What To Do?


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The plan was Saturday morning that Uncle Bob and I would start a crop fire burning down Rob's marijuana plants. He would have to be there for the fire department and Uncle Bob would arrive home during this time to make sure he didn't go anywhere. It was up to me to start the fire.

It would mean that he would have to trust Al and Len to make the cocaine exchange. I notified my friend Ray about the plans for the exchange. He notified the drug enforcement agency, they in turn set up a trap to catch it all. I didn't tell him about the burning of the marijuana plants.

It wasn't the biggest bust but it would break Rob. After that Uncle Bob was going to tell him to leave.

It went down just as planned. I went over and set the marijuana plants on fire. A quick call to 911 alerted the volunteer fire department. Rob was about to leave the house with Al and Len when the fire department showed up. It was at that time that Uncle Bob pulled up in his semi.

"What the hell's going on?" asked uncle Bob. "What's on fire?"

The fire chief said it was some type of crop fire but they had it under control. "We need to talk to you Bob," said Ray, our cop friend who had showed up. "The crop that burned was marijuana. We need to know who planted it."

Rob was over talking to Al and Len. Someone had to go make the drug deal. Rob wanted to do it but he was called over to talk to Bob and Ray. He quickly gave a sports bag to Len. We figured it contained the money for the drugs. Al and Len left to go to the meet.

Rob was asked if he knew whose plants they were. He denied knowing who had planted them. Bob gave him a really mean look. A number of people had arrived and watched the fire department do their job. Many of them knew that the plants belonged to Rob but no one said anything. I was among the group standing there.

Ray said there would have to be an investigation since growing the plants was illegal. Bob said he would do his best to answer any questions and he said Rob would also. He mentioned who he leased the property to but said he thought they were good people.

Ray, Bob and Rob went into the house to talk. The rest of us were asked to leave the premises. I was wondering how the drug bust was going. Later in the afternoon it was on the TV.

They said a drug bust happened just inside the West Virginia border. Two drug dealers and two buyers were arrested. Twenty-five thousand dollars was confiscated along with cocaine having a street value of well over a hundred thousand dollars.

In the days that followed Rob was questioned about the drugs. Al and Len both said that it was all Rob's idea. Right then there wasn't enough proof to hold Rob, but we heard through the grapevine that the drug kingpin was looking for Rob. He figured that Rob was the snitch. He had cost him a lot of money and two of his people were arrested.

The police told Rob not to leave town. Uncle Bob told him to get the hell out of Dodge. He said he went too far this time, first the marijuana and then the cocaine. He told him he saw him give the bag of money to Al and Len. If he didn't leave the state he would turn him in.

Ten minutes later Rob was gone. We haven't heard from him since. A couple of men in suits came by the garage where he worked but his boss just said he upped and left. He didn't even get his last paycheck.

What I did find odd is that no one questioned the crop fire or who started it. I guess they were just happy to get rid of the plants. It was minimal damage and no one was hurt. I did my best to make sure no one else was around when I started it.


After things calmed down and got somewhat back to normal Jessie asked me about my involvement. "My only involvement was to protect you and Uncle Bob, nothing more."

Another month went by and we went out on weekends. We never did any more than kiss and a little hugging. I wanted more but it didn't seem like she was ready. I decided to push forward, I loved her and was willing to work through any problems.

We went on a date to a pretty fancy restaurant. She looked beautiful. After dinner I pulled out an engagement ring and asked her to marry me. She started crying but didn't answer.

"What's the matter Jess, don't you love me?"

"I love you with all my heart but I don't know if I could be a good wife."

"What do you mean? I don't understand?"

"Sex, I don't like it. It hurts and makes me feel dirty. It's not your fault. You deserve a wife that can make you happy."

"Let's make a deal. Make love to me one time and if you still feel the same I'll understand. I'm not Rob or his friends. I don't just want to have sex with you, I want to make love to you.

"I can try, one time, I love you but... I think you understand."

I put the ring back in my pocket, paid the bill went to the counter and got a room for the night. "If nothing else we'll have a good nights' sleep." I was trying to put her at ease.

As we entered the room I told Jess that if at any time she felt uncomfortable with me to let me know. I knew I had to be very gentle and caring. Our life together depended on it.

We kissed and Jess had no problems with it. I slowly unbuttoned her blouse. I could feel her shake a little. "It's ok Honey, I'd never hurt you." She put her arms around my neck and kissed me hard.

I let her blouse drop to the floor and unclasped her skirt and pulled the zipper down. Her skirt joined her blouse on the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed as I took off my trousers and shirt. I climbed up on the bed and asked her to join me. I knew she was nervous and wanted this to work for us.

We kissed and I moved my lips down to her neck. "You're so beautiful," I mentioned to her.

She undid her bra and took it off. I began to lightly suck on her nipples. They were becoming hard which was a good sign. I continued kissing down to her belly. It was all going well till I touched her mound. She stiffened up a bit.

