What The...? Ch. 04

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The aftermath of his wife's first willing gangbang
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/16/2016
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I followed Debbie down the hall in a zombie-like state. I felt numb, no, not even that. I just felt empty. I vaguely heard the claps and catcalls from my colleagues as if from a distance. I stopped for a moment, shaking my head, feeling a rough push behind me. I stumbled on.

We got to the car park and I simply stood there in front of my car. "Give me your keys, honey," I heard Debbie say. I did nothing. With an exasperated sigh, she reached into my pocket and I flinched, giving a strangled cry. I was not in any sort of command here. I am not ashamed of this now, although I have been when hearing about it afterwards in vivid detail. She tutted loudly and grabbed the keys from my pocket. She handed them over to Peter and said "You drive."

"No way" Peter grinned. "I am riding in the back with you." Debbie just shook her head and said no. Reluctantly, Peter took the keys and opened the car. Debbie bundled me into the back seat, aided by a less gentle Kevin. She walked around the car, climbing in beside me and Kevin got into the passenger seat. We headed off.

I cried again. I could do nothing to stop it. Debbie cradled me, making shushing sounds all the way. I saw Kevin's hand sneak round at one point, trying to slip up inside her coat and she slapped it away. "Wait!" she hissed. I cried and I moaned and I whined all the way home, drawing disgusted sneers from the two men. We finally got there.

I was dragged from the car, bundled through the door and pushed down onto a chair.

"Someone go fix him a drink," Debbie was all businesslike now. "I am taking a shower." She left the room. A glass was pushed into my unresisting hand. I looked up, saw the two faces in front of me, blurred and unclear. I said nothing. I couldn't.

"She is the hottest piece of ass I ever saw" said Peter, conversationally. "You were a very lucky man. I say were. Not so sure now. " They both grinned evil grins. "I almost want to say sorry but your wife can suck cock like a pro."

I still did not respond. It all washed over me. It's almost like I wasn't there.

"And that ass!" exclaimed Kevin. "Man she is tight and ready to roll. I will never get tired of fucking that sweet ass!"

Still nothing. They continued to goad me and I let it wash over me. My mind was in a terrible state. I would love to tell you the thoughts crashing around in my head but really, there were none. Time had no meaning. Nothing had any meaning. I was vaguely aware of the cold touch of glass on my lips. My head was tilted back and I choked as fiery liquid hit my throat. It woke me from the trance-like state slightly and my vision swam into focus, a freshly showered Debbie looking concernedly into my eyes. "That's it" she cooed. "Sip slowly now. It's alright. Everything is alright." I just looked at her, incredulous and confused. She stepped away from me, sitting on the sofa, Peter and Kevin on either side of her.

"John?" she said. "Can you hear me John?"

I nodded.

"I am truly sorry for this. But you have to know, that was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I have never felt so alive, so ...so...I am buzzing, John. I am just totally fucking buzzing. That was fantastic. I have no idea how many men were there....."

"Twenty two" said Kevin, still grinning.

"No," Peter corrected. "Twenty one. You can't call the mailboy a man!" They both laughed again. Debbie frowned at them.

"You two be quiet. This is too important." But I saw her blush at the memory of the mailboy.

"Listen, John. I know this is hurting you so bad and I hope you believe me when I say I am sorry. The thing is, I totally loved what I just did and I already want to do it again. It was so hot. Are you listening, honey?"

Every word was like a dagger in my heart. "Yes" I croaked.

"But I really don't want to lose you. I do love you, even though you probably don't believe a word of it. But I do. With all my heart. I hate seeing you like this and when this buzz wears off, I think I will hate myself for making you feel like this. You have to understand though, even if I do hate myself in the morning, I will still need to do this again. It's too wonderful to give up. So we need to work things out here and now."

I tried to respond. I tried to speak. My mouth was dry, my throat too tight to force out the words. Debbie came over to me, raising the glass to my lips, stroking my head as I drank.

"You can't do....my wife....love you" I whispered the words. "They....they.....not love ...you." Actually, if I am honest, I was probably not as coherent as that but she got my meaning.

"Oh honey!" she smiled. "This has nothing to do with love. What was it Peter called me? A fucktoy. That's all I am to them and do you know what? I love being a fucktoy. It's certainly not love from me, I know that. Its pure lust and I love that, not them. All I want from them is their cocks." She chuckled.

