What Would It Be Like


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On the beach Dan went over to a pile of deckchairs and paid the old man to hire one.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Follow me."

I followed him to a quiet part of the beach and watched him unfold the chair facing the sea.

"Sit." Dan said.

I sat down then realised what Dan was up to. The low down chair meant that looking up my skirt was so easy for Dan and what's more he would see everything that I have got.

"Take the skirt off."

I looked around and saw that no one could see more than my head so I unzipped my shirt and shuffled it down my legs.

"Now the top."

"Hang on a minute, I didn't say anything about my top."

"The top."

I gave him a filthy look then pulled my top up and off. I was now totally naked on a public beach in the middle of a popular seaside town. My nipples had been hard all day but now they felt like they were going to burst and the bolts of electricity were going back and forth from my nipples to my pussy that felt like it was oozing my juices.

"You said that you'd give me a proper look."

I slowly opened my knees.

"Jeez Jenna, I've never seen a pussy that wet."

"Have you ever seen a pussy before Dan. The way that you've been perving on me gives the impression that you've never seen a pussy before."

"Very funny, it's just that I haven't had a girlfriend for a few months."

"Well don't get any ideas about me being your flatmate with benefits because it's never going to happen."

"Okay, okay, open your knees a bit more."

Dan sat on the sand in front of the chair and just stared at my pussy.

"Make it move; err clench your muscles or something. I think that it's called kegels."

I'd heard of those but never thought that they could be used to tease someone looking at my pussy, and when I did it and Dan's eyes lit up I decided that I needed to remember that trick and to practice them as much as I could.

"Wow Jenna, that's amazing, keep doing that."

I did and enjoyed watching Dan's face, and his hands that were slowly moving towards me.

"Don't even think about it Dan. This is a one off and doesn't include touching."

"Okay, okay. A man can always dream. How come your pussy is so wet?"

"Dan, can men control when their cocks get hard?"

"No, not really."

"Well women can't control when their pussy gets wet, nor when their nipples get hard; it just happens."

"Well your certainly wet, and your nipples look harder than I've ever seen them."

"You've been looking at my nipples before? I just knew that you were a pervert. Well the show is over, I'm getting dressed now."

It's one thing taking clothes off when you're sat on a deckchair but it's another thing trying to put a top and skirt on whilst sat on one. After a couple of awkward attempts I just got to my feet and completed the task, not even looking to see if anyone was watching.

"Right Dan, no more perving and let's go, I'm hungry and I fancy some seaside fish and chips."

Dan got up and followed me off the beach. On the way I realised that the wind was dying down, I didn't think that my skirt blew up once as I walked.

We found a fish and chip shop, got some and sat on a bench overlooking the beach to eat them. As we ate Dan said,

"Jenna, I can't promise that I won't stare at you again, with your summer wardrobe getting more and more skimpy you've got to expect men to stare at you, it's human nature."

"I know, and I like men looking at me, just not all the time, and not men that are supposed to not look at me like that."

"Is that why your pussy gets so wet, that you like men looking at your pussy?"

"Possibly, probably, it's right what I said, I can't control it."

"I know. Can we make a pact Jenna?"


"I'll try not to stare at you, well not when you're looking at me, and you'll stop calling me a pervert. I'm not one and I don't like it"

I pondered for a minute then put my hand out for him to shake.


We shook hands then he said,

"You do know that you have an amazing body, and that pussy of yours is awesome."


"Don't worry, that's the last time that I'll ever mention it."

"Thank you Dan."

We finished eating then I stood up and said,

"The wind has gone. Shall we go to the funfair?"

"Sounds good to me flatmate."

As we walked there I thought about the wind and my pussy. It was fun getting my skirt blown up and I had no idea how many people had seen my bare butt and pussy, but it was still nice wearing such a thin, short skirt with no knickers. Just the thought that someone might just get a quick look at my pussy made it tingle.

The funfair was fun. We went on most of the rides and I'm sure that some people discovered that I wasn't wearing any knickers but I didn't care, I had another thing to tick on my bucket list. But that wasn't the end of it, some of the rides had safety barriers that had to be put in place before the ride started and some of them went up between peoples legs. At least 3 young men saw my pussy as they locked the barriers into place.

The roller coaster was fun as well, as we zoomed along my skirt was up around my waist and I didn't make any attempt to pull it down.

