What The Cat Dragged In Ch. 22


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In spite of the fact that she was covered, she was starting to shiver.

Kelly slid out from under Victor's arm. When she stood up, he caught her wrist.

"Frail?" Despite the sleepy growl, she heard the worry there.

She gripped his hand. "I'm cold. I'm going to see if I can find another blanket somewhere."

He sat up and found the sweatshirt he'd been wearing. "Put this on."

Kelly pulled it over her head. "Thanks." She settled next to him again.

"What the fuck did you do, stop eating entirely?"

"Yes." She hoped he wouldn't hear the soft whisper.

He wrapped his hand in the back of her hair and forced her to look at him. He looked more shocked than angry. "Don't ever do that again."

"I thought you were dead. Your blood was on my face-"

"So you gave up?" Now the anger was making an appearance.

She shook her head. "I tried to get away when they put me on the plane. Whatever they had given me had worn off while we were still on the road somewhere. I heard them talking about putting me on a plane and I figured it was my best chance to try and run. My legs were shackled. I don't think I got fifty feet." She smiled a little. "I guess I managed to kick one of them pretty good though. Twice."

He chuckled. "Scrappy frail."

"That's how I got the start of the wound on my head." She rubbed it and found only smooth skin. "They injected me again and I woke up in that cell." She started to tremble. "Every time they came in..."

"I saw the burns."

Kelly nodded. She hadn't wanted to say it. Putting it to words would have made it too real. Even in the safety of Victor's arms she wasn't ready to face it. "I thought you were dead, and they kept trying to make me tell them your name-"

He rubbed the back of her neck. "And you got stubborn."

"I felt like I was betraying you. Even if you were dead, I wasn't going to do that."

He shook his head and looked into her eyes. "I ain't gonna lie to you. The shit I'm in, it makes you a target too. I'll do my best not to fuck up again-"

"You didn't-"

"Bullshit. I ignored my instincts and then I walked out of that cabin like some fat ass tourist on a road trip." He gripped her hair a little tighter. "That won't happen again. You gonna let me finish what I was sayin'?"

His gruff tone didn't completely cover the notes of guilty pain in his voice. An ache settled in Kelly's chest. She brushed her lips over his. "Yes."

"'F I fuck up again, you do anything you have to in order to keep yourself intact and alive until I can get to you. I don't give a shit what you have to tell them. We can deal with the fallout after you're safe. That engineered healing factor can only do so much on its own. Unless I'm in pieces, you can be damn sure I'm coming after you. You got that?"

Kelly nodded.

"Out loud." His attempt at a rough tone fell flat.

She complied anyway. "I understand."

"Good. You ready to go back to sleep?" His grip on her hair eased. His claws teased the back of her scalp.

"Yes. Can I put my back to you?"

"Hold on." He got up and Kelly turned over. He got in behind her again. It took some shifting for them both to find comfort. "I'll be glad to get back into a bed that ain't the size of a fucking postage stamp."

Kelly laughed softly.

He growled and gave her right nipple a startlingly accurate pinch. Kelly squeaked and pushed her bottom against him. "Keep rubbing your ass against me like that, frail. I might be tired but I can fuck you in my sleep."

"Here?" Kelly felt a deep blush rise to her cheeks.

She felt him shrug. "I'd strip you naked and fuck you in the fountain at the goddamn mall."

Kelly couldn't resist a shocked little giggle. "Victor!"

"What? I can't help it if you're too fucking shy." The little smirk was obvious in his voice. "'Course I like having you all to myself too."

She gripped his hand to still the ache in her chest. "I'll try and stay still." She couldn't keep the tremor out of her voice.

"I don't give a shit what almost happened, frail. You're still all mine. Always will be, no matter what."

Kelly gripped his hand tighter for a minute; he felt the tension start to leave her body.


Creed felt her relax as she moved from a light doze into a deep sleep. If this was anything like when she got away from Dawes she'd have a couple of good nights before the nightmares started. Might be more, might be less depending on how much she'd already repressed and how it came out. All he knew for sure was that it would come out. Infection always did.

He had no fucking idea how to help her through it either.

He'd turned hurt and fear and helplessness into rage and aggression and wholesale slaughter. She wouldn't. She might try it, but she wouldn't get lost in it the way he had. He knew that. She'd turn it inward and figure out a way to make the whole damn thing her own fault. That idea made the marrow of his bones ache.

She whimpered softly in her sleep. A moment later she started to tremble. His arm tightened around her waist. A deep purr rumbled through his chest. She tensed, then calmed.

At least this time she wouldn't be fighting through the dreams alone on a couch. He held her tighter and closed his eyes.


Kelly woke up when Victor shifted in bed. She felt him get up. Fear shot through her.

"Victor?" Her voice was still thick with sleep.

He brushed the hair out of her face and nipped the side of her neck. "Stay there. I'm goin' to get us some breakfast. Be back soon."