Once again, all she got from me was a moan. She went and sat back between them.

"But this changes our marriage in a huge way. You are probably going to want to leave me and that would break my heart. The boys say if you do leave me, they will make sure you go to prison for it. I have no idea how and I don't want to know. I know this is selfish but I refuse to lose you. I love you."

She leaned forward. "These guys might get my pussy or my ass, honey, and I know they will, often, but you are the only one who ever gets my heart. That's a promise."

Somehow, that snapped me out of it. The pure ludicrous nature of that sentiment brought me closer to reality and I looked up at her properly for the first time since returning home. Another dagger sliced its way into my already ravaged heart.

"How can you say that?" I demanded. "How can you say that after fucking all of those men right in front of me? How can you say you love me after doing what you just did? Are you joking?"

"Honey!" she replied, calmly. "I do love you and I hope, in time, when you get used to the new arrangements, you will understand that."

I moaned again, seeing Peter's hand reach out, pulling the towel from Debbie's body. Kevin took his cue and cupped her breast. Peter dropped his hand to her thigh, slowly moving it upwards. Debbie parted her legs automatically.

"Wait boys," she murmured, not at all convincingly. "There will be plenty of time after. He has to know."

They both reluctantly stopped their movements but I noted that they did not remove their hands.

"I want to fuck these two, and the others, as much as I can. I would prefer not to do it behind your back and I would much prefer it if you were ok with it. I promise you, there is no emotion here, it's purely physical. I think you will come round to it eventually, once you start to believe how much I love you. This is only a threat to our marriage if you allow it to be." She closed her eyes and pursed her lips. Peter had moved his hand and once again, his fingers were tracing over her pussy lips. "Please wait" she moaned.

"I am sorry, honey. I wanted to talk this through but, well, you are in no mood to be reasonable and I am all horny again. Maybe we can talk in the morning." With that, she turned to Kevin, kissing him full on the lips, arching her back. Peter had moved his hand, his fingers now probing inside her open pussy. She broke from the kiss and turned to me.

"Why don't you go up to bed, honey?" she asked sweetly. "This might take a while."

I didnt move. I couldn't. I could not believe it was about to happen again and I shut down once more. I vaguely saw her move from one to the other, greedily sucking each cock until Peter lifted her on to his lap, positioning her so that his cock sank all too easily into her puckered ass. Kevin moved in front of her, taking his place, thrusting his cock into her pussy.I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I was in darkness. I was lying down in our bed. I sat up quickly. A dream....let it be a dream. Then I heard Debbie scream in pleasure somewhere below me and a man's voice urging her to "Take it all, slut."

I have no idea how I got up into that bed. None at all. I must have stood up, walked past my wife being double penetrated, got changed out of my clothes and put myself to bed. I looked at the clock. 20:45. I have no idea how long I had been there. Long enough. I pulled the covers over my head, blocking out the sounds from downstairs and as stupid as it sounds, I fell back into a fitful sleep. Something woke me again and I sat up. I heard my wife shout "Oh fuck! I am cumming!" followed by a long, wild scream. I looked at the clock. 03:17.

The next time I woke up, it was to see a tired looking Debbie standing over me. She looked tired and concerned. I can only imagine the state I was in. She reached out and stroked my cheek. Now this part I am ashamed of. I screamed in pure and all consuming terror and scrambled back away from her, drawing my knees protectively up to my chin, huddled in fear.

"Oh, honey," she cried. "I hate seeing you like this. I didn't think......oh my God! what have I done? I am so sorry." She reached out to me and I flinched and screamed again. She backed off, Peter and Kevin had come running in. It hadn't occurred to me that they would still be there. Debbie looked at me, her face a mask of sorrow, but she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I may have fainted then. I am not sure, but when I opened my eyes, the familiar sounds of sex once again filled my senses. I looked at the clock. 05:25.

The next time I woke up, bright streaming sunlight burst through the drapes. I felt a presence beside me and looked. Debbie was sat on the bed, fully dressed in a loose shirt and jeans and looking radiant, I thought, bitterly. She had a cup of coffee in her hand and held it out to me. "Hello sleepyhead" she smiled that pixie smile, the one that used to melt my heart. It no longer did.

