What Was I Thinking?


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What was I thinking? This was our first date. Not that it was completely uncommon for me to make out with someone, or even have sex with them, on the first date, but for some reason this date with Charles felt different. It felt like something that could open the way to more, something that could last. I wanted Charles to think well of me. What would he think if I let him touch me like this? But I also wanted his touch; the moisture between my legs proved that.

My lack of resistance encouraged him, and his hand wandered to the bare skin at the opening of my blouse. The warmth of his hand on my skin made me shudder. "All right?" he asked.

"Very all right." I kissed him again, more forcefully, and he matched my intensity.

He slipped his hand into my blouse. When he touched my bare nipple, I jumped, then relaxed. What was I thinking? Not only was he going farther than I'd planned, he was doing it right in plain sight of everyone at the party! But despite my tension, the thought excited me. Everyone could see... I grew even wetter.

I looked to my left and discovered that we already had an audience. A young man stood nearby, staring as Charles's hand made its exploration. When the man realized I'd noticed him, he quickly looked away, but only for a second. "He likes what he sees," Charles said softly.

"I like it too," I replied.

He tweaked my nipple. "You like that?"

"Mmm, yes."

He licked the side of my neck. "How about that?"

"Better be careful. You're getting close to a spot that drives me wild."

"Oh, am I?" He lightly nibbled my neck. It took him only a second to hit the spot. I squealed and tried to pull away, but he put his arms around me tightly and held me as he continued to kiss and nibble. I thought I was going to come just from that! Then he stopped. "Did I drive you wild?"

"Oh, my god, did you ever!" I bit his earlobe and pulled away from him. "I'll be right back. Need to find the restroom."

"Hurry back," he teased.

I stood and walked away. Had I left a wet spot on the couch? In the bathroom, I pulled down my pants and thong. The thong was completely soaked. I was amazed there was no sign of wetness on the outside of my pants. I dried myself as best I could with toilet paper, washed my hands, and went back to Charles.

I started to sit beside him, but he pulled me into his lap. "Our friend missed you," he whispered, nodding toward our voyeur, who still stood a few feet away.

"I don't care about him; did you miss me?"

He flicked my lips with his tongue. "Maybe."

"Tease," I said.

"Uh huh."

He licked my lips again, but this time followed it by slipping his tongue into my mouth. His hand pushed back the side of my blouse, revealing my nipple to our voyeur and anyone else who cared to look. What was I thinking? There I sat, my tit visible to any stranger who wandered to that corner of the room, and I didn't even care. In fact, it made me even hotter to know that another man was watching, and that others might see, as long as only Charles touched.

I lost track of time while Charles and I made out. I was lost in the sensations that filled me. I'd never felt like this with any of the guys I'd been with before. It confused me, but it was too good a feeling to question.

Charles's hand left my breast and moved to my leg. He inched it toward my pussy. I tried to take my mouth from his so I could protest, but he pressed his other hand against the back of my head. I was trapped by his hands and his mouth. And I loved every second of it.

"What do you think this is, a sex party?"

I jumped, and Charles let go of my head. Opening my eyes, I saw a smiling couple standing in front of us. Our voyeur had disappeared. "You mean it isn't a sex party?" Charles said with mock innocence. "Darn, we must have come to the wrong place."

The couple laughed. "Enjoy yourselves," the woman said. "I know we enjoyed what we saw."

They walked away, and Charles and I burst out laughing. "Guess maybe we weren't being too discreet," I said.

"Do we need to be?" Charles kissed my ear, swirling his tongue around it. "I like the idea that people can see me with such a sexy woman. Do you mind it?"

"I have to admit, I do have a bit of an exhibitionist streak." I ran my hand down his chest to the top of his pants.

He yawned. "I think we should go soon, though. I've been up since five. Had to drive to make sure I got here for our date, and I didn't have time for a nap."

"You could have taken a nap. Sleep is important."

"Keeping my date with you was more important." He yawned again. "But it's after midnight now; maybe we should think about heading back."

"All right." What he'd said gave me a warm feeling. I was more important to him than sleep. As for heading back... I wasn't sure what would happen when we got back to his hotel, but I knew what I wanted to happen. I didn't want our night to end at his hotel room door.

We made the rounds to say goodbye to Warren and Sharon and to Annette and Kurt. On our way out of the DJ booth, we were stopped by the couple who'd spoken to us earlier. "Leaving so soon?" the woman asked.