I slipped off her panties and kissed her mound. She said she had never had that done to her before. I spent the next half hour giving her oral sex. Little by little she was becoming aroused. I was licking her clit when I felt her starting to get moist. I pressed my face into her pussy and heard a light moan. She actually pushed her pussy against my face.

I now knew one thing for sure. She wasn't frigid, just never had been made love to. She was just used by my cousin and his friends. I licked and licked on her pussy. She was holding on to my head and I felt her come.

"Oh my God, that felt so good. I'm coming again," she said as I got a burst of her love juices in my face. "I've heard about people having orgasms but I've never had one. I can't believe how good it felt. What about you Jerry? I'm ready when you are. I just hope it doesn't hurt."

"Do you want me to wear a condom?" I asked.

"I'm on the pill. I started taking them right after the miscarriage. I couldn't take a chance on having another child. Needless to say Rob never wore a condom." I didn't wear one this time. I haven't been with anyone since I've been back from overseas.

"Jess, we're going to do this a little different since I know you're nervous. I'm going to lie on my back and let you be on top. That way you can maneuver the way you want. I promise you it will be fine."

I slipped off my jockeys and laid on the bed, my cock sticking straight up. Jess straddled me and let the tip of my cock touch her pussy. I knew she was plenty wet enough. I figured she never had foreplay before or a chance to get wet and that was why it hurt her so much.

I watched her face as she closed her eyes and ever so slowly lowered herself down devouring my cock. "Oh my God, it feels so good," she said as she began raising and lowering herself on my cock.

She smiled at me as she sped up and before long had my entire cock in her. I could feel her getting ready to orgasm as I felt her starting to shake. I couldn't hold back any longer as I pulled her down and held onto her hips. I shot my cum deep into her. She was quivering and I felt a constant squeezing of her pussy on my cock.

When her spasms stopped she lay down on me. We stayed that way for a few minutes until we could catch our breath; we were both perspiring. After that we got in the shower together before going back to bed.

The next time we started with me using the lotion the hotel gives you and rubbing it on her mound and down to her pussy lips. I wanted to make sure she was lubricated but as I was rubbing her pussy I felt her wet with her own juices. I got on top of her and rubbed my cock up and down her slit until she asked me to make love to her.

There was nothing frigid about Jessie. We made love two more times that night. In the morning we dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I again took out the ring and put it on the table.

"Jessie, will you marry me?"

This time she had tears in her eyes but they were tears of joy. She held out her hand for me to put the ring on her finger.

"The answer is yes, yes, yes. I will marry you and be the best wife in the world. I love you Jerry."

We stopped by my house and told my parents we were going to get married. They were happy for us. When Julie found out she was ecstatic with happiness. Next we went and told Anita. She hugged her little sister and they both had tears in their eyes.

We decided to have a small wedding of family and friends at the local church. Mom said we could have a reception at the house. She would call all the neighbors and there would be plenty of food.

About two weeks before our wedding I went to talk to Jessie's mom and dad. Jessie had no idea that I went there.

They were surprised to see me at the door. Mrs. Harper knew about the wedding so this visit was mainly for Mr. Harper.

"Come in Jerry," said Mrs. Harper.

I walked into the living room where Mr. Harper was sitting. "Sir, I'm Jerry..."

"I know who you are. I've known your father for years. What can I do for you Jerry?"

"Mr. Harper, your daughter Jessie and I are getting married and more than anything I would like you to walk her down the aisle."

"Son, you must know that me and my daughters are not on speaking terms."

"Yes, I'm quite aware of that but sir, no matter what you think of them they are wonderful people and love you very much." He went to interrupt me again but I asked him to hear me out.

"Jessie knows better than anyone how much she hurt you. She has done her best to turn her life around. There is nothing she can do to change the past. She knows you're a proud man. She is working full time and going to college to better herself.

"Sir, may I say something, and I'm sorry if it offends you. More than anything Jessie would like you to give her away at our wedding. Whether you go or not, the wedding will take place and Jessie and I hope to have a wonderful life together.

"Anita has two wonderful children who would like to know their grandfather. Jessie and I hope to have kids one day and wish they could get to know their grandfather also.

"There is nothing your daughters can do to make up for their past but I know they would both like to have you in their future. I, like most people have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Thank God my parents were able to forgive me.

"Sir, the wedding will go on with or without you. My dad said he will walk Jessie down the aisle if you choose not to. We're not asking for money. I used my savings from the service to pay for the wedding. All I would like is to see Jessie walking down the aisle escorted by her father. There's nothing she would love more.

"You can choose to forget about your family and grandkids or you could become a part of their life. If you don't love them or they are too big of an embarrassment to you, I feel sorry for you. You have quite a few years to go and you can be surrounded with a wonderful loving family or live it alone.

"I said my piece and I just want to say I'll do my best to be a good husband to your daughter. Thank you for letting me speak my piece. I'll see myself out."