Kelly watched him leave, and felt her heart contract when he left her sight. With him gone, it was so easy to think that she had dreamed the whole thing. Still, she was wearing a sweatshirt that was far too big for her, and the pillow did smell like him. She stretched carefully. The wound on her side still tugged painfully when she raised her arms. The rest of the aches were gone. Her head was clearer too.

A quick trip to the bathroom told her that her balance and strength was back. When she got back out she shifted the tray she'd eaten from the night before and lowered it so that someone sitting in one of the two chairs could eat from it comfortably. She moved the other chair so that they could eat facing each other. Next, she made up the bed. The small nods at domesticity brought her out of her own head for a few minutes.

The soft click of the door opening still made her jump.

"Just me, frail." Victor said. He glanced around. "Goddamn, if I'd been gone another ten minutes you'd have started repainting the place."

She blushed. "No."

"Right. You'd have washed the walls first." He sat down in the recliner and pulled her into this lap.

Kelly smiled and snuggled close. "Just trying to keep my hands busy."

"Wait 'til we get out of here. I'll give you something to do with at least one of your hands." His voice held a seductive purr. One hand started moving under the hem of her gown. She stopped it by lacing her fingers with his.

She felt a blush spread over her cheeks. "How's Cody doing?"

He looked away and shrugged. "Conlon would have called if there were any big changes. I'll find out later this morning."

She nodded. "Why didn't you tell me you had a brother?"

"Lotta shit gone on between us. Had no fucking idea where to start." He looked at her through narrowed eyes. "Why? He been on your mind already?"

Kelly recognized the dangerous growl and the implication. She sat up and locked her eyes on his. "I'm yours, Victor Creed. I don't care who walks through that door, or who looks at me on the street, nothing will change that fact. I can't just turn off my curiosity, though. If you have any female relatives who suddenly appear, I'll wonder about them too."

For a long moment, he simply stared at her. Then, a smile twitched at the corner of his lips. "Too fucking much." He kissed her firmly, his claws bit into her thigh. His tongue found hers. Kelly knew she shouldn't let herself get lost in the rising tide of emotion and physical sensation, but her logic and her body were decidedly disconnected. The aching need to feel like his again had already taken over. For the moment, she gave in to that need.

She turned and straddled his lap while his mouth and tongue asserted his dominance over hers, making it clear that even though she was on top for the moment, he was still completely in control. Her hands moved over his bare chest, fingers teasing his nipples.

A deep growl vibrated through his chest. One hand mauled her breast and nipple. The other clutched at her bottom, pulling the crux of her legs tightly against his rapidly growing erection, sending a rush of wetness and heat between her legs. She moaned into his mouth.

She pressed her hips forward, teasing him and herself at the same time. "That was quick." She smiled. Her tongue teased his lips and the tip of his tongue.

"You figured I'd fuck you when you were comatose?" His claws dug into her bottom, holding her still.

"No." She rocked against him.

"So since I ain't interested in fucking anybody else, means it's a goddamn good thing you got that healing factor now." One hand went under the gown and the sweatshirt. Claws raked slowly over her bottom and down to her knee.

Kelly felt the contraction of pleasure and stinging pain deep between her legs. She trembled and relaxed against his chest.

"Good as you smell, I'm surprised I ain't cum yet." He kissed her hard.

Kelly broke the kiss and rested her forehead against his.

"Frail-" A frustrated growl permeated his voice.

"Does that door lock?"

A deep sigh. "You kiddin' me?" He shifted her so that she curled up against his chest with her legs resting over her lap. He stroked the thin red trails on her thigh. "The whole time we been here, there's been someone else in the room. Guess they thought I was gonna kill you or something."

She snuggled into him. The burn was rapidly fading from the scratches. "Why? You brought me here to save me."

"Told you I got history with Jimmy. I got history with the rest of them too. Most of it's bad and what ain't so terrible is so fucking overshadowed that it might as well be bad." He concentrated on his claws as they traced intricate designs on her pale skin. "Nobody said so, but I'm pretty sure that they figured me bringing you here was just a trick to get in the door. Hell, most of 'em probably still think that."

She stroked his cheek. "Thank you."

He nipped the heel of her hand. "Took apart Cavallo's bunker to get to you. Wasn't gonna let you go without a fight."

Kelly smiled. "You're amazing."

He gave a little half-shrug. A mischievous sparkle animated his eyes. "I know it."

Kelly laughed and snuggled against him. His fingers traced the lines of the scratches, or where the scratches should have been. She shifted the hem of the gown. What should have been bright red raised welts had faded to pink trails on smooth skin. The pink was draining away before her eyes.

"It don't make you invincible."

"But you got shot in the head-"

Worry flickered through his eyes. "Mine's different."

"Because you were born with it?"

He covered her thigh again. "No, because it's different for everybody. Jimmy's works a little slower than mine, but even I gotta admit it's faster than most. Conlon's is about average. Depends on the person and a whole lot of other factors. The slower it is, the easier it is to overwhelm it. You start doing stupid shit just because you got it, you're gonna piss me off."

