What Turned Me On Pt. 08

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A story about my lesbian fantasies after my divorce.
4.5k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/03/2024
Created 09/08/2023
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I awoke on Sunday morning, rather dry-mouthed and slightly hung over from my night out with Mary. Oddly enough, neither us of drank a whole lot, but for some reason, I felt like we had drank bottles of tequila. Maybe that's what I get for not drinking any alcohol for such a long time, and then ingesting five beers like I was still in my 20s.

I checked my phone and saw that Mary had texted me at about 1:15 A.M. writing; I had a great night; I hope you sleep well. I didn't have the energy or cognitive thought at that moment to write back. I got up, swallowed some aspirin, and began making my way to the kitchen to make some coffee. I didn't turn the corner to the hallway and saw my bra lying on the floor against the wall. As I got to the kitchen, my shirt was draped across the floor.

I chuckled to myself because I felt like I was the drunken whore, who stripped her clothes off the minute she could for her lover. Yet I was all alone after getting home last night. That; or I was just drunker than I thought. Either way, I picked up my belongings, and as I was walking to my bedroom to place them in the hamper, I got a light whiff of Mary's perfume, that was still on my shirt. I stopped to smell it just before I threw it in the hamper.

The smell brought back every bit of last night, from dinner to the bar, to us kissing in the parking lot, to my intense, more-than-usual masturbation exploits after arriving home. Was it just me, or the lack of a lover, or going through this divorce that has led me to be way more attentive to my own needs - aka masturbating constantly? Or was it all these thoughts of women, and lesbian sex that were opening doors of pleasurable fun, I had never experienced before? All I knew at the time was I had played with myself more since the divorce filing than I had throughout my entire adult life.

After getting some coffee and coming back to cognitive thought, I texted Mary back writing; Sorry, I was long asleep when you sent that. I did sleep well. I fell asleep thinking of you. I hope you slept good as well.

I regretted it, once I sent it because I didn't want to seem mushy, clingy, or be outright obsessed with her. But I hit send and it had been delivered, so I couldn't take it back to re-word it.

It was several hours before she responded to me. Comically enough, her reply came in right as I was standing in my parent's kitchen talking to my mom about going out. I told my mom I had gone out with a divorced female friend named Mary, that we had gone to dinner, then over to the bar for a few beers and a few games of darts. I conveniently left out the bet and that erotic passionate goodnight kiss that happened in the back of a dark parking lot. As much as I had been through recently, I surely wasn't going to tell my mother, that I was suddenly attracted to girls and made out with one last night. When I read Mary's text, it said; I was thinking about you too as I fell asleep.

I didn't reply right away, but when I got home and had a few minutes, I wrote back; Sorry was at my parents, I'm back home now. Did you have a fun night?

She replied and for the vast majority of our texts that evening, neither of us further mentioned the kiss or parking lot make-out. We hinted about it and beat around the bush, but neither of us said anything. I finally had to know if it was just the alcohol or an interest in one another, so I wrote; I liked the ending of our night, that kiss was incredible. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

I knew it was pretty bold, but obviously, it happened and I needed to know her feelings about it. It took Mary a while to respond, but she wrote back; Yes, I did! With a smile face emoji attached.

I knew she wasn't a lesbian; she was married like I had been. But I wanted to ask her if she was bisexual, or had dated women before. I needed to know, but I didn't want to be pushy. I took comfort in knowing she did enjoy the kiss and had admitted to it and sent the smiley face emoji, so I let the subject go for now. But I was going to figure this out more as time went on.

Over the next week and a half, things between us were as usual. When talked or texted when we could, and tried to support one another on bad days, but we didn't have the time to get together. I knew my ex's weekend was upcoming so I decided to reach out to Mary. I asked her if she'd like to go out, go to a movie, or have some dinner again because I would be free on Saturday night. She replied almost instantly saying; I will do whatever I have to do to get a sitter and we will definitely get together this weekend.

Within a few days, we decided our best course of action was not to spend money neither of us had. So, I offered her to come by me, if she felt comfortable enough, order some Chinese food, have some wine, and watch a movie. Her response; Perfect!

