What The...? Ch. 03

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The rug is pulled out from under him
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/16/2016
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I am trying to get all of this down in some sort of order. Its harder than I thought. My wife had been drugged, four men had fucked her while she was drugged, three of them right in front of me, a fourth after I had left. The drug she had been given was ecstasy in huge quantities, so much so that it could have easily killed her. All of this happened a week ago. Thank God she is free from infection. She had a series of tests for STDs and she was clear on all of them. We talked and talked for hours about what happened. I wanted to do something to the bastards who did this to her but she wanted to let it go, move on, forget about it. Like I could ever forget the sight of my wife being filled with three cocks! Not going to happen!

But I don't blame her and that is the key. She had no control over what she was doing. None at all. She was even hallucinating, such was the potency of the drug she had unknowingly taken. A week later, things were calm. I sometimes looked at her with a mixture of compassion and thinly disguised revulsion, quickly hidden if she looked my way. We talked it about it at length after leaving the doctor's office. We talked again when her test results came back, Dave had really pushed them through for me. We decided to never speak of it again. As far as I was concerned, I had a faithful, loving wife who had been victim of a horrendous crime.

We had made love a few times and it still wasn't the same. I had those images in my head to contend with and she was not as responsive as she had been. I accepted this as a result of what had happened to her and hoped time would be a great healer. We had plenty of that ahead of us.

I had returned to work a few days later, trying to avoid the bastards who did this to her. It wasn't possible but I faced the leers, the jeers and the suggestive comments, safe in the knowledge that we would not be in this position if they had not broke the law in such a vile way. I did have one surprise though. A man from Mergers and Acquisitions came to see me. He was so uncomfortable stood in front of me. I barely knew this man so I was intrigued. He just came out with it.

"I....I fucked your wife."

I reddened with anger. "And what? Come to gloat have you? Come to rub my face in it? Well it isn't going to work so you might as well just leave now." How dare he?

"No no!" he stammered. "That's not it. I just found out it was your wife. I had no idea. I came to say how truly sorry I am. I would never.....look, you don't know me that well but I promise you, a man's wife is sacred. I had no idea. She....well, you don't want details, I am sure. She didn't act like a wife."

I stuck out my hand, almost smiling as he flinched back. "Thank you" I sighed. "It's good to meet an honest man." He shook my hand, looking relieved. "That took a lot of guts. I appreciate it."

"So" he continued, nervously. "Are you and your wife ok after...after what happened?"

I smiled an ironic smile. "No," I told him the truth. "But we will be."

"Man!" He exclaimed. "You are a bigger man than I am. How do you get back from something like that?"

So I told him. I told him everything, swearing him to secrecy first. He was appalled, to say the least. I also told him that she didn't know who the fourth man was and that I certainly wasn't going to tell her, at which he looked even more relieved. Again, he said sorry, walking away with a mostly clear conscience. And so life went on for a whole week. I was feeling positive again, not totally positive but I knew we could make it back from this. In fact, my wife was meeting me for lunch that day. I was going to take her to a little cafe we used to go to in our student days. I thought surroundings like that, where the spark of our love was born, might help to rekindle the flame, so to speak. I was really looking forward to it. I was until I checked my mail.


So sorry but I won't make lunch. Something has come up and I couldn't say no.

Love you

Tinkerbell xxx

My heart sank. I had really been looking forward to lunch with my wife. I sighed and said "oh well" to myself, sitting down at my desk and losing myself in work. I did think the wording was a little off, "Couldn't say no" , but we had enough concerns without trying to correct each others grammar. I smiled at that and started on the reports on my desk. An hour went by with me sailing easily through simple clerical work when at five minutes before 12 the door to my office opened and I looked up. My heart leaped to see my Debbie framed in the doorway. She looked absolutely stunning. I looked more closely and something about her appearance triggered a worm of unease deep inside. She was wearing a beige raincoat, buttoned up to the neck. I looked briefly out of the window, no sign of rain, just a typical sunny summer day. So why the coat, I wondered. It finished about four inches above her knees, showing a lot of her shapely, black hose-clad legs. I was surprised to see her here in the office, where the perpetrators of her rape would be. I had most definitely not arranged to meet her here.