"I've only had ten hours of sleep in the past two days," Charles replied. "I need to get back to my hotel."

The woman and her man surrounded me. "Did you have a good time?" the man asked.

"Yeah. It was fun." Why wouldn't they get out of my way? I hated being boxed in.

"Do you really want to leave this early?" the woman asked.

"We have to." I pushed past them. "Have a good night."

I went to the stairs, then realized Charles wasn't behind me. I looked back around the corner. The couple had blocked him now, but he seemed to be enjoying chatting with them. Finally I heard him say, "Well, we really do need to go now, but maybe we'll see you another time."

"I hope so," the woman said. Then she leaned down and bit his nipple through his shirt!

Laughing, Charles came to me and took my hand. "Well, that was interesting," he said. "She bit my nipple!"

"You didn't seem to mind it," I teased.

"I'm not used to having my nipple bitten by a sexy woman at a party." He squeezed my hand. "But there's a sexier woman that I want to be with."

We went upstairs. Charles helped me on with my coat and put his arm around me as we walked to my car. On the forty-five minute drive back to his hotel, we chatted about the party, mostly meaningless small talk. Which was good, because he kept his hand on my thigh through the whole drive, and every fiber of my being was focused on the warmth from his hand. I wouldn't have been able to manage an intelligent conversation.

When I parked at the hotel, Charles asked, "Would you like to come in?"

"Do you want to get some sleep?" I countered.

"At some point." He leaned over the center console and kissed me. "But I don't want our evening to end quite yet. I'm having a very enjoyable time."

I smiled. "So am I. So yes, I would like to come in."

Walking to his room, Charles had his arm around me, low on my back. Almost touching my ass. What was I thinking? I knew what would probably happen when we got to his room. We'd agreed before the date that neither of us expected anything to happen; this was just a chance for us to get to know each other. But I was pretty sure the "nothing will happen" agreement had gone out the window. At least, I knew it had on my side. I would be perfectly happy if I left that night with just a little more kissing and fondling, but I didn't think it would stop there.

Charles opened his door and flipped on the lights. "Make yourself comfortable," he said.

I sat on the king bed while he went into the bathroom. When he came out, I was looking around the room. "You could have turned on the TV," he said.

"I didn't want to get too involved in watching anything." I stood and put my arms around him. "I have something more important to pay attention to."

I kissed him, then flicked his lips with my tongue as he'd done to me earlier. "Tease!" he said.

In one abrupt motion, he lifted me and tossed me onto the bed. Before I'd quite caught my breath, he was on top of me. "This is what happens when I'm teased," he said with a grin. "You're getting me all worked up. You'd better do something about that."

"Am I supposed to be scared?" Despite the roughness, I wasn't scared at all; I felt completely safe with Charles. I might not know what was going to happen, but I knew it wouldn't be anything I didn't allow.

"Nope. Not scared." Charles nuzzled my neck, finding the right spot. I squirmed beneath him. "I don't want to scare you at all," he said. "I just want to get you as worked up as I am."

"I think I'm already there." I kissed his ear. "So now that you've got me where you want me, what are you going to do to me?"

He rolled off me and closed his eyes. "Go to sleep."

"You'd better be joking."

He opened one eye a bit. "Nope. I'm tired. Going to go to sleep." He pulled me on top of him. "There, now I'm nice and warm."

I wiggled my crotch against his. "I don't think you're all that sleepy. Something certainly seems to be awake."

Charles ran his hands over my ass and slipped one between my legs. I moaned. "Someone else isn't ready to sleep, I see," he said. "I wonder what I should do about that?"

"Whatever you want," I replied.

"Oh, no. Whatever you want. Tell me, what do you want?"

"Kiss me again."

He brought his lips to mine in a brief peck. "Like that? Or like this?"

Finding my sweet spot, he kissed and bit my neck until I writhed on top of him, ready to scream. "Like this," I gasped. "Oh, Charles!"

He slipped his hands under my blouse, where they found my breasts. My nipples were so hard just the lightest brush of his fingertips made me moan. I thrust myself against the bulge beneath his pants, moving as though his cock was inside me. Which was where I hoped it would be before long.

