Whatever You Desire Ch. 02


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"But not all of Fleur de Lis' employees are so fortunate," Julie pushed Randy for more information.

"Look. They gave me a secure login to their website and access to their dating app. I was told where to go and what to expect when I got there. They provided me with a stash of products to push and to be honest most of the clients had requested their drug of choice when they made the booking," Randy explained.

"I was picked up and dropped off at the venue and taken home after. Sometimes there would be a few of us in one car if it was a sex party," Ryan took a sip of wine.

"Some of us knew that Fleur de Lis had other employees whom they kept in various apartments around the city who select clients would go to visit but I wasn't with Fleur de Lis long enough to find out who they were and where they lived. Nobody uses their real names we all used nom de plumes. They liked their French," Randy chuckled.

"Ryan said something to me. He asked me if Fleur de Lis had offered me a job. He said I was their type," Julie continued the interview but changed tack.

"Hey, a beautiful trans chick like you? You'd be very popular. They'd love to have someone like you on the books," he gave Julie an appreciative look.

"So with all the secrecy, how would one gain employment?" Julie asked.

"Like I said, potential employees and potential customers have to be recommended," Ryan shrugged his shoulders.

Randy spied Julie's laptop sitting in the little nook where there was a desk. Julie had set up a work station there.

"Look. I haven't been on there for a while but last time I checked my login was still active," Randy nodded at Julie's personal laptop

"Show me," Julie stood and indicated that Randy should follow her to the desk.

Tommy followed but ensured he was positioned to block Randy's escape route.

"You have a VPN I take it?" Randy asked as Julie opened her browser.

"Who doesn't?" Julie replied activating her VPN and vacating the seat so Randy could sit at the desk.

"Ok, were going onto the dark web. I'm going to need to download the Tor browser," he said clicking away on the keyboard.

A few minutes later Randy entered the web address for Fleur de Lis and the webpage opened.

It looked very benign. The page looked exactly the same as the business card they had found in Stephanie Carter's apartment. It had a royal purple background with the stylised emblem of a three-petal lily and in gold font were the words Fleur de Lis - Whatever You Desire. In the top right corner was a login icon.

Randy logged in.

"I have an employee account and can access content that customers don't have access to," Ryan explained while the little hourglass icon spun around in circles.

Julie and Tommy noticed that pages loaded a lot more slowly on the dark web because of the level of encryption in use.

"Voilà! We're in. I still have access," Randy sounded pleased with himself.

He clicked an icon that said Whatever You Desire and a menu appeared.

"This is where customers browse for services," Randy explained.

"Go ahead," he vacated the seat and Tommy sat down.

Randy was going nowhere now.

A pull-down menu allowed clients to select: 'Girls' 'Boys' or 'Specialties'.

Tommy clicked on the 'Girls' icon and a series of thumbnails appeared on the screen. The women were mostly young and all were attractive; the same when Tommy selected 'Boys'.

"They still have me listed," Randy pointed to his thumbnail on the screen.

Under several tastefully posed pictures of Randy both clothed and naked was listed his proclivities and a rating. Randy's rating was 8/10.

"I was rated higher when I working," Randy said almost apologetically.

"I'm surprised they still have you listed and that you still have a login," Julie said.

"Well when I stopped working for them they asked if I might come back and I said sure, maybe. Some of their employees take a break, a sabbatical if you like, and then come back to work for Fleur de Lis. Its hard work but the money is good," Randy explained.

"Hard work!" Tommy scoffed.

"Hey selling your body, letting people do things to you that are utterly humiliating and sometimes involve pain and degradation is not easy employment," Randy whined.

Tommy pulled down the 'Specialties' menu and the first thumbnail to pop up was a huge, obese woman. She might be fat but she was pretty. She was wearing a black G-string and tiny bra that barely contained her huge breasts. Her skin was milky white and covered with intricate tattoos. She was pierced in every place that it was possible to be pierced and in her nudes you could see that her nipples and genitalia were also pierced.

"Chick looks like she landed face first in a tackle box," Tommy chuckled.

"Some people like facial piercings," Randy sounded nonplussed.

"Let's see if we can find Stephanie?" Julie said.

They found Stephanie Carter listed under the name Angel. There was a description of her proclivities which ran to the exotic but not perverse.