"Darling!" I exclaimed, standing up the moment I saw her. "I thought you couldn't make it?"

She walked towards me, slowly, her eyes flicking momentarily to the clock on the wall. The bottom of her coat opened slightly as she moved, giving me a brief glimpse of stocking top. I remember thinking she must have a really short skirt on.

"I am not here for lunch, John" she said, a serious expression on her beautiful face. Its funny how details come back to you, isn't it? Her beautiful face had a lot more makeup on than usual. Her full lips painted a deep crimson, her eyes smoky and sultry. The effect was overwhelming. "You had better sit down," She continued. "We need to talk."

That worm of unease had grown into a decidedly sick feeling in my stomach. No conversation that begins with 'we need to talk' ever goes well. I sat down and watched as she sat opposite. I got a whiff of her perfume, as intoxicating as the sight of her.

"Honey," she looked levelly at me. "This is going to be so hard for you and I want you to know in advance that I really am so very sorry. I also want you to know that when I say that I love you, I genuinely mean it. I truly do. I love you more than anything and the last thing I ever wanted to do was to hurt you but this is going to be very hurtful and again, I am so very sorry for it."

That sick feeling grew into a burning, shaking desperation. "What are you saying?" I croaked. "You are leaving me?"

"No," she shook her head definitely, once again her eyes flicked to the clock on the wall. "I would never do that. I really do love you but I can't stop thinking about what happened last week, how it felt. I know I was drugged, I am not talking about emotions here. I mean the force of the physical sensations was very real and so absolutely incredible. I have never felt anything like that. I had more orgasms on that one day than I have in my entire life. I know we have made love this past week and I love making love with you, honey. I do. I love the intimacy, the closeness. I love you but it.....I am sorry...it was not at all exciting, not after what I had done. I have spent the entire week craving those feelings again, needing to feel them again. And that's why I have decided to do this."

My heart was pounding painfully in my chest. There was a roaring in my ears as her words sunk in. "Do.....d-do what?" I whispered hoarsely. I think I knew but I could not, would not, accept it.

"I have to do it again, honey" she said softly. "I can't not do it. I have to feel it all over again. I love you too much to go sneaking around behind your back. You don't deserve that, so that's why I am doing it like this. Peter has phoned me every day, telling me how much they all want to fuck me again. Oh, I tried to resist, I really did, but every time he phoned, it triggered the need more and more. So this morning, when he phoned, I couldn't say no."

Couldn't say no!

I collapsed back in the seat, my mouth hanging open. "Oh God!" I moaned plaintively. "Please, Debbie, I am begging you, please, please don't do this. Please. You are my wife. Oh God! You can't do this. You just can't.! I was crying openly now. This was an even worse nightmare than before. This was my wife coolly and determinedly telling me it was going to happen.

She placed a hand on my arm, gently, perversely lovingly, in light of her words. "I have to" she whispered. "I just have to."

at 12 noon, Peter walked into my office, closely followed by the other two, Kevin and Brad. They just leered at me. Debbie stood up and time stood still for a painfully long moment.

Peter was the first to move, stepping up to Debbie. He kissed her full on the lips, his eyes on me, like he was claiming his prize. To my horror, my wife, my Debbie, leaned back, returning the kiss passionately. His hand slipped inside her coat and I could see he was fondling her breasts.

"Did you wear it?" he asked, still fixing his eyes on me. Kevin had stepped forward, stroking his hand over Debbie's ass. While I watched this horror show in front of me, Brad had slipped over beside me. I felt something on my arm, heard a click and looked down, seeing a pair of handciffs fastneing me to the arm of my chair. I pulled fruitlessly at then m. I looked up to see Debbie nod and start to unbutton her coat. It all went in slow motion, button after button, popping deafeningly as they came undone. Peter took her coat, slipping it down her arms until it came free. He threw it over to me. A whimpering, desperate groan escaped me. Debbie now stood in my office dressed in nothing but a pair of sheer stockings and suspenders, a tiny pair of lacy black briefs and a sheer lace bra, her nipples clearly standing out against the sheer material. She stood there, exposed, while hands roamed freely over her body

My heart was hammering in my chest. My palms were sweating. I went through every cliche there is. I struggled in vain against the handcuff holding me in place. I glared up at Peter who seemed to be the main man in this horrific tableau. "But....but why? She is my wife!!!" I begged. "Why are you making her do this?"