What was I thinking? I couldn't seriously be considering fucking this man tonight. It was our first date, and he wasn't like the guys I'd gone out with before, the ones who only wanted sex. Charles wanted something more, I was certain. What would he think of me if I did go to bed with him? But from the way he moved beneath me, the way he touched me, I was sure he wanted the same thing I did, and if we both wanted it, how could he think anything about me one way or another?

And I felt different with Charles than I had with any of the others I'd dated. Being with him wouldn't be fucking. What was I thinking? How could it be "making love" with a man I barely knew? Yet I felt that was exactly what it would be with Charles. And I wanted it.

Charles gently pushed me off him. "Sit up," he instructed. I did, and he removed my blouse and tank top. "Beautiful," he murmured.

He took a nipple in his mouth. Just when I'd thought I couldn't get any wetter... He sucked and nibbled until I was near coming, then stopped and unfastened my pants. "Is this all right?" he asked.

"Very all right."

"Good. I didn't want to touch without permission, you know."

"I told you before, you have permission to touch anywhere, any way you want."

"You did, didn't you?" He slid his hand into my pants. "So I can do this?"


His finger found my clit and stroked it. "And this?"

"You can definitely do that!"

"You like this, huh?" He pressed his finger harder against my clit. Seconds later, the orgasm that had been building since the party finally hit me. I stifled a scream. "Mmm, I guess you do like it," he said.

"Oh, god, Charles, that felt so good!" I reached down to the hardness in his pants. "May I return the favor?"

"You don't have to ask."

He stood and stripped. I was a little disappointed; I'd wanted to be the one to take his clothes off. But I was far from disappointed by what I saw. His body wasn't the athletic, toned type; his cock wasn't huge, though it was more than average. He wasn't someone you'd be likely to see in a movie or read about in a porn story. Then again, neither was I. But at that moment, he was the sexiest man I'd ever seen.

I reached up to touch his cock, but he grabbed the legs of my pants and stepped back, pulling my pants with him. "I'm naked; you have to be too," he said.

"Sounds fair to me."

With my pants dropped on the floor, he hooked his fingers into the waist of my thong and pulled it down. "Someone got very, very wet."

"Someone got me very, very turned on," I replied.

"Then I guess someone had better do something about that."

"Not yet. Lay down."

He lay on his back beside me. "Are you going to take advantage of me?"

"That's a distinct possibility."

I kissed his lips, then moved my mouth down his neck to his chest. He didn't make a sound, but I was pretty sure he didn't mind it. On impulse, I bit his nipple. He jumped and laughed. "Sorry, did that bother you?" I asked.

"No, not at all." He tickled me. "Did that bother you?"

"Yes!" I was insanely ticklish.


Charles tried to tickle me again, but I moved away from his hand and went back to what I was doing. I licked the nipple I'd bitten, then kissed my way down his torso to his cock. When I took him in my mouth, he gasped.

As far as I could, I plunged my mouth down his cock and sucked. After a moment, I released all but the head, then softly sucked that. Charles made an appreciative noise, and I responded by licking his shaft like a popsicle, down and up. I swirled my tongue around his cockhead and smiled at him. "How was that?"

He rolled over, pinning me beneath him. "That was amazing."

He kissed me. When I tried to deepen the kiss, he licked my lips and pulled away. "Tease," I said.

"Not at all."

He kissed my cheek, then my ear. I squirmed; I loved the feeling of his lips and tongue against my skin. Again his lips found that little spot on my neck, and lingered there so long I thought I was going to explode. "Charles!"

"You don't like that?" he asked.

"I like it too much!"

"Then I'll have to find somewhere else to kiss."

He moved to my shoulder, and I thought his mouth would find my breast. Instead, he left a trail of kisses down my arm to my hand, then lightly sucked my forefinger. No one had ever done that to me; I was surprised at how erotic it felt. And how much wetter it made me.

Switching to my other hand, Charles kissed my palm and worked back to my shoulder. He gave a moment of his attention to each of my rock-hard nipples, bringing me close to coming again. No one had ever turned me on this much; every cell of my body felt like it was on fire.

Charles left my breasts to make his way down my belly. After a moment of him lapping at my navel, I was more than ready to feel his tongue on my clit. But instead of going to my pussy, Charles got off the bed and stood at my feet. Locking my eyes with his, he lifted one foot to his mouth and slowly sucked each toe. The thought of having anyone kiss my feet had always seemed a little disgusting, but the reality of it was hotter than I could have imagined. It added fuel to my fire. "Please," I moaned, not even sure what I was begging for. "Oh, Charles, please!"

