What Turned Me On Pt. 09

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My first lesbian experience and masturbation fantasies.
4.5k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/03/2024
Created 09/08/2023
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Weeks passed after Mary and I had the intense make-out session at my house. Unfortunately, with both of our schedules and our kids, time was never on our side. We did meet up at our town's Halloween Spook Fest with the kids in tow, for some Halloween fun. And during the second week of November for a quick lunch, which led to a small goodbye kiss. But we never had the chance to be alone and with Thanksgiving break coming up, and the kids being off all week, I figured I wouldn't see her until December. But surprisingly, we managed some time alone and things changed for both of us.

I had gotten everyone dressed early afternoon and was preparing myself to go to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner. I was text arguing with my ex who was animate it was his year with them. I was trying to talk to Mary by text and he kept interrupting with his usual bullshit. By this time, the divorce had been long formalized and he had come and taken numerous items from our house. The place looked vacant and I had until March 1st to sell it, divide the proceeds, and get my own place.

To be honest it was the last thing on my mind. I could give a flying fuck what he wanted. My concern was having a nice home for my kids over the holidays, banking some paychecks so I could get new stuff when I moved, and most importantly, maintaining my friendship and sexual lust for Mary.

I had masturbated thinking about her at least a dozen times. Each time brought me so much closer to waning her permanently, becoming a lesbian and just wanting her pussy always. But every time we had one of those close and personal moments, it never went that far, nor did we ever have that deeply needed conversation, so I still didn't know where she stood.

As I headed off to my parents, I sent Mary a text telling her, I will be at the fam's for a while, and that I was dropping the kids off at their fathers on my way home. And I'd talk to her later.

"Good luck," She wrote back with a big smiley face.

After dinner, I ran the kids to the exes. My mom asked me to come back for dessert, but since I had to run back and forth, I passed on the offer, explaining I needed time tonight to just decompress from being with them all week.

I texted Mary I was leaving my parents and told her I'd chat with her when she finished her family stuff. Mary replied she was about done with her family affairs and she didn't have her kids. A short while later, she wrote; Do you want some company?

Hell Yes! Was my reply and within a few minutes of confirming, she was making her way to me. I was rather surprised she didn't have the kids or her family plans weren't running late. But I was happy she asked me if she could come over. I needed some adult company that wasn't my parents and family.

Mary arrived about 45 minutes later. As I greeted her at the door, she was wearing this beautiful long holiday seasonal light brown sweater, a dark pair of jeans, and high heels. Her hair and make-up were done perfectly.

We hugged in my foyer and I invited her in telling her that half the shit I had in the house was gone, because "dumb ass' (my newer nickname for him) had come and swiped all of the things he wanted.

Mary and I opened a bottle of wine and began talking and catching up. I was elated that she had come over. It was the first real-time we had been alone since she was last here. It was later in the evening and I wasn't expecting anything sexual. I was just glad she opted to stop by and spend some time with me.

As we sat on the couch sipping wine, catching up, and discussing what had been happening in our lives Mary asked me the oddest question.

"Are you dating anyone? She inquired.

"No." Was my response.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned curiously.

Mary took a big swig of her wine and said, "I just didn't know if you were seeing anyone else. I mean... I know we are not dating, but I didn't know your intentions." She furthered.

We sat and talked back and forth and as bold as it was for me to say out loud, I told Mary I was only interested in her, but I wasn't going to push any issues if she was uncomfortable about any of this.

Mary seemed relieved to hear my words and smiled at me. We sat in silence just staring at one another across my couch, until I edged in closer to her, whispering words, "I only want to date you. I know that may seem odd, or scare you, but you're all I want."

Mary took a deep breath and spoke, "I'm glad you brought that up. Yes, this is something new to me and it is scary." She paused for a few seconds gathering her thoughts and continued with, "Jill, I know I'm not a lesbian, I like men. I absolutely adore you. And I'm curious about it. But I don't know if that's me." She exclaimed.

She followed up with; "I love your company, our chats, our time together. I just don't know if I can be with a woman; that way... You know what I mean."

It's not the sex," she qualified, holding her hands out in front of her. "It's the whole dating, relationship, sleeping over stuff that doesn't sit well."