When Saturday night arrived, I found myself standing in front of my closet wrapped in a towel after a shower figuring out what to wear. I knew this was more of a casual, chill-at-home night, but I didn't want to be hanging out in worn and torn raggedy clothing. I pulled a pair of light blue jeans off the hanger. You know the ones, the acid-washed kind, which paired well with a dark blue pull-over shirt I hadn't worn in a while.

Mary told me she would grab the food if I got the wine and picked out a video. She told me she'd be over about 7:30. I was just finishing up a last-minute surge of straightening up, when I saw her car pull up in front of the house. I watched her exit the car, and walk up my walkway. She was wearing dark blue jeans, cute little white sneakers, and a lighter-colored feminine-style hooded flannel with a white T-shirt underneath. She looked so cute with her dark brown hair up in a ponytail, with some kind of long clip holding it up while carrying a full bag of food.

I opened the door, just as she got to the top of my stairs and greeted her. She gave me a long warm hug as she was in my foyer, kissing me lightly on the cheek. I was late returning a kiss to her cheek because I wasn't expecting it. She set down her purse as I took the bag of food from her hands asking her if she ordered the whole restaurant. She kicked off her little white sneakers and hung up her flannel, as she "burred" aloud, as the weather was starting to change to much colder temperatures in our area.

After setting down the food, we stood in the kitchen talking for a while. I wasn't sure what kind of wine she liked, so I offered her several varieties that I had grabbed at the grocery store. We decided a nice red would go with our chicken broccoli and I popped the cork. We talked for a bit after I poured our glasses and before we ate. I gave her a tour of the house. I was nervous about having her there because outside of my husband, I never had anyone of a sexual interest at my house. Truth be told, I was glad she was there. Looking back, I am sure she was just as nervous or as uneasy as I was.

After we ate, we sat out on the long sectional couch across from my TV. We decided to throw on a sappy romance movie we saw on Netflix. It wasn't about 30 minutes into this movie when I grabbed an Afghan and threw it over both of us. Mary instinctively cuddled up next to me, under the big warm blanket, resting her head on my shoulder as we nibbled on some popcorn I made.

"I'm glad I am here with you." She spoke out.

I looked down at her as she looked up and said, "I am too."

Mary nestled her head up against mine, the top of her head to my ear, as we sat and watched the sappy love story.

"Too bad it's not like that." She touted.

"Right," I replied.

"They should make lesbian love stories like these. You know the kind." She jested.

"I believe they do," I chuckled. "But, yes, I know the kind," I replied.

I followed up with, "Every man's fantasy, at the porn stores."

Even though we were still passing conversations about life, love, and the movie we were watching, hearing that made my heart skip a beat. My mind raced. Did she just imply lesbian? Did she just outright say; "I wish they made love stories for women?"

I pulled my head away from her head for a few seconds just staring down at her brown hair held up in that ponytail clip. My left hand slid over her hand under the warmth of the blanket. Her response was clinching my fingers into the palm of her hand. I felt my pulse quicken, as I just realized, that was probably the biggest hint I was ever going to get from her. I lifted my right arm, sliding it around her neck, as she edged in closer to me. Mary looked up at me as our hands intertwined, we stared softly into each other's eyes.

I leaned down as she lifted her head and our lips met. We sat frozen face to face like we had done a few weeks back, until my mouth parted, hers following suit and our tongues touched. The kiss was soft, slow, deep, and sensual. There was nervousness this time, but it wasn't the nervousness of the first kiss, it was nervousness because I was kissing her on my couch, in my house, in the darkness of the room, cuddled under a big warm blanket, with a woman I had an interest in. My anxiety shot through the roof, as she turned close to me to be in a better kissing position.

Our lips stayed pressed against each other, our tongues swirled, our hand grip tightened and I knew that the previous Saturday night's kiss wasn't a fluke or fueled by alcohol. She was interested in me. And I was interested in her.

As we pulled away for the first time, Mary looked at me and said, "I was hoping you'd want to kiss me again."

"I definitely wanted to kiss you again," I replied.

Mary smiled and came in again and this time, we let go of our grasp on each other's hands and started rubbing up and down one another's face, necks, and heads. The passion was intense and I felt myself have butterflies like I never had before. My heart thumped in my chest and yes... my pussy started to tingle and feel wet.