"What's this gold star?" Tommy asked, moving the cursor over the gold star icon in top corner of the page.

"It means she's only available to gold star members. She's special and she is very expensive," Randy explained.

"Do they give frequent flier miles?" Tommy's joke fell flat.

"She's listed as eighteen, bottom only and provides the full GFE. Available for in and outcalls and is available for groups and parties by special arrangement," Julie read from the screen.

"GFE?" Tommy asked.

"Girlfriend experience," Julie and Randy chimed in unison.

"Girls like her attract repeat customers and they treat them more like lovers than prostitutes. That's where the big bucks are," Randy sighed.

"Stephanie was twenty when she ran away so she was at least twenty-one when she died," Julie mused.

"Look at her. She could pass for sixteen if she wanted. Youth sells," Randy added.

"Here you go," Randy pointed to a menu icon labelled Employment Opportunities.

Tommy clicked it.

Upload recent pictures, resume and contact details here. All applications must be lodged by Fleur de Lis employees

"See what I mean. It's a closed shop. You have to be recommended," Randy sounded almost proud of the fact.

"Ok, here is how this is going to work Randy. You're going to leave me your login, password and contact number, then you are going on a holiday as far away as possible," Julie said in her most serious tone.

"The fuck I am!" Randy protested.

"This is a murder investigation. Stephanie Carter had her throat cut and I was nearly killed while investigating the case. We will contact you once we close the case. If you stick around we're goin to lock you up in solitary. Your choice, it's either a vacation or a cell," Tommy growled.

Randy snatched up a piece of hotel stationary and began to write.

"I hear Florida is nice this time of year," Tommy patted Ryan on the shoulder as he led him to the door.

"One last thing Randy. I don't have to say this but I will. One word to anyone, including your buddy Ryan and I'll find you and lock you up and charge you with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest because you will arrive at Police Plaza battered and bruised," Tommy patted Ryan's shoulder again.

The smug look disappeared from Randy's face and he bolted out the door forgetting to ask for his tip.

"The threat Tommy? Really?" Julie sighed.

Tommy just gave her a cheeky grim and shrugged.

"Ok, what now?" Tommy asked Julie.

She was surprised that Tommy was asking her what to do next as he was usually so forceful.

"I think you know what I'm thinking. I apply for a job and see what else I can find out about Stephanie Carter or Angel as we now know her," Julie offered, pulling the terry robe tightly around her.

She wasn't cold; it was a subconscious action because she was once again alone with Tommy and dressed provocatively.

"I don't think so. I think we get a warrant and go at it that way," Tommy replied taking another Bud from the refrigerator.

"Remember when you said that the alphabet soup brigade should understand that we need PC. Where's the Probable Cause Tommy? We haven't yet linked Stephanie Carter's employment to her murder," Julie sipped wine.

"And who do we serve the warrants on, White Lily Investments or Fleur de Lis? We only suspect that White Lilly owns Fleur de Lis we can't prove the link legally and we have no idea where the company is situated. Once we start sniffing around using subpoenas and search warrants you can bet the company will clam up. Operations like these can shut down in a flash then reopen under another name. All they need is to keep their employees and clientele," Julie continued.

"Anyway I'm not convinced that Fleur de Lis is directly responsible for Stephanie's murder otherwise why would they send a thug to interrogate you? It's more likely the murderer is one of their customers or possibly an employee and the way to find that out without giving away our hand is to infiltrate Fleur de Lis," Julie took another sip of wine.

"Remember we need to keep a lid on this and Randy said that Fleur de Lis clientele are the rich and famous. If we stir up the hornets' nest we are likely to get stung," Julie concluded.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tommy put his hands on Julie's shoulders and searched her eyes.

It was reassuring feeling Tommy's hands on her body. She recalled him putting his arm around her when he slept and the kiss the following morning. They hadn't spoken about it since.

"I don't want to do it Tommy, I have to," Julie sighed.

"Then we're doing this together. I'm going to be on you like white on rice. We're heading into uncharted territory here Julie," Tommy said.

"Mixing your metaphors again Tommy," Julie smiled at him and once again Tommy was taken with her unique beauty.

She padded over to the laptop. Randy was still signed in and she clicked the Employment Opportunities icon and read the instructions and began to type.