I took the coffee and sipped carefully. I looked up as Debbie sighed, possibly in relief.

"I have been so worried about you" she spoke soothingly. "I knew it was going to be hard on you but I didn't think it would be THIS hard. God, honey, you must love me so much. I am so lucky!" I sipped my coffee, saying nothing.

"I was so scared to see you in the state you were in. I almost stopped at one point but I just couldn't. I hope you can believe me when I say I am sorry. I hope you can believe me when I say I love you."

I sipped my coffee, turning a baleful eye on her. I felt so weak.

"They have gone now so it's just us. I hope we can talk about this calmly. Can we?"

"What is there to talk about?" I swallowed, my throat sore. "You killed me last night. You just killed me. You stomped all over me, on our marriage, on everything I care about. There is nothing to talk about."

Debbie rolled her eyes and stood up.

"I was hoping you would be reasonable and not so dramatic. It's only sex, for heaven's sake."

"You fucked everyone I work with. You even fucked the mailboy. You are my WIFE!" I had started to cry again and she came over, stroking my hair soothingly. "You will come round" she purred. "In time, you will see that it's not that big a deal. I still love you. I am still your wife."

I flinched back from her. "Only because I have no choice in the matter. Stay with a filthy slut or go to prison."

"Now you know you don't mean that," she smiled her pixie smile, faltering for a moment. She knew full well what effect that smile had on me but noticed it had failed completely this time. "You are hurt and you are lashing out at me because I am the one who hurt you and I don't blame you in the slightest. I deserve it. I hate what this is doing to you but, honey, you are going to have to find a way to deal with it better next time."

"So there is going to be a next time?" I spat bitterly.

"Oh God yes!" she exclaimed. "I wish I could describe it to you. Yesterday was so hot. It was like every cell in my body was vibrating and buzzing. It was beyond amazing. I have never felt anything like it, not even at the picnic. Of course, I was not myself that time."

"They drugged you!" I bleated out the words, scarcely believing her enthusiasm for this depravity.

"I know," she nodded. "At first I was pissed about that but you know what? I am glad they did that now or I would never have known just how good I can feel."

I looked away in disgust. "So what?" I asked. "I am supposed to be the dutiful loving husband while you go out fucking as many men as possible every day?"

She made a face at me. "No, silly. That would be stupid." She moved over to the laundry hamper and began sorting through the contents.

"It won't be EVERY day!" she continued. "Two or three times a week at the most. But I have rules to follow. I will not ever do this behind your back. That's a promise. I will never go back to their place. It will only be either here or the office with you present."

I just sat there, mouth open. How could she possibly think any of this was reasonable? But she continued in much the same sort of voice as making a shopping list.

"And it will never happen on weekends," she continued. "That will be our time. Friday, saturday and most sundays, it will be just you and me, just like before. That's another promise. And I will never love anyone but you. That's the easiest promise of all." She turned to me, her face softening for a moment.

"I really do love you, you know. And after what you went through yesterday, I know just how much you love me. I didn't stomp all over our marriage. I just changed it a little. I know you will come around eventually."

I said nothing. She smiled that smile again, noticing the same lack of effect and she sauntered over to me, slowly unbuttoning her shirt. "Now, since it's just us" she purred. "How about making love to your wife?"

I could not believe this, on top of a thousand things I could not believe. I just stared at her as she climbed on to the bed, straddling me. God she was so pretty. But my eyes drifted down , seeing every bite , every hickey, every mark on her used body. Every single one a signature of the man who had been there, men who had fucked her. I was vaguely aware of her hand on my penis, rubbing and squeezing but having absolutely no effect. She gave in, slumping over me. "Oh honey," she sobbed. "Please make love to your wife."

"I don't have a wife!" I snarled, pushing her off me. I stumbled out of the bed, grabbed my clothes from the pile, any clothes, and ran out of the room, leaving my sobbing wife alone. I heard her beg me to come back but I had to get out of there and fast.