Peter slipped his hand inside Debbie's panties and I could see his fingers working at her. He bent forward, curling his hand and Debbie moaned. "Does it look like she is being forced?" he asked. They all laughed, even Debbie, who had thrust her hips forward, parting her thighs to accommodate Peter's probing fingers.

"Man, she is wet!" Peter chuckled, two fingers very clearly buried in my wife's pussy.

"But...but...I love you!" I cried. This got a derisive snort from all of them.

"I know...oh yes...that's it...I am...I am sure you do. I love you too but don't you see? I need more now." She broke off, closing her eyes and moaning, her lips pursed with pleasure.

I shook my head, closing my eyes. This horror, this fresh horror, brought it all back. It was too much. I started to cry. Kevin laughed. "Look!" he exclaimed excitedly. "He is doing that puppy dog thing again." They all laughed.

"Debbie here is our fucktoy, understand?" Peter snarled still working his fingers in and out of her obviously soaked pussy. "She is ours now to use whenever and wherever we want. She is still yours, only to a lesser extent. We need some sap to take care of her for us and that's you."

I opened my mouth to protest, staring in horrified revulsion at Peter's fingers working in and out of my wife's dripping pussy. Christ, I could smell her arousal from here.

Peter cut me off. "Don't think about arguing. You do what we say, look after Debbie. She might even let you fuck her if she isn't too sore." More laughter. "Or you will do hard time."

"Hard time?" I was puzzled. "Hard time for what?"

"We have planted enough evidence to put you away for a long time and trust me, we know what we are doing. You would never wriggle out of what we have spent the last week organising. Play ball and that evidence stays buried. Rock the boat and its prison for you." This was from Brad, silent to that point.

"So," Peter drawled. "We fuck Debbie whenever we want, whenever SHE wants and let me tell you this, this hot little slut is insatiable! She will still be with you, you take care of her, clean her up for us, even be her chauffeur if needed. If you don't do it, we bury you. Understand?"

I just groaned wretchedly. "He understands" moaned Debbie. "Now fuck me. Right here. Fuck me. Please, God, fuck me!"

Peter looked over his shoulder to the conference room door. "In there" he pointed. "You two keep an eye on the sap, make sure he doesn't interrupt."

I watched as Peter lead Debbie to the conference room, a replay of the picnic. She went willingly, turning to look at me. "I love you" she mouthed to me and then she smiled that impish, mischievous smile of here, the one that always melted my heart. This time, however, my heart did not melt at that smile. My heart broke. The smile wavered a moment and then she waved and followed Peter into the conference room. The cocky bastard deliberately left the doors open, positioning my wife so she was in full view. I watched him peel off her soaked panties. I watched him undo his pants, letting them fall. I watched him lean back on to the conference table, his erection stood proudly in front of him. I closed my eyes after I watched my wife, my beautiful wife, take him eagerly into her mouth.

I opened my eyes again, sure I was dreaming, but no, the sight was still there in front of me. I heard the slurp of my wife as she sucked greedily on Peter's cock. I heard her moan in pleasure as his hands squeezed her now bare breasts. I tried to stand up and Brad punched me in the stomach, doubling me over.

"Don't hurt him," shouted Debbie, a touch of alarm in her voice. "This is hard enough for him. Please, there is no need to hurt him!" I felt something then, some relief. She realised that this was too dangerous a game and was going to stop before it went too far, as if it hadn't already. And then, to my utter dismay, she continued to suck Peter's cock. Kevin watched hungrily and began to undo his pants. "Watch him" he hissed. "I am going to have some of that fine ass."