I moved right next to Mary, placing my hand on top of hers. I softly spoke to her; "I get it, hun. When I first started getting feelings and fantasizing about women, it scared the shit out of me. I didn't know what was going on with me. I had never wanted a woman before. I mean, I've entertained the fantasy of being with a woman recently but never acted on it. So, I guess, I just accepted it. I looked at is at as was a change, or something I needed to cope with the divorce. I just acknowledged the fantasies and thoughts and had fun with them. But, after we had that kiss at the bar, it changed me a bit. It made me realize that maybe this could actually be something real, not just a fantasy."

I sat for a few seconds just holding her hand trying to muster the courage to say what I needed to say. When I finally felt I had the words right, I whispered to her; "Mary all I thought about the last few weeks is you. And I have accepted wanting something different. I'm scared too, beyond belief, but I know I am comfortable when you're around and I feel like you are my best friend."

Mary stared deeply into my eyes and I knew her brain was processing what I said. And I knew her fears, concerns, and unease were running through her head like violent thunder during a storm. She licked her lips and said, "You are my best friend too. But, how did you accept this? I just can't process this down."

I shook my head and just smiled, whispering, "I don't know, I just felt, well... I feel it's what's right for me.

I felt Mary's hand grasp mine tighter and I could see her eyes welling up with tears as she smiled at me. I leaned in and kissed Mary on her forehead. I could hear her take a long breath in as her lungs filled, and she started to lean into me. We held each other for a while in silence just accepting the deep conversation we needed to have. When Mary looked up at me, wiping away the bit of tears that streamed down her cheek, I leaned my head down and kissed her.

Our lips pressed together for a while until our mouths parted and we began kissing deeply pressing into one another. We held our kiss firm, deep, and long, until absolute desire took me and I climbed right on top of her lap, sitting on her legs as we kissed passionately. I wanted her. I wanted this. I wanted to make love to her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to feel her lips all over my body, and mine all over hers. This felt right to me. I didn't want a man; I didn't want another woman. I wanted her. I wanted to be with a woman, I needed that change!

As we kissed deeply, I began rubbing up and down over her breasts, as her hands were rubbing up and down along my rib cage. I tried pulling at her sweater to get it up, but I was sitting on the bottom portion of it and I couldn't get it unstuck. Mary got the hint, helping me lift it as I lifted off her legs. My hands slid underneath it and both hands started caressing and softly squeezing her breasts over her bra. Her hands followed suit seconds later as she began feeling my breasts.

I grabbed the bottom of Mary's sweater pulling it over her head. As I was lifting it, she lifted her arms, leaning forward from the couch, letting me pull it right off. I lifted my shirt up and over my head throwing it on the floor. As I leaned down to kiss her again her hands came to rest again on my tits, cupping them over my bra.

I was rocking and grinding on her thighs, feeling her tits, wanting to take this further. I slid down off of Mary and onto the floor. I knelt in between her legs and kissed my way up from her belly button to her left tit. I pulled it from the bra cup and sucked on it slowly, softly, and erotically. I could hear her moan as her hands rested on top of my head. I lifted her bra, pushing it up to her neckline, and began caressing and sucking on both of her tits. I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, pulling my arms through. Mary leaned down further and was reaching under my body feeling my breasts, cupping them in her hands as I sucked on hers.

When I felt it was time, I started slowly kissing my way down her body, along her ribs, and down to her jean's waistline. As I reached for her button, to open her pants. Mary grabbed my hand stopping me again, like she had done a few weeks back.

"Whew!" She spoke. "Wow, Jill, I am so turned on. Are we ready for this?" She asked in fear.

"I am," was my reply.

"Jill, I don't know." I am so worried; I may like it too much." She spoke.

The air came out of me like a deflating balloon. I didn't know what to say to her to ease her fears or concerns. I didn't want to push an issue, but on the same token, I wanted us to move forward.

"It's okay, I understand," I spoke out as I edged up from my kneeling position, coming face to face with her.

"Whenever you feel comfortable," I said to her, as I softly kissed her on her forehead.

I sat kneeling in front of her for a while, just in silence. I wanted to know what was going through her mind, but I didn't want to make matters worse.