"What are you doing?" Tommy leaned over her shoulder so he could watch.

She smelled beer on his breath and the cologne that he always wore. Whenever she smelled that scent it reminded Julie of him. It reminded her of his manliness, his powerfulness, the anger and rage that seemed to dwell just below the surface. But he also hid a soft side of himself, the gentle side, possibly a loving side. Tommy Lomax was an enigma.

"I'm filling in the resume. It's along the lines that I've done this before but I am new to Camden and looking for employment opportunities," Julie wrote up a resume that was simple and succinct and full of lies.

There was a checklist of sexual peccadillos which the potential employee was prepared to undertake.

"I don't even understand what some of these things mean," Tommy stared at the screen with a furrowed brow.

"For a man of the world you lead a very vanilla life Tommy," Julie teased him.

"It's easier if I just tick this box that reads anything and everything, it will make me a more desirable candidate," Julie said.

She clicked the box and it autofilled all of the selections.

Then she came to the section that read: Upload recent pictures here. Must include at least three full-frontal nudes, eveningwear and portraits. Julie swallowed.

"Ok. I'm going to need your help here Tommy. A couple of selfies aren't going to cut it," Julie's voice was a little hoarse at the prospect.

"No fucking way!" Tommy baulked.

"Be a professional Tommy. They're just photographs," Julie insisted but she was nervous too.

"Here. Go and get yourself another beer and pour me another glass of wine and let's get this done. The alcohol will mellow our inhibitions," Julie finished her wine and handed him her glass.

"If Jack Shepard knew I was doing this he would have a heart attack," Tommy whined as he opened the refrigerator.

"I thought I'd cured you of Jack Shepard's influences and opinions," Julie said, a little irritated.

Julie led Tommy into the bedroom.

"I'm already dressed like this so I'll pose on the bed and you snap away," Julie handed Tommy her phone and fussed with her hair in the mirror.

She dropped the terry robe to reveal her body: her long shapely legs sheathed the ultra-sheer nylon stockings, her pert bottom clad in the black lacy boy-leg panties, her perky breasts clearly visible under the semi-transparent black negligee and her feet shod in black high heels.

Julie finished her wine in one long gulp and lay on the bed and began to pose while Tommy took pictures with her phone. Tommy was both sheepish and excited. Once he started taking pictures he got into it and gave Julie some tips on how to pose provocatively but tastefully.

They took a series of cheesecake pictures and she and Tommy looked at the results, discarding those that weren't worth keeping.

"You look good in these. Have you done this before?" Tommy quipped and she gave him a withering look

They were both aware of how close they were to each other standing shoulder to shoulder with Julie dressed in lingerie, her perfume invading Tommy's nostrils. It was as if he could feel the heat of her body and part of him longed to reach out and touch her soft, creamy skin.

"Look away please Tommy," Julie blushed and when Tommy turned away she untucked her penis and slipped off her panties and negligée.

"Ok, please take these quickly Tommy, to save us both the embarrassment," Julie got back on the bed.

When Tommy turned around Julie was lying on the bed posed only in her stockings and heels. She lay on her side facing him. Her breasts were opalescent and lush, the areola pinkish-brown her nipples engorged in the cool of the air conditioning. Her pubic area was devoid of hair and her long thick penis lay on her upper thigh.

Tommy swallowed.

He'd seem tranny porn before and he'd never been particularly excited by it. When he was working vice he'd snared his haul of transgender and transvestite streetwalkers and he'd been repelled by them. Any mention of the 'alphabet soup people' had enraged him because he had been raised by a stern father who was ultra-conservative and Tommy had joined the PD at a time when women were only just being accepted as equal to men in their abilities.

He had disliked, no that wasn't right, he had hated Julie Sanderson the minute he'd laid eyes on her not only because of who and what she was but because she had displaced his partner.


He had grudgingly come to respect her and then to actually like her, not just as a partner but as a person. Now seeing her 'transness' openly displayed like this he was conflicted. Part of him reviled her and another part of him desired her.

"Are you going to leave me lying here with my dick out or are you going to take the pictures?" Julie brought him out of his reverie.