I saw Dan looking but it wasn't that pervert look. I guess that giving him a good look had satisfied some of his desires.

When it came time to go home we headed to the train station and I got reminded just how cold and windy those places are. One middle-aged man went all red when he saw me with my skirt inverted. I just laughed.

On the train I was again sat next to Dan but there was a man sat opposite so I decided to do a little teasing. Dan caught me opening and closing my knees and shook his head sideways as he smiled at me.

I decided that there would be many times back at the apartment when I could tease Dan. I wondered what Ann would think of my teasing.

6. To masturbate with people watching - Completed.

This opportunity arose one day when we had to call a plumber to fix a leaky toilet cistern. The bathroom door is opposite my room door and the plumber agreed to come round on an evening because we all worked during the day. It was an evening that Ann always gets home late and Dan phoned me as I was on my way home to tell me that something had cropped up and that he too would be late home. That left me let the plumber in and to make sure that he fixed the leak.

After the phone call from Dan I suddenly realised that I might have the chance to accomplish an item or two from my bucket list. Then I had to find the courage to go through with my hastily formulated plan.

I hurried home and quickly stripped naked and put on just a little negligee that I'd bought on a whim but never dared to wear at the apartment. It's totally see-through, split right up the front and so short that I could almost wear it as a blouse.

I nervously waited for the plumber with rock hard nipples and a dripping pussy. I had to wait a good 20 minutes and in that time I nearly chickened out 3 times. When the doorbell finally rang I nearly jumped out of my skin then walked to the door and opened it.

Standing there was a middle-aged man with a young man about my age stood next to him.

"Fuck," I thought, I hadn't expected 2 of them.

"Hi." I said, "have you come to fix the toilet?"

"Yes, but we can come back some other time if it's inconvenient."

"No, no, come in please, the toilet's through here."

I led the men to the bathroom and could feel their eyes looking at my virtually bare butt. Standing at the entrance, I let the older man go passed me, then the young man, but as the young man went passed me his arm brushed against me and accidentally pulled open the negligee completely exposing my right front.

The young man stopped and stared at me and I blushed.

"Sorry about that." The young man said.

"That's okay, no harm done." I replied.

"Right luv," the older man said, "what seems to be the problem."

"I'll show you." I replied and squeezed passed both of them to flush the toilet, and in doing so, the negligee opened up then the tie came undone and the negligee dropped to the floor.

As I reached for the handle to activate the flush I said,

"Oops, my boyfriend's coming round later and he likes me to wear that thing but it's not very practical."

After activating the flush I stood up and saw that both men were looking down at my bare tits with my rock hard nipples.

"I'll get out of your way and let you get on with it. I'll be across the corridor in my room if you need me." I continued.

"Thanks luv," the older man said, "I think that I know what the problem is, it won't take long to fix."

I left them and went across the corridor to my room then turned to close the door, looking back to the toilet and saw that both men were still watching me.

Now my room door has a habit of slowly opening wide if I don't shut it properly, and this time all I did was gently push it knowing that it would soon be wide open again.

I threw the negligee into the corner then got on my bed and lay on my back with my legs wide open. My left hand went to my right nipple and my right hand went to my pussy. All my fingers got busy.

I was already quite aroused and my fingers soon got me moaning and my hips rising to meet the 2 fingers that were finger fucking me as my thumb rubbed my clit.

By then my door was wide open and 4 male eyes were staring at me. That raised my arousal level even more and before long my moaning turned to loud expressions of pleasure as the orgasm arrived, hung around for longer than usual, then started to subside.

The 4 eyes were still looking my way when I was able to absorb my surroundings again. I looked at them then pretended to register that my door was open and that they were watching me.

I quickly closed my legs then swung them round and got off the bed. Walking to the door I said,

"Oops, sorry, I don't suppose that you fix doors as well do you?"

"Sorry luv, you need a joiner for that."

"Okay, would either of you like a cup of tea. I know that I can get that right."

"That would be great." both of them said, almost in stereo.

"Ben," the older man said, "go and get a toilet cistern valve out of the van, a bottom entry one."

Ben took his eyes off me and headed out of the apartment and I went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. As I stood there I reflected on how proud I was of myself. I'd been wanting to do something like that for ages and when the opportunity arose I'd had the courage to go through with it, and it wasn't over yet. I also wondered if I'd had more notice of the opportunity I would have still gone through with it or would I have decided that it was too slutty to do or I didn't have the courage to do it.