She smiled. "I'll try to be good."

The metallic sound of the door opening made Kelly cringe. Victor's arms tightened around her. An older, dark-haired woman in scrubs came in carrying a tray with two plates heaping with eggs and sausage. Even in her nervous state, Kelly could see the pure hatred in the woman's eyes when she looked at Victor. Anger pushed out the initial shock.

"You shouldn't be out of bed, Kelly." Her eyes were still on Victor.

"Why?" She got up, took the tray and set it on the table. There was a slight twinge in her side, but she ignored it easily. "I'm fine." She selected the plate with the sausage that looked the least done and handed it to Victor along with some silverware.

"And you certainly shouldn't be waiting on him." The woman grabbed Kelly's elbow.

Rage and terror blinded Kelly. She twisted her arm away from the strange woman and shoved her as hard as she could into the doorframe. "Don't you ever touch me again!" The words were forced out between her clenched teeth.

Shock was written across the woman's face. The rage abated enough for Kelly to be surprised by her own behavior.

"Frail." Victor waited for her to look at him before he grasped her upper arms. She stepped back into him.

She shook her head. "I-I'm so sorry."

The nurse looked at her with cold anger, straightened her clothing and walked out.

Kelly felt tears sting her eyes.

"Was her own fucking fault." Victor guided her to sit down. "They all got some idea of what you been through. She should know better."


"She'll get over it." He sat down across from her. "Eat."


Creed watched her start to pick at the eggs. He knew she didn't want them at first, but she ate to make him happy. That suited him just fine. If her healing factor worked like his, it meant her metabolism would be moving faster than usual too. A few bites in, she found her appetite. She didn't finish, but he hadn't expected her to. Once she offered, he finished the rest. All of it made him realize how much he'd missed these quiet moments as well as her cooking. After the meal, she curled up the chair, her eyes closed.

"Tired?" He could still see the dark circles etched under her eyes.

"Kind of." She didn't open her eyes. "I shouldn't be, I slept pretty good."

"Healing takes energy. Most of the time this was healing," He pointed at the side of his head. "I was asleep. Even stuff that ain't so big, I tend to sleep a lot if I can."

He knew that wasn't the only reason she wanted to sleep. If she was asleep she wouldn't have to think about it, wouldn't have to face it directly. That wouldn't do shit for her in the long term. In the beginning it might let her start to process it in bite-sized pieces.

The door opened and she cringed again. She was getting better at hiding it, but he could still smell the sharp spike of fear that permeated her scent. The ape came in carrying a clipboard. Her fear dissipated to a kind of nervous undercurrent.

"Good morning." He smiled at the frail. "Ready for those tests we talked about last night?"

Creed stood, stepping between the ape and the frail. "I got conditions."

"This isn't up to you." The ape's eyes were locked on his.

"Like hell it's not. I know the kind of shit 'experiments' go through and I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna let you do that to her."

The anger was there in narrowed eyes and a sharp scent. "You really think I would-"

"I got no fucking idea what you 'would' or 'wouldn't'. I'm here to tell you that she's in charge of this. She wants to stop, your tests are done. I don't give a shit what else you want to know. You don't cut her, or burn her, or any of that shit to test her healing factor. You've already seen it work."

The ape gripped the clipboard. He'd moved beyond anger into pissed off. "Am I allowed to repeat the genetic profile? I'll need to swab the inside of her cheek to do it."

He glanced at the frail. She nodded. "You can do that."

"Anything else?" The ape's teeth were clenched. Creed had the feeling that if the frail had been out of the room, he would have had a fight on his hands.

"Ain't heard you agree to that yet." Creed leaned against the chair the frail was sitting in. His arms were crossed.

"Of course I agree. It's not my intention to-"

"Good." He looked at the frail. "I'll need my shirt back." His voice was softer.

"Sorry." She stood up. "I forgot I was wearing it." She disappeared into the bathroom with the thin robe.

He glanced over at the ape. Some of his anger had abated and was replaced by confused curiosity.

"What?" He didn't take his eyes off the closed door.

"You care about her." He sounded downright shocked.

"That's none of your fucking business."

The frail came out again with the robe wrapped around her. She handed the shirt back to him. He gripped her hand. "You want to stop, you say so. I'll be in yelling distance."

She nodded and he walked out. He had some shit to get together before they left.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Just fucking beautiful...

"You smell like warm sun on sweet pines."-"Vanilla sugar cookies."-"Cold water over rocks."-"And you still smell like me." Love is Beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You are submitting this chapter just so they'll be in order right? So, ch. 23 should be up by tomorrow?

Southern_BreezeSouthern_Breezeover 13 years ago

I was beginning to think I was nuts. Please post chapter 23.


DawnzoDawnzoover 13 years ago
This is the same one you submitted on the 18th of January????

Waiting for chapter 23

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