The horrors continued. Kevin approached the couple, turning my wife slightly so her ass , already raised, lifted higher for him. She screamed, muffled by the cock now in her throat, as Kevin plunged into her, thrusting wildly into her as Peter did the same at the other end. She was wild. She moaned, she cried out, her body bucked and writhed as they used her. Brad sneered down at me and he walked over to join them. I watched him undress. I watched Peter move out of his way. I watched Brad slip under Debbie, positioning himself. She looked up at me, a filthy look on her slutty face. And she winked at me, like it was all a game. The moment was gone when Brad thrust his hips upwards, his hard cock spearing into her waiting, open pussy. She closed her eyes and screamed out loud.

I sat, motionless, dumbfounded. This was my worst nightmare playing out in front of me. But it was yet to get even worse. By now, others on the floor had heard my wife's screams and had come to look. I closed my eyes for what I thought was seconds. When I opened them again, there was no sign of Peter but another man had taken his place, feverishly ramming his cock down my wife's throat. I was taking in details now, even though I sincerely didn't want to. Everything just became so sharp in my sight. I watched a globule of what I knew was cum drip from my wife's chin. Peter had obviously climaxed and this other guy had stepped in. I didn't even know who he was. As I watched, Kevin grunted and tensed. I knew that he was filling my wife's ass with his cum. To my horror, though not to my surprise, he was soon replaced by yet another colleague. It seemed everyone on the floor was going to fuck her this time and she was just loving every second of it.

I want to say I blacked out. That wouldn't be true though. I didn't go unconscious, no sleep, no dreams. I shut myself down. I withdrew from the sights and the sounds in front of me. Seeing my beloved wife being fucked over and over again was too much to take in. I shut down into empty blackness.

I woke from this state with a start, a hand shaking me. Was it over? Was the nightmare played out? No, it wasn't. The hand on me was that of Peter, shaking me and pointing. I looked up and I groaned yet again. There on the conference table, my wife had turned over and I watched the pimpled ass of the mailboy as it rose up and down, his cock thrusting madly into her. The mailboy. The lowest employee in the company was in the conference room, fucking my wife and she was doing all she could to encourage him. She really was insatiable.

I shut down again, completely this time. I couldn't take any more of it. This time, my trance state was interrupted and I looked up at a ring of smiling, evil faces, all around me. I was pulled to my feet and Debbie's coat was thrust into my hands. She stood there too, smiling, dripping with cum from every orifice. Her face was smeared with it, her hair plastered to her. She was naked apart from her torn, cum soaked stockings. Peter flung something towards me, her panties, as it turned out, which stuck to my face, thick with the cum of my colleagues. This brought even more laughter.

"Stop it." Debbie shouted. "He doesn't deserve that. Just stop it!" The angry tone in her voice silenced the laughter and she gently peeled the offending garment from me. "He is suffering enough. There is no need to add more humiliation. He is still my husband, after all. So just stop it."

"Put my coat on me, honey?" she spoke softly. I did it. I don't know why but I dumbly followed her orders, the coat sticking repeatedly on her cum soaked body. "Button it up" she said. Again, I did it, trying so hard not to touch her.

"We are going home now" she whispered. "And Peter and Kevin are coming with us to make sure you behave. I think we need to talk, don't you? Our marriage is changed and you need to know the rules."

With that she turned and walked out, not even looking to see if I was following. Naturally, still in some kind of unresisting stupor, I followed. I wonder if I had a breakdown that day. It's the only way I can make sense of just how docile I was.

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49ers6949ers6911 days ago

It just keeps getting worse and worse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I couldn’t even get hard to this… it’s one thing when it’s not her fault. But then she goes from regretting it entirely to craving it? To the point she goes all in? This isn’t even enjoyable. I kept thinking it would get better. It didn’t.

BigDee44BigDee44almost 3 years ago

Motivation for murder, I believe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This guy is suppose to big a big shot lawyer? You made him out to be a WHIMP and a CUCKOLD! What a fu**ed up story!

AlericAlericover 3 years ago

Fuck the rape charge, he should go for attempted murder. Present all evidence to the cops with a statement from the wife.

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