"I think I need to go," she spoke out as she started to edge off of the couch.

"Okay," I replied. "I wish you wouldn't, but I understand."

I reached down to the floor and grabbed my shirt, untangling it and sliding back onto my body. Mary had pulled her bra cups back down and was turning her sweater back around to slide it on, as I got up from my knees. I helped her off the couch and walked her by the hand to my front door.

As we got to my door, Jill put her coat on and slung her purse up and onto her shoulder. With a sad look on her face and in her eyes, she said; "I'm sorry. I just..." and she stopped speaking mid-sentence.

She turned away from me and opened the door. Just as she was reaching for the handle of the screen door she froze. She stood there for about 20 seconds not moving and not saying a word. I didn't know what to do, so I stood and watched her in the darkness looking at her from behind.

Without her turning back towards me, Mary emotionally belted out; "I'm scared. That's why I keep stopping this. I'm fucking scared."

"Scared of what?" I asked.

"I don't know," she bellowed out in a louder tone.

A few moments of silence passed, when she said, "Actually, I do know. I'm scared of becoming a lesbian. Scared of falling for you. Scared I might like it. Scared I get left behind again, like my husband did to me. Scared to have to tell everyone, I am dating a woman."

I grumbled out, "Those are things to be concerned about. I told you; I am scared too sweetie."

"What are you scared of?" She asked me, as she turned back around facing me.

I took a big breath and responded to her by saying, "Jill, I'm scared of everything. Like I said before, outside of fantasies, I have never thought about women before. I don't know if it's the divorce, or the lack of sex before. Hating men right now, or the fact that I feel closer to you and enjoy your company, more than I did his. I'm scared I might fall in love, or have to come out and tell my family or friends I'm in love with a woman, after being married and having kids. I'm scared to lose someone again. I'm scared of not speaking with you and communicating as we do. I'm scared of eating pussy (I quickly covered my mouth and apologized to her, because it's something I never thought I'd hear myself say. But oddly enough after I apologized, we both giggled.)

I continued... "I'm scared of it all...But I know something I'm not scared of."

"What?" Mary asked.

"I know I'm not scared to be here with you. I'm not scared to kiss you or to touch you, and I'm not scared if this goes further. I felt my mouth become dry as a desert as I spoke these words; "Truth be told Mary; I have fallen for you."

In the darkness of my foyer, I could see tears welling up in her eyes, "You're falling for me?" Mary questioned.

"Yes, sweetie. I am." I replied.

"I am falling for you too," She replied. "That's what scares me the most."

We stood looking at each other in silence for the better part of two minutes. My heart was racing and a million thoughts were flooding through my mind. Mary reached out her hand to grasp mine and with a big gulping sound as she swallowed down, she said; "Well, maybe I need to stop living in fear."

Mary edged towards me and we entered into a deep kiss. This time, I could feel the passion in her lips more than ever as she wrapped her arms around me.

Mary slid her purse down her arm dropping it to the floor. She turned away from me for a second, closed the door, locked it, and then slid out of her coat.

Mary and I stood in my foyer kissing deeply, touching, caressing, and seducing one another.

To my surprise, during our kissing Mary pulled away, lifted her sweater off of her body, and reached behind her, unclasping her bra. She lifted my shirt over my head exposing my naked breasts. Our bodies came chest to chest as we kissed, caressed, and rubbed each other. I slid my hand between her legs and started rubbing up and down over her pussy. I felt her hand slide down off my chest, across my bare stomach, and deep down in between my legs. It was beyond exhilarating to feel her hand cupping my pussy over my jeans as I was rubbing hers.

She pulled from our kiss and spoke, "Couch?"

"No. My room." I replied.

I led Mary down the hallway to my room by her hand. As we stood at the edge of my bed, we kissed even more. We pressed into each other, pressing our tits tightly together, only occasionally separating apart, to continue feeling each other up. During this heat of our passions, I reached for Mary's jeans button popping it open. I followed by fumbling with the zipper, unzipping her pants. Mary's hand followed suit.