Tommy reached for the can of Bud and swallowed what remained and began to take pictures. He handed her the phone when he was finished, he couldn't bring himself to stand beside her while she reviewed his efforts. Instead he used the excuse of going into the kitchenette to refill Julie's glass and get himself another Bud as justification to leave the bedroom.

He stood at the kitchen island and drank a full can and then reached for another. He was aware that the alcohol was taking effect but he was far from drunk.

When he returned to the bedroom Tommy was pleased to see that Julie had changed. She was wearing a body-hugging red satin floor-length gown. It was low cut and split up one side.

"I don't even know why I packed this but hey, it's come in handy," Julie smiled at him and pirouetted.

Tommy's heart did a flip. She looked beautiful. Except for his inveterate prejudice he would be proud to be been seen with Julie on his arm at any public event. In fact he would have paraded her around just to make the other men jealous.

They finished the photo shoot with a couple of portrait shots and once again Tommy was taken with Julie's unique allure. Her emerald-green eyes, her flawless skin, her crooked nose and too-wide mouth and the almost severe shoulder-length blunt-cut bob made for a striking visage.

Tommy left the room while Julie shimmied out of the gown and put her boy-leg panties and the semi-transparent black negligee back on and then put the terry robe over the ensemble for modesty. She had changed into red Louboutin's for the eveningwear shots and she'd kicked them off when she put on the bathrobe and saw no reason to put her black heels back on.

She padded into suite in stocking feet and joined Tommy at her laptop, transferred the pictures from her phone, did a little editing and then uploaded the best of them into the online application form. She used her personal mobile number and email address to complete the contact details and submitted the application.

"Done! I need a cigarette," Julie sighed contentedly.

"You can't smoke in here," Tommy's words were slightly slurred.

Tommy followed her when she opened the door to the balcony and closed it behind him so that the smoke wouldn't befoul the hotel room.

Julie lit up and drew in a lungful of smoke which, along with the wine, made her feel a little dizzy.

"I only smoke when I'm drinking, thinking, or after sex," Julie jiggled the cigarette packet at Tommy and he took one.

"I've given up," Tommy took a hit of his beer then lit up.

Julie leaned in close to light his cigarette and the tension between them was palpable. They smoked and Julie drank her wine while Tommy finished his beer. Julie rested her forearms on the balcony rail and took in the view of Camden City and Tommy stood beside her.

"This is going to be dangerous for you," Tommy broke the silence.

Julie turned to face him, her face illuminated by the city lights.

"What do you care?" she looked into his deep brown eyes.

"Shut up," he whispered and kissed her.

This wasn't like the kiss in the bedroom. It wasn't shallow, soft and affectionate. This time there was real passion and Julie did feel the undertow pull her and Tommy into the depths and she felt herself drowning.

"We shouldn't be doing this Tommy," Julie gasped.

"Shut up," he growled and enfolded her in his arms.

He kissed her eyelids and the tip of her crooked nose and her too-wide mouth. Their tongues touched and it was like a spark passed between them, igniting their passions.

Julie felt safe and secure in Tommy's embrace which was silly because she was tough cop who could look after herself. She knew that what they were doing was stupid. They had known each other for four days, for most of which Tommy had teased, insulted and derided her.

But Tommy had changed and she had to admit that she had changed too.

She let Tommy guide her to the bedroom where she silently undressed him. Tommy eased the terry robe off Julie's shoulders and let it fall to the carpet and took her in arms again and kissed her. Julie melted and pressed her body into him, feeling his cock press into her belly. Her own erection pushed painfully against her silky boy-leg panties but she was grateful that it lay flat against her body. She didn't know how Tommy would react if her felt the protuberance that betrayed her sex pressing into him.

"You are such a beautiful woman Julie," Tommy whispered as he lowered her on the bed and crawled up beside her.

He cuddled her and kissed her, his lips soft, his tongue tentatively slipping between them and the tips of their tongues touched and ignited the passion that had cooled a little as they paused to undress. Tommy kissed her with more intensity when his hand found her full breasts. He cupped one bosom then then the other, thumbing her nipples into full bloom.

Tommy rolled Julie on her back and straddled without breaking the kiss. He loomed over her, his face close to hers, his eyelashes fluttering her cheek, his breath whispering against her neck, his cock distended, the head pushing lightly on her belly.