Mr. Harper didn't say another word. His wife Mary had tears in her eyes. I just hoped that maybe I got through to him.


The day of the wedding I was running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I had to put a deposit on a house we decided to rent. After the wedding we would be going to Disney World for a few days. We couldn't go for longer since Jessie had school and would be missing a couple of days as it was.

Our wedding party was all family. Anita and Julie's kids were all in it. Phil was my best man. Julie was the matron of honor, Anita was a bridesmaid and her husband was an usher.

We didn't hear anything from Jessie's parents. I thought for sure at least her mom would come. It was fifteen minutes before the wedding was to begin. We had some people singing some songs for early entertainment. The little church was pretty much packed.

I was standing in the foyer with my dad when a car pulled up. Ben and Mary Harper came into the church. I know I had tears in my eyes when I saw them.

Mr. Harper talked to my dad. "Joe, you have quite the son there. You ought to put him in sales at that mill." Dad laughed and shook his hand.

"Thank you so much for coming. Jessie will be out in a few minutes," I remarked.

As we were talking Anita came out of the room where Jessie was. I wasn't supposed to see her before the wedding. When Anita looked up and saw her mother and father she started crying.

It brought tears to his eyes. He loved his daughters and I believe was very lonely without them in his life. It just took a little push to get him to understand.

"Daddy, I love you so much." They hugged and it even brought tears to my dad's eyes. Her two children came out and said hi to their grandmother. "Dad, this is Edward Jr. and Emma," "kids, this is your Grandpa."

Mr. Harper bent down and hugged the two kids. They put their little arms around him and hugged him back. "Hi Grandpa," they said.

"Mrs. Harper may I personally lead you to your seat?" Needless to say, she couldn't have been happier at that moment seeing her family coming back together.

I walked with Mrs. Harper to her seat. Shortly after dad came down the aisle and sat next to mom. I know she was wondering why dad wasn't in back to walk Jessie. I took my place at the front of the church with the preacher.

The processional started and all four little kids came walking down the aisle. Each boy had a ring fastened to a pillow and the girls were throwing rose petals. All the people in the church were smiling.

Next came Anita down the aisle with her husband, Ed. Following them were my sister Julie with Phil. Then everyone stood as Jessie came down the aisle on the arm of her father. She had tears running down her cheeks. You could see them through her veil.

She looked so beautiful in a light blue dress with the matching veil. She honestly looked like an angel. Seeing her tears of joy brought tears to my eyes also. When she got to the front of the church she looked at me and said, "I love you." I figured her dad told her I went to his house to talk with him.

The preacher began by asking, "Who gives this woman to this man?"

"Mr. Harper stood and said, "Her mother and I." I have no idea what was said after that. I know I put a ring on her finger and she put one on mine.

Then I heard the words, "You may kiss the bride." I took Jess in my arms and kissed her. Afterwards everyone headed to mom and dad's house for the reception.

It was wonderful. Ben and Mary Harper spent time with Anita and the grandchildren. Every time Jessie waked by her dad she hugged him. When it was time for Jess and I to leave her dad came up to me and shook my hand.

"Jerry, I want to thank you for everything. Because of you I realized we all make mistakes but now I have my family back." He handed me a check for ten thousand dollars.

"The father of the bride is supposed to pay for the wedding. If the wedding is paid for then tell Jessie to use it for college. I'm really proud of her."

I watched as Jessie hugged and kissed her father and mother, then we were off to the airport.


It's been two years since the wedding. We were now having another celebration. Jessie got her degree as a medical secretary and will be starting at one of the local doctors offices. Mr. and Mrs. Harper are throwing the party at their house. All their grandchildren will be there, Anita had another boy and Jessie and I have a little girl. She just informed me that number two is on the way. We couldn't be happier.

Anita, Julie and Jessie have built in babysitters. The grandparents of both families love having the kids over. Life sure turned out great.

So far I only have to go away one week a year for the reserves. Jess is always waiting for me when I get home. Our love life honestly couldn't be better.

For those who are wondering about Rob. No one has heard from him since he left. We figure both the drug kingpin and The Drug Enforcement Agency are looking for him. Just maybe one of them found him.

Uncle Bob met a woman and is getting married. We are all happy for him. He decided to continue driving his truck but staying locally. He wanted to be home with his wife in the evenings.

Al and Len are both doing time for trying to buy and distribute cocaine.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Cheap white gutter trash

GrassIsGreenerGrassIsGreener6 months ago

Nice Story - Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice ending but the bad guys did not get what they rightly deserved. The kingpin should have gotten is fair revenge with Rob and with Al and Len through his contacts behind bars. That would be a better type and a more acceptable real revenge.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Dissatisfying story. All the assholes got away with it, and the "good ones" just put up with it. They even went out of their way to spare Rob a deserved prison time.

I guess there is a biblical message in there, "the meek shall inherit...". Well, it's a dissatisfying message.

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