Mary murmured:

"Let me do it, ... if I'm going to 'lie' on him," and there was some more movement, and Rick said:

"Don't fight for it," and there were soft chuckles, and he added:

"Yeah, just take turns."

We all slipped down on the ground, on their air mattresses and open and overlapping sleeping bags. Then I was surprised to feel a hand find my foot and slide up, joining Jeans. Pat must have crawled over to us. Then her mouth joined their hands, kissing and licking and then slipping around his partially engorged head. Jean snickered and murmured:

"Don't overdo it; we need him later."

Pat nodded, and I found one of Jean's breasts, and then we found each other's mouth. After a minute or two, Mary said:

"I think that's good enough. Lie down."

"Um-hmm," we all agreed, and there was some more movement and chuckles, and Mary murmured:

"Help us, Trish. ... Hm-hmm! Maybe you should lick me some first. ... Um-hmm! Like that. ... Yeah, keep him aroused."

We three snorted at our image of them: Trish apparently licking Mary's pussy and holding Rick's cock. After a few moments, we heard Mary again:

"Oooh! Yes! ... Oooh!" and an "Uhmmm!" from Rick.

It was obviously time for us to join them. Pat let go of me and crawled around as Jean and I dropped to our knees and found where they all were. Pat had found Mary's head and with a chuckle and said softly:

"Yeah, Trish and I did this, too," and there was a maybe intentionally loud kiss.

Jean and I found Mary's breasts, firm and almost as round as when she was upright, and with a very nice nipple to suck, as I felt Rick's hips moving Mary and heard Trish's mouth on her. Mary was making pleased and aroused noises: chuckling apparently at the thought and effect of having us all arousing her; and an aroused "Uhn!" at what Trish and Rick were doing to her pussy.

That went on for a minute or two, and then I wanted to kiss Mary. I reached towards Pat, who was on my side, and found her breast, fondling it for a moment and murmured:

"I want to, too."

Pat nodded and murmured:

"Next one," and began to move around Rick's and Mary's heads. Before I found her mouth, she said brightly:

"Yeah, do that; change places," and was snickering as I put my lips on hers, our tongues immediately finding each other as I was aware that the others were moving, Trish brushing against me as she took my place. Rick chuckled, and for a few seconds I felt him give Mary some harder strokes and then resume a slower pace, letting me think that Jean had taken over licking Mary's pussy. I fondled one of Trish's breasts and heard her "uhn-hnnn" of appreciation.

Suddenly both Mary and Rick snorted, and Rick responded to something:

"Oooh! ... We didn't think of that. ... Nice!"

Mary snickered and murmured with her lips on mine: "She's sucking his cock."

As I chuckled, thinking this was all going even better than I had thought - changing places and then this - Mary's hand brushed my thigh and slid up between them and found my cock - not as aroused at it been when Pat was sucking it. Then Mary snickered again and said:

"Give me back my cock," adding a second or two later as she squeezed mine: "Uhn! Good!"

Rick was moving it in her again, and her hand was moving on mine with pleasant effect, and then she murmured:

"Let me suck it. I want two cocks."

Rick snickered and gave her a couple of harder strokes, and I moved around to let her have mine, straddling their shoulders with my hands supporting me above their heads. Mary didn't let go of him and guided him to her mouth as Rick chuckled, and then she did have her two cocks: one moving leisurely in her pussy as she demonstrated to me again how much she liked to suck one. There were muffled chuckles from the other girls, whose mouths were all busy. Then. as it was beginning to feel really good, Jean said again:

"Don't overdo it; we need him."

Everyone seemed to accepted that as the signal to change places again. Trish chuckled and reached behind my legs and fondled my balls; I dropped over to the other side and found Mary's other breast, freed by Pat, who was moving down between Mary's thighs. When Jean had taken Trish's place, I reached across Mary and fondled her breast, and then it was like before.

But not for long. Pat wanted to suck Rick's cock sooner than Jean had, and Mary wanted to have Trish's pussy, and got it - for a long time. Pat had a couple or three sessions with his cock, letting him fuck Mary in between, until I felt it was my turn to enjoy her pussy.

I gave Jean's breast a final squeeze and began to move. When Pat noticed and was moving from between Mary's thighs, she chuckled and whispered:

"I'm going to cheat."

I understood what she meant as I moved to where she had been; she hadn't moved up to Mary's breast but had slide back behind me on her back. As I found Mary's pussy, suddenly recognizing that I hadn't anticipating how it would be with Rick's cock in it, Pat pushed herself up between my legs and reached up and found my cock, pulling it down and moving herself a little further up until it was comfortable for her to take it in her mouth - very comfortable!

I could already imagine Jean's reminding her again not to overdo it, but I wasn't going to - not as good as felt. And Jean wasn't thinking about that either, if she had noticed. After the briefest kiss, I saw the silhouette of her getting over Mary and Rick, apparently without waiting for a suggestion from Mary.

I liked that, that she wanted to have her own pleasure; and knowing that Mary wanted to give it to her - and was getting her own so many ways - and that I was getting mine; and Rick, his, of course; and Pat was doing something she liked. Poor Trish, she deserved better the next time.

During this, I was licking Mary's pussy, recalling that Trish, Jean and Pat already had, wondering if she noticed any difference in technique. I was trying to avoid touching Rick's cock, that he kept moving in her, but occasionally my tongue slipped down and brushed it, and that didn't upset me, it just belonged to it, if we were doing this, and it was kind of nice to feel it slipping in and out. Had he snorted at feeling that I had licked it - more often than before?

Oh, Trish was feeling her way past me and snorted when she found Pat. Pat snorted; maybe Trish had found her breast, and then there was some more movement behind me, and Pat snorted again with an "uhn-hnnn!" vibrating on my cock. Trish must have found the best thing she could do, nice for Pat, too - even nicer! Oooh, nice too, Pat was massaging my balls.

She must have done that to Rick, too. Had all the girls? I did. Rick gasped, but then snorted and gave Mary a couple of better strokes and then held still as I scratch his tight scrotum and then stretched it, trying to compensate with my tongue for his lack of movement in Mary's pussy, thinking that I knew more than the girls about massaging balls and helping delay a man's orgasm.

Pat wasn't trying to do that; Trish was distracting her; her knees brushed my hips.

Rick had started to move in Mary again, now that his sack was loose again. He hadn't mind that familiarity, and my tongue slid down and felt his cock sliding in and out at the edge of Mary's hole. Was his moving it once deeper a response to his feeling that? Did he think that I might want to do what the girls had done? Did I?! Pat and Trish and Mary had all be been curious about how it was to lick another girl's pussy - curious enough to try it. Yes! I was curious. Did Rick expect me too? Even want me to? Like Pat was doing so arousingly on my cock?

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