We kissed for quite a while, until Mary got up, flipped herself around, and came to rest almost on top of my lap. My hands glided all over her back, along her side, her hips, and along the outsides of her tits. While her hands kept focus on my face, my neck, and my upper chest area. I slowly slid my hand around to the front of her chest and slid my hand across her left breast. She lightly moaned through our kiss, as I cupped and caressed her tit the best I could, at the angle I was at.

Mary's hand came down and slid across the front of my shirt, across my breast, down to my sternum, and back up under my right tit. We slowly and erotically began feeling one another's breasts, over our clothing with our kissing getting hotter, deeper, and more intense as time went on. I pulled away and asked her to lie down next to me, trying to get us into a better position. I laid flat on the couch on my left side, while Mary laid down next to me on her right. We adjusted accordingly, trying to not fall off the couch, and began kissing again.

We kissed deeply, just picking back up where we had left off. It was slow and patient, caring and soft. As time went on and we were feeling each other up over our clothes, I mustered up the courage and started to pull her T-shirt out from her waistband. Mary didn't resist and I felt that the slow, long, comfort level we had reached was ready for the next step.

I ran my hand up across her stomach, feeling her warm skin as I slowly slid my hands upward. My hand came to rest on the top of her bra. I was so excited that I was finally feeling another woman's breasts, that I almost chirped. Mary's hand slid up and under my shirt a few moments later, we both had moved forward getting the first feel of each other's tits.

Mary pulled my bra cup down, grasping a firm hold of my naked breast, squeezing, cupping, and caressing it. It was exciting, to say the least, when her warm hand cupped my tit, covering my nipple, as she moved our adventure forward. Knowing she had made a bigger move, I followed suit and pulled her bra cup down, placing my hand over her tit. It was absolutely amazing to feel her breast in my hand as we continued kissing passionately.

We kissed overpoweringly as our hands explored each other's bare breasts. I pulled my hand from underneath her shirt and grabbed a hold of it at the bottom, I lifted the shirt, as Mary arched her back and lifted her body upwards, so I could pull it up. I raised her shirt to her neck revealing her bare skin and went right back to feeling her tits. By this time, both of her bra cups, and both of mine were down, exposing both of our tits. I lifted my shirt up and over my head, taking it off completely. Mary did the same, removing hers, and were both pressed up against each other, skin to skin as we continued kissing.

As we lay kissing, we both fumbled with unhooking each other's bra straps, letting them dangle off our shoulders as we continued caressing each other's tits. I kissed my way down from her lips, along her neck, and down over the top of her chest, until I reached her breasts. I kissed both breasts gently and softly before my mouth hit her nipples. I slowly and gently sucked, licked, and teased her tits.

I pulled my bra strap through both arms, freeing myself of it, and tossed it on the floor. As I was just coming back down next to Mary, she did the same thing. I stared deeply at her body, her sexy tits, her bare chest realizing every fantasy I had of her, visualizing her tits was now a reality and right in front of me.

Mary and I engaged deeply in another heated kiss, with both of our hands working on touching, caressing, and exploring each other's bare skin. Mary slipped from our kiss, leaning me slightly back as her mouth gently and erotically kissed her way down my neck, throat, and across the top of my bare chest, and started sucking in my nipples. One at a time, deeply, lovingly as her warm mouth encompassed them.

I was dripping wet. I mean dripping wet. I could feel my juices resting on my left leg and I wanted to put my hand down her pants so bad. After Mary finished sucking on my tits and came back to kissing me, I slowly slid my hand from her breasts, down past her stomach where I felt her muscles slightly quivering as I passed them by. I slid my hand up and down her legs, along her inner thighs, in between both legs, softly, engrossingly as I slowly made my way up to her crotch.

When I thought it was the right time, I pushed my hand down deep in between her legs, cupping her pussy over her jeans. Her hands clinched on my tit, as I started rubbing up and down. I wanted to feel her. I wanted to slide my hands deep into her panties and see how wet she was. How erotic it would be to feel her wet lips. To feel another woman's pussy. To see how turned on she was.

Just as I was starting to reach for her jeans button to unbutton it, Mary pulled from our kiss and said; "Wait, I don't know if I'm ready for that."

I froze. I didn't know what to say. Here we were just seconds ago, face to face, chest to chest, kissing deeply my hand rubbing up and down over her pussy, getting excited and she stopped us.