I drove for hours, going nowhere. My phone rang repeatedly, 87 calls in the end, but when I saw Debbie's face on the screen, I couldn't answer it. I was going through every event, blow by blow, if you pardon the pun, I had witnessed. Have you ever heard the phrase "in the pit of my stomach"? Well, until that day, I never really understood it. I had a hollow, desperate ache all over, concentrated on the pit of my stomach. It was a hell of a feeling to carry around inside. Somewhere, I had bought a pack of cigarettes. A strange thing for me to do. I had never really been a smoker but I was puffing away on one now. I found myself parked on the pier and cried again. It was the pier where Debbie and I had first made out. What the hell was I going to do? I needed to find out just how they thought they could have me in prison. I never broke the law, not ever. It was obvious to me, as painful as admitting it was, that my marriage was over. I had lost my Tinkerbell forever. How could she say she loves me after fucking 22....no, sorry, 21 men and a mailboy? How? That made no sense at all.

I sat a long time, mulling over my options, of which I had none. Living the life she described, watching her fuck and fuck and fuck....that was unthinkable. I smiled bitterly. How kind of her to promise me fridays and saturdays and MOST sundays, whatever that meant, to get her relaxed and ready to fuck again on monday. How very fucking kind! I thought about a life without my Debbie. That, too, was unthinkable. I looked at the end of the pier. A quick burst of acceleration, a sudden drop, cold water. Oblivion. That was by far the only sensible option to take. I nodded, smiled wryly and gunned the engine into life. I threw the car into gear and looked up through the windscreen at my final destination and nearly jumped to see Debbie stood in front of me. I knocked it out of gear and sat there, my eyes closed, hearing the door open beside me. Debbie was angry.

"What are you doing?" she demanded. "Just what the hell are you doing, running out on me like that? That was really hurtful!"

I turned to her, incredulous once again. "Are you joking?" I hissed. "Now get out of the car, please. I need to go somewhere."

She looked out of the window and made a gesture. My door was flung open and I was dragged out of the car, pushed face down on the hood. I couldn't see who was holding me but I sure could guess. "Are you rocking the boat already, John?" a voice hissed in my ear. Peter, of course. "I think it's time to explain something to you. Remember Carter?"

He released his hold on me. I nodded. Of course I remembered Carter. Stephen Carter, senior partner at our law firm, currently serving a fifteen year sentence for embezzling almost five million of our clients money. He always protested his innocence but the evidence against him was overwhelming. He never stood a chance. I was just an associate at the time but I know the entire company was rocked by those events. "What about him?" I asked.

Peter just smiled that annoying smile of his. "He really was innocent, you know? He was always telling the truth about that. He didn't steal a single penny, as far as we know."

A familiar sick feeling was forming in, that's right, the pit of my stomach, shoving the desperate ache to one side.

"We planted every scrap of evidence that incriminated the poor sap. And we have done the same with you. So when we say you will do time, now you know just what that means. Don't rock the boat, John. We have a good thing with our little slut. We won't let you ruin it. Now go home, tuck her in. Take care of her or I will make a single phone call and you can kiss your ass goodbye."

He just stared at me for a moment. I turned away, seeing Kevin behind me and I sagged. I was so screwed, no matter what. I wished I had decided to drive off the pier just two minutes earlier.

"Want one of us in the car with you?" Peter asked Debbie. She shook her head and climbed back into the passenger seat.

"Be a good husband," Kevin sneered. I got in the car.

"John, " Debbie began as I started the car. "I honestly didn't think it would be this hard. I know how stupid that is. I thought you would be angry at first and then you would come to understand. It really is just about sex, you know. I do love you. What were you going to do here?"

I turned to her, my face devoid of emotion. "Does it matter? You stopped me. And now you and your fuck buddies can go on torturing me another day or two. That must make you so happy."

She turned away and fell silent. We remained silent all the way home. I noticed she was crying but I did nothing to console her. We got home and I was not at all surprised when another car pulled in behind mine. I walked into the house, ignoring the others. I went into the living room, poured myself a drink and sat down. They joined me, eventually.

Debbie thanked the two bastards and asked them to leave, assuring them she would be fine. She came and sat opposite me.

"John, you frightened me tonight. Don't you EVER pull a stunt like that again. You were going to drive off that pier, weren't you?"

I simply nodded and drank my drink.

"But...WHY?" she cried.

"Seriously?" I shook my head. "I have lost my wife. I loved you. You were my world, my everything. You were my Tinkerbell. I would have done anything for you, anything, but not this. How could you honestly expect me to sit still while you fucked anyone you felt like fucking? How could you expect me to live without you? I can't live without you. I know I can't. I can't even imagine trying but I have lost you now."