About 5 minuted later there was a knock on the front door and I went and opened it to see Ben stood there, staring at my naked front. I watched his eyes as they went up and down my body. I let him have a good look then said,

"Come in, the tea's just about ready."

Ben came in and looked at me until he had to turn to see where he was going. I smiled at him and went back to the kitchen.

"Here you are gentlemen." I said as I walked into the bathroom carrying the tray.

They both turned and looked at me. Again I saw 4 male eyes going up and down my body.

"Can you put in in the bath please, there's not much room in here."

I bent over to lower the tray and I could just feel those eyes burning into my butt. Standing up straight I turned and walked out saying,

"I'll be in my room if you want me."

I walked into my room and again just swung the door towards the closed position. As expected, it slowly started opening again, but by the time it was open enough for the men to see in, and they were looking, I was sat on the end of the bed with one foot up on the bed and me giving myself a pedicure.

There wasn't much for them to see but that didn't bother me because they'd already had the main show, anything else for them would just be a bonus.

They sat drinking their tea and watching me, me just watching them in my peripheral vision.

Tea finished, they got back to the job and were soon finished. When I heard the loo flush I guessed that they were done and I got up to go and see them but before I went I picked up the negligee and put it back on.

"All done?" I asked as I got to the bathroom door.

"Yes, good as new now." The older man said.

"Good, how much do we owe you, and how do I pay you?" I asked.

"Most customers pay me on completion of the job either by cash or cheque. We haven't really got into this electronic funds transfer thing yet."

"Oh, okay, I doubt that I'll have the cash but I know that I've got a cheque book somewhere. How much is it?"

"Hang on, I'll just work it out."

The older man got out his invoice book and a calculator while Ben just stared at me, I felt my nipples start to throb and my pussy get wet again.

After a few minutes the older man gave me the bill.

"Okay, I'll just go and look for my cheque book."

I turned and went into my room to get the cheque book. I thought that I knew where it was, but when I went for it I couldn't find it so I had to start rummaging through some boxes to find it. The boxes were on the floor so I had to bend over to rummage through them. It took some time but I eventually found it and when I stood up and turned round and looked to the men, I realised that they must have been looking at my bare butt when I was bent over.

I started to blush as I told them that I'd found it and that I'd have find a pen to write it.

"That's okay, you can borrow mine." The older man said.

I did, and had to bend over again to write the cheque but this time I just thought,

"Sod it, they've already seen my pussy a few times, one more time isn't going to matter."

My pussy told me to bend over more than I really needed to, and to spread my feet, which I didn't need to do, but my body listened to my pussy and that's what I did, taking my time to do the writing as well.

Finally finished, I handed the cheque to the older man and they turned and walked to the front door. Letting themselves out they turned to thank me and to say goodbye, getting one last look at my virtually naked front.

I shut the door then went back to my bedroom to get some urgent relief before getting dressed and going to make some tea.

Well that's the list of completed items on my bucket list, shortly after I completed the last of them I met an amazing man who I fell madly in love with, and every early indication leads me to believe that it wouldn't be long before I managed to put ticks against most of the incomplete items on the list.

Just for your information I've listed the incomplete items below: -

7. To get fucked with people watching - NOT completed yet.

8. To go to a nude beach and sunbathe with my legs wide open - NOT completed yet.

9. To swim naked in the sea - NOT completed yet.

10. To voluntarily be the only one naked in a crowd of strangers - NOT complete yet.

11. To go to work naked - NOT completed yet.

12. To be the only girl at a bukkate party - NOT completed yet.

13. To do a 'Lady Godiva' and ride a horse naked - NOT completed yet.

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bottovarnisbottovarnisover 2 years ago

very much enjoyed the story! I aim a huge fan of the public tease and the slow gradual pacing of it. Great job,Thank you.

qarlcueqarlcueabout 5 years ago

You are a treasure to Literotica and it's a treat to have another one of your sexy stories. Thank you so much!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
The bomb

You are all that and and a piece of pie.

VanessaEvansVanessaEvansabout 5 years agoAuthor
The rest of my stories

Literotica will not publish all of my stories but you can find all of them by googling 'vanessa evans erotic stories'.


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