I looked deeply into Mary's eyes, she seemed panicked and out of sorts.

"Jill, can we talk about this for a minute? She asked. Pulling back and away from me, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, of course, we can," I replied.

Mary hesitated finding her word, but finally spoke out; "Jill, I have never done this type of stuff with a woman before. I like you. And I am curious, but this scares me. I don't know if I am a lesbian."

"I feel the same way," I spoke out.

"Have you been with a woman before?" She asked me.

"I went out on a couple of dates with a woman a while ago, but I have never exclusively dated or had sex with a woman before," I replied.

"I have never done anything like this before either," She spoke. "But for some reason, I feel real comfortable with you. And I like what we are doing, it just is mind-blowing to me."

"I know sweetheart," I replied. "I never thought I would be with a woman, but since my divorce, it's all I can think about."

There was a long pause in our conversations and Mary had dipped her head down onto my collarbone. I didn't know what to say, or what to do. I had never been in a position like this. Nor had she. Mary lifted her head slowly and said; "Jill, have you thought about me? I mean us that way?" She asked.

"Yes, I have actually," I replied

Mary, sighed and dipped her head again, whispering out the words, "God, I guess I ruined the moment then, didn't I?"

"No sweetie," I spoke. "I think this was perfect."

"Mary, I don't know if I am changing inside, or if it's the chance for me to experience something new, but I am interested in this," I spoke out. "I don't want you in an uncomfortable position, but I am into you and I would feel very interested if this went further."

Mary lifted her head, smiled at me, and reiterated that she loved being around me, but the sex part of this scared her.

Mary and I hugged and embraced deeply. I understood her fears, I had some of my own. I was so relieved she had admitted her interests and concerns to me. Saying things that maybe she was afraid of saying before. I felt closer to her after our small chat, and as we lay there in silence, just holding one another, feeling the warmth of our bodies in the darkness of my front room. I was enjoying being there alone with her like this. Wrapped up as lovers do. With a host of feelings and emotions running through us. In some cases, warm, safe, and loving. Others were being hot and horny. While some were in sheer panic, fear of the unknown, or concern about dating the same sex. I know my mind was spinning, contemplating where this could go. I'm sure hers was too. Mary lifted her head, looked deep into my eyes, and whispered to me, "Jill, I want this, it's just going to take me some time."

We pressed our lips together, embracing more deeply, and I knew at that moment her words were true and that eventually, we would take the next steps. As our arousal and passions faded, we lay together softly embracing and glowing in the moment. Both of us now knowing - and perhaps accepting - we wanted one another. Oddly enough we were two women who had never had a lesbian experience but were lying topless together, fearing to move forward, yet admitting we wanted to.

"I don't want to ruin our night anymore," she whispered. "But I think I'm going to go."

I didn't want her to leave. I was very comfortable lying there with her, but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, or uneasy.

We both got up and got dressed. I watched as she put her bra and shirt back on, just seeing her standing there topless for a brief moment was amazing. I walked her to the door, where we hugged deeply again and kissed one last goodnight kiss. I stood at my window, watching her get into her car, and drive off.

I was overly spent and exhausted from the number of emotions, excitement, fear, and nervousness of her coming over; coupled with the sexual rush we had. Instead of heading to my bedroom, I wandered back over to the couch, pulled my shirt, bra, and pants off, crawled under the blanket, and just settled in for some rest.

As I lay there in the darkness, I kept thinking about her words. I felt fear and panic, yet solace and comfort knowing that at least we had a bit of an open conversation about our interests in one another and had one big-ass make-out session.

I was glad it stopped where it did, as disappointed as I felt. One because I didn't want us to do anything that made either of us uncomfortable; and two I didn't want it to be something we'd regret in the morning.

I felt aroused still and wholeheartedly, I wanted to have sex. I would have bet you any amount of money, I would have masturbated immediately to relieve myself from the frustration of being so turned on, but not going all the way. But yet, at that moment, even though I was still horny and wet wishing we would have gotten each other off, I didn't. I just drifted off thinking about her kiss, her sexy "mom" tits, her nipples, her face on my chest sucking mine and I felt a warm glow of comfort, that lulled me to sleep.