My heart was racing and I was in sheer panic. I had been wanting to feel her pussy and move this forward and now that we were here and alone in my room, this was my chance. My hand slid down into her pants first, feeling her soft silky panties. I could feel the outline of her pussy over her panties and I could tell, it was clean-shaven and she was getting wet. The feel of her pussy in my hand was so exciting that I chirped through our kiss. I chirped even louder when her hand slid down my pants sliding all the way down and over my pussy. I opened my stance up more, so her hand could easily slide in and out.

Mary and I stood kissing one another for a long while sliding our hands up and down over each other's panties, rubbing our clits, getting each other more and more turned on. I pulled my hand from her pants and slid my jeans off, dropping them onto the floor. I reached for Mary's jeans at her hips and began to try and edge them down. There was still a second or two of hesitation from her, but she wiggled and used her free hand assisting me until they were down and off of her.

We both crawled onto my bed, with me coming to rest on my back, her lying on top of me, between my legs. We kissed so deeply, so passionately and so lovingly, as our hands wandered all over each other's bodies. Whatever fears, concerns, or anxieties that we had about this, (were, at least momentarily off the table) and we were going to make love.

I rolled Mary onto her back and slowly kissed my way from her lips to her tits where I cradled, caressed, and sucked both of her nipples. I looked up at her and asked; "Are you okay with this?"

"Yes." She replied.

I kissed my way down her abdomen, past her lower stomach, sliding my body deeper down the mattress. I came to rest in between her legs, kissing her inner thighs, along the seam of her legs, and on top of her panties. Mary's legs spread, as I slowly teased and rubbed my fingers over her panties, following the outline of her pussy with my fingers. I grabbed the left side of her panties, pulling them aside revealing her pussy. It was the first time I had seen another woman's pussy live and in person and I was amazed at how sexy and erotic it looked.

I could see it glistening in the dimly lit room. And never having done this before, I had no idea what I was doing. I leaned in and softly put my lips on top of her clit, lightly kissing it, and just touching her skin with my tongue. I heard Mary whimper and her body shook as I pushed my face deeper into her loins. I licked from top to bottom getting my first taste of another woman, and surprisingly, as zingy as it was, I found it to be rather arousing. It went from feeling her soft dry skin to the wetness at her opening.

Mary quivered as I licked up and down, using my lips and tongue to please her. I knew I wasn't completely doing it right and I began to think of the lesbian videos I had watched and how they did it. I slid both of my hands and arms under her legs, wrapping them up and around her thighs. I pulled her panties further open and this time I dove right in. My tongue shot as deep inside of her as I could stick it in. I felt her wetness encompass my lips and skin as I swirled my tongue, in and out, around and over her opening.

I was so turned eating her out, that I was throbbing. I began to feel the nervousness ease, and the hunger and desire take over. Before long, my mouth was back over her clit, totally covering it, while my tongue was spinning around in circles as if I was French kissing it. My fingers were sliding in and out of her wide-open, wet entrance, as she was moaning and groaning louder than anything I had ever heard before.

I made Mary cum within minutes and I could feel her muscles tighten and her legs quiver, just as she let her orgasm go. Her words; "Don't stop, don't stop." echoed throughout my head.

There I was eating a woman out, making her soaking wet, overly excited, hearing her begging me to not stop, all while glowing in the experienced, aroused, and willing. It couldn't have been any better. I was doing it! I was having lesbian sex! I was eating pussy! I was almost naked, throbbing, soaking wet, breathing hard, hearing her breathing hard, moaning and groaning in my house, face deep into a wet vagina. When I finished making Mary cum, she pulled me up from her waist, pulling my lips onto hers. She kissed me deeply as her thighs wrapped around my waist. My hand slid down covering her pussy as we kissed. Her hand slid into my panties getting me even more aroused.

We both rolled off one another and slid our panties off. Mary edged me onto my back, kissed her way down my body and within seconds she too was face-to-face with her first pussy. My dripping wet pussy. She touched and caressed my wet lips and clit with her fingers, teasing me to the point I wanted to beg her to eat me. Mary cautiously, but bravely dipped her head down and licked my pussy from top to bottom, sending chills throughout my body. Like me, she slowly and surely developed more and more excitement and confidence while going down on me and began to please me even better with every passing moment. There was no doubt that the more she got into it and the more she let her fears go, the more she became enthralled with eating me out. And the more I enjoyed it.