I might not have known what I was asking for, but Charles knew. He kissed the sole of each foot, then began kissing his way up my legs, alternating between them. The closer he got to my pussy, the wetter and hornier I became. When he finally reached my clit, one light nibble was all it took. "Oh, fuck, yes!" I cried as I came.

Charles wasn't done with me yet, though. After a few minutes of loving attention to my clit brought me to the brink of another orgasm, he thrust his tongue into my pussy. A few strokes of tongue-fucking, followed by sucking my clit, sent me over the edge. I let out a long, wordless wail as I came so hard I almost blacked out.

When I recovered, Charles lay beside me. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Oh, god, Charles, no one's ever made me come like that!" I grinned. "You are a true gentleman; the lady came first."

"Yes, she did. More than once, I think."

"Definitely more than once."

Charles pulled me tightly against him. I felt his hard cock between us as our lips came together. This kiss was far from gentle; Charles mashed his mouth against mine so hard it hurt. But it felt so good, I didn't care. I tasted myself on his lips and tongue, and thinking about how that taste had gotten there intensified my desire to feel him inside me.

Breaking the kiss, Charles positioned himself on top of me again. "I'm glad you came back here with me," he said. "I've wanted you all night. At the party, I almost asked for a private room."

"Why didn't you?" I asked.

"Because I didn't think forty-five minutes would be enough for our first time. I figured we'd need at least forty-six."

I laughed. "Maybe more."

"Maybe an hour or two." He flicked my lips with his tongue. "Or three."

"Tease," I said.

He rubbed his cock along my slit. "Does that feel like teasing?"

"Yeah, it does."

He stopped. "Where do you want to go from here?"

What was I thinking? I wanted him inside me, no question. But I couldn't bring myself to say it; I was still worried about what he might think of me. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to finish what we've started. But I told you no expectations. I didn't think things would get even this far, though I'm definitely glad they have. If you want to stop now, we can."

With the reassurance that we wanted the same thing, it was easier to answer. "I want to finish what we've started too. But do you have, um...?"

"Yes, I do." Charles got up and went to his overnight bag. He took out a variety pack of condoms and tossed it on the bed. "Pick whatever kind you want."

"You can pick."

He lay down and took out a strip of condoms. "Hmm. Flavored, extra sensitive... what do you think?"

I laughed. "I think just choose one and put it on."

"Oh, all right."

Charles opened a condom and rolled it down over his cock. "Are you sure about this?" he asked as he rolled on top of me.

"Completely sure."

"Good. So am I."

When Charles rubbed his cock against my clit, I thought I was going to come again. When he entered me, thrusting his full length hard inside me, I did come, again stifling myself so I wouldn't be too loud. "Oh, yes!" I exclaimed. "You feel so good!"

Moving in and out of me, Charles was silent, but I made enough noise for both of us. His cock felt incredible inside me; I wanted it to stay there forever. I felt so warm, so safe with Charles on top of me, holding me tightly as we made love.

After several minutes, Charles thrust harder, then was still. He stayed on me for a few seconds, catching his breath, then kissed me and moved aside. "Did you enjoy that?" he asked.

"Completely. It was amazing. Did you?"

"Very much." He pulled me to him and I put my head on his chest. "Thank you for a wonderful evening," he said. "This was the best date I've had in a long time. And I'm looking forward to the next one. At least, I hope you'll want to see me again. I know I'd like to spend more time with you."

"I'd like that too."

He kissed my forehead. "I hope you're not planning to leave. I want to wake up with you in the morning."

I yawned. "After that, I think I'm too tired to drive home, even if it is only a mile."

"Good. Let me sit up for a second."

I moved, and Charles switched off the lamp and pulled the blankets over us, then lay down again. We kissed, exploring each other's mouths with our tongues until he broke the kiss. "Sleep," he said. "Sweet dreams, sexy lady. Think about all the times we might have to do this again."

"Sweet dreams," I said.

What was I thinking? Nothing at all. I was too tired and satisfied; thinking could wait till morning. With Charles holding me close, my body against his, I fell asleep.

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michchick98michchick98over 16 years ago
Not a bad start...

Although it seemed to be rushed along a bit quickly, it wasn't a bad start. Off to